The Faceless Ones - Chapter 8 (PG13) Chall 140 8/25/14

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The Faceless Ones - Chapter 8 (PG13) Chall 140 8/25/14

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi, all. :wave:

With the start of the new season and SOTB still weeks away, the muse, not being a patient soul, decided to write her own story. ‘The Faceless Ones’ is a continuation of the first two stories in the Moonlight / H50 crossover series, in answer to Challenge 140. Like the first two, ‘The Long Journey Home’ and ‘Affairs of the Heart’, ‘The Faceless Ones’ is fairly short (9 chapters, all of which are written).

All 9 chapters will be posted before SOTB occurs. For those of you who watch H50, ‘The Faceless Ones’ takes place between episodes 4.20 (when Danny kids McGarrett about not knowing where Catherine is. His reply is ‘she’s visiting friends on the mainland’) and 4.21 where McGarrett and Catherine go to Afghanistan.

We're nearing the end now, with only one more chapter after this one. While the murderers on Oahu have been identified, McGarrett needs to tie up some loose ends. Back in LA, the hunt is still on for Ruby, who is worried that her time is running out. Not only is Carl still trying to find her, but the vampire community is as well. Mick arrives back home, but what he finds makes him worry if Beth regrets being turned.

A/N - Since the action in this story bounces back and forth between LA and Oahu, I nearly went insane trying to keep track of time of day or even what day it was, since there is a 3 hour time difference between the two locations. That's why you'll see Day 1, Day 2, etc., next to subheadings.

With that, I hope you enjoy.

As always, I don’t profit from these stories, but really do enjoy playing with the characters.

The Faceless Ones

Chapter 8

Day 6 - Oahu – Iolani Palace - early morning

Steve McGarrett carefully searched the faces of his team, trying to gauge their reactions. He’d explained that Janus Fielding and two other humans were responsible for the deaths of the faceless ones, and that Kioshi, a blood demon who witnessed one of those murders, confessed to killing Fielding. The video provided by Kioshi was clear evidence of the humans’ atrocity, evidence that made more than one of his team look away in disgust or horror.

The only question remaining was how to handle Fielding’s murder. Steve proposed what he and Mick had previously discussed, charging his two accomplices with Fielding’s death as well. If any of his team had a problem with that, Steve wanted to know about it. No one would be asked to go along with something that they couldn't live with.

Danny was the first to provide his opinion. “Fine by me. As far as I’m concerned, Fielding’s death was poetic justice. Those other two schmucks? They’re gonna fry anyway for what they did to the others.”

Catherine was next. “I’m with Danny. Kioshi saved the state of Hawaii the time and trouble of prosecuting Fielding. It also keeps the blood demon community safe.”

Kono followed. “I don’t know. I agree that Fielding got what he deserved, but who made Kioshi judge, jury and executioner?”

Steve had expected one of his team might balk, but he thought it would be Chin, not his cousin.

Before Steve could reply, Chin addressed Kono. “This is hard for me to admit, but after the way Malia was killed, I understand Kioshi’s actions.” An image of a wounded man collapsed against a car flashed through Chin’s mind. Killing Frank Delano in revenge for Malia’s murder wasn’t something Chin was proud of, but at the same time, didn’t really regret. “Kioshi saw innocent people being tortured and killed for reasons none of us understand, or worse, maybe just for the hell of it. Kioshi may be a blood demon, but his heart is still human. He stopped the killing of those people the only way he could and still protect his family.”

“So you’re OK with this?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean you should go along, Kono, if your heart says it’s wrong.”

Steve re-enforced that message. “Chin’s right. If you don’t think you can live with this, then we’ll find another way.”

Kono played the video again, forcing herself to watch all of it this time. “Yeah, I can live with it.”


Day 6 - LA – an unknown location

This time when Ruby woke in her cell, she felt neither weak, nor hungry, but rather wired as if she’d had way too much caffeine.
Wired or not, she knew that she’d have get out of this place soon. That second encounter with Thomas was more than a little disturbing. The pleasure aspect was still there, but there was also more pain. Then, when she told Thomas that she was being held prisoner, he clearly didn’t believe her. It was almost as if this was some kind of game, one neither of them fully understood.

This time, when her jailer arrived, she bore only a new gown, this one silk, as black as night. Ruby took the lack of food as a particularly bad sign.

No food means they don’t plan on keeping me alive much longer. Time to get out of here.

Once her jailer left, Ruby stood on the bathroom sink, finding that the ventilation grate was just within reach. If she could just get the grate off, then pull herself up…

Any further thoughts of escape disappeared when Ruby was yanked off the sink and flung to the floor. Her jailer stood above her, her eyes glittering dangerously. “You will do as I say. Get dressed.”

Ruby stood, then crossed her arms defiantly. “Make me.”

“As you wish.”

That old lady was a lot stronger than she looked.

Before she knew it, Ruby had been led back into the bedroom and stripped before the black gown was thrown over her head. The woman left briefly, returning with the two men who escorted her to the other room. This time, all three accompanied Ruby, who decided not to go quietly. Kicking and screaming, she was dragged to the bed. After her hands were tied together, her arms were raised and tied to the bedpost. Her legs were bound in a similar fashion.

“What …what are you doing? Let me go! Let me go!”

As Ruby struggled against her bonds, the three left. It wasn’t long before the door opened and Thomas entered. He appeared different somehow, almost ill, but it was the look in his eyes that worried Ruby the most.

When Thomas arrived at the establishment, he’d asked to speak with the proprietor. Since his last session with this fascinating freshie, he’d been troubled, wondering if Ruby was telling the truth about being held captive. Paying for blood from willing freshies was one thing, but taking it by force was something Thomas had done many decades ago in another lifetime, one he did his best to forget.

The proprietor invited him into her office and offered him a drink, assuring him that Ruby was a willing participant and that this kidnap/prisoner fantasy was of her own choosing. Proof was provided in the form of a signed document with Ruby’s picture acknowledging her consent to be offered as an exclusive ‘fantasy freshie’, earning 50% of whatever the winning bid was.

While Thomas scanned the rest of the document regarding limits and liabilities, the proprietor refreshed his drink, assuring him that all was in order. By the time he left the office and arrived at the room where he knew Ruby was waiting for him, Thomas was feeling a bit odd but still looking forward to whatever part of Ruby’s fantasy awaited him.

Seeing the freshie bound and struggling, Thomas approached her, the vampire within reveling in his prey’s terror.

This is the way it used to be….

“Ah…you are so beautiful, my precious Ruby. Your blood is exquisite, but it will be even more so now.”

“Please, I’m begging you, let me go! I don’t know what you think is happening here, but I’m being held against my will.”

“Of course you are.” This freshie’s fantasy was awakening dark desires in Thomas, desires that were better left dormant. As he stroked her cheek, Ruby tried to turn away from him. “No, I want you to look at me. I want you to see who I am and understand the world you’ve willingly entered.”

Thomas placed his hand over the freshie’s open mouth, silencing any protest while holding her still. Ruby’s eyes grew wide seeing him transform before her. “Shhh. I promise, this won’t hurt….much.”

As Thomas sank his fangs into her neck, the shock caused Ruby to bite down hard, but Thomas never flinched. All he felt was her warm blood flowing down his throat. Her terror made it all the sweeter, masking something foreign, something dangerous. The more he drank, the more Thomas felt as though he was losing control. Something told him to stop, but he couldn’t. Soon, Ruby hung limp, and Thomas slumped to his knees.

Shit!! What have I done?

Thomas struggled to his feet, hearing Ruby’s heartbeat slow dangerously. With great effort, he staggered to the door, finding it locked. He should have been able to break it down, but now he could barely pound on it.

The drink, there must have been something in the drink.

Thomas stumbled back to Ruby, untying first her feet, then released the rest of her bonds. Her body fell into his arms and he sat on the ground rocking her gently. “Ruby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Ruby, please, open your eyes!”

A short time later, the door opened and the proprietor entered flanked by two other vamps. “How sweet. I’d almost think you cared for her, but we both know better. To you, she’s only a freshie.”

“Who are you and what the hell have you done to me?”

“Who I am is unimportant. As for what I have done, I’ve provided you with a human whose blood you desired.” The proprietor drew near. “Didn’t you think it odd she was able to feed you so frequently? Or did it matter to you in your bloodlust that she was ready, if not entirely willing, to give you more of what you desired? How many like her have you drained and never given a second thought to?”

Thomas felt his limbs grow heavy and unresponsive. “Why have you done this?”

“That is not for me to answer.”

At that moment, Ruby’s jailer entered the room. Thomas was finding it hard to concentrate, but soon he recognized her and knew the life he had tried so hard to forget had finally caught up with him.


“Ah, I see you have not forgotten me. How long has it been? Nearly two centuries, I think.”

“I thought you were destroyed.”

“Did you? I’m surprised you gave me much thought at all, running away as you did like frightened rats.”

“We had to leave. If we hadn’t….”

“Kimiko would have had your head on a pole, in payback for what you and Lola did to her mistress.”

“We waited as long as we could, I swear.”

Ulani crouched down and slapped Thomas hard. “Liar!! Your ship was barely within sight as we stood on the shore screaming for you to return for us.” Ulani stood and looked down on her hapless victim. “Do you know what happened to those of us you left behind? Do you?”

When Thomas didn’t answer, Ulani continued. “Kimiko and her hoard hunted anyone associated with Lola. Those that were captured she tortured. Some spent nearly a week staked on the beach, starved and burned under the blazing sun by day, plagued by scavengers at night. Others were more fortunate, their destruction more swift as Kimiko’s rage cooled. A few of us managed to hide, then find our way off the island to safety, swearing vengeance on the cowards who abandoned us in their fear.”

“How many…”

“You are the fourth of Lola’s wretched hoard that I have found in this city. When you have been destroyed, we will move on in search of your cowardly comrades.”

“What…what are you going to do to me?”

“Nothing. Your fate is in your own hands. If you continue to feed from this human, you will kill her, leaving you with no sustenance. Since her blood has been laced with silver, you may actually perish first, leaving her to starve or succumb to the poison in her blood. Either way, it won’t be long now.”

Ulani motioned for the others to leave. “Like the three cowards before you, when you and your freshie are both dead, your bodies will be burned together. While yours will be reduced to ash, hers will be left for the humans to find.”


“As Kostan’s punishment for depriving me of the prey I desired most – Lola. Had I arrived sooner, I would have ended her in a much more creative and painful manner than she experienced. Her death was swift, a mercy she didn’t deserve.”

Ulani walked to the door. “My associates have been watching the police and tell me they grow close to finding us, so my little game must end prematurely. If we need to leave sooner than planned, we will torch this place and you and your precious jewel will burn together, dead or alive.”

As the door closed after Ulani, Thomas held Ruby close to him and prayed for a miracle.


Day 6 - Oahu – The ME’s office – early morning

When Max entered his office, he found Mick waiting for him. “Mr. St. John. How did you get in here?”

Mick grinned. “In my line of work, breaking and entering is useful skill. I was hoping to see you before anyone else got here.”

Without telling Max the entire story, Mick fulfilled his promise to explain the deaths of the faceless ones. “I wish I could tell you why they were chosen, other than that they were easy prey, people few would miss or care about. ” Mick then described the evidence Kioshi provided. “An eyewitness gave Steve a video, showing one of our victims being killed. After his body was burned, it was placed in a shipping container along with nine others.”

“Ah, the culprits were hoping the bodies would disappear from these shores?”

“Something like that. The eyewitness later moved the bodies to a shipping container owned by the company where the murders took place. He hoped the bodies would be found and the guilty parties punished.”

“Why did he not go to the police himself?”

“He was trying to protect his family. He knew they’d be in danger if he got involved.”

“I see….wait. You said there were only ten bodies in the shipping container. We have eleven victims…” Max began to understand. “Only ten of which are faceless ones. The other…”

Mick rose, intending to leave. “Let’s just say your eleventh victim got what he deserved.”

Max rose as well and extended his hand. “Mr. St. John. Because of your efforts, no other faceless ones need fear such a horrible fate. The spirits of our murder victims may at last find peace and mine will no longer be troubled. Thank you.”

Mick smiled and shook the ME’s hand, then left.

Afterward, Max grinned as his right hand gradually warmed. “I knew it! They do exist!”


Day 6 - Josef’s Office - afternoon

The Head Cleaner stood rigid, her eyes flashing. “How many?”

Josef glanced at Beth before he answered. “Possibly four. Piecing together what Beth has learned with Ryder’s findings, we think there’s a vamp out for revenge and she’s using humans as bait.”


“This may be a presumption on my part, but we could be dealing with Lola. She always was a sore loser.”

“Tell me what you know. Whoever is behind this is putting us all at risk.”

“Three vamps in our community have gone missing. And before you ask, they haven’t disappeared due to imminent discovery, they’ve just disappeared. We’ve been able to track the whereabouts of one of them to Lola’s former club.”

Beth interjected. “A man named Janus Fielding bought the property for Lola. When Club Valis closed, it remained vacant until a few months ago, but it isn’t clear if Fielding sold it or he’s just letting someone use it.”

“What about this Fielding? Perhaps he could enlighten us.”

Josef described Fielding’s fate on Oahu. “While a vamp is responsible for his death, it was only to keep Fielding from killing more humans beyond the ten he’d already murdered. Mick is trying to get the human authorities to not blame or involve the vamp community there.”

“What evidence do you have that this club is where vampire and human are being slaughtered?”

Beth handed the Cleaner a business card for the limo company, the one that bore a vampire’s scent. “The scent on this card matches the one on the bodies of the murdered humans. The name of the limo company also seems to fit - Obsidian Limo.”

The Cleaner turned to Josef. “This will be difficult. That club is surrounded by other businesses. My people can’t go in unarmed and we can’t very well storm the place, either.”

Before Josef could answer, he got a call on his emergency number. “We’ve got a bigger problem. It seems the cops got wind of where Ruby might be and have surrounded Club Valis.”

The Cleaner swore. “If they enter the building and find evidence of our kind…”

“That’s unlikely. The building is on fire.”


Day 6 - Oahu – early morning

After Mick left the ME’s office, he stopped by 5-0 headquarters to say good-bye. In a private conversation with Steve, he indicated that Max would likely go along with whatever version of truth Steve came up with. Steve, in turn, informed Mick that his team was willing to let Fielding’s assistants be charged with his death as well. As soon as a judge issued a warrant, 5-0 and HPD were going to descend on Onyx Specialty and look for additional evidence of criminal activity.

Later, Mick exchanged some friendly banter with Danny and received hugs from both Catherine and Kono. Chin, however, held back and Mick feared that while he hadn’t damaged Steve’s relationship with Catherine, he might have damaged the one with Chin. Seeing the two needed a private conversation, Steve asked the others into his office.

When they were alone, Chin approached Mick. “When you told us what you were, I wasn’t very professional or polite about it. I let my own fears and prejudice cloud my judgment. I’ve been on the receiving end of that and know what it feels like.” Chin offered his hand. “I owe you an apology.”

Mick grasped Chin’s hand. “No, you don’t. You were just being honest.” Mick grinned. “After all, you’re only human.”

A short time later, Mick found himself alone with Kimiko in her private chamber. Kimiko was always difficult to read, but Mick thought her quite relaxed as she greeted him.

“I see that you are preparing to leave us. Naboro has informed me that Akemi and her son will remain on Kauai for a few days. He also said you brought McGarrett with you and that he was pleased with how the human conducted himself.”

“McGarrett’s no fool; he knew Naboro would have had his head if he didn’t show respect.”

“True. What will McGarrett do now?”

“With the evidence Kioshi provided, McGarrett will make sure the humans who murdered the faceless ones pay for what they did.”

“What of Kioshi?”

“The evidence shows humans killing their own kind. McGarrett has agreed not to involve Kioshi.”

Kimiko nodded her approval. “This is good. You have done your family a great service, my son.”

“Kioshi did the only thing he could to stop the slaughter of the faceless ones. But you knew that, even before I got here. My guess is that ‘business’ you were tending to was on Kauai, talking with Kioshi. The story you told about Natsumi? That was your way of pointing me to Kauai, knowing I’d find Kioshi there.”

Kimiko merely inclined her head, neither confirming nor denying Mick’s accusation.

“Kioshi spent two centuries trying to help humans, swearing he’d never take a life. I know what it’s like to have to break a promise like that. You should be proud of him.”

“I am proud of him and of Akemi as well.”

Mick started to say something, then thought better of it. He’d already pushed his luck accusing Kimiko of manipulation.

Kimiko sensed his hesitation. “Do not fear to speak, my son.”

“One thing I don’t get. Why Akemi? She’s got a lot to learn to be a shisha and about as different from Tadashi as you can get.”

“All of us, no matter how old or wise must continue to learn. Indeed, Tadashi served me well as shisha for many years, but his own selfish ambitions nearly destroyed us all. His heart was not pure, nor, in truth, is mine. Akemi’s heart is.”

Sensing Mick still didn’t understand, Kimiko continued. “The last time you were here, I observed your relationship with Josef. In contrast to him, you are quite young and innocent. You haven’t lost the connection with human ways and feelings, a critical skill if we are to survive among them. You are quite different from Josef, yet the bond between you is strong and I sense neither would ever betray the other. That is the lesson I learned and so I chose Akemi. After more than two centuries, she is the most loyal and innocent of my family and one with the purest heart. We will learn from each other.”

When Kimiko rose, Mick knew that was his cue to leave. “One final question – have you ever played poker?”

Kimiko smiled. “My favorite game.”

“Do us both a favor. Teach Akemi to play.”


Day 6 – LA – Club Valis - afternoon

Smoke and flame billowed from the windows of the former Club Valis, a fitting end to a place that had caused so much pain and suffering.

Carl Davis stood across the street, coughing occasionally as the acrid smoke drifted towards him. Not far away, EMTs worked on an unconscious woman. Her ashen face, smudged in soot and blood, was a stark contrast to her black nightgown. Carl found the EMTs’ demeanor reminiscent of those who once tried to save Josh. Now as then, they were focused, disciplined, not letting their faces reflect their emotions or their patients chances of survival.

After kicking Beth out of the precinct the day before, Carl focused his efforts on finding out about Janus Fielding, silently cursing the former reporter for her subterfuge. Why had she kept the information about the murders on Oahu from him? Did her precious exposé mean that much to her?

‘Carl, please, listen. The more the police on Oahu uncovered about their murders, the less they had in common with ours. I thought it would be better to stay focused on finding Ruby.’

No, Carl knew Beth well enough that she’d never put someone’s life at risk for the sake of a stupid story. He could tell from her voice and eyes that she was sincere in her belief. But that wasn’t her call. Beth should have told him about Fielding and the other murders. If she had, maybe they would have found Ruby sooner.

Carl and a few others worked through the night hoping to find something to lead them to Ruby. The various limo services were contacted, but provided no leads. Carl focused on Janus Fielding, finding that he worked primarily out of LA, but had made several trips to Oahu in the last couple years. That alone wasn’t enough to link the two series of murders; people travelled between LA and the islands all the time. Digging deeper, he learned that Fielding had purchased real estate in LA a few years back for a company based in Oahu, Onyx Specialty, which formed at least a tenuous connection with the murders there. When the detective found out what that property had become, he swore.

It was a hunch, but with Ruby’s time running out, it was one Carl had to play.

After a quick explanation to the chief, Carl was given the go ahead to take a team and discreetly surrounded Club Valis, hoping not to tip off Ruby’s captors of their presence. Finding a limousine parked behind the club confirmed the detective’s hunch that this was where the young woman was being held.

Having been in Club Valis before, Carl briefed the other officers on the layout. With the main entrance below street level, storming the building was going to be tough, but it would be tougher for anyone trying to escape. Before they could move in, one of the officers noticed smoke coming out of the building.

The fire department was called, but Carl and several officers entered Club Valis, hoping to rescue whoever might be in there before the fire spread. Just before they were forced to retreat, they found the room where Ruby and an unknown man lay on the floor. Carl and another officer removed Ruby while others followed, dragging the man with them. Both were carried to safety, but the EMTs who arrived shortly afterward indicated that the man was already dead. Ruby, however, was clinging to life by a thread.

Now, Carl stood alone, second-guessing himself, wondering if they had done all they could, or if it would have made a difference if they had found Ruby sooner. The detective removed his soot covered jacket, wondering about the man they found with her. He’d been holding Ruby close, as if to shield her from the smoke and flames. Had he been Ruby’s captor or attempted savior? The only way they’d ever know is if Ruby told them and Carl wasn’t sure that was ever going to happen.

The ambulance finally pulled away, sirens wailing, a sign that Ruby was still alive. Soon after, the fire chief called his men out of the building as the flames grew beyond their control. Besides Ruby and the unknown man, no other victims had been found before they were forced to withdraw. If anyone else was still in there, they were most certainly dead. As Carl watched Club Valis collapse onto itself, flames shooting into the sky, he imagined the devil himself reaching out from hell to reclaim his own.


Day 7 - LA – evening

When Mick returned to LA, Josef was waiting for him at the airport. Mick had tried to call Beth when they landed but the calls kept going straight to voicemail. Between not being able to contact his wife and his friend’s somber demeanor, the younger vampire started to panic.

“Where’s Beth?”

“Relax, Mick. Beth’s fine. She’s at the hospital, sitting with Ruby, our fourth victim.” On the way to the hospital, Josef filled Mick in on what they’d found at Club Valis. “When we heard the cops were closing in, the Cleaner had her people surround the block, discreetly, of course. The vamps running this little game have disappeared, all except one who didn’t escape the Cleaner’s net. Right now, the Cleaner is ‘interviewing’ her, trying to find out just what the hell this was all about. She’s also got the vamp who was found with Ruby, one Thomas Morton, undergoing treatment. Seems whoever was behind this drama used silver tainted blood to poison their victims, human and vampire alike.”

“That explains where the tainted blood from the faceless ones went.”

“So it would appear, although it seems more…complicated… than necessary. Why not use LA’s faceless ones instead? God knows there are enough of them.”

“If Lola is behind this, maybe she’s worried we’d figure it out too soon if she stayed local.”

“Possibly. When he’s able, the Cleaner will set up a little chat with Mr. Morton and ourselves. Perhaps then we’ll get some answers.”

“How is Ruby?”

“On death’s door and frankly, it would be better for all of us if she went through it.”

“That’s why you look like shit. If Ruby dies, we’re safe. If she survives, she’ll tell the world about us…”

“You know that’s something I can’t allow. After her ordeal, I can’t see her being sympathetic to the tribe, not that I’d blame her.” Josef grew somber. “She can’t live, Mick. One way or another, Ruby has to die.”

“Does Beth know?”

“I haven’t told her, if that’s what you mean. Beth isn’t stupid, only idealistic. Deep down, she realizes the danger to us, but thinks she can influence Ruby. That’s a chance I’m not willing to take.”

“What’s your plan?”

“First, drop you off at the hospital. Beth needs you now; what happened to Ruby has hit her hard for many reasons. Once you assess Ruby’s chances of pulling through, call me. After that, I’ll handle things.” Josef paused. “Helluva homecoming after all you did on Oahu.”

“I take it you’ve talked with Kimiko.”

“Yes, and if she thought highly of you before, she holds you in even higher regard now. Knowing her as I do, that’s quite impressive.”

Mick snorted. “You don’t know her half as well as you think, Josef. Kimiko is the most manipulative person I’ve ever met, human or vamp.”

“True, but most of the time, she’s that way to protect her family. Just like I have to be sneaky, devious and underhanded from time to time.”

“Only from time to time?”

“Figure of speech, you know.”

“Listen, Josef. If you value your undead life, don’t ever let Kimiko know about your past relationship with Lola.”


“Trust me, unless you want your head on a pole, just don’t.”


Day 7 - LA – City of Angels Hospital – night

Even before he reached Ruby’s hospital room, Beth knew that her mate had returned. For the first time in days, the aching emptiness she felt began to ease. Yet even Mick’s presence couldn’t lessen her pain as she watched Ruby’s still form, her life sustained by the various machines surrounding her. Ruby’s room was under police guard, but her parents had given Beth permission to sit with their daughter while they conferred with the doctors.

When Mick arrived, he folded his wife into his arms, kissing her softly. “How’s Ruby doing?” The question was a formality; the various monitors attached to Ruby told Mick all he needed to know.

“She hasn’t regained consciousness and the doctors don’t think she ever will. They’ve given her transfusions, but between the silver in her blood and the fire, not enough oxygen got to her brain.”

“I’m sorry, Beth. Not just for Ruby but that you had to be a part of this.”

“This isn’t fair, Mick. Ruby had her whole life ahead of her. Just because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time, she’ll never get to fall in love or grow old or do any of those things she was supposed to. Ruby and the other three victims had family who loved and missed them, but they were as faceless to whoever did this as the Oahu victims were to Fielding.”

Before Mick could respond, Carl Davis entered the room. While Mick was unaware of the falling out between his wife and the detective, there was obvious tension between them.

Carl acknowledged Mick with a curt nod. “You close your case?”

“Yeah, we found solid evidence that a guy named Janus Fielding and two others murdered those people.”

“Why’d they’d do it?”

“Greed, basically. The victims were getting sick because of their working conditions. Fielding was afraid his factory would be shut down if anyone found out. He figured it was safer to kill them, then destroy the bodies. His accomplices later turned on him, killing him like the others.”

Carl merely nodded, believing now what Beth had tried to tell him – that the motive for the Oahu murders had little in common with those he was investigating. Turning his attention to Ruby, he simply sighed. “The doctors say Ruby had silver in her blood, just like those people who died from that drug we found at Club Valis a few years ago.”

“You think there’s a connection with Black Crystal?”

“Possibly. From what I saw when we found Ruby, her abductors might have wanted her and the other three for sex purposes, not ransom like we were thinking. If they had some past connection to the club or that damned drug, maybe they gave it to their victims to make them compliant. Maybe they gave them too much.”

Mick finished the thought. “And like Fielding, burned the bodies to get rid of evidence.”

“Yeah, something like that.” Carl turned his attention back to Ruby. “I just wish we had gotten to her sooner...”

Beth reached out to the detective. “Carl, I’m sorry…I know you think this is my fault.”

“It is, but not entirely. I brought you in on this. I’m as much to blame as anyone.”

Before Mick could come to his wife’s defense, Phillip and Grace Radcliff entered the room. Grace went over to sit by her daughter’s side, unable to control her tears.

Phillip explained to the others. “We’ve talked with the doctors and they’ve told us that there’s no hope for our daughter. Even if by some miracle she opens her eyes again, she’ll be in a vegetative state. That’s not what Ruby would have wanted, to spend what could be decades hooked up to machines that only keep her alive, but not let her live. My wife and I have agreed to terminate …”

Phillip choked, unable to put into words what no parent should ever have to do. Shaking his head, he went and sat on the other side of Ruby’s bed, holding one of her hands while his wife held the other.

When a minister and doctor arrived, Mick, Beth and Carl left Ruby’s room closing the door behind them. It wasn’t long before sounds of the life support equipment ceased soon followed by that of Ruby’s heartbeat. Only the sobs of her heartbroken parents filled the stillness surrounding their now lifeless daughter.

As Beth began to cry, Mick drew her into his arms again, hoping to give her some comfort. Carl, however, just walked away without saying a word. He’d had cases that didn’t end well before, but this one hurt more than most. He’d told himself that if Beth had been honest with him, Ruby might have been saved. But deep in his heart, he knew that wasn’t true. The silver in that poor girl’s system had already done its damage. Eventually, he’d patch things up with Beth, just not tonight. Tonight, he was going home and pour himself a stiff drink and shed his own tears for Ruby.


Day 8 - Oahu – afternoon

The Hawaiian sky was a brilliant blue, without a cloud in sight. The members of 5-0 gathered on the beach, accompanied by a handful of others. Out on the water, a priest chanted, praying that the spirits of these dead find peace in the sea’s warm embrace. In the outriggers were ten others, including Max, who had arranged for the ash scattering of the faceless ones. At the appointed time, the ashes were gently poured into the water. Soon after, leis were placed on the water’s surface, a tribute to those who had lived and died in obscurity. Their names were now known and would never be forgotten, not if Max had anything to say about it.

Afterward, Max and members of 5-0 gathered at Steve’s house to share a few beers. The case had been a difficult one, but in the end, those responsible had been arrested and were facing a myriad of charges. If justice prevailed, they’d be in prison for the rest of their lives.

After a while, Danny, Kono and Chin left. Before Max departed, Steve thanked him for all his hard work on the case and for arranging the ceremony for the murder victims.

“It was my privilege, Commander. As I told Mr. St. John, an orphan such as myself could very well have ended up as a faceless one, had not my adoptive parents brought me into their home.”

Catherine added. “I’m sure those poor souls appreciate that someone cared enough to give them a beautiful funeral.”

As Max stood to leave, he turned to Steve. “Commander, any time Mr. St. John wishes to aid in a future investigation, he will be most welcome in my office.”

Based on Max’s prior interactions with the PI, this surprised Steve. “Thanks, Max, but I don’t think Mick will be back anytime soon. He’s not a big fan of tropical heat.”

“That does not surprise me. If he does return, I would be pleased to free up some room in the morgue should he need to chill out.”

Steve blinked, not knowing if the ME was being literal or not. “Uh…I’ll let him know that.”

After Max left, Catherine voiced her lover’s thoughts. “Do you think he knows about Mick?”

“With Max, it’s hard to know. I’m pretty sure Mick didn’t tell him.”

Catherine grew thoughtful. “You know, Mick was worried he’d hurt my relationship with you once I found out what he was. He thought I might react the same way Danny did.”

“Really? Obviously, he doesn’t know you like I do. To be fair, Mick scared the hell out Danny when he showed him the vampire’s face. Danny wasn’t ready for that.”

“I was ready, and I all I felt was sadness for him.”

“When did he …”

“The other night. We were just talking and he told me that he helps people now to make up for things he did in the past. He said he was a monster once. I told him I didn’t believe him, that we all do things we regret. Monsters wouldn’t regret anything.”

When Steve looked away and didn’t answer, Catherine feared her attempt to draw her lover out had failed. Before he became too reticent, she decided to change the subject. “So, Commander, what do you want to do for the rest of the night? If you’re going to have everyone over here for that charity poker game, we have to get some things…”

Steve drew Catherine into his arms, silencing her with a deep kiss. “Got a better idea.”

“Do I get to eat first?”

“Yes. Yes, you do. In fact, I’m going to take you out to wherever you want to go.”

“What are you up to, Steve?”

“I’m not up to anything, Catherine. Can’t a guy just take his girl out once in a while?”

“So I’m your girl, huh?”

Catherine’s playful banter was meant to lighten the mood, but only filled Steve with even more doubts about just how serious she wanted their relationship to be. Maybe tonight they’d just stick to dinner and forego the conversation he’d planned about their future together. It had been a long week and there’d be plenty of time for that conversation later. “Was that politically incorrect of me?”

“Yeah, sort of.” Catherine returned the kiss. “But you know what? I don’t care.”
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 8 (PG13) Chall 140 8/25/14

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Oh my goodness that chapter was chock full of info! Lots of ends tied up. I really liked Kimeko explaining that she picked Akemi as her shisha, when Akemi seems so young and inexperienced, because of what Kimeko witnessed between Josef and Mick.

Oh, poor Ruby didn't make it. I hate to say it, but I agree with Josef that it was probably best for all concerned. :bmoon:

Mick was successful in convincing Carl that the two cases were unrelated. :phew:

And Beth is back in Mick's arms. But Steve isn't going to get that chance to tell Catherine, is he?

Oh, and Max seemed delighted to figure out that blood demons not only exist, but that Mick is one of them! How nice of him to offer his morgue for any future visits of Mick! :snicker:

Only one more chapter to go? Bummer. But thank you so much for this terrific one!

:twothumbs: :thanks:
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 8 (PG13) Chall 140 8/25/14

Post by allegrita »

Ooh, I was on the edge of my seat for nearly the whole chapter! :gasp: What a thrill ride. I'm so sorry poor Ruby didn't make it. :hankie: I have a feeling that Thomas and Ruby might have really hit it off had they met under different circumstances. I hope he survives to tell the story of that old betrayal. Kimiko would be very interested to hear about that, I'm sure! :chin:

Steve's not quite as self-assured as he lets on, is he? :comfort2: He's not quite able to tell Cath the truth about his feelings yet. Those two dance around each other too much. They need to be honest with each other. Unfortunately, as we know, that honesty will come a little late. :sigh:

I'm glad Carl is rethinking what happened with Beth. I'd hate for their friendship to end over this. It wasn't her fault. But he needs to get over the case first. Too bad Beth can't apologize over a plate of cochinita pibil. :winky:

I really liked Kimiko's explanation of why she chose Akemi. It makes lots of sense. And I would love to watch her teaching Akemi to play poker! :teeth:

And yay, Max! :highfive: I knew he would be cool with the idea of Mick being a vampire. :thumbs:

I'm really looking forward to the final chapter! :hyper2: :hyper2:
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 8 (PG13) Chall 140 8/25/14

Post by darkstarrising »

MickLifeCrisis wrote:Oh my goodness that chapter was chock full of info! Lots of ends tied up. I really liked Kimeko explaining that she picked Akemi as her shisha, when Akemi seems so young and inexperienced, because of what Kimeko witnessed between Josef and Mick.

Oh, poor Ruby didn't make it. I hate to say it, but I agree with Josef that it was probably best for all concerned. :bmoon:

Mick was successful in convincing Carl that the two cases were unrelated. :phew:

And Beth is back in Mick's arms. But Steve isn't going to get that chance to tell Catherine, is he?

Oh, and Max seemed delighted to figure out that blood demons not only exist, but that Mick is one of them! How nice of him to offer his morgue for any future visits of Mick! :snicker:

Only one more chapter to go? Bummer. But thank you so much for this terrific one!

:twothumbs: :thanks:
Thanks, MLC :hug: Yeah, only one more chapter, but I find that shorter stories keep me focused.

Ruby's ending is sad, but would have been worse if Josef had to have someone kill her. But Ruby's story isn't over quite yet :devil:

Mick and Beth's love is something that Steve would like to have with Catherine, but like Mick, he drags his feet about telling her. We all know what happened, and that will be reflected in the final chapter.

Max is a geek at heart, and I say that as a compliment. He's into superheroes, so I thought he might know a thing or two about supernatural beings as well. Wonder if he's ever going to let anyone know that he knows about Mick?
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 8 (PG13) Chall 140 8/25/14

Post by darkstarrising »

allegrita wrote:Ooh, I was on the edge of my seat for nearly the whole chapter! :gasp: What a thrill ride. I'm so sorry poor Ruby didn't make it. :hankie: I have a feeling that Thomas and Ruby might have really hit it off had they met under different circumstances. I hope he survives to tell the story of that old betrayal. Kimiko would be very interested to hear about that, I'm sure! :chin:

Steve's not quite as self-assured as he lets on, is he? :comfort2: He's not quite able to tell Cath the truth about his feelings yet. Those two dance around each other too much. They need to be honest with each other. Unfortunately, as we know, that honesty will come a little late. :sigh:

I'm glad Carl is rethinking what happened with Beth. I'd hate for their friendship to end over this. It wasn't her fault. But he needs to get over the case first. Too bad Beth can't apologize over a plate of cochinita pibil. :winky:

I really liked Kimiko's explanation of why she chose Akemi. It makes lots of sense. And I would love to watch her teaching Akemi to play poker! :teeth:

And yay, Max! :highfive: I knew he would be cool with the idea of Mick being a vampire. :thumbs:

I'm really looking forward to the final chapter! :hyper2: :hyper2:
Thanks, Alle :hug: Glad you've enjoyed the story so far. Final chapter will be up Thursday.

There are a lot of similarities between Mick and Steve when it comes to sharing their feelings with the women they love. Mick was terrified of hurting Beth (remember the difficult, dangerous and complicated talk), but eventually he overcame his fears. Steve isn't there yet, and yes, Lenkov left us thinking Steve waited too long, something I won't contradict in this story. But there's always hope, isn't there?

Carl has been haunted by this case, and right now, he's taking his frustration out on Beth. But he's known her too long to think she held out on him for any selfish purpose. If he knew the real reason, he'd thank her.

I would love to see Kimiko teach Akemi to play poker as well, but I worry about what else she will teach her ('we will learn from each other'). :gasp:
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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