
A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Father Garza a vampire priest asks Mick for help with his church.

Father Garza realized what a horrible mistake he made turning Donovan Shephard years ago. And for what? Money. Because of him 3 people were now dead. He walked around his parish, looking at things the money was able to buy and all he felt was grief. He was deep in prayer and wasn't aware of the men came up behind him and shot him. He healed very quickly but he laid very still. This was God's punishment. He kept his eyes closed as he heard them tear his church apart stealing all that he had bought with his "dirty money". And when at last they left thinking that he was dead, he stood up and looked around.
"Heavenly Father, I accept your punishment" He began.

Carl looked at the damaged and shook his head. Who would do this to church?! One of his officers walked towards him.
"It looks like they cleaned the church out. The candlesticks were gold as were the chalices. They even knew where the church kept their cash. The safe was completely cleaned out" he said.
"So sounds like the perp know this church. Get list of past employees. Everyone from the secretary to the alter boys" Carl said. "How's the padre?"
"He's fine. Said he was knocked out. Doesn't remember anything. He refuses to be looked at by paramedics. That sounds fishy to me" The officer said. Carl walked up to Father Garza.
"Father Garza, I'm Lt. Carl Davis, can you tell me what happened?"
"I was in the chapel praying when all of a sudden I'm hit from behind and lights out." He said sadly.
"Do you have any idea who would rob your church? Maybe someone who had a beef against you?"
"Lt. I'm a priest. We have a shelter in the basement for the homeless, we feed poor people in the neighborhood, we try to make a difference......I don't understand why anyone would want to stop that." He said.
"You should let the medics take a look at your head" Carl said finally.
"No. I told the other officer that I'm fine" He said standing up suddenly.
"Any reason you don't want the medics to check you out?" Carl said thinking that the padre was a drug user. And if that was true, this changed the whole story.
"Look. I'm fine." He said walking away. Carl was about to approach him again. "I would like to see Mr. Mick St. John" Father said. Carl blinked.
"Why do want to see a private investigator"? Carl said becoming now convinced of the padre's guilt.
"Tell him to come to me" He said and walked away.
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Re: Amen

Post by Ella713 »

"Mick, it's Carl. Look, I need your help at a crime scene. St. Francis Church. It's been robbed and the priest is asking for you personally. Father Garza." Carl explained. Mick closed his eyes. He remembered that name. That foolish priest had turned a known serial killer, unleashing the worst possible threat to mankind. Why should he get involved he thought. But then he thought of what trouble could come to everyone for not at least getting whole story.
"I'll be there in 15 minutes Carl" Mick said and hung up the phone.

Mick pulled up in front of the church and got out. The officers were used to seeing him at crime scenes so they waved him in. Father Garza saw Mick walk in.
"Mr. St. John, thank you for coming so quickly. May we speak privately?" He asked. Mick nodded his head and walked away with him.
"Alright Father, what did you do this time?" Mick asked.
"Honestly, I've done nothing. I truly was robbed last night. I didn't try to stop them because I knew that this was God's punishment for me. I accept it. But the police had to be called to explain the lost of church merchandise. Now they want me to get checked out at the hospita......." He said.
"Ok, yeah. I get it. Let me talk to Lt. Carl, but before I do Father you have to tell me the truth. Do you know who robbed you?"
"Mr. St. John, I swear to you I don't. But I heard that Our Mother of Mercy church was also robbed last night"
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Re: Amen

Post by Ella713 »

Mick went over to speak with Carl.
"Alright give it" Carl said. "What's up with you and padre?"
"He's a vampire" Mick said quietly.
"You're kidding? Seriously?"
"It's not all that uncommon Carl. It's not like a person can just stop believing just because they were turned. He's not going to burst into flames!" Mick said with a chuckle.
"I know, it's just weird. So what you get out of him?"
"You remember Donovan Shephard? That's the priest that turned him. He thought that the robbery was penance for his part in that. He played opossum so to speak. It's not like he could just jump up after being shot and yell surprise"
"Okay, I got it. No visits to the doctor." Carl said staring at the priest in amazement.

Pastor Jeff Schultz was a great pastor. He had been heading the First Presbyterian Church for a few years now and he had really turned things around. He was popular with younger people. He knew how to talk to them and explain things in ways that made perfect sense to them.
He was always hosting some BBQ, clean up day for their neighborhood, or organizing a ministry group to travel to African countries. A tall handsome man, not yet 50, with a great sense humor and a ready smile. So everyone was surprised when he was shot in his church and the office raided.
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Re: Amen

Post by Ella713 »

"This is crazy!" Carl said loudly. "We don't do this!" He said trying to make sense of the latest crime against a pastor. Mick felt his anger and he understood it. Something like this should never happen. For obvious reasons Mick hadn't been to church in a long while, but he believed in God with all his heart.
"The first thing we need to do Carl is calm down. Take religion out the equation and it's still murder. How would you handle it then?" Mick asked. Carl took a deep breath and tried to focus. Mick was right.
"The first thing I would do is run a background check on the pastor. Maybe something in his background. His past. Did he work for another parish" Carl said.
"That's great Carl. What else?"
"I'd get some uniforms in the neighborhood and find out if any low lifes had a problem with this cleaning up the neighborhood mission."
"Okay" Mick said. "That give a great place to start. You get started on the background check and I'll check the neighborhood, see if anyone is willing to talk"

Mick walked around the neighborhood shaking his head. He remembered this section of town being
a huge art mecca, thriving with artist, musicians, chefs, poets. Now most of the the buildings were boarded up once thriving businesses were pawn shops or payday loan places. A kid no more than 14 came up next to him.
"You looking for some blow? He asked in a whisper. Mick looked down at the kid.
"No. What I'm looking for is information. " Mick said. The kid looked at Mick's form. If this gus was a cop he wasn't like those fat doughnut chasers they had around here. Maybe he was vice or worse DEA.
"I ain't got no information, sorry chief" he said starting to walk away. Mick grabbed his arms and flipped out a $50.00 bill.
"You sure you don't have any information?" Mick asked. The kid took the bill and slipped inside his pocket. "Who rolled the priest?"
"I never saw em before. But they messed up. They got mad cause I didn't have any meth. I told them I don't mess that shit."
"Would you know em if you saw em again?" Mick asked pulling out another $50 along with his business card.
"Yeah. they ain't exactly from the neighborhood if you get my meaning. They looked like the heavy metal biker type. Definitely not the from the neighborhood" the kid said taking the $50 and walking away.
Heavy metal bikers? Mick wondered.
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Re: Amen

Post by Ella713 »

"Hey Mick what you got?" Carl asked a few days later.
"Well, so far I've been told that 3 men all in their early to mid twenties, some people thought they might be bikers, but no activity of that kind of thing in the area. I got someone keeping an eye out." Mick said.
"Well, On Pastor Jeff Schultz, there's nothing. And I mean nothing. No police record, no bar fights, no jay walking. The man walked the walk. And Father Gartz well, let's just say he wasn't an alter boy. Took up fencing hot merchandise when he was still a young teenager, then got involved in car jacking. Got popped when he was 21, did some time got involved in the church while locked up. Entered seminary after his release and has been in charge of this church for over 10 years. Nothing suspicious. He had some kind of upset over misappropriation of church funds, but turns out it was the church secretary at time. She got popped and church pressed charges, she was released over 3 years ago. Parole officer said she's in New Jersey with a sister. Sister confirms." Carl said closing his notes.
"Something's not right Carl" Mick said frowning.

Deacon Crawford had been with the Trinity Hope Fellowship for 35 years. His parents and grandparents had both been active in Trinity. Though they were known for a stricter doctrine than most of their sister churches, it was their intention to bring all to Christ, but he didn't hear the church door creak open, if he had maybe he could have spoken some gospel to them to cleanse them of their wicked ways. And as he lie bleeding from his head and staring up at the beautiful mural above him he said.
"Lord forgive them. They know not what they do" before the final blow silenced him forever.
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Re: Amen

Post by Ella713 »

Carl and Mick walked through the Trinity Hope Church afraid of what they might see. Felix the medical examiner was doing his last go through and placed the sheet over the body of the victim. For once Felix wasn't in his usual joking mood.
"The victim received crushing blows to the neck, face and head. Death would have been quick so thank God for that. You'll get the tox report in five days." Felix said motioning to his assistant to help take the body away.
"Felix man, you okay?" Mick asked stopping him.
"This is my church and that man was my friend" Felix said walking away with the body. A uniformed officer came walking towards them.
"Sir, we got some prints out of the Deacon's office"
"Great, run em and put a rush on it!" Carl said.

Mick looked all around the crime scene. Then it hit him. Vampires were killing these men. But what for? They weren't killing them for blood, so what was the motive? He went into the wash room and there written in the Deacon's blood was "Hello gorgeous". Those were the words Audrey said Donovan Shepherd spoke to her after killing her parents. That man lost his head literally. No way he came back from that!
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Re: Amen

Post by Ella713 »

Dylan and Ash became followers of Donovan very early, before anyone else had even heard his words or heard his music. But it didn't take long for others to jump on the bandwagon. Donovan never discouraged anyone from coming to him. No matter how lame they were. And most of his followers were just hanger on types. When things started to get intense a lot of people scattered. But Donovan knew that Dylan and Ash were true followers. That's why he blessed them and them alone. This was a gift and it was up to them to carry out Donovan's mission.

They had been waiting for a long time for his return. They knew he wanted Audrey to pay for her betrayal but whether or not that had happened, they weren't sure. All they could do was continue with the plan. The clergy that had spoken at his trial were all dead. But one was still among them. Donovan hadn't told them that Father Garza was a vampire, but they finally figured out this was how Donovan became blessed.
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Re: Amen

Post by reinbeau »

Donovan Shepherd rears his ugly head again from the grave. :devil:

My guess is that Dylan and Ash won't be "blessed" for long now. :madface: :nonono:
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Re: Amen

Post by Ella713 »

Mick had lookouts all over the neighborhood. One way or another he would find these vamps and their nights were numbered. Who else was on their list? Then it hit him! Beth!
Beth tried to protect Audrey. Mick took off for his car and sped his way through the night.

Beth was just pulling into the garage. She sensed something immediately. Another vampire. And one not known to her. She punched up Brian's cell number on her hands free.
"Hello" Brian answered.
"Brian honey, I need you here now" Beth said breathlessly. The line immediately went dead and in mere seconds Brian was standing next to her car. He sniffed the air and walked slowly around the garage.
Beth got out of car quietly and shut the door.
"What was it mom?" Brian asked.
"Brian, I have no idea but someone was here and I could sense they were waiting for me" She explained. They turned and saw Mick pulling into the garage.
"Babe, are you okay?" He asked running over to her.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Someone was here in the garage waiting for me. So I called Brian" She said.
"Come on, let's head up stairs. I have something to tell you"

Mick told them what he and Carl had uncovered and Beth's face went pale. Donovan Shepherd sacred her. And even now in her vampire state, he still scared her. She kept shaking her head slowly.
"No, no, no, no" She muttered. Mick stood in front of her and grabbed her shoulders.
"Babe, listen to me. Donovan is dead. I killed him myself you know that!" He said drawing her into his arms.
"What do you want me to dad?" Brian asked.
"Can you stay her with your mom while I'm gone? We don't know who these kids are, but they're dangerous and drugged up" Mick said. Brian simply nodded his head. Mick knew that Beth would be in great hands. He gave her one last hug and kissed her on the lips.
"Babe, I'm gonna handle this. Once and for all!" He said before walking confidently out the door.
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Re: Amen

Post by Ella713 »

"Damn it!" Dylan said as they fled the woman's garage. "We could have rushed her" he said.
"Who the hell was that guy with her?" Ash wondered out loud. He didn't want to be here. He needed a fix and bad. Donovan had told him that being blessed with the gift would take the addiction to drug away, but that was a lie. Now he had two things he was ready to kill for. "Come on man, let's go. I need a hit" he begged desperately.
"Okay, but we're coming back tomorrow morning early and finishing this!" Dylan said taking off.
Mick walked around the church neighborhood again. Once more the kid approached him.
"You want some blow?" He said not remembering that he had asked Mick that question not long ago.
"No." Mick said pulling out another $50. "You were telling me about the guys that rolled the priest. The heavy metal guys? Have you seen them around?" The kid quickly snatched the $50 and placed it in his pocket.
"Nah, but they should be coming around any minute now." He said. Mick quickly looked around.
"How do you know that?" Mick asked.
"Because wanna score that Met shit. And the only person round here that fool with that stuff if Reggie. They gonna be right over there in that house" He said pointing and walking away. Mick looked over at the house that was in pretty poor condition.

Dylan and Ash approached the house hesitantly, looked quickly around and knocked on the door. A scruffy bearded man shuffled to the door.
"Yeah, I knew you two would be back" He said opening the door. Led Zeppelin was blasting in the background and at least a half dozen other people were cooking up and ready to get blitzed. "How much are you looking for?" He asked going into the kitchen.
"Give us $75 worth" Ash said quickly taking the money out of his pocket, but Dylan had thought of another option. Why should they have to pay? Dylan bared his fangs and broke Reggie's arm. He screamed and fell to the floor. Dylan kneeled down and grabbed the man's chin.
"Where's the stuff Reggie? Tell me and I won't break your other arm!" He hissed.
Reggie pointed to a cabinet above his head, as he heard his customers running out of the house leaving him behind.
"What are you?" Reggie asked in disbelief.
"Trouble. That what he is!" A voice said from behind them. Dylan turned quickly and ran at Mick. Mick delivered a hard blow to his gut then picked him up and threw him through a bedroom door. Mick repeated his blows until the vampire laid still. Mick quickly ripped his head off the threw it behind him. Ash stood staring in disbelief. Mick spun in his direction.
"So, you like robbing churches and killing priests?" Mick said in anger. Ash shook his head from side to side. He couldn't fight this powerful vampire.
"Why were you after the woman?" Mick said closing the gap between them and grabbing the vamp by the shirt collar.
"Donovan said she had to die for helping Audrey!" He said his voice shaking in fear.
"What about the clergy?"
"All those churches were responsible for converting some of Donovans followers. Donovan wouldn't stand for that" Ash said. Mick looked at the young vamp in disgust.
"Donovan was a murderer plain and simple! I know because he tried to kill me! But I cut that bastard's head off!" Mick yelled. The vamp twisted in anger, but Mickd held him tight.
"You killed a prophet!" Ash yelled out. Mick laughed bitterly.
"No. he wasn't. He was a psychopath!" Mick said grabbing the vamp by the throat the silencing him forever.

As Mick set fire to the house and everyone that was in it, he called Carl.

Carl and Mick watched Beth on the news.
"We have just confirmed that Dylan Marks, Ash Blakeley suspected for the early church murders and robberies, were inside this house right before it went up in flames. There were no survivors. This is Beth St. John for Action News" She said.

"You okay Mick?" Carl asked looking at his friend.
"What was missing in these kids lives that they wanted to worship a maniac like Donovan?" Mick said in disbelief.
"I don't know man. I just don't know." Carl replied sadly.

"Somebody help me!" A voice screamed out. Audrey looked at walls that surrounded her. No one was coming for her as began to cry.

The End
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