Guy Trip Rated PG

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Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Guy Trip
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Mick, Josef, Brian, Gabriel, Carl and Ted take a long-needed vacation sans women!

Mick placed all the camping gear into the trunk, thinking this would be a wonderfully peaceful vacation. Just five dudes out in nature.
"You know I have properties all down the coast that we can stay in right?" Josef said, not being all that fond of roughing it if he didn't have to.
"Come on, Josef! This will be a lot of fun, just us guys!" Ted said just happy to be included. He often felt like the odd vampire out. Brian knew how Ted felt and he was determined to make him feel more included on things.
"Ted's right. We need this. I haven't been camping in......well,....never. So, I'm anxious to get started" he said.
"You've never been camping Brian?" Gabriel asked.
"Well, I did my fair share of sleeping outside on the back porch when my folks were on a bender, but I don't think that counts" He joked back.
"You guys are going to love it! There's nothing better than pitching a tent and listening to the sounds of nature all around you. It's magical" Mick said loading the last item which was a large cooler filled with beer, steaks and bags of O positive. "Now let's get going!" He said getting into the large SUV.
"Fine" Josef said finally getting inside and fastening his seatbelt. "Where are we going anyway?"
"Wherever the wind takes us" Ted said with a huge grin.
"Our first stop will be Palm Desert" Mikc said with excitement.
"Ahhh the Joshua Tree" Gabriel sighed with a smile.
"You have fond memories of the place?" Josef asked as he saw Gabriel smiles.
"He and Zoe went there for an extended holiday" Brian said. "I'm pretty sure sex was involved" He joked.
"Shut up Brian! Zoe and I had a very relaxing vacation there".
"I'm sure you did" Josef laughed.

After driving for a little over an hour, they were met with a roadblock.
"Josef is this your doing?" Mick asked turning his head to look at Josef.
"W...what? Of course not, however now I'm wondering if I can" he said jokingly as a patrol officer walked up to their car.
"You're going to have to turn around" he said sternly.
"What's going on?" Mick asked. The officer stared at him squarely.
"You'll have to turn around sir" he said walking away.
"Did you notice anything about him?" Carl said.
"That's not a patrol officer's uniform" Brian said.
"Exactly" Carl said.
"And that means our little getaway has been temporarily delayed" Mick said seriously. "Now why would he want us to turn around is the question we should be asking ourselves"
"Something illegal for sure. I think we should park the car and take a quick look around" Carl said still forever in cop mode.
"I'm staying in the car" Josef said.
"I will as well" Ted said reaching for a book inside his satchel when they had found a place to park.
Mick, Carl Brain and Gabriel all got out of the car.
"Josef, think you can handle keeping look-out?" Mick asked with a smirk.
"Sure" he said browsing at a text message.
"Okay we'll each take a different direction. I'll head north, Carl you head east and Gabriel you head west"
"Leaving south for me" Brian said walking away.
Gabriel decided to head for the tree line and search from above. He saw what looked to be a disabled truck near the ravine. He decided to jump down and take a close look. It was a Brinks truck and whatever it was carrying had been removed.

"Dad, we've got a serious problem. I think that fake officer robbed a Brinks truck. I found the truck empty at the bottom of a ravine" Gabriel said when he found Mick coming back toward the car.
"Great! Bank robbers. I think we should call the police and leave this particular crime to them" he said pulling out his mobile. Gabriel walked back to the car and stopped suddenly.
"Where's Josef and Ted?" he asked. Mick stopped dialing and looked towards his son.
"They're not in the car?"
"No. And the passenger side door was open" he said taking a quick sniff to see if someone else had been there. "Dad! Someone else was here!" he said. "I'm alerting Brian!" he said and in a few seconds Brian was standing next to him.
"What has happened?"
"Josef and Ted are missing" Gabriel said.
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Oh, geez!! :eek2:
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Gabriel, show me where this truck is!" Mick said as they took off but once there, the truck was gone.
"Dad, I swear the truck was right there!" Gabriel yelled. Mick walked to where Gabriel was pointing. He noticed an imprint in the grass. Something heavy was definitely there and it looked like it was hauled into a larger vehicle. He walked around some more trying to work out scenarios in his head. That could very well be why the fake officer was blocking off the road. He needed the time to remove the evidence.
"Gabriel, let's go back to where the officer stopped us" he said taking off quickly with Gabriel not far behind but when they approached the area, everything was returned to normal.
"I don't get this" Mick said to himself. "If the officer was involved, he sure as hell wouldn't have been able to overpower both Ted and Josef! And what happened to the truck?" He said to Gabriel.
"We should contact Katrina and the Cleaners" Gabriel said. They walked back to where Brian and Carl where.
"What did you find?" Carl asked.
"The Brinks truck is gone but you can see the imprint in the grass, so it was definitely there earlier, but this makes no sense! There's no way an officer would have been able to overpower both Ted and Josef" Mick said becoming nervous and worried for his friends.
"Maybe we're dealing with a vamp" Carl said, not wanting to think about a vampire who could be that strong.
"A vampire that isn't afraid of an Angel. Josef definitely would have made them back off."
"So, what do you think we're dealing with?" Gabriel asked.
"We better go consult with Alma and Bridgett" Brian said. Carl quickly pulled out a pair of rubber gloves and handed them to Brian.
"We're going to have dust for prints" he said.
"Do you carry those on you all the time?" Mick asked in surprise.
"Mick, I was a cop for almost 20 years. It comes with the job" he said as they walked back to the car and saw that it was also missing.
"What the hell is going on?!!" Mick yelled.
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

I'm starting to wonder if aliens in flying saucers are involved. :chin:
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by aolver »

Ask and ye shall receive! :snicker:
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"What is going on here?!" Carl asked becoming fed up with the situation.
"I think someone is playing games with us and I don't like it!" Mick said.
"Do you think we're dealing with a vamp? It would have to be someone really strong to move a Brinks truck and an SVU as well as two other vamps" Gabriel said.
"Strong enough move". Carl said in full on cop mode. They would have only had time to move the vehicles, not get rid of them. I don't care how strong a vampire is, no one is holding a truck over their head as they look around for a safe hiding spot" he said.
"Carl's right guys. So, we are going to scan the whole area, from above" Mick said taking flight. Brian and Gabriel also started to take off, leaving Carl on the ground below.
"Figures" he said shaking his head. "Leave the non-angelic vamp to climb some trees" he muttered jumping up high up to a large tree as he scanned the perimeter.

After scanning the entire area they all regrouped where they had been.
"There is literally nothing anywhere" Mick said.
"Maybe a semi was used" Carl said. "A large semi could easily hold two vehicles along with two vamps".
"That makes sense for the brinks haul, but what do Josef and Ted have to do with anything? Anyone with balls big enough to pull off a heist knows who Josef Kotan is and what would happen to them if they tried anything like this!"
Gabriel said.
Only Brian remained silent throughout the conversation and Mick knew that meant he was on to something.
"Okay Brian spill it" Mick said suddenly.
"I am just going over the specifics of what has transpired." He said slowly.
"And what have you come up with?"
"Whiskey" he said.
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Whiskey?? :giggle:
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Whiskey? What's that about?" Gabriel asked.
"The Pasadena Whiskey Festival. I believe this is going on today through Sunday" He replied still staring at something the others couldn't see.
"I'm sorry Brian. I'm not following you" Carl said.
"We must go there now" he said taking off.
"I guess we're going to Pasadena" Carl said taking Gabriel's hand being the only non-angelic amongst them. Soon they were standing at the entrance of Santa Anita Park, that was filled with people all sampling different whiskeys. They spotted Brian and up ahead and walked over to him. There sitting at a nearby table was Josef and Ted sitting calmly sipping their drinks.
"Are you shitting me!!" Mick yelled out loud. Josef and Ted looked over and immediately stood with a look of shame and guilt. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!" He yelled.
"We hate camping" Josef said with a smirk.
"So, you created a fake bank robbing and kidnapping to sneak away and get drunk?". Ted looked at Josef and pointed a finger at him.
"He made me do it" Ted said.
"I can't believe you two!! You could have just said you didn't want to go camping!"
"Yeah, but this was more fun. I honestly didn't think you'd figure it out so quickly. Thanks a lot Brian." Josef said.
"You're an asshole Josef" Mick said walking away.
"How did you know Brian?" Ted asked.
"Josef wasn't dressed for camping and that was odd, but then I've never seen Josef without a suit on so there's that...then I remembered Mila and Duncan going on about a whiskey festival coming up this weekend and it just kind of made sense that Both Josef and Ted would rather be doing that. But I didn't figure out how the Brinks truck came into play".
"That part was real" Ted said.
"Seriously?" Gabriel asked.
"Yeah. That guy was a fake highway patrol officer and he and his friend did hijack Brinks truck and kill all the security guards. When Carl pointed out that the officer was fake, I texted Katrina and told her to take care them and return the truck to the police and to take our car as well. I figured Mick and Carl would jump all over this case which they did and that the trip would be postponed, so I figured why miss out on all that great whiskey and I knew Ted would be down" Josef said chuckling.
"You do know dad's going to be pissed at you for a long time." Gabriel said shaking his head.
"And paybacks a bitch!!" Mick screamed from behind Josef and Ted who jumped in surprise.
"It may be Mick, but until payback rears it's ugly head, let's enjoy some rather fabulous whiskey".

They all sat down, and Mick had to admit that the whiskey was outstanding, but all throughout the festival he thought of the perfect plan. And Josef would never see it coming.

The End
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Guy Trip
Rated PG
By Ella713

Mick plays the ultimate prank on Josef! :snicker:

Mick was explaining to Beth what he was going to do, and she begged to have a part in it.
"Oh come on!! You know I should because Josef would never suspect me of being a part of it! He'll be totally fooled" she said with a bright smile.
"Okay but stick to the plan and don't let Josef in on anything" he said.
"I have to admit the plan is genius. I just wish I could be there for the big reveal."
"He deserves this. We were all really worried about him".
"Did Zoe say she was on board?"
"Yeah she did! She thinks it's hysterical! Josef will never see this coming!" he said with a smile.
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Seriously?! That was a pretty dirty trick to play on your buddies, Josef! :nonono: Whatever Mick's prank involves, Josef totally deserves it. :snicker: But will they be able to fool him? He is awfully perceptive. :brow:
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Brian couldn't believe his eyes when he got into work. Surely this was a computer error of some kind. He checked five more times and the firm account was missing over 100 billion dollars!! The first thing he did was call Logan.
"I'm sorry Brian, did you just say Kostan Inc. is missing 100 billion dollars?" Logan chuckled thinking that maybe he was dreaming or something.
"That is exactly what I said. I need you to find out why this is so. Quickly if you can. I think we both know how Josef is going to take this news. Find out Logan or this will turn into World War III". He said hanging up. Brian began to go over in his mind all the people who had not just the smarts to do this but also an extreme hate for Josef. And that was a long long list of people.

Logan woke Lucky up and told her what was going on and they immediately went to work. Josef was going to ballistic when he found out and no one would be safe from his wrath.

Josef walked into the office and was stunned by the silence at Kostan Industries. He looked around and knew something was wrong and he wasn't going to like it. When he saw Brian standing at his office door, he knew 100% that he wasn't going to like it.
"What's going Brian?" He asked walking into his office and shutting the door behind him.
"There has been a theft sir. Someone has hacked into our bank accounts and drained us of 100 billion dollars". He watched Josef's features go from confusion to complete outrage in a matter of seconds.
"How the fuck did this happen?!!!" He yelled in white hot anger.
"I have spoken to the bank, and they are dumbstruck. Their security is one of the tightest in country. Whoever did this was someone who does not fear repercussions and that worries me, because that means this was an inside job. Either someone at the bank or the government. I think we can rule out at the state level because that could be traced pretty darn quickly, so if this was an inside job at the federal level, that would mean they feel protected". Brian said.
"Find out who did this Brian. Use every resource at your disposal and bring the son of bitch to me personally!" Josef screamed. Brian nodded his head and sent out an all office email that Josef was not to be disturbed until further notice. Brian sat at his desk and prayed. Josef would kill the person or persons responsible, of that he had no doubt. But if this was a human criminal, Josef could not kill them, but something in his mind told him that Josef would care little for that rule.

Mick hadn't heard the news until later in the afternoon and he didn't know what to say, but he knew that he and Carl were going to be extremely busy working with Logan and the Cleaners trying to track down the idiot who thought it was good idea to steal from Josef Kostan.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Apr 05, 2023 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Yikes! :eek2:

So... is this part of Mick's prank, or...? :chin:
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Logan and Lucky were working non stop trying to piece together how this happened at all. To say that Kostan Industries was more or less an unhackable hack just wasn't enough. After those kids had accidentally hacked into the mainframe, Josef had taken even more extreme to insure that this would never happen again. Passwords were changed weekly and only Josef knew what those passwords were. Him alone along with Brian and Logan knew that Brian would never do anything like this ever.
"Are you sure no one other than Josef and Brian have these passwords?"
"100% sure. Josef wasn't taking any chances. We're his IT and we don't even have those passwords" Logan replied.
"Well let's keep trying. There has to be something we're missing" Lucky said with a heavy sigh.

Things at Kostan Industries were tense to say the least. Every employee was on edge, becoming suspicious of everyone around them and they all thought the same thing. This was a inside job. Someone here had done the unthinkable and that meant a lot of people were going to be fired. And when employee after employee was called into Josef's office one at a time, they knew someone's head was on the butcher block.

"Josef, you must calm down" Bridgette said grabbing for his hand and holding it tightly.
"I can't. Babe this is serious. We're not talking about a couple of million dollars here! This is billions! Billions of dollars!" He yelled becoming panicked for the first time in a very long time.
"Do you think this might be the work of some competitor?" She asked.
"No I don't as Kostan Industries has no direct competition. And no smaller finance firm would have the capital needed to pay someone to do this" He replied. "But God help whoever did this because if I find them, I will take from them everything they have! Everything they ever dreamed of having!" He yelled going into his office and slamming the door.
Bridgett was afraid. Never had she seen Josef this upset. Sure he got angry when someone did something stupid or reckless, but this was something else entirely. Someone had gone out their way to humiliate Josef and he would never allow someone to get away with it. Angel or not there would be hell to pay!

Mick and Carl went to see Logan and find out if he had made any progress.
"Logan please tell me you found something!" Mick asked.
"It's not good Mick.....this was an inside job. The hack came from inside Kostan Industries. The hack bounced from numerous work stations so it's going to be hard to pinpoint which was the originator, but It's definitely a Kostan employee".
"Josef's not going to take this well at all" Carl said shaking his head.
"Heads are going to roll. And I do mean that literally" Mick said under his breath sadly. "Let's go talk to Josef". Mick said as he and Carl headed for the door.
They made their way to Josef's office and took a seat.
"We just heard from Logan and he said the person responsible was definitely a Kostan employee" Carl said.
"And that means we need to question every single employee, which means I'll need to borrow Gabe for this" Mick finished.
"Gabe's in Switzerland for the European Gold Forum in Zurich for a week" Josef said.
"Then I'll ask Isabelle. We'll need a conference room" Mick said pulling out his mobile to ring Isabelle, when she didn't answer, he called Katrina. "Katrina can you come to Kostan Industries as soon as you can? It's an emergency". He said hanging up and within minutes Katrina walked into the office.
"What has happened?" She asked getting right to the point.
"Someone has hacked into the Kostan Industries bank and stolen 100 billion dollars" Josef said. He saw Katrina's eyes widen in surprise then delight.
"I will make this person pay Josef. In ways most unthinkable" She said with a gleam in her eye. Katrina loved the chase and nothing would please her more than taking down a thief. Especially a thief that would take dollars belonging to vampires!
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Feb 21, 2023 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Someone's going to the Tar Pits for sure. :scary:
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick went to see Zoe to see if she had heard any talk going around. Zoe, though while young in vampire years had become quite a formidable vampire, who was feared worldwide. He always saw her as the precocious little girl who loved his son more than life itself.

"What's going on Zoe? I guess you know why I'm here." Mick said.
"Someone with a death wish has decided to go where no man has gone before. How is Josef taking it?" she asked.
"Let's just say, when he finds the bastard who did this.....well I'm sure you get the picture. Josef doesn't like thieves. And stealing from Josef is along the lines of writing your own suicide note. Have you spoken with Gabriel? I really need him on this" he said.
"I spoke with him last night and told him to call you as soon as he got a chance. He really should have called you by now" she said picking up her mobile and calling him. "Sweetie, why haven't you called your dad?"
"I forgot all about it..tell him I'm sorry and I'll...." he began to say, but Zoe had handed Mick her phone.
"Gabe, how long are you going to be gone? I really need your help. Someone as Kostan Industries has stolen over 100 billion dollars and I need help interviewing all these people".
"I'm sorry dad but I won't be back in the states for another 4 days. You should call Isabelle".
"Katrina said her and Simon went to Bolivia for a month. Katrina is great but she's more than a little heavy handed when it comes to mortals".
"Do you know it's a mortal?"
"According to Logan, someone from Kostan Inc is responsible. A vampire wouldn't do this, so it has to be a mortal".
"Look, I can get there pretty quickly but I can stay for just a while, okay?" Gabe said hanging up the phone and was soon walking through his apartment door.
"Aright, let's do this". He said as they both left.

When they were in Mick's car Gabriel started to ask a lot of questions.
"How do you think we should handle this?"
"We're going to have to question every employee and Kostan Inc., including Security and Janitorial! No one should be excluded" Mick said. Gabriel was silent for a while thinking about what he was told and he just couldn't see a Kostan employee pulling this off. Every last employee was devoted to their work and would never betray Josef!
"We might need to look at former employees. Especially the ones who were dismissed".
"Yeah, but Logan was adamant that the hack came from inside Kostan Inc. He said it bounced from many workstations, before it disappeared".
"Well, if it's a current employee, I will find them" Gabriel said still frowning as if he was wondering about something else.
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