Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 1

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Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 1

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Mick, Beth, Josef and my OCs Kylie Jenkins and Savannah.
A/N: This is a new sequel to Fresh from the Farm, Follow That Freshie and Jealousy. Rereading the last chapter of Jealousy and/or the Epilogue (Savannah's New Life) will refresh the story line for you.

I have been working on this story off and on for almost a year. Many thanks to Moonlighter for being my beta, idea bouncer and cheerleader. Love ya! :hug:

I update every other night.

Savannah Returns

Chapter 1

Savannah hummed along with the car radio as she headed back to the inn. She never could have imagined enjoying shopping alone; it had always been a group endeavor when she lived in LA. That seems a lifetime ago, she thought to herself. Now she was a private freshie for a wealthy vamp and manager of the bed and breakfast they opened together in his rustic mansion. It was somewhat isolating at first, being sent to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. But all’s well that ends well, right?

Being a slow time of year they didn’t currently have any reservations and she was looking forward to some downtime. And some alone time with Jason, she thought with a grin as she pulled into the driveway and around to the back of the inn. Arms full of packages she went inside, eager to show Jason her purchases.

“Jason!” she called as she walked towards his office. “Wait till you see the new sheets for the guest rooms I bought! They were on sale…” She stopped short and gasped, dropping her packages. The office looked like it had seen a wrecking ball; broken furniture and glass everywhere. Even the great antique oak desk had been split down the middle. A feeling of dread overcame her.

“Jason? JASON!” she screamed, her eyes darting everywhere. She spun around and ran down the hall, calling his name. Why doesn’t he answer? She ran through the sitting room, barely noticing the picture frames smashed on the floor. She skidded to a stop in the kitchen; it had been ransacked. Every cupboard had been opened as if someone was looking for something. She walked through the mess to see if she could notice anything missing. And… they found what they were looking for, she said to herself as she stood staring at the door to the hidden refrigerator standing open; all the blood supplies were gone. Vampires! She closed the refrigerator door and ran back through the sitting room towards the private quarters, her panic quickly rising.

Nothing in the private rooms had been disturbed. Savannah thought the intruders must not even have gone back there. A check of all the human and vampire guest rooms showed they were also untouched. Convinced now that she was alone and Jason was nowhere to be found, she quickly went to her own room. She folded back the braided rug and started to shove her antique dresser across the floor. I can do this, she told herself.

Less than a month before Jason had given her instructions on what to do if anything ever happened to him. At the time she was worried, but he convinced her it was just a precaution, explaining how a vampire who lived as long as he had would have to be careful. She thought back to what she knew about Josef Kostan, and how paranoid he was said to be and figured it was just something that all old vampires did.

Grunting with the effort, she finally managed to move her heavy dresser a couple of feet away from the wall, allowing her room to get behind it and kneel down. It took her several tries using a metal nail file to pry up a loose floor board enough to grab it with her fingertips, but she finally got it. She removed the board and pulled out a lock box from under the floor. Scooting back out from behind the dresser, she went to its front and pulled open one of the drawers, feeling underneath the bottom. It’s here someplace, she thought. Her hand finally touched something and she pulled off a piece of tape with a key attached. She brushed a lock of hair from her sweaty forehead and sat on the edge of her bed to open the box.

Jason had told her the box would contain everything she would need to make a fast get-away. If something were ever to happen to him, she was to go back to Los Angeles immediately. If there were suspicious circumstances, she should contact Josef Kostan and he would help her.

Well, getting Josef Kostan’s help seemed unlikely, she laughed, since he’s the one who banished me up here when what he really wanted to do was kill me. But LA is the only other place I know. Looking now at the contents of box she saw that Jason had provided for every possibility. She didn’t think anyone was after her, personally, so she left the passport and credit card with an alternate identity in the box. She took the credit card with her own name on it, plus two thousand dollars in cash. She relocked the box, replaced the key under the drawer and put the box under the floorboard. Finally she shoved her dresser back to its proper place. I’ve got to get out of here as fast as I can, she thought as she smoothed out the rug and wiped her brow. Already feeling uneasy in the big empty mansion, she quickly packed a duffle bag and a large purse and ran out to her car, headed for the airport.


Kylie Jenkins walked out the back door of the homeless shelter laughing with Beth. “Father Ambrose was certainly in top form tonight, wasn’t he? I couldn’t stop laughing!”

Beth nodded in agreement. “He certainly was! When he said…Oh!” Kylie had suddenly put her arm out to stop Beth from walking any farther. She was staring straight ahead and Beth followed her gaze. There stood a young woman who had obviously been waiting for them.

“Savannah?” Kylie said in disbelief.

“Hello, Kylie. Hi, Beth.”

“What are you doing here?” Kylie asked, alarmed. “Josef said you couldn’t come back!”

“I know, but I need help.” She looked between Kylie and Beth. “I didn’t know where else to go,” she said and hung her head.

Beth quickly took charge of the situation. “Well, whatever it is, we can’t talk about it here,” she said, glancing back towards the open door of the shelter. “Do you have a car?”

Savannah shook her head. “I had a cab drop me off.”

“Then you’re coming with us back to my place,” Beth said. She hustled them both into her car and started driving.

Settled into the backseat, Savannah glanced at Kylie and then down at her hands. “Kylie, I never got a chance to say how sorry I am about…you know. What happened last year.” She turned to face her. “I never meant for any of that to happen, especially you getting hurt. I want you to know that.”

Kylie reached across the seat and squeezed Savannah’s hand. “I know you didn’t, Savannah.”

“And I want to thank you for speaking up on my behalf to Josef Kostan. I know I wouldn’t still be alive if it weren’t for you.” She pulled her hand away from Kylie’s and stared out the window. “I was just in a bad place at the time, and…and…I don’t know what came over me. I got all crazy.”

“It’s okay, really.”

She turned back and smiled at Kylie. “Thanks. Jason really helped me get my head back on straight.”

Beth looked at Savannah in the rear view mirror. “Are you in danger?” she asked.

Savannah shook her head. “I don’t think anyone is after me. But Jason is in trouble.”

“And Jason is your keeper?” Beth asked. The details of Savannah’s hasty departure from Los Angeles were somewhat sketchy. Josef wasted no time it getting Savannah as far away from Kylie as possible. And now here they are together in the back seat of my car!

“Yes, Jason Benton. He’s my keeper and I’m his exclusive,” Savannah replied. “But he’s more than that. We…we’re in a relationship.” Beth raised her eyebrows but said nothing. “And we’re business partners.”

“What kind of business?” Kylie asked.

“I helped him turn his mansion into a bed and breakfast. Well, it’s not really a mansion. Not by LA standards, anyway. More like a lodge. We manage it together. It’s vamp friendly, too.”

“Really?” Beth asked. “Where do you get guests from? I mean, aren’t you kind of in the middle of nowhere?”

Savannah gave a slight chuckle. “Kind of, yeah. But we’re near a university and there are a lot of skiers in the winter.”

“Interesting. So what makes you think Jason is in trouble?” Beth continued.

Savannah’s face grew worried again. “I think he’s been kidnapped.”

“What?!” Beth and Kylie said together.

Savannah nodded. “I came home from shopping and found his office wrecked, all the blood gone from the kitchen, and no sign of Jason anywhere.” She choked out the last part. “And…and he told me a month ago that if anything ever happened to him to fly to LA immediately. He even left money hidden for me to use.” She sniffed and looked out the window. “He also said Mr. Kostan would help me, but I don’t see that happening.” She turned back and glanced at Kylie and then at Beth in the mirror. “So all I could think of was both of you. I – I don’t know anyone else to turn to.”

“You did the right thing, Savannah,” Kylie reassured her.

“Did you say the blood was gone?” Beth asked with alarm.

Savannah nodded. “Yes. All the kitchen cabinets had been opened and the door to the hidden fridge was left standing open; it was empty. Sounds like vampires, doesn’t it?”

“I agree. I’m calling Mick.” She pushed a button on her dashboard. “Call Mick,” she announced.

“Calling Mick,” a disembodied voice responded.

He answered on the second ring. “Hey.”

“Mick, are you at home?”

He picked up on the urgency in her voice immediately. “Not yet, but I will be in about five minutes. What’s the matter? Are you okay?”

“It’s alright, I’m okay. But something’s come up. I’m on my way over now with Kylie. We’ll be there in twenty. Don’t go anywhere.”

“What’s wrong?” he persisted.

“We’ll tell you when we get there. Bye.” And Beth ended the call.

To be continued...
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 1

Post by allegrita »

Ooh, poor Savannah--what a shock! :eek2: I hope Jason's okay... :nails: but at least he provided for her, and she's gone to the right people. Mick and Beth will help her, and Kylie is so sweet she doesn't hold a grudge.

We're off to a great start on this story, MLC! I'm looking forward to finding out where it takes us. :teeth:
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 1

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thanks for reading and commenting, Alle! I hope you like where this story goes. :reading:
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 1

Post by librarian_7 »

It's just great to see new fic, and you're certainly off to a suspenseful start. I like how you laid the scene in Michigan very quickly, and Savannah's escape to LA was neatly done!

Looking forward to more of the story!
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 1

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thank you Lucky! I'm glad you came along for the ride!
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 1

Post by cassysj »

I've been busy but I'm going to start reading this. I look forward to see where it's going
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 1

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Welcome aboard, Carol! I hope you enjoy the story! :reading:

Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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