Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

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Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rating: PG
Characters: Josef, Mick, Beth and my OCs Kylie Jenkins and Savannah.
A/N: This is a sequel to Fresh from the Farm and Follow That Freshie. I recommend reading at least "Fresh from the Farm" (a one-shot) before "Jealousy." It will make a lot more sense that way!

Thank you dear Lorig for the support and boost of confidence. And of course for being my idea bouncer.

Special thanks to darkstarrising for the plot bunny. In a comment to "Fresh from the Farm" she asked if the other girls were jealous. Hmm...


Chapter 1

Savannah listened idly as Janelle and Lizette compared fingernail polish. They were sitting at an outdoor café having lunch. She started to take a sip of her iced tea and stopped with her glass in midair. “Well, will you look at that.”

“What?” Janelle and Lizette said in unison. They turned to see what Savannah was looking at. Three young women with arms full of packages, were standing on the curb across the street smiling and laughing.

“Hey, isn’t that Kylie?” Lizette asked.

“I thought she quit,” added Janelle.

“I always assumed she got fired,” Savannah said, watching them pile into a limousine. “Looks to me like she went private.”

“How can you tell?”

“See that license plate on the limo? ‘KI-1’.”

“She works with police dogs?” asked a bewildered Lizette. The other two groaned and turned to stare at her. “What’d I say?”

“That’s ‘K-9’ you twit. ‘KI’ stands for ‘Kostan Industries’,” Savannah snapped at her. “I can’t believe it! Why would Josef Kostan take an inexperienced, goody-two-shoes like her into his private reserve? She fed him one time. One time! Heck, I fed him before she ever did. And he didn’t whisk me away in a limo to some mansion,” she fumed.

“Maybe she had something on him and blackmailed him,” pondered Lizette. Again the other two shot her looks of incredulity. She looked back and forth between them. “What now?”

“What possible threat could a human freshie be for him?” Savannah lowered her voice to a whisper. “He’s a vampire, Lizette! He could make her disappear just like that,” she said, snapping her fingers.

Janelle spoke up. “Well, whatever his reason, we should be happy for her, not criticizing her! Besides,” she turned to Savannah, “I thought you liked Kylie.”

Savannah shrugged. “I did. But now…” She pushed her salad around in the bowl, finally throwing her fork down. “After all I did for her, introducing her to Marta and getting her a job at the club. She’d still be waiting tables in that diner if it weren’t for me! Now she’s part of a private reserve riding around in a limo and living in a fancy mansion. And has she ever called? Ever said ‘thank you’? Tried to get me a job with her rich keeper?”

“Now Savannah,” Janelle tried to soothe her friend. “You don’t know that. Maybe she did try and was turned down.”

But Savannah refused to be mollified. “I doubt it,” she humphed.


Savannah couldn’t stop thinking about Kylie. It just grated on her. Savannah had been working at The Moonlight Club for over a year, yet she was still on the “B” list when it came to preferred freshies. She felt it was totally unfair that Kylie was chosen for private service over someone with more experience. Like me, she thought. Why couldn’t I have been working that night when Josef Kostan came in? She started to fantasize about him coming to the club again and how this time he would offer her a job.

As luck would have it, Josef stopped by the club again a couple of weeks later. Savannah watched him strut through the door, down his scotch in one gulp and head straight for the group of A-listers gathered near the back. She knew full well it was against the rules to approach a client first, but this might be her only chance. With a determined step she quickly crossed the room on an intercept course.

“Mr. Kostan!” she said brightly, trying to hide her nervousness. “It’s so nice to see you again!”

Unaccustomed to being approached by a freshie, Josef was startled, but quickly regained his composure. He nodded briefly at her and continued on his way. Undeterred, Savannah hurried after him.

“I’m Savannah, a friend of Kylie’s. I was just wondering how she’s doing?”

This time Josef stopped and glared at her. “She’s fine. Now please move out of my way. You are keeping me from my after work drink,” he said and brushed past her.

She knew she could lose her job, but she was desperate. She swallowed the lump in her throat and tried one more time, actually putting her hand on his arm to halt him. “If you’re thirsty, I’d be happy to accommodate you. I have fed you before, after all.” She smiled sweetly.

Josef froze, glancing down at the hand on his sleeve and back up at Savannah’s face. Savannah saw the silvered eyes and quickly removed her hand, knowing she had crossed the line. “You forget your place,” he growled, brushing off his sleeve. “Do not approach me again.” She stood watching as he selected a leggy redhead from the group and escorted her towards the back suites. But not before pausing to speak to Marta, who was leaving the suite area just then. Josef and Marta both turned to look at her and Savannah’s face grew hot. Marta nodded to Josef and he proceeded down the hallway.

Savannah looked around and saw several sets of silvered eyes staring at her pink cheeks. She turned on her heel and took only two steps before Marta was standing directly in front of her.

“Savannah dear,” she said, without a trace of warmth. “I’d like to speak with you for a moment please.” With a firm grip on her arm, Marta guided Savannah through the staring crowd and into her office, quietly closing the door behind her.

“How dare you embarrass me like that!” Marta shouted as she pushed Savannah into a chair so forcibly it almost tipped over. “Josef Kostan is one of the most powerful vampires in this city. He could have this club shut down within an hour!” She glared at Savannah shrinking into her chair. “Do you know how many rules you just broke? You approached a client unbidden. You publicly inquired about a former employee. And you actually offered your services to him uninvited? Unbelievable! What were you thinking?”

Savannah looked down at her hands in her lap. “I…I just…I thought maybe…”

Marta cut her off with a wave of her hand. “It doesn’t matter now; it’s too late. I will not have the reputation of this club tarnished by the likes of you.” She went to her desk and began to write out a check. “And I was just about to promote you to the A-list, too,” she sighed, more to herself than to Savannah. “That was certainly a close call.”

Savannah looked up astonished. “What? I was going to be moved up in the preference list?”

“Yes, we have an opening since Amber retired. Now I’ll have to find someone else to fill the spot.” She handed the stunned Savannah the check. “Here are your remaining wages. You will collect your personal items and leave the club at once. I do not expect to see you here ever again.”

“Yes ma’am,” Savannah said quietly as she stood to go. At the door she turned back. “But what will I do now?”

“That is not my problem. But if I were you, I’d look for another line of work. A freshie who doesn’t follow the rules is a liability to the community. Frankly, you’re lucky Mr. Kostan didn’t break your arm. Or your neck.”

Savannah paled at the thought and quickly left the office. Gathering her belongings she could only think one thing: This is all Kylie’s fault.

To be continued
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

Post by darkstarrising »

First, MLC,thanks for the shout out :hug:

You took that little plot bunny and ran with it.....

So, Kylie is now in Josef's private reserve and Savannah is playing the 'what if' game, thinking Kylie has her to thank for her good fortune. Jealousy can make a person do stupid things, as Savannah that you had her almost being promoted. That makes her firing all the more bitter. She shot herself in the foot and has no one to blame but herself.

In her mind, though, it's all Kylie's fault and I somehow feel that Savannah isn't going to take her misfortune quietly :whistle:

And I love the ditzy Lizette. :giggle:

Looking forward to the next chapter!!
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

Post by librarian_7 »

I will be MOST interested to see the continuation....freshies are such fascinating creatures.

Great start!

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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thank you dsr and lucky! I'm glad you are intrigued so far.

As usual, I post every other night. Chapter 2 will be up on Tuesday!

Thanks for reading and commenting! :flowers:
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

Post by allegrita »

Ooh, I'm so happy to see a continuation of Kylie's story! But I hate the fact that Savannah has decided her fall from grace is Kylie's fault. It's a shame, too... because she was kind to Kylie once. I hate seeing someone with a kind heart being poisoned by jealousy. Especially since she's evidently her own worst enemy. :sigh:

I hope somehow Savannah gets saved from her disastrous mistakes. I'll definitely be looking for the next chapter!
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

Post by lorig »

Wow...even better then the first read through! I love it!
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thank you Allegrita! "Poisoned by jealousy" is a good way to put it. I hope there is some of the kind-hearted Savannah still left. :mdrama:

Thanks Lorig! You've always got my back! :hug:

Next chapter on Tuesday night!

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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

Post by francis »

I finally have a look into this story. Savannah should have bought a clue. Now what will she do?
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

Post by Marigold »

"Jealousy" is the perfect title for this story. :yes:

It was so nice of Savannah to introduce Kylie to the freshie world. Now, Kylie has found success, and Savannah feels it is all thanks to her. This causes her to make a very dumb decision, and, as a result, lose her job and her upcoming promotion. It's too bad that she can't just be happy for Kylie.
MickLifeCrisis wrote:"See that license plate on the limo? ‘KI-1’.”

“She works with police dogs?”

Thank you, MLC, and well done! :flowers: See you tomorrow. :wave:
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thank you for the bump, Marigold ! I hope you enjoy this one! :flowers:

And if you're able to only read one chapter at a time of a fully posted story, you have more will power than me! :twothumbs: :snicker:
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

Post by Marigold »

I'm trying to pace myself! :biggrin:

Now I'm off to read Chapter 2...
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

Post by jen »


How very true to life!

Most really talented self defeating folks never take responsibility for their own destructive behavior and thus rob themselves of the opportunity to learn from their mistakes.

Really hoping that Savannah finds a way to another career, because her days as a freshie are pretty much over.

Thank you!


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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

Post by Ella713 »

Poor Savannah! But honestly that's what you get for acting without thinking and considering that she had been working there for so long, you'd think she would have known better. Jealousy is evil companion!
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 1

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thanks for the bump, Ella! Welcome aboard the Kylie train!

Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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