Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 5 (PG13) 8/24/2015

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Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 5 (PG13) 8/24/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi all :wave: ,

'Home is Where the Heart Is' is a continuation of the Moonlight / H50 crossover series that started with The Long Journey Home. Two more stories followed: Affairs of the Heart and The Faceless Ones.

'Home is Where the Heart Is' picks up about six months after the end of 'The Faceless Ones'. I think/hope there's enough background provided in this story so that it can be read without a lot of knowledge of the earlier ones.

H50's season five finale was harmless/ambiguous enough relative to the Steve / Catherine relationship, but what happens to it in season six remains to be seen. So, I present my little story which centers around a threat to the vamp community that Mick and Beth have to resolve but includes a plausible reason why Catherine stayed in Afghanistan.

This is the next-to-the-last chapter explaining what kept Catherine away and the aftermath. The final chapter will be posted next week. So, without further ado, I hope you enjoy 'Home is Where the Heart Is'.

Rating is PG-13

As usual, I don't own any of the characters from either Moonlight for Hawaii Five-0, but dearly love to play with them. The one quote from Moonlight was authored by Gabrielle Stanton and Harry Werksman.

Home is Where the Heart Is

Chapter 5

Somewhere over the Pacific

The adrenaline rush had long since worn off, leaving Danny physically and emotionally exhausted. There were times over the last two days when he feared he couldn’t pull off the near-impossible feat of finding and rescuing Catherine. Now that he and Catherine were alive and on their way back home, he could begin to relax with a new found belief that miracles still happen.

After Kostan’s call two days earlier, Danny found himself en route to Afghanistan via Japan. Eight hours later, he was on the ground south of Tokyo. While the jet was being refueled, a man entered the cabin accompanied by two women who kept a respectful distance. The man introduced himself as Takeo, an old friend of both Kostan and McGarrett. His two associates were physicians who would tend to Miss Rollins, should she be injured or ill. Without another word, Takeo left.

Something about Takeo’s mannerisms struck Danny as oddly familiar. When he shook hands with the two doctors, the detective realized that he might be the only living person on the jet. After a few failed attempts at small talk, Danny decided to get some sleep and his companions retreated to a compartment near the back of the jet. Eight hours later, they landed on an airstrip near Kabul where he met up with the four mercenaries hired by Josef.

In a few hours, reconnaissance led them to a cave where a Taliban guard stood watch. The guard was overpowered, his outer clothes taken, allowing a disguised Danny to draw the rest of the Taliban out of the cave. Two hours later, he and Catherine were back on Kostan’s jet. The doctors assessed and treated the injuries of both Catherine and Esam, despite the latter’s objections. When it came time to leave, Esam assured Catherine he would remain in Kabul with a friend for a day or two to rest before heading home again. Maybe it was Danny’s imagination, but Esam seemed genuinely sad to be saying good-bye to Catherine.

On the way to Japan, the doctors continued monitoring Catherine, giving her intravenous fluids to alleviate dehydration, as well as a mild sedative to help her sleep. Her days-old injuries were blossoming into patterns of vivid bruises, leading Danny to express concern over her condition. The doctors assured him that Catherine’s most serious injury was a slight concussion, cautioning that she would need plenty of rest over the next few days. In time, most of her memory should return.

It was the ‘should’ that made Danny nervous. What if Catherine didn’t remember Steve or what they felt for each other? That would be worse than not having her home at all.

Please, God, I know you and I don’t talk much, except when I need something, like when I prayed that we’d get Matty back in one piece. Didn’t do too well on that one, did you? Here’s your chance to make it up to me. Let Catherine be OK. Let her remember Steve and how much she loves him. Better yet, let Steve realize that Catherine is the perfect woman for him and that maybe, just maybe, he shouldn’t let her get away again.

When the pilot announced they were 10 minutes out from Honolulu, Danny gently woke his companion. “Hey, we’re almost home. You want to freshen up or something before we land?”

Catherine yawned and stretched gingerly, wincing when her body complained. Looking around, she replied. “I feel like I’ve been on this jet before…with someone else. I just can’t remember who, but it was colder then…” Catherine shrugged. “Sorry, I know I’m not making any sense right now.”

“Don’t worry about it. The doctors said your memory will come back. You just gotta give it time.”

“Danny, I want to thank you for everything you did for me. If you hadn’t…”

“Hey, you’re family, well kinda family. For family, I’d do anything.”

“How am I family, exactly?”

“Wow! Well, that’s really complicated and we don’t have nearly enough time to explain that before we land.”

“Why are you being so evasive, Danny? Am I the black sheep or something?”

“Black and blue sheep is more like it. Seriously, you and I, we have something, or rather someone, in common. A good man who deserves a little happiness in his life.”

When the jet landed a few minutes later, Beth entered the cabin. Catherine just stared at her, then sighed in frustration. “I’m certain I know you, but I just can’t bring it back.”

Beth tried to be reassuring. “Hey, it’s OK. It may take a little while, but I’m sure you’ll remember.”

When Catherine excused herself to use the lavatory, Beth turned to Danny. “Catherine will stay with us until she recovers a bit more. We’ve arranged for a nurse to be on call as well.”

“Good. I know Catherine’s tough and she’s putting on a pretty good face right now, but a little TLC couldn’t hurt.” Danny glanced at cabin entrance. “Where’s your tall, dark and scary other half?”

“On the phone, letting Josef know you’ve arrived safe and sound.”

“Thanks to him we are. I swear to God, I am never, ever going to set foot in that miserable country again. Twice is more than enough, although this time, the ride was nicer.” Danny grew serious. “Listen, Beth, do me a favor. I know Kostan and I didn’t exactly hit it off. Calling him a heartless, blood-sucking bastard probably didn’t help. Anyway, tell him how much I appreciate everything he did for Catherine. Without his help, she wouldn’t have made it.” Danny lowered his voice. “I don’t even want to think about what Steve would have done if she’d died.”

“I’ll tell Josef, but you deserve a lot of the credit as well. You’re a good man and even better friend, Danny, but right now, you look exhausted. If you like, Mick will drop you off at your house after we get Catherine settled.”

“Thanks, but my car is here. I’ll just give my partner a call …”

Beth demurred. “I’d hold off on that. Steve’s had a rough couple of nights.”

“I take it the rough time had something to do with Ruby. You find her?”

Seeing Catherine emerge from the lavatory, Beth whispered. “Yes, and I’ll fill you in on that later.”

With Danny gently supporting Catherine, the three exited the jet. Mick was still on the phone, his back to the trio, but turned and gave Catherine a lop-sided smile when she got to the car.

Catherine froze for a moment, her heart racing as a myriad of images flashed through her mind, not all of them good. After everything she’d been through, it was just too much to process and she collapsed into Danny’s arms.

A short time later, hushed voices drew her back into consciousness.

“You sure we shouldn’t take her to a hospital?”

“Trust me, Danny. Catherine’s fine. She just fainted, that’s all.”

“Why’d she faint then, huh? How can you be so sure she’s OK?”

“She’s breathing normally and her heartbeat is steady and strong. As a matter of fact, I think she’s waking up now.”

As Catherine opened her eyes, she found herself laying on a bed in an unfamiliar room. Danny stood anxiously at the foot of the bed, with the woman Catherine now recognized.

“Beth. You’re Beth St. John.”

Danny heaved a sigh of relief and Beth smiled. “I’m glad you remembered. Anything else come back?”

“Steve. I thought I saw Steve, but it was Mick, wasn’t it?”

“Yes. We thought the shock of seeing him might jar your memory a bit.”

Catherine started to sit up, but Beth gently pushed her back down. “Catherine, you’ve been through an awful lot and need to rest. You’re going to stay with us until you’re feeling a little better.”

“Does Steve know I’m here?”

A guilty looking Danny replied. “No. Steve doesn’t know about any of this. I didn’t tell him because I knew he’d go back to that hellhole and look for you.” Danny paused, knowing his next words would add to his friend’s pain. “You didn’t see what they did to him, Catherine. He almost died. I couldn’t let him go back…I couldn’t lose another brother, even though he’s going to kill me when he finds out.”

“So you came back instead, saving both Steve and me. I don’t know how to thank you, Danny.”

“Like I said, we’re family and you can thank me by getting better, which will start by me getting outta here and letting you get some rest.”

After Danny left, Beth sat on the edge of the bed. “Is there anything I can do for you or do you want to sleep?”

“Stay with me for a while…I need someone to talk to, if that’s OK.”

“Listening is easy. What’s on your mind?”

“What Danny said … Steve never told me what happened to him after we got separated.”

Courtesy of Josef, Beth had seen the video of Steve’s near execution. “I’m not sure now is a good time…”

“Please, the men who kidnapped me said Steve killed their leader. I need to know if that’s why they came after me.”

“Not… exactly. When the Taliban captured Steve, they wanted to know where you’d taken the children you rescued. Steve refused to give you up, so they decided to make an example of him.” Beth tried to reassure her friend. “Steve didn’t kill their leader, Catherine. The military did during his rescue. The men who kidnapped you wanted revenge and killing you was just one way of getting it.”

“Steve almost died protecting me?”

“It’s what people do for those they love.” Beth studied her friend’s face, a reflection of her rapidly changing emotions. “Catherine, what’s wrong? Please, talk to me.”

And so she did, sharing her fears about her relationship with Steve. “I love him deeply, but I just can’t see how two people as independent as we are can have a future together. Maybe I should just leave and stay away this time.”

Beth’s eyebrows rose. “This time?”

“Steve and I were together several years ago, but we had a falling out, a stupid one. After we broke up, I started a relationship with another man, Billy, but that didn’t work out.”

“Why not?”

“I loved Billy, but I was still in love with Steve.”

“So you came back…”

“Yes. I hurt Steve the first time I left, and I know I hurt him even more this last time. If I stay away, maybe he’ll be better off without me.”

Beth saw the pain in Catherine’s eyes. “Do you really believe that?”

“No, but I’m afraid he won’t want me back this time.”

Beth thought back to a time she wasn’t really proud of. “Before I met Mick, I was in a relationship with Josh, a man I cared a great deal about. A few months after Mick and I started working together, I knew I was falling in love with him, but I was too afraid to admit it. There were things about his world that both excited and frightened me.”

“What happened?”

“When Mick finally let me get close to him, I pushed him away. I let Josh believe I still loved him, even though I was in love with Mick. Because I lied to them, I hurt Mick deeply, and likely got Josh killed, a regret I’ll carry for eternity.”

Images of Billy Harrington’s bloody body flashed through Catherine’s mind; she wasn’t responsible for his death, but that didn’t keep her from feeling guilty about it. If she’d gotten him to the hospital sooner, maybe he’d still be alive.

“Learn from my mistake, Catherine. Be honest with yourself and Steve about your fears. If you leave now without talking to him, you’ll not only hurt him, you’ll spend the rest of your life wondering if you did the right thing.” Sensing Catherine’s rising anxiety, Beth gently prodded. “I don’t have to be a vampire to know something else is bothering you. What is it, Catherine?”

“It seems you and I have something else in common. I wasn’t entirely honest with Steve about why I stayed in Afghanistan. I’m afraid if I told him everything, he might never forgive me.”

“Would you feel better talking about it? Maybe I can help.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Catherine explained the real reason for her absence. It was only then that Beth understood the depth of her pain.

Beth took Catherine’s hand in hers. “A wise man once told me that when two people love each other, they each have to think about how their actions affect the other. From what I can tell, you and Steve love each other deeply. Please, do yourself a favor; talk with Steve and tell him the truth. You owe him that much.”

“You’re right, I do.” Catherine visibly relaxed. “Thanks, Beth. I feel better.”

“Good. Anything else I can help you with?”

“Actually, I’d like to take a shower, then get some sleep. Are there some clean clothes I can borrow?”

Beth grinned. “This house belongs to Josef and believe me, he’s got all the bases covered when it comes to clothing for his guests, especially women. I’m sure we’ll find something you’ll like.”

After Beth left Catherine, she found Mick waiting for her. “So I’m a wise man now, huh?”

“Among other things, yes.” Beth glanced back into Catherine’s room. “What do you think she’ll do?”

“Hopefully, follow your advice and talk with Steve. Won’t be an easy conversation for either of them.”

“Do you think he’ll forgive her?”

“What’s to forgive? It’s not like Catherine planned any of this or stayed away to hurt him. She was scared, that’s all, something both of us can relate to. Besides, Steve bears some responsibility here.” Mick kissed his wife gently. “I’ll stay with Catherine for a while. Time for you to hit the freezer.”

Beth started to protest, but she knew her husband was right; the last few days had been emotionally exhausting and she needed to rest.

A little while later, Catherine emerged from her room, and while Mick didn’t sense anything was wrong, he wasn’t taking any chances.

“You OK, Catherine?”

“Getting there.” Taking a seat on the sofa next to Mick, she asked “You got a minute?”

“Of course I do. What’s on your mind?”

“I know you heard my conversation with Beth. She’s given me some good advice, but I need a guy’s perspective.” Catherine hesitated, fearing she was prying. “Stop me if this is too personal, but Beth said she hurt you when she went back to Josh. What made you forgive her?”

“Easy. I love her.”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that.”

“Do you think Steve can forgive me?”

“My take? He can and will, but only if you give him a chance to. Besides, he may be looking for some forgiveness as well.”

“For what?”

“That’s something for the two of you to talk about.” Mick re-iterated Beth’s advice. “Don’t hide the truth from him, Catherine. He deserves to know. It may not be easy at first, but I think you love each other enough to work through what happened. Give yourselves a chance. Trust me, it’ll be worth it.”


McGarrett’s house –two days later

Friday evening found Steve arriving home after a fairly quiet day at the office. For once, Oahu’s criminals seemed content to let tourists enjoy paradise in peace. Danny had left a voice mail saying he was home, but taking the day off. The rest of the team seemed abnormally quiet, keeping to their individual offices more than usual. If he didn’t know better, Steve would have thought they were avoiding him, Grover in particular.

Returning home, Steve found Danny stretched out on the couch, a near-empty bottle of beer in hand.

“Maybe Grover was right about charging you rent.” Getting a beer for himself, Steve continued. “How was your trip? Everything OK with your sister?”

“She’s better now, but I’m still wasted. Jet lag’s a bitch.”

“You know, you never really said what kind of trouble she was having.”

“Relationship kind.” Danny waved his bottle in the air. “The guy she’s with has, shall we say, commitment issues. He doesn’t show her enough how much he loves her making her think he doesn’t love her as much as she loves him. So she decided to put some distance between them, to get her mind off him. You know, give herself a chance to see if she really wants to be with him or not.”

“Did it work?”

“Yeah, maybe a little too well.”


“Let’s just say she forgot all about him for a while. Then, she got herself into a bit of a situation and needed a little help getting out of it.”

“So, big brother to the rescue.”

“Yeah, that’s me. Superbro.”

“What about the guy? Knowing you, I bet you had a few ‘words’ with him.”

“You, my nosy friend, are correct. He’s a lucky SOB to have a woman like that in his life, and if he values his miserable hide, he’ll get over himself and show her what she means to him. Otherwise, he’ll have me to answer to, not to mention regretting his colossal stupidity for the rest of his lonely, pathetic life.”

Steve stared at his friend. “Colossal stupidity, huh? Why do I get the feeling that you and I are talking about two different things?”

“Who knows? Maybe we are, maybe we’re not. All I know is that he’s got one last chance to make things right. If he blows it this time, he’ll have nobody to blame but himself, something I promise I’ll never let him forget.”

Danny stood, finished his beer then handed Steve the empty bottle. “I have a date with Melissa tonight, one I am very much looking forward to. With any luck, you won’t see me ‘til Monday.” As he headed out the door, Danny looked back at his friend and grinned. “By the way, you’re welcome.”

Before a baffled Steve could ask for an explanation, another figure replaced Danny in the doorway, someone he thought he might never see again. Breathing her name, Steve approached her.


“Can I come in?”

The words just tumbled out. “Of course. When did you get home? Can I get you something?”

“A couple of days ago and a beer would be great.”

“Why didn’t you call earlier?”

“I couldn’t. I was still a little out of it.” Brows furrowed, Catherine tried to explain. “Not everything is back yet, but they tell me it shouldn’t be long now.”

“Cath, you’re not making any sense.” Seeing some exposed bruises, Steve blanched. “Shit! What happened to you?”

Taking Steve’s hand in hers, Catherine led him to the couch, pulling him down next to her. “It’s a long story, Steve, one I need to tell and you need to hear.”

Later, the two sat together, Steve’s arms wrapped around the woman he loved, holding her close. Tears had fallen, and not all of them were hers. “Cath, I’m so sorry I let you down. I should have gone back for you. I can’t believe Danny did.”

“He had help, but I owe him, big time. Kostan, too. Besides, you being in the brig wouldn’t have done me any good.” Searching Steve’s face, she continued. “I’m the one who’s sorry, Steve. I told myself I wanted to give those kids a chance for a better future, but that was only part of the reason I stayed in Afghanistan.”

“What’s the other part?”

“I was hiding from you, from us. We’re both independent, yet we were getting closer than we’d ever been. I was scared by how much you meant to me. What if you didn’t feel the same?”

“This isn’t on you, Cath. I should have done a better job letting you know how I feel about you.” Steve paused for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. “A lot happened while you were gone. I’ve learned some things about myself, about what’s important, what isn’t.”

Death leads and you follow….

“I’ve let the past overshadow my life. Losing Mom, then being separated from Dad and Mary left me in pain, but I wouldn’t let anyone know that.” Steve gently moved a tendril of hair from Catherine’s face. “I was afraid, Cath, afraid of losing someone else I loved, so I didn’t let anyone get too close. Then I met you, and that fear started to go away, just not fast enough.”

You must heal….

“After Dad was killed, I let revenge for his death drive me, and when I finally got it, I realized how little it meant. I lost focus on what really mattered – you. When you said you weren’t coming home, that’s when I realized just how empty life is without you.”

Your heart still beats, yet alone, you are not living...

Cupping Catherine’s chin, he continued. “You’re right; we’re both independent, but that doesn’t mean we have to go through life alone.” After kissing her gently, Steve confessed. “Catherine, I love you, more than I know how to tell you, but I promise, I’ll find a way to show you. I don’t know what the future holds for us, but if you’ll give me another chance, I’m willing to find out.”

“You know, for two people trained to be fearless, we let fear get in the way of one thing it shouldn’t - love.” Catherine hesitated, knowing that what she said next might break both their hearts. “There’s something else you should know, Steve. Something that might change how you feel. And please, let me get it all out before you say anything.”


“After you left Afghanistan, it took almost three months to find Najib and bring him home. I was planning to come back to Oahu then, but I got sick, real sick. I had a high fever and was delirious for days.” Catherine looked into Steve’s eyes, hoping to find forgiveness in them once he knew the truth. “When I got sick, I was nearly four months pregnant. Farrah and Amir did what they could to help me, but it wasn’t enough. I lost the baby.”

The shock on Steve’s face said it all. “Catherine….”

“No, let me finish. Between the fever and miscarriage, it took a while for me to heal and not just physically. I needed time before I could come home and face you.”

“Face me? Catherine, what did you think I was going to do?”

“I…I don’t know. Maybe you’d be angry that I didn’t come home as soon as I realized I was pregnant. Steve, I was so close to finding Najib that I couldn’t leave. If I had, Najib would be dead.”

“And maybe our child wouldn’t be.”

Despair threatened to overwhelm Catherine; Steve was reacting just the way she feared. “Now you know why I was afraid to come home. You think it’s my fault that our baby is dead.”

Catherine tried to pull away, but Steve held her close. “No, it’s not your fault. If anything, it’s mine.”

“How? You didn’t know…”

“I can do the math, Catherine. You couldn’t have known you were pregnant when we went to Afghanistan, so you didn’t knowingly put our child in danger. If we hadn’t gotten separated, or if I’d come back, maybe we could have found Najib sooner and all this wouldn’t have happened. Or maybe it would have. The point is there’s a lot of different ways this could have gone down. All I know for certain is that I should have been there for you. I just hope you can forgive me for letting you down.”

More tears fell then and the couple sat silently, each reflecting on what might have been. Eventually, Steve broke the silence, his voice cracking. “Do you …do you know what the baby was?”

“Yes, a girl.”

“Does anyone else know?”

“Only Beth and Mick. They encouraged me to tell you…everything. Why?”

“Just explains why Danny didn’t shoot me.”

Silence fell again, each content to leave the other with their thoughts. It was late when Steve realized Catherine had fallen asleep, exhausted from finally unburdening herself. If he had anything to say about it, she’d never have to go through something like that again.

So much had happened tonight that Steve was exhausted himself. He’d been ecstatic when he saw his lover standing in the doorway, but that was only the beginning of his emotional roller coaster as she explained everything that had happened to her. The ride ended with a double gut-punch; learning about the baby was heart-breaking enough, finding out that Catherine was afraid of his reaction made it even worse. He loved her, didn’t she know that?

How could she? I didn’t tell her enough. That ends now.

Catherine stirred, mumbling. “What time is it?”

“Time to put you to bed.”


“Only if you want.”

“What do you want, Steve?”

“You, here with me. You need to heal, Cath, we both do. The only way we can do that is together.”

They’d gone upstairs then, but when Steve saw the extent of her injuries, Catherine watched guilt and shame wash over his face. He felt responsible for everything that had happened to her, and nothing she could say was going to change his mind. It was all she could do to get him to lay down next to her and gently hold her.

Hours later, Catherine woke. Trying not to disturb Steve, she studied the body she knew so well. In the pale moonlight, she could see a touch of grey at the temples. His face was fuller, with a few more lines, courtesy of his job. His arms and torso were as muscular as ever, but there were more scars than she remembered, causing her to wonder how they came to be.

You didn’t see what they did to him… he almost died...

Catherine shuddered; she’d seen what the Taliban had done to Esam and feared they’d done even worse things to Steve.

They wanted to know where you’d taken the children…Steve refused to give you up…they made an example of him...

Everything they’d done to him was her fault. If she hadn’t gone back to Afghanistan, he wouldn’t have gone with her and none of this would have happened. Their child might have lived, but Najib would most likely be dead. Catherine sighed in frustration. Steve was right; there were a lot of ways things could have turned out, and second-guessing herself now was pointless.

It was then Catherine finally understood the lesson Esam had learned. Until Esam let go of his anger over his wife’s death, he couldn’t appreciate the daughter she had given him. In Catherine’s case, fear and guilt prevented her from having a future with Steve. If she wanted any kind of life with him, she needed to accept that sometimes, bad things happen despite your best efforts. Besides, she’d gone to Afghanistan to save a child, not put one in danger. Would she have done the same if she’d known she was pregnant? The answer was irrelevant; the past couldn’t be undone. It was the future she needed to focus on.

Catherine snuggled back into Steve and felt his arm instinctively wrap around her, promising herself that this time, she wasn’t going to run away. They still had a lot to talk about, but fear was no longer going to dictate her life, love was.

Just before dawn, Steve woke, and finding Catherine still sleeping, gently edged out of bed. The healing process started last night would take time and he needed to be patient. If he was lucky, they’d find a life together building on the love and respect they already had for each other. In the early morning light, Steve gazed at Catherine, grateful that the woman he loved had found her way back home to him.
Last edited by darkstarrising on Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 5 (PG13) 8/24/2015

Post by r1015bill »

That picture that Peter leaked seems very appropriate for the end of this chapter. :teeth: But some would see that as a spoiler.... :whistle:

I can definitely see Cath staying away because she thinks she loves Steve more than he loves her - even in the canon world of H50. That makes more sense than "I'm going to teach children."

Unfortunately, I just don't think the canon world will ever allow them to have a deep conversation. :witsend:
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 5 (PG13) 8/24/2015

Post by allegrita »

Ohhhhh... :hankie: :hankie: :hankie: :hankie: :hankie:

Honestly, those two can't seem to get a break! :sigh: I really can see that scenario, and it makes me so sorry for both of them. :comfort2: They really do seem to get in the way of themselves (ESPECIALLY Steve). It would be lovely if Steve and Cath could work our their troubles together, and learn to forgive themselves and each other. And even if the show ruins everything and breaks our hearts (which it very well may do), at least we have your wonderful story to give us some "what might have been". I loved this chapter, and I am really looking forward to the final one! :hearts:
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 5 (PG13) 8/24/2015

Post by librarian_7 »

This. This should be canon. Kath and Steve just belong together.

And I like that our Moonlight vamps helped....
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 5 (PG13) 8/24/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

Thanks, Ladies :ghug:
r1015bill wrote:That picture that Peter leaked seems very appropriate for the end of this chapter. :teeth: But some would see that as a spoiler.... :whistle:

I can definitely see Cath staying away because she thinks she loves Steve more than he loves her - even in the canon world of H50. That makes more sense than "I'm going to teach children."

Unfortunately, I just don't think the canon world will ever allow them to have a deep conversation. :witsend:
Yeah, I agree, but I wish we could see some heart-to-heart conversation between Steve and Catherine in season 6, with some kind of explanation as to why she stayed away. There has to be more to it than "I'm going to teach children."
allegrita wrote:Ohhhhh... :hankie: :hankie: :hankie: :hankie: :hankie:

Honestly, those two can't seem to get a break! :sigh: I really can see that scenario, and it makes me so sorry for both of them. :comfort2: They really do seem to get in the way of themselves (ESPECIALLY Steve). It would be lovely if Steve and Cath could work our their troubles together, and learn to forgive themselves and each other. And even if the show ruins everything and breaks our hearts (which it very well may do), at least we have your wonderful story to give us some "what might have been". I loved this chapter, and I am really looking forward to the final one! :hearts:
You've hit on a key aspect of the Steve-Catherine relationship - they do get in the way of themselves and of furthering their relationship. I think Steve would like more from their relationship, but Catherine is afraid or reluctant. Why? Hellifino. :shrug: Maybe she really does value her independence, but this story portrays the couple as beginning to understand the benefits of having someone to love in their lives. In keeping with the characterizations we've been given in the series, nothing comes easy for these two, so I gave them yet another trial to come through.
librarian_7 wrote:This. This should be canon. Kath and Steve just belong together.

And I like that our Moonlight vamps helped....
I agree, they should be together, and maybe, just maybe we'll get a scenario where they begin to understand this. Writing this, there were so many parallels between Beth and Catherine in their love lives that it made sense for Beth to help Catherine.
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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