The Faceless Ones - Chapter 7 (PG13) Chall 140 8/21/14

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The Faceless Ones - Chapter 7 (PG13) Chall 140 8/21/14

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi, all. :wave:

With the start of the new season and SOTB still weeks away, the muse, not being a patient soul, decided to write her own story. ‘The Faceless Ones’ is a continuation of the first two stories in the Moonlight / H50 crossover series, in answer to Challenge 140. Like the first two, ‘The Long Journey Home’ and ‘Affairs of the Heart’, ‘The Faceless Ones’ is fairly short (9 chapters, all of which are written).

All 9 chapters will be posted before SOTB occurs. For those of you who watch H50, ‘The Faceless Ones’ takes place between episodes 4.20 (when Danny kids McGarrett about not knowing where Catherine is. His reply is ‘she’s visiting friends on the mainland’) and 4.21 where McGarrett and Catherine go to Afghanistan.

From the first six chapters, there are horrific murders in both LA and on Oahu that bear remarkable similarity. Mick has flown to Oahu, fearing that the murderer there is a vampire, while Beth remains in LA to help Carl with the LA murders. In LA, three out of town missing persons have been found dead. A fourth, Ruby, is unaccounted for and has just awakened to find herself being auctioned to people who drink blood. While efforts step up to find Ruby in LA, discoveries are made about who the people murdered on Oahu were and how they differed from the victims in LA. In the last chapter, Ruby, has had her first encounter with a vampire who thinks she's a freshie. In this chapter, Mick learns who was responsible for the murders on Oahu, while Beth tries to steer Carl clear of danger as they get closer to finding Ruby.

A/N - Since the action in this story bounces back and forth between LA and Oahu, I nearly went insane trying to keep track of time of day or even what day it was, since there is a 3 hour time difference between the two locations. That's why you'll see Day 1, Day 2, etc., next to subheadings.

With that, I hope you enjoy.

As always, I don’t profit from these stories, but really do enjoy playing with the characters.

The Faceless Ones

Chapter 7

Day 5 - Oahu – late afternoon

After a long but productive night, Mick spent most of the day recovering in the icy comfort of his freezer. He knew working in the island heat was going to be difficult, but it seems the climate wasn’t the only problem. Kimiko’s explanation was enlightening; his separation from Beth was contributing to his discomfort and would only worsen over time. With the clock ticking on Ruby and his need to return to Beth, Mick rose sooner than he would have liked.

After fortifying himself with more blood than usual, Mick headed downtown to bring McGarrett up to speed with what he’d learned the night before. Steve might not have much of a problem with those discoveries, but the rest of his team might.

Kimiko has put me in between a rock and a hard place, and Steve might find himself there as well. Why? Damned if I know. Kimiko seemed pretty confident we’d find Kioshi, meaning she knows a lot more than she’s letting on. But why all the game playing? Why not just come out and tell me?

Before talking with McGarrett, Mick wanted to see if Max could provide any information about the clinic’s staff, hoping that someone of Kioshi’s description worked there. When Mick arrived at the morgue, Max’s yellow Camaro was just pulling into the parking lot.

“Good afternoon, Mr. St. John. Is there something I can help you with?”

“Maybe. Can you tell me a little more about the staff at the clinic? Not just the doctors and nurses but anyone else who helps out.”

Max noticed that his visitor was clearly uncomfortable in the hot afternoon sun. “Perhaps we should continue this conversation in my office, where I’m sure you’ll be more comfortable.” The discussion continued as the two made their way into the building. “You think our killer is associated with the clinic? I would find that most incredible, not to mention quite disturbing.”

“Not necessarily. I’m just looking for something that’s missing in our investigation.”

“Ah, like a puzzle piece?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

Max sat down behind his desk and thought for a moment. “Most of the clinic’s staff are associated with one of the hospitals on the island. A few, however, have come out of retirement from their private practices to help whenever they can. I believe I am the only medical examiner to volunteer there.”

“Has the staff changed any in the last six months or so?”

Again, Max paused as if reviewing a mental list. “Nooo, not that I can recall. You have to understand, Mr. St. John, people volunteer whenever their schedules permit. It is possible that someone may not be available for a week or two, perhaps even longer.”

“OK, last question, then I’ll get out of your hair. Is there staff member who prefers to work late hours?”

“Not that I can think of….wait. There is one doctor who tends to work late, so we rarely cross paths. From what I understand, he is quite skilled in both modern medicine and ancient healing techniques, which some of the older patients prefer.” Max picked up a folder and flipped through its contents. “If I recall correctly, he is also the one who determined that several of our victims suffered from silver poisoning. Ah, yes. Here it is. Dr. Hideki Sato.”

Not even Mick could hide his surprise. “Silver poisoning? When did you find this out?”

“This morning. I was just returning from conveying my results to Commander McGarrett and his team. Has he not informed you?”

“No, but I’ve been kinda hard to reach. Can you describe Dr. Sato and tell me where I can find him?”

Max gave Mick the description, matching one that Akemi gave of her son. “I’m sorry, Mr. St. John, but I have no knowledge of Dr. Sato’s current whereabouts. What I do know is that he hasn’t been at the clinic for several months.”

“Thanks, Max. You’ve been a great help.”

As Mick started to leave, Max asked him to wait. “That is the second time today I’ve been told as much with little explanation as to how. Mr. St. John, when you find out who is responsible for this despicable crime, as I’m sure you will, please explain to me why these people died so horribly. Their spirits are not at rest, and my own is troubled.”

“I will, Max. I promise. Anything else?”

“Tell me the real reason you can sense things the way that you do.”

Mick hesitated; having Steve’s people know about his kind was one thing, but Max? The ME was just a little too quirky for Mick’s comfort. “I can’t promise that. If I told you, it might put others in danger. Do you understand?”

Max nodded. “Yes, Mr. St. John, I believe I do.”


Day 5 - Oahu – Iolani Palace - late afternoon

Mick had no sooner left the ME’s office when Steve called asking him to come to the Palace. When Mick arrived, more than a few heads turned as he made his way toward 5-0’s offices. He told Steve and the others what he’d just learned from Max then addressed the issue of silver poisoning.

“You’re right – if a vampire drank enough silver-tainted blood, it would eventually kill him.”

Danny queried. “Eventually? How soon is eventually?”

“It depends. If a vamp drinks a small amount of tainted blood, he won’t feel so good and the silver will hinder his body’s ability to heal, for a while anyway.”

Kono was next. “I don’t understand. What does blood have to do with healing?”

“I can’t give you a scientific answer, but think of blood as a vampire’s version of food. If a human ate poisoned food, he’d get sick. If he ate a lot of it, his body wouldn’t able to counter the poison’s effects and he’d die. Same thing happens if he doesn’t eat at all.”

Before Kono could start peppering Mick with questions again, Steve brought the discussion back to solving the murders of the faceless ones. “OK, for the sake of argument, let’s say our killer is human. Danny and Chin raised a couple of questions earlier that maybe you can answer, like how a blood demon’s scent got on the victims’ bodies and what happened to their tainted blood.”

Mick shrugged. “Maybe the blood got dumped or was sold on the black market, but I guarantee no vamp is going to drink it. As for how a blood demon’s scent got on our victims’ bodies, I have an theory.” Mick then filled Steve’s team in on what he and Akemi had learned the night before. “We verified that the blood demon scent on the bodies is the same as one we found in the clinic. Akemi also identified the blood demon and before you ask, I can’t tell you, not until I find him.”

Chin was skeptical. “What makes you think you can find one blood demon on Oahu quickly?”

“Max said a doctor who I think is our blood demon hasn’t been to the clinic in about three months. Piecing that together with other information I’ve gotten, my guess is he’s not on Oahu. Tonight, I’m going to the island where I’m pretty sure he’s hiding.”

Steve locked eyes with Mick. “OK, but I’m going with you.”

“I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.”

“Doesn’t matter. I have a responsibility to find out what happened to those people in the morgue. Human or blood demon, someone is going to answer for their deaths.”

Reluctantly, Mick agreed. “Meet me at the airport at 6. If all goes well, we’ll be back in a few hours.”

That got Danny’s attention. “And if all doesn’t go well?”

“You might never see either of us again.”


Day 5 – LAPD - late afternoon

When Beth arrived at the precinct, she was told Carl was in a private conference with the parents of a murder victim. She decided to wait at his desk, knowing that dealing with heartbroken families was one of those things the detective hated about his job, especially if it involved a crying woman. While he’d be sympathetic, he’d try to keep the conversation brief.

While she was waiting, a middle aged couple arrived asking for Lt. Davis. Beth told them he’d be a few minutes, then rolled two chairs over and offered them to the couple. The man declined, preferring to pace, but the distraught woman gratefully accepted.

“I can’t take much more of this. Lt. Davis told us not to come to LA until he had something concrete on our daughter, Ruby, but we couldn’t stand staying at home any longer.”

Beth tried to be reassuring. “Believe me, Lt. Davis is doing everything he can. The LAPD has put a lot of manpower and effort on finding your daughter.”

“You’re familiar with the case? Do you work for the police?”

Beth extended her hand. “My name is Beth St. John. I’ve worked with the DA’s office in the past and am helping Lt. Davis now in whatever way I can.”

While her husband continued to pace, the woman shook Beth’s hand. “I’m Grace Radcliff and that’s my husband, Phillip. Ruby is our only child and we’re terrified something awful has happened to her.”

Before Beth could ask the Radcliffs anything, Carl emerged from the conference room with the parents of Kevin Lambert, the investment banker from Virginia. When he spotted Beth talking to the parents of the fourth missing person, he was clearly annoyed.

On a hunch, Beth asked the Radcliffs if they recognized the couple with Carl.

Grace Radcliff shook her head. “No, should we?”

By that time, Carl arrived at his desk. “I’m sorry to keep you waiting…”

“Do you have any news about Ruby?”

“No, but I assure you we’re doing everything we can.”

Phillip Radcliff pointed to the departing Lamberts. “Who are those people? Your associate asked if we knew them.”

Carl sighed; lying to the Radcliffs wouldn’t do any good, but he was going to limit the truth. “Their son was murdered a few days ago. We were arranging for the release of his body.”

Phillip paled, then collapsed into an empty chair next to his wife.

Beth knew that Carl was trying to spare the Radcliffs as much as he could so she shifted the discussion back onto their daughter. “Can you tell us why Ruby was in LA and when you last talked with her?”

Her mother answered. “We last talked about a week ago. She’d been visiting some friends in San Bernardino and was getting ready to come home. Ruby had an early morning flight, so she decided to stay at a hotel close to the airport the night before she returned. When I talked with her, she sounded fine, just fine.”

“Did she say she was going out before she went to her hotel?”

“No, not that I can remember. Why?”

Carl decided to share just a bit more of what they knew, hoping to jog a memory. “We have information placing your daughter on a street in east LA, which is quite a ways from the airport. Not the best of neighborhoods, either. Any idea why she’d be there?”

The distraught parents looked at each other before Phillip answered. “No. You have to understand the kind of person our daughter is. She’s very focused and methodical – if she said she was going to her hotel, that’s where she was planning to go.”

Grace continued. “Ruby is very much like her father; she’s a problem solver. No challenge is too great and even if things don’t come out the way she expects, she adapts and learns from the experience.”

Beth queried. “What about her inheritance? From what I understand, Ruby is to come into some serious money when she turns 25.”

“Actually, she already has access to some of it. When Ruby was born, we wanted her to grow up to be responsible, and not think she could skate through life because we were wealthy. That’s why we set the inheritance age at 25, hoping by then she’d have demonstrated that she was a conscientious, hard working person. When she graduated with honors from college, we decided to give her half of her inheritance then. She was to receive the rest of it when she finished graduate school.” Grace paused, trying to keep her emotions in check. “Right now, I’d give every last penny we have just to get our daughter back.”

Phillip took his wife’s hand in his and after providing the name of Ruby’s hotel, Carl urged them to return to their own hotel to await word and get some rest.

After the Radcliffs left, Carl rounded on Beth. “What the hell did you think you were doing talking to those two without me?”

“Helping you find Ruby.”

“Listen, Beth. I know I brought you in on this, but if the chief finds out….”

“If we find Ruby, he won’t care who you brought in and will probably give you a medal.” Beth paused, embarrassed for snapping at her friend. Between the separation from Mick and knowing Ruby was running out of time was making her tense. “Carl, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

The detective took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. “Hey, don’t worry. This case has us all on edge.”

“Did you learn anything from Lambert’s parents?”

“Yeah. Seems Lambert and all of our victims were here visiting friends in the area. In Lambert’s case, he delayed his trip for business reasons.”

Beth thought out loud. “So, if these people were being specifically targeted, his change in plans might have been a problem. But it wasn’t. What does that tell you, if anything?”

“That there’s no connection among them, other than they were wealthy and visiting friends near LA.”

“Which means their kidnappers had to have done some homework on their victims, targeting those with money.”

Not to mention those with a rare blood type, but that’s something you don’t need to know.

Civilian or not, Carl knew he could use Beth’s help if they were to find Ruby. “Listen, I’m going to Ruby’s hotel. Maybe we can find something that’ll help us. Want to come along?”

Beth agreed, accepting the olive branch that was being offered.

A short time later, the pair arrived at Ruby’s airport hotel. The hotel manager verified that she had checked in at about 6 pm, requested a 4 am wake-up call and checked out around 5:00 am. While she made no other calls using the hotel’s phone system, she was picked up by a limo. Which limo company, the manager couldn’t say.

Carl asked if any of the other three victims had stayed at that hotel. The manager checked, finding one of them, Chloe Simons, had indeed been a guest two weeks ago and had also checked out early.

Beth turned to Carl. “It’s beginning to make a little more sense now. All of the victims lived in the eastern part of the country, so they stayed at a hotel near the airport the night before to catch an early morning flight home.”

Carl shook his head. “It’s a start, but since we don’t know which limo company picked them up, we can’t find out where they took Ruby.” Carl then filled Beth in on what he’d learned from the surveillance videos, unaware that Beth had already seen those same videos in Josef’s office. “I’m still trying to get another angle on the car, hoping to catch a license plate, but I’m not having much luck.”

“At least we know it was a limo, not a private car.”

“Great. Do you have any idea how many limo companies there are in LA?”

“No, but I’m guessing quite a few.” Beth glanced over to the edge of the customer service counter, noting that it held cards for restaurants and other businesses, including about a dozen limo companies. “Maybe we don’t have to check them all out. Maybe Ruby picked up one of these cards.”

Carl took a card from each of the limo companies. “Since she’s from out of town, that makes sense. Let’s go back to the station and get some guys to check these out. I’ll also have them check other airport hotels and see if the other two victims stayed there. The chief said use all available manpower, and I’m going to take him up on it.”

When they returned to the station, another detective was waiting at Carl’s desk. “I was just leaving you a note.” The detective handed Carl a sheet of paper. “Thought you might want to see this. I’m thinking there’s a connection here.”

After the detective left, Carl read through the sheet, then glared at Beth. “You said Mick was working a case on Oahu. This one, by any chance?”

Beth scanned through the report from the Honolulu PD asking for information on Janus Fielding, a resident of LA, whose badly burned body was found a few days earlier along with those of ten others. Beth nodded, then told her friend about the Hawaiian murders.

Carl exploded. “Dammit, Beth!! Why didn’t you tell me about this? I should arrest you for hindering an ongoing investigation. And who the hell is Janus Fielding?”

“Carl, please, listen. The more the police on Oahu uncovered about their murders, the less they had in common with ours. I thought it would be better to stay focused on finding Ruby.”

“You thought? Listen, Beth. Maybe it was a mistake to bring you in on this, but I thought I could at least trust you. Now I know I can’t. Get out. You’re done on this case. We’re done, forever.”

Beth left the precinct, hurt but knowing Carl’s anger was the price of protecting both him and the community. When Carl had handed her the dozen or so cards for limo companies, Beth surreptitiously removed one of them, the only one with a vampire scent and a rather peculiar name. With what she now knew, there was no way Carl could be involved in Ruby’s rescue. Beth pulled out her phone. “Josef, I need to see you. I think I know where our missing graduate student is.”


Day 5 - Oahu – private airstrip - evening

On the way to the airport, Danny did his best to talk Steve into letting him go with him. “Listen, I know you trust Mick, but what if there are a whole bunch of blood demons…”

“Danny, it’ll be OK. Mick wouldn’t walk into a situation he couldn’t handle.”

“I said it before, I’ll say it again. Mick’s impressive, but he’s only one guy. If I go along, at least I can, I dunno, maybe distract them.”

“As what, lunch?”

“If I have to, yes.”

“Danny, I need you to stay here. If something does go wrong, you’ve got to keep 5-0 going.” Steve paused, finding it hard to tell his partner what he also needed him to do. “If I don’t come back, you’re going to have to be there for Catherine. After losing Billy…”

“Stop. Just stop. You may think I owe you for getting me out of that collapsed garage, which, by the way, was your fault in the first place, but there is no way in hell I’m going to be the one to tell Catherine you’re dead. If you’re going through with this insanity, then dying is not an option. You have to come back. There, that’s settled.”

Steve stared in disbelief at his partner. “You know, you give logic a whole new meaning.”

Mick was waiting for them when they arrived at the airstrip, and within minutes they had boarded Josef’s jet, leaving Danny behind. Once inside the jet, Steve found a very attractive oriental woman waiting for them, one who couldn’t help but stare. Mick made the introductions, reassuring Akemi that Steve was a friend.

Once everyone was settled, Steve asked. “Just where are we going, exactly?”

Mick glanced at Akemi before replying. “Kauai. Two centuries ago, some blood demons on Oahu moved there looking for quieter existence. That’s where Kioshi went to live after he was turned and my guess is that’s where he’s gone back to now. Kauai represents safety for him.”


Akemi replied. “Kioshi is my son and I fear the one responsible for the deaths of the faceless ones.”

Mick cautioned. “I don’t think Kioshi killed those people, but I’m pretty sure he knows what happened to them.”

“What makes you think he’s innocent?”

“Akemi told me her son was a healer when he was human. Max said that a Dr. Hideki Sato works during the clinic’s late shift. Based on the description of both men I think Hideki Sato is Kioshi. If I’m right, why would a doctor who has spent two centuries healing people suddenly start to murder them?”

Steve conceded. “Good point. Any idea where we’re going once we get to Kauai?”

“Akemi knows the island’s community, but I don’t think it’ll take long to find Kioshi.”

Akemi eyed Steve warily, or more precisely, his gun. “Is that necessary?”

“I’m not here to cause trouble, ma’am. All I want to know is what happened to those people in the morgue.”

Akemi bowed her head. “No more than I.”

Once they landed at a private airstrip on Kauai, a car was waiting to transport them to the home of the local community leader.
Akemi cautioned her companions. “The blood demons on all of the islands regard Kimiko as the head of our family, but each island has its own local leader. Naboro is the leader on Kauai, and has been informed that we are coming. You should know that the community here is more reclusive than the one on Oahu.”

Steve felt Akemi was trying to tell him something. “Meaning?”

“Meaning they distrust and distance themselves from humans. You may find yourself… unwelcome.”

“Thanks for the heads up. I’ll follow your lead and try not to upset anyone.”

When they arrived at Naboro’s compound, the three were led into a small chamber where Naboro glanced warily at Mick and Steve before greeting Akemi. “Welcome, my sister. Kimiko has informed me that you would be visiting.”

Akemi returned the greeting. “I thank you, my brother, for opening your home to us.” Turning to Mick, she began the introductions. “This is Mick St. John from the mainland. Kimiko has welcomed him and his mate, Beth, into our family as her son and daughter.”

Naboro bowed slightly to Mick, understanding the unspoken message that he was to be treated with the same respect as Akemi.

“And this is Steve McGarrett, who my brother assures me is a friend.”

Naboro approached Steve, his eyes cold. “Does a friend enter the house of Naboro armed in fear or preparing for war?”

Without hesitation, Steve replied. “Neither, sir. I enter the house of Naboro with respect, wishing only to maintain the peace between your people and mine.”

“And how do you plan on maintaining this peace, human?”

“There is evidence that a blood demon was involved in the death of eleven humans on Oahu. Mick is convinced that this blood demon isn’t responsible for their deaths, and has brought me here to prove his innocence.”

“And what if this blood demon is responsible? What will you do then?”

Steve knew he had to choose his words carefully. “Return to Oahu without him. How you deal with the blood demon, if he is guilty, is up to you. Murdering humans brings attention to your family, attention you neither want nor need.”

Naboro grunted, apparently satisfied with the answer. “Wait here.”

After Naboro left, another man entered the room and Akemi whispered his name. “Kioshi.”

Fear clouding his face, Kioshi looked past his mother to the two men behind her, one he recognized as the head of 5-0.

Akemi sensed his fear. “Kioshi… do not be afraid. This blood demon is of our family, he is a friend. This human is a friend as well.”

“Then why do they hunt me?”

Mick tried to reassure Kioshi. “We’re just looking for answers, that’s all.”

“Answers about what?”

“You treated several people with silver poisoning at the clinic. We just want to know what else you can tell us about them, like how they got poisoned in the first place.”

“Why? There is no danger that will happen again.”

Mick’s eyes narrowed. “Care to elaborate?”

“When I found that several patients with this affliction were co-workers, I went to their factory one night to see how they came to be so ill. The working conditions were beyond deplorable. Silver was being machined, its dust everywhere and the workers had no respiratory protection. Sadly, the presence of so much silver prevented me from learning all I wished.”

Steve gently prodded. “What happened next?”

“After several of my patients failed to return to the clinic, I went back to the factory. What I found horrified me. One of my patients was strapped to gurney with his blood being drained into a container. I could do nothing for him, as his life was all but gone. When he was dead, two men took his body outside and burned it. Later, they loaded it into a van.”

Kioshi looked inward recalling that awful night. “I followed the van to the docks. The body was placed into a shipping container with other bodies. I overheard the driver laugh saying the bodies would be shipped to China where they would likely be dumped rather than investigated.”

A picture was beginning to form in Mick’s mind. “Who murdered these people, Kioshi, humans or blood demons?”

“Humans. The one who directed this barbarity, however, did not live to tell about it. I returned to the factory to find this man alone in his office. I asked him why he had done such a horrible thing. Do you know what he said? Those people were nothing more than ‘a means to an end’. He didn’t see them as human at all but merely as tools to be used as he wished. He did not understand how precious life is, and so I enlightened him.”

“Meaning you drained and burned him like he did the workers.”

“Yes. For the first time in two centuries, I took a life, something I swore I’d never do. Then I took his body to the docks and moved the others to a container belonging to his company, hoping that someone would find them.”

Steve sighed. “We found them, Kioshi. All of them. I just wish you could identify the other humans responsible without endangering yourself or your people.”

Kioshi handed Steve his phone. “Perhaps this will help.”

Steve’s eyebrows shot up as he viewed the video. “O yeah, this will do just fine.”

After watching the video, Mick indicated that they should leave mother and son to reconnect in private. After they left, Mick asked Steve what he was going to do with the evidence Kioshi provided.

“The video gives us probable cause to search Onyx Specialty for evidence of criminal activity. Then we’ll find the two guys in the video and charge them with multiple counts of murder and a half-dozen other crimes.”

“What about Fielding? They’ll deny killing him.”

“Let them. All a jury is going to see is solid evidence of them killing one person in the same manner as ten others died. It will be hard to believe any denial they hear.” Steve pocketed Kioshi’s phone. “What do you think Fielding meant when he said his workers were ‘a means to an end’?”

“Not sure, but something tells me it’s connected to the murders in LA. After we get back to Oahu, I promised Max I’d explain what happened to these people. Then I need to get back home. I’ve been away from Beth too long.”

Steve hesitated before he asked. “Is it different now, I mean now that she’s like you?”

“Yeah, it is. Before she was turned, I didn’t think I could love Beth any more than I already did. I was wrong. It’s hard to explain, but she’s more a part of me now than ever before. If I lost Beth, I don’t think I could go on. I wouldn’t want to.” Mick shook his head. “Sorry, that’s probably more than you wanted to know.”

“No. It’s helped me understand something.”

“About you and Catherine?”

“Yes. We’re both kinda independent, but I want something more than what we have. We talked about it a little after you and Beth left last year, but haven’t said or done anything more about it.”

“Listen, Steve, I dragged my feet in starting a relationship with Beth, then turning her. I was afraid about so many things that looking back, I shouldn’t have been. Friendly advice? If you love Catherine as much as I think you do, tell her what she means to you and that you want a future together. If you wait too long, you might lose her, and that’s something you’ll regret forever.”
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 7 (PG13) Chall 140 8/21/14

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

A new chapter! *happy dance* :hyper2:

Carl has had it with Beth for now, but Beth knows it's for his own good and the safety of the community. I hope he has a change of heart down the road.

I'm glad that Kioshi was not responsible for all of the burned bodies. :phew: I hope that he and Akemi can reconnect now. Steve did a good job showing the proper respect to Nabaro.

It is getting harder and harder for Mick and Beth to be apart. :smooch:

Is Kimiko still keeping information from Mick and 5-0? And how is poor Ruby doing??

Thanks for another wonderful chapter! :thanks:
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 7 (PG13) Chall 140 8/21/14

Post by darkstarrising »

MickLifeCrisis wrote:A new chapter! *happy dance* :hyper2:

Carl has had it with Beth for now, but Beth knows it's for his own good and the safety of the community. I hope he has a change of heart down the road.

I'm glad that Kioshi was not responsible for all of the burned bodies. :phew: I hope that he and Akemi can reconnect now. Steve did a good job showing the proper respect to Nabaro.

It is getting harder and harder for Mick and Beth to be apart. :smooch:

Is Kimiko still keeping information from Mick and 5-0? And how is poor Ruby doing??

Thanks for another wonderful chapter! :thanks:
Thanks, MLC :hug: Carl and Beth have been friends for a long time, but you can understand his anger and frustration. He has no idea that Beth is actually trying to protect him as well as find Ruby.

Kimiko is playing her cards close to the vest, letting Mick know only what she wants him to know. But is it for good or ill? We shall see.

As for Ruby, well, the next chapter will answer that question.
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 7 (PG13) Chall 140 8/21/14

Post by allegrita »

Listen to Mick, Steve!! That is very good advice. Catherine is too wonderful to lose. Steve needs to step up before it's too late! :mdrama:

We are learning a lot about the background of the dead workers in that shipping container. What were they doing with the silver...? :shrug: We'll soon find out, I think. Hopefully, in time to save Ruby! :fingerscrossed:

I'm so glad it turned out that Kioshi wasn't a bad guy after all. I really hope he and his mom will be able to reconcile now. :hug: :hearts:

Mick needs to get home to Beth, and Steve needs to get back to 5-0. And Max!

I'm really sorry Carl got so angry at Beth, but at the moment it might be the best thing for him. He needs to stay far away from the vamps who are doing this. :scary: I just hope Josef and Beth can handle things... or that Mick gets there in time!
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 7 (PG13) Chall 140 8/21/14

Post by darkstarrising »

allegrita wrote:Listen to Mick, Steve!! That is very good advice. Catherine is too wonderful to lose. Steve needs to step up before it's too late! :mdrama:

We are learning a lot about the background of the dead workers in that shipping container. What were they doing with the silver...? :shrug: We'll soon find out, I think. Hopefully, in time to save Ruby! :fingerscrossed:

I'm so glad it turned out that Kioshi wasn't a bad guy after all. I really hope he and his mom will be able to reconcile now. :hug: :hearts:

Mick needs to get home to Beth, and Steve needs to get back to 5-0. And Max!

I'm really sorry Carl got so angry at Beth, but at the moment it might be the best thing for him. He needs to stay far away from the vamps who are doing this. :scary: I just hope Josef and Beth can handle things... or that Mick gets there in time!
Thanks, Alle :hug: Carl is a good cop, and while he let Beth help him on the sly, he can't understand why she'd hold out on him. Sadly, he can't know (at least not in this story :snicker: ) and he'll be angry with Beth for a while.

Kioshi is a good man who found himself in a no-win situation. The presence of silver wouldn't allow him to stop the killing of his patient, but he could put and end to the man doing the killing. In a way, Kioshi reminds me of Mick - he didn't want to be a vamp, was really angry with his sire, yet put his skills to work to help his human brethren.

As for Steve stepping up....I wish.
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