Going in Circles (Champagne Challenge #157, Mick) - PG

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Going in Circles (Champagne Challenge #157, Mick) - PG

Post by allegrita »

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The plot is the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's note: This was inspired by Champagne Challenge #157. I've extrapolated a bit on things we saw on the show, but I don't think this qualifies as AU, because it doesn't clash with show canon.

I'm not quite sure what to make of this piece. It's definitely not my usual style. I guess... you know how sometimes when you have a problem you can't solve, your thoughts go around and around and around, trying to find something that maybe you missed the first thousand times you tried to solve it? :dizzy: :witsend: :shrug:

Thanks to choccyterri for reading this, and reassuring me that my muse isn't completely insane. :snicker:

Rated PG.

Going in Circles

Seven vials. I filled one every night of that week I was on the cure. Seven clues to a mystery I don’t know how to solve. Everything I try turns into a dead end.

I asked Josef if he noticed anything about my blood when he turned me back. He looked annoyed and said he was too busy saving my ass to stop and smell the A-positive. I wouldn’t leave it alone, though. Finally, over a few glasses of scotch, he talked to me. “It was just blood,” he said. “Nothing special. And I drank plenty of it, so if there was something off about it, I’d have known.”

Disappointing, but it was about what I was expecting. It fits with what Dr. Lin at Bionalysis said when she analyzed Coraline’s blood. She found nothing out of the ordinary, except that it was unnaturally pure. “Essentially untainted,” she said, almost like a child’s blood. Coraline drank wine when she was on the cure. She took anti-inflammatories, too. But none of it showed up in her blood. What does that mean? How does the compound clean impurities out of the blood? I may never know.

What I really need is some of the compound itself. But Lance has it… and Coraline. Oh, man. Coraline. I can’t stop thinking about that look on her face when she let him stake her. But what the hell can I do for her? How can I go up against one of the most powerful families in Europe? I don’t even speak the language. And I’d be on my own—Josef refused to get involved. Said I must really have a death wish if I was thinking about taking on the Duvalls. Besides, even if somehow I could rescue her, there’s no way we’d get our hands on the compound. Lance was furious with her for wasting the family’s precious stash. It’s their ticket out of the next vampire genocide.

Coraline said there was more of the compound, hidden. If—and with her, you never know—if she was telling the truth, Cynthia must have it. And she’s disappeared. If she used a relocation service, it’s one Josef doesn’t know about. Even his “master of all things telephonic” hasn’t been able to trace her. I’ve got Logan looking, too, but I doubt he’ll have any more luck than Rider. And if I do find her? She wasn’t exactly cooperative when we talked in her hotel room. She’s got no reason to help me. Unless I promise to help her rescue Coraline… of course, first I’d have to find her.

So here I am, right back where I started. Looking at those seven precious vials of my own, pseudo-human blood. I tried smelling and tasting it myself. It was just like Josef and Dr. Lin said. Very pure, but otherwise unremarkable.

I wonder what would happen if I injected it…
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Re: Going in Circles (Champagne Challenge #157, Mick) - PG

Post by darkstarrising »

Your muse is definitely not insane, alle, but rather quite creative. :hug:

We see Mick take a sample of his now human blood, but the writers never went anywhere with it. Your muse, on the other hand, created quite a compelling story about what Mick tried to find out about his blood and how that quest led him to ponder other issues.

The title is perfect - Mick is going around in multiple circles. First, he tries to understand what is different about his blood and Josef is certainly no help. Then there's the little issue of getting more of the cure, hidden away by Coraline, if indeed she told him the truth. That leads him to yet another issue, one he feels somewhat guilty about - finding Coraline. But going up against the Duvalls on his own would be counter-productive. They'd destroy him before he'd get anywhere near Coraline.

And this -
I wonder what would happen if I injected it…
that's the real question. It's certainly something Mick could have done and something the writers should dhave pursued. If he did inject himself and turn back, Josef would have to turn him all over again!
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Re: Going in Circles (Champagne Challenge #157, Mick) - PG

Post by librarian_7 »

This seems...very Mick-like to me. He's brooding, and going over and over (and over) a problem. And he'll figure it out eventually.

:clapping: :clapping:

Good one, Alle!
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Re: Going in Circles (Champagne Challenge #157, Mick) - PG

Post by cassysj »

Mick is really running around in circles but there is so much to think about. Coraline, the compound, Duvalls, Cynthia, his own hope. I'm also sure that Josef knows more than he'll ever admit. :cheering:
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Re: Going in Circles (Champagne Challenge #157, Mick) - PG

Post by PNWgal »

Fascinating take on Mick's humanity! :clapping:

There's a lot of "what if" there...what if Mick finds Cynthia, or saves Coraline, or injects himself with his own blood. What could happen? :chin:

And I'm totally with Carol - Josef is full of secrets, and I'm betting he knows more than he's letting on. I would wager that's why he chooses to stay out of Mick's dilemma, because he knows where that road leads.

Bravo, babe! :clapping:

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Re: Going in Circles (Champagne Challenge #157, Mick) - PG

Post by diane31 »

Oh yes, what would happen?! :teeth: I'd love to find out! ;)

I bet Mick did have these kind of thoughts at some point, it is so much like him. He wouldn't just let go and stop obsessing about something that matters so much to him, even though he would refrain from sharing with others, knowing how they would react - especially Beth!

Thank you so much for this trip into Mick's mind, I loooove that so much! :hug: :rose:
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Re: Going in Circles (Champagne Challenge #157, Mick) - PG

Post by Lupine »

It's early in the morning and so I'll just tell you the first thought I had after reading this: "Perfect. Just Perfect!" :thumbs:
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Re: Going in Circles (Champagne Challenge #157, Mick) - PG

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

This is definitely Mick. And he can't help going all PI on himself, not only in the way he collected some of his blood each day, but with questions, questions, questions that lead nowhere.

Except for that last one... I wonder if he would really inject himself with his own blood just to see what happened?

Going in circles indeed. Nice job with the challenge! And the door is wide open for a follow-up fic... :whistle: :teeth:

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Re: Going in Circles (Champagne Challenge #157, Mick) - PG

Post by allegrita »

Thanks so much, everyone, for your kind comments! :ghug: It always bugged the heck out of me that the show never addressed that vial of blood we watched Mick take from himself. Another lost opportunity for fabulous drama! :witsend: But I guess that's what fanfic is for, huh? :laugh:

In my mind, this story takes place between Fated to Pretend and Click. Maybe injecting the blood is what made Mick feel able to go out in the sun so much in that episode! :chin: I'll have to think about that, and if I get any ideas I'll be sure to write them down! :teeth:
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Re: Going in Circles (Champagne Challenge #157, Mick) - PG

Post by choccyterri »

:hug: Babes, both you ( and your muse) are more than welcome. :flowers:

I loved the way that Mick went over (and over) the importance of his now human blood in this story. And everyone is right. We never had chance to examine what would have occurred with the blood. Who knows what would have come to light with more examination, and usage. But your take on how Mick would have dealt with all of his inner questions is perfect.

Thank you for asking for my thoughts, and for sharing your work. :heart:

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