The Price of Immortality Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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The Price of Immortality Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

A vampire comes to Los Angeles and wrecks havoc on the city and it's citizens. Beth and Mick work together to break the case.

The Price of Immortality

Beth got the call early in the morning, but when she arrived at the crime scene she was stunned. In her short vampiric life she had seen many gruesome deaths, but these were beyond gruesome. The victims were teenagers, no more than 16-19 years at the most. All were dressed as though it were Halloween.
Beth shook her head slowly and took a deep breath as the cameras started to roll.

Mick and Josef were shooting the breeze which as of late was how they spent their time. Crime had been surprisingly slow and stocks were extraordinarily high.
"You know Isabelle and I were talking about going to the Greek islands in the Spring. You and Beth should come with" Josef said.
"That sounds like a good idea Josef. I know Beth would love to get away for a bit. She's been working some very long hours."
"Mr. Kostan, call for you on line#2. It's Mr. Balthazar" Bridgett his secretary said over the intercom.
Josef placed Balthaza on speaker phone.
"What's up Balthazar?" Josef said.
We must meet Josef. A situation has arisen and it appears to be quite serious" He said in a solemn voice.
"Mick and I are on our way" Josef said ending the call. Josef stood up and looked over at Mick. "Come on! You were getting kind of bored anyway!" He joked.
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Re: The Price of Immortality Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Beth, are you okay?" Steve, her cameraman asked.
"Yeah......I'm sorry. That was a lot to take in" She tried to explain.
"No worries, trust me. No one should ever see anything like that" He said before walking away.
Beth started going over the tape they had just shot and she zeroed in on what had made her so uneasy.
There it was she thought as she zoomed in on the shot...fang marks. Deep penetrating fang marks.
Beth sat back in her chair and pulled out her cell phone to call Mick.

"Balthazar, what's up?" Mick said as they quickly walked in. The Ancient turned around.
"A demon has come to California" He said. Josef and Mick exchanged looks. Josef grinned.
"Are we talking supernatural, other realm type demon?" He asked.
"I wish it were that simple my friends. Tobias Ghidella has returned" He said finally. Josef looked up in shock and stood from his chair.
"I thought he was destroyed!" Josef yelled. Balthazar slowly shook his head.
"Who is Tobia G.....whatever?" Mick asked.
"If you thought Bernard was a son of a bitch.......let's just say that Bernard was an amateur/" Josef said. Mick remembered Bernard. A vamp obsessed with killing women that looked like late wife. He left a slew of bodies in his wake.
"Are you telling me that this Tobias is worse?" Mick asked
"Mick, Tobias was a Roman Soldier in his human life. He was the soldier who pierced the side of Jesus when he was crucified. Cruel, bloodthirsty even as a mortal. He spent 10 years raiding villages and killing Christians. Killing in the most barbaric way imaginable. He was turned shortly before Rome was starting to crumble. When he came to realize what he had become, he took it out on mankind. All of mankind." Balthazar explained.
"Why is he here now?" Mick asked.
"The world right not healthy. Wars overseas, terrorist are on the rise....there is civil unrest in the world. These things awaken Tobias, but I am serious when I tell you that this is just the beginning."
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Re: The Price of Immortality Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Beth and Steve had begun investigating the slayed teens. All three grew up in the same neighborhood.
They all had a fascination with Goth and Emo music. And all three was obsessed with vampires. One of the teen's parents said that the vampire interests was something new, but they spent an awful lot of time reading about it. As they were leaving the teen's house they saw a woman watching them walk off the porch. Beth approached her. She looked to be around 18 years old.
"Hi, I'm Beth St. J..."
"I know who you are" she said taking a puff of her cigarette.
"Okay. Did you know Tiffany across the street?"
"Yeah. She was stupid" he girl said.
"Why, what did she do that was so stupid?"
"Hanging around vampire freaks and going to that bar. I told her she was out of her mind to be messing with that stuff. But she said something to connect through blood or some crap like that. They drink blood at that place. But she wouldn't listen. Look where it got her."
"Where is this bar?' Steve asked.
"It's right off South Norton. It looks like it's abandoned so don't waste your time going during the day. Go around 9-10. The freaks come out at night." She said finally and walked back into the house.
Steve opned the door of car and fastened himself in. He turned to look at Beth.
"I know, I're going to check out the vamp club and you'll call me when you need me" Steve said rolling his eyes.
"You read my mind Steve" Beth said looking out the window.

Beth ran to Mick the moment he walked in the door.
"We need to talk" She said. "Steve and I got sent to cover a story on some teens that were murdered. Mick it was a vampire. So we went to talk to the parents and they all said that their children has an obsession with vampires. Books, movies, cd's, games etc.. I mean everything. And as we were leaving a neighbor girl she went to a vampire bar with some friends. She said they drank blood" Beth finished.
"What's the name of this bar?" Mick asked.
"She didn't say, but she said it looks empty, abandoned during the day, but hopping at night apparently"
"You want to go check it out?" Mick asked. But Beth was already heading for the stairs to change her clothes.
"Of course she wants to go" Mick said under his breath.
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Re: The Price of Immortality Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick and Beth pulled up to the club which was called Club Nocturne and the neighbor was kid was right. It was hopping. A long line stretched down the street to the corner.
"Get a whiff of that" Beth said as they walked closer.
"Yeah, they've got real vampires in there" Mick said as they walked up to the doorman. Kids began to complain about the cutting in line.
"You'll have to wait in line sir" The young man said not bothering to look up.
"We're not on the list, but I'm sure you can let us in" Mick said confidently. The young man looked up and Mick and Beth both barred the fangs. The man jumped back in surprise.
"Holy shit!" He exclaimed. "I'm sorry......I didn't know any.....w..well, anyone important was stopping by. My apologies." He sputtered unlocking the rope to let them pass. "Welcome to Club Nocturne"
Mick and Beth walked confidently in.
"Well, we know that HE knows vampires exist" Beth said.
"Yeah, now let's find out who else knows" Mick said.

The club was loud and dark. The kids were all dressed in black with heavy black eyeliner and pale faces. Why do mortals always think that vampires look like that? He thought to himself.
They walked up to the bar and took a seat. Woman with bright electric blue hair walked over to them.
"What can get you?"
"We need to see your boss" Mick said.
"Which boss? The guy who runs the joint or the guy who sometimes pays us?" She said with a grimace.
"Either" Mick replied.
"Toby the guy who pays us shows up whenever. Lazlo is the manager. He's up stairs" She said pointing to the upper floor.
"Thanks" Mick said handing her a $50 bill. She stared at him.
"For real?" She asked.
"Yeah. Thanks for the info." Mick said. He turned to Beth. "You gonna be okay for a bit?"
"Yeah I'll be fine" Beth said.

Mick started up the stairs, but a very large burly man blocked him when he got to the top.
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Re: The Price of Immortality Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"This area is off-limits" The man said gruffly.
"I'm here to see Lazlo" Mick said.
"He don't know you" The man said back becoming bored with the conversation. Mick ignored the man and started to walk past him. The man grabbed Mick's arm tightly. Mick quickly broke free and leveled one powerful blow to the man's gut causing him to immediately vomit and fall to the ground.
"ENOUGH!" a voice said. A man stepped forward. He was a little under 5'9' and maybe weighed 150 lbs. at the most but Mick could tell he was a young vampire.
"You're going through an awful of trouble just to get up here. Not to mention that your not afraid Otto. So what do you want?"
"I want to ask about some kids that were here last week and how they ended up dead." The man laughed showing perfect straight withe teeth.
"Well then, if you're going to accuse me of murder I should at least tell you my name." He joked as held out his hand to Mick. "Lazlo Middlesworth. Of the South Hampton Middlesworths" He said.
Mick didn't know what that was supposed to mean and frankly, he didn't care.
"Mick St. John. What can you tell me about the kids?"
"Look, Mr. St. John, this club is packed each and every night with innocent young things trying to live out their fantasies, I can't be expected to pick any one of them out of the bunch. And in any case, how do you know they were here?"
"The told a witness they were coming here."
"I don't know what to tell you. I am sorry for their parent's loss but.......we run a clean establishment"
"What about the blood drinking?"
"Come on! Really? You think we could get away with something like that? We serve a tomato based drink called a Bloody Mariah, but there's no blood in it, in spite of it's name" He laughed.
Mick grew tired of the conversation. He wanted the truth! He barred his fangs and pushed the young vamp into a chair. He saw the vamps eyes grow large.
" come I didn't know?" he asked in surprise.
"Because you're to young! What are you 5 months?" Mick asked
"8". The man said sounding much like a child trying to prove how old they are.
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Re: The Price of Immortality Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Well, that makes all the difference" Mick said sarcastically. "I'll tell you what. Give a message to your boss. Either the killing stops as in today or Counsel will be called to take care it!" Mick said. The stunned young vamp had no idea what Mick was talking about.
"Am I supposed to know what Counsel is?" He asked.
"Apparently not" Mick said walking down the stairs to gather Beth. He stopped in front of the bartender and handed her his card. "Things are going to get really dicey here pretty soon, get out of here before it starts."
She nodded her head and put the card in her pocket.

Mick and Beth left the Club Nocturne and drove straight to Josef's.

"Where the hell have you two been? You look like you're all dressed up for a Bauhaus concert!" Josef joked.
"Who is Bauhaus?" Beth asked. Mick and Josef burst out laughing.
"Forget it. Listen Josef, Beth I went down to a club called The Nocturne" Mick was saying.
"First of all that's lame. Second, why were you there?" Josef said
"Beth found out that the kids who were murdered had an obsession with vampires. And they hung out at the Club Nocturne And, there were a few vamps there working. I think they're dishing out vampire blood as well" Mick continued.
"Well, that's a no no." Josef said. "Who owns this lame den of lost souls?"
"The bartender called him Toby"
"T..Toby? You're kidding? For an Ancient he's not all that creative." He joked. Isabelle came walking out.
"My darling you must hear this" She said anxiously and turning on the television.
"What we're being told right now is that this location was used for decommissioned trains and it was here that two men looking for a place to sleep found the bodies. Again, over 12 bodies have been discovered in this train storage yard. The cause of death has not been released, but as soon as that information is available we will bring it to you" The newscaster was saying.

"That brings the total to 15." Mick said.
"Show me this club" Josef said as he turned to Isabelle. "Wear something that speaks volumes" Josef said with a smirk.
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Re: The Price of Immortality Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

The next night Mick, Beth, Josef and Isabelle went to Club Nocturne. And while everyone was decked out
in their fashionable attire, no one looked like Isabelle, decked out a very tight leather halter top and matching black leather pants. Every kid in line stared at her in awe as she walked by them with Josef.
As they approached the doorman, he looked up and stopped immediately simply staring. Josef and Isabelle walked by the doorman without argument. Isabelle patted his cheek as she walked by.
"Good boy" she said as she walked by. Josef gave her a nod and she walked around taking in the whole establishment. Josef looked around in disgust.
"What the hell is this music?" he shouted. Mick just shrugged his shoulders. "So this is vampire culture according to them?" Josef said pointing at the young people all around. A pretty young girl in a "Elvira" type dress walked seductively up to Josef.
"You're a little over dressed don't you think?" she said looking Josef over head to toe. Josef smirked.
"Don't you think You're a little overdressed?" Josef said. "And what is that you're drinking? Is that absinthe? What the hell are they teaching kids these days!" Josef exclaimed.
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Re: The Price of Immortality Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Isabelle slowly walked around the club seeing everything. The Cleaner had the uncanny ability to go un noticed by mortal eyes which allowed her to weave in and out of doorways with relative ease.
when she reached the upper level she hung back in the shadows. Two men were arguing. Both were vampires.
"Look Toby, I'm getting kind of scared. We have had a vampire couple here earlier. They wanted to speak with you about those missing kids" Lazlo said.
"Kids come and go. That's the nature of the business" Tobias said with a wave of his hand.
"The guy...Mick St. John...I don't know Toby. He was pretty intense. He seemed to be giving me a warning"
Tobias stood up and he and Lazlo looked over the rail.
"Do you see all those children? So many of them. So desperate to experience death. Why do you think that is?"
"Because they didn't experience love, I suppose" Lazlo replied. Tobias laughed heartily.
"No!. They want to experience death because they found out that love doesn't exist. When you figure that out, then all that lays before you is death. Look at yourself my dear Lazlo, so willing to jump off the roof of your building. You know as they know. There is nothing else" He said. Suddenly Lazlo pointed.
"That's him! That the vampire I was telling you about!" He said pointing directly at Mick St. John. Tobias didn't recognize the man or the woman at his side..........but there was a face he knew. Charles Fitzgerald!
"Yes. This does change matters........We must kill the other captives tonight. How many are with you?"
"About 10 here and 40 that are ready to go at any time" Lazlo said.
"Then let's make it tonight" Tobias said.

Isabelle listened carefully and made her way downstairs.
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Re: The Price of Immortality Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Brian looked up sharply.
"Isabelle needs us now!" He said to Gabriel who quickly followed him out.

"Watch'd you find out?" Mick asked Isabelle.
"He plans to complete a massive killing tonight. He knows that Counsel is on to him" She replied. "He recognized Josef" Isabelle said looking around for Josef. Brian and Gabriel walked quickly in.
"What is needed?" Brian asked.
"Little one, I need you to get the people to go home and forget they ever came here" She said. Gabriel closed his eyes and engineered his thoughts over the entire club. One by one people began to leave until the club was emptied.

Lazlo looked around for Tobias and slowly began to realize that he had been left alone. He walked down the stairs. There six of them now.
"How many are to be killed?" Isabelle asked. Lazlo shrugged his shoulders.
"I think maybe 175" he answered
"Where?" Mick asked anxiously.
"Pier 55. Under the docks. " He said sadly. "I would prefer a very quick death if you please. Tobias, I'm afraid has a very hateful heart" He said not looking them in the eye. Brian did as he requested making sure his destruction was swift before he and Isabelle took off for the pier.
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Re: The Price of Immortality Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

By the time Mick and Beth made it to the Pier the others had already arrived. Beth tugged on Mick's jacket sleeve.
"Mick wait!" She said. "I know this place. This was the old copper mine in the 1800's. These tunnels underground stretch for miles". She said. "Let's each take a tunnel. They should all meet directly
under that pier" She said pointing. Each of them took off in a different direction. Brian and Isabelle very quietly walked through the dark damp tunnel, each on high alert. Josef not really liking the dirt and grime that surrounded him but could tell that he and Gabriel were getting close.

Mick and Beth finally came to an opening and saw a very faint light. They crept along the hard dirt wall until they finally could see a faint light. Tobias stood in from of a group of young people so who were sobbing so hard their bodies trembled.
"So now you all know the truth!" Tobias said with glee. "Unfortunately most of you will certainly die, but a few exceptional men and women will be able to join me on my quest for anarchy and terror!" He laughed getting so much joy out of the look of horror on their faces.
Beth looked at their faces and couldn't stand it.
"Leave them alone!!" She screamed running further into the tunnel. "I said leave then alone!!" She screamed again with Mick running right behind her.
"Well well well. Look children. Look who has come to rescue you. No more than six years!" He joked.
"I am over 2,000 years!" Tobais said still laughing at Beth as she came towards him. Mick tried to pulled her back but Beth would not be stopped. Isabelle and Brian were also coming from the other direction as were Josef and Gabriel. Each made an effort to stop Beth.
"2,000 years huh?" Beth said in contempt. "Well I'm a pissed off vampire mother!!!" And with everything that she had she began to rip away at Tobias who was caught unaware. Beth clawed and ripped and crushed his body unaware that the vamp had been destroyed before Brian grabbed her from behind tightly, holding her still.
"Mom, calm down" Brian said softly. He felt her body shudder slightly then she went limp. Mick took her body from Brian laid her down on the ground kissing her face.
Isabelle laid a hand on Mick's shoulder.
"Do not be afraid Mick. She will be alright."
"What just happened? I don't could she..?" Mick tried to ask. Josef smiled.
"I have to say I'm glad I got to witness this for the first time and it wasn't directed at me!" Josef joked.
"What are you talking about?" Mick said in anger.
"Dad, there are severe breaking points in which female vampires can be the most deadly. Apparently what Tobias was doing sent mom to that point" Brian explained.

Gabriel had gotten all the kids out and very quickly wiped their memories clean and sent them home. He came into the tunnels.
"What did I miss?" He said looking at everyone.
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Re: The Price of Immortality Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

The Nocturne was closed and for a lot of young people, they didn't even remember it existing and that was a good thing, Mick thought. But Brian summed it up like this. "Don't think of Tobias as destroyed. Merely stalled. As long as the world continues to hate Tobias will come again and again. Therefore,
we must not let strife, turmoil and hate fill us. And dad, this is the most important part.....Do not piss off Mom! Ever!"

Mick laughed at the time, but he also took it very seriously. The world was changing and vampires had to change with it.

The End
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