Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

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Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi all :wave:

This is the fourth chapter (of 10) of 'Affairs of the Heart' and ML / H50 crossover story for challenge 140. In this story, Mick has finally agreed to turn Beth, but is dragging his feet. Beth has traveled to Hawaii to spend a little time with Mary Ann McGarrett and to 'sort through' some issues. At the end of the end of the third chapter, the fallout from photos of McGarrett escorting Beth to her guest cottage in Hawaii has begun. In this chapter, Mick and Josef are on his way to Hawaii, while McGarrett and Danny return to the resort where Beth is staying at to investigate a murder.

As always, I don't own any of the characters, I just like to play with them.

Please, enjoy!

Affairs of the Heart

Chapter 4

“No, sir. It wasn’t like that at all, sir. The photos have been altered. Yes, sir. The woman is a friend of my sister’s… Yes, sir, I understand. I’ll brief you later.”

Right now, Steve’s face defied description – but Danny was working on it.

Maybe ‘I just embarrassed the entire state of Hawaii and the Governor’s going to have my balls’ face. Nah, too long. Just balls face.

“So, the Governor’s seen the pictures, huh?”

Steve tossed his phone onto the dashboard. He was used to controlling all kinds of situations, but this one was rapidly getting away from him. “Yeah, one of his aides ‘brought it to his attention’ this morning. Why do people read this crap anyway? And how did you manage to get your hands on it?”

“When I was out getting coffee and the Sunday paper this morning, that rag was front and center. My guess is half of Hawaii has seen those pictures.”

“Great. The Governor just spent five minutes telling me that while he believes me, public opinion isn’t something he can ignore. If the public believes I ‘behaved badly’, as he put it, it reflects badly on him. In short, if I don’t get this straightened out, I may be looking for a new job.”

“The Governor is the least of your worries, my friend. If this story has traveled beyond our tropical paradise….”


“Her, too, but I was thinking someone bigger, with sharp, pointy teeth.”

Shit!! If Mick has seen it….”

“He’ll kill you.”

“He can’t. If he kills me, he’ll start a war.”

“You mean that blood demon protection shit? Listen to me, Steven. Blood demon or whatever the hell Mick is, he’s still a guy and if he thinks you’ve fooled around with his wife, he’ll kill you. Trust me, he’s thinking about it this very minute.”

A memory of a threat Mick once made returned.

‘Touch my wife again, and I won’t just hang you off the roof. I’ll drop you.’

Steve dismissed the thought. “No, he won’t. First of all, I didn’t fool around with his wife. I know better than to even touch her. Besides, Mick knows how much Beth loves him and that she’d never betray him like that.”

She loves him enough to die for him, to become like him…

“Uh-huh. Well, hold that thought ‘cause right now we have a murder to deal with. Put your game face on, babe. You’re gonna need it.”

After Danny parked the car, the two men walked through the lobby and onto the beach. Maybe he was imagining it, but Steve felt as though everyone was staring at him. “Is it just me…”

“Nope. They’re looking. Gawking, actually.”


A short walk later, they found the crime scene cordoned off. Max was examining the body while Chin Ho was talking with the local cops. Steve decided it best to ignore the looks he was getting and focus on the case. “Max, Chin what have you got?”

The medical examiner was the first to answer. “The body belongs to what appears to be a middle-aged male. As you can see, the head, hands and feet were cleanly severed with a very sharp instrument, perhaps an axe or sword of some kind, making identification of the deceased difficult. However, the body was in the water only briefly before it was discovered, perhaps an hour or so, permitting retrieval of viable DNA. Even so, identification will take time.”

Steve took a closer look at the corpse; whoever dismembered this guy knew what he was doing. “Any idea if the cuts were made before or after death?”

“My preliminary assessment is that decapitation resulted in the victim’s death. The remaining dismemberment soon afterwards, I assume in an attempt to hide the victim’s identity.”

“How long ago was the body discovered?”

Checking his notes, Chin replied. “Kono said the body washed ashore about 80 minutes ago.”

“OK, if the body hadn’t been in the water all that long, that means the killing couldn’t have occurred too far from here. Chin, have the local PD canvass the shoreline a mile up and down from this location. Have them pay attention to any secluded areas near the shore. If we’re lucky, the ocean hasn’t washed away our crime scene.”

“Will do. Kono is waiting for you in the beach cottage with the woman who discovered the body.” Chin lowered his voice so that only Steve and Danny could hear him. “You’re not going to like this….”

Danny groaned. “Wait. Let me guess. Beth St. John?”

“You got it. As far as I know, she hasn’t seen the papers – yet.”

“Great. What about Noshimuri?”

“He’s still here. Kono tried to get him to leave, but he says he has nothing to hide and wanted to stay.”

Steve exploded. “I don’t give a damn about what he wants. This is a signature Yakuza execution. If he does have something to do with this, I don’t want him anywhere near Kono.” Regaining control, Steve apologized. “Sorry, Chin. Bad day. Danny and I will go talk with Mrs. St. John and see if she can tell us anything. Who’s the little girl Kono was talking about?”

“Kylie Simmons, age 7. She’s staying here with her mother in another guest cottage. Mrs. St. John found Kylie alone on the beach early this morning and was taking her back to the hotel when the body washed ashore.”

Danny grimaced – this little girl was about the same age as his own daughter and a dismembered body is the last thing he’d ever want Grace to see. “Any chance that Kylie saw more than just the body? I mean why was she alone on the beach at that hour in the first place?”

“I don’t know, but let’s go find out.”

On the way to the beach cottage, Danny couldn’t resist. “So, it’s Mrs. St. John now, huh, not Beth?”


“I’m just saying that a little formality right now is not such a bad idea.”

Beth and Kono were sitting on the lanai, the former nursing a cup of tea. Both women looked upset, Kono more so. When Steve and Danny arrived, Kono rose to greet them. “Boss, I’m so sorry.”

Steve glanced at Beth, and shook his head minutely, indicating he would speak with her later. For Kono, he managed a weak smile. “For what, being in the wrong place at the wrong time or is there something you want to tell me?”

“I’m…I’m not sure, but I think I know who the victim is. Based on his clothes, I think he’s a photographer by the name of Rokuro who was bugging Adam yesterday afternoon.” Kono then filled Steve and Danny in on how the paparazzo was caught taking pictures of Adam and herself on the beach. “Adam took the memory card, instructed his bodyguards to escort him off the premises, then told Rokuro that the next time, the ‘price for his invasion’ would be higher.”

“This just keeps getter better and better.” Danny muttered as he called Chin asking for him to pull the hotel’s surveillance footage for the past 24 hours.

Steve shot his partner a puzzled look, then returned his attention to Kono. “OK. Look at me, Kono. Do you think Adam had anything to do with this murder?”

Kono saw what she so desperately needed to in those hazel eyes – trust. “No!! He was with me the entire time…I’ll swear to that…” Understanding dawned on the young woman. Her boss was right – just being associated with Adam would always create a cloud of suspicion around her and 5-0. “There’s something else you should know. Adam wasn’t worried about bad publicity for himself. He was worried about me, about what those pictures could do to me, and to 5-0.”

“Kono, I want you to get that memory card from Adam, OK? Maybe there’s something on it that will lead us to the killer. Then get him to find out exactly what his bodyguards did with Rokuro after they left the beach. Did they have some words, rough him up, anything.”

After Kono left, Steve turned to Beth. “I need to talk with you about what you saw this morning and about what you haven’t seen.”

“I’ll tell you what I told Lt. Kelly.” Beth then recounted the morning’s events, emphasizing how Kylie seemed frightened even before the body washed ashore.

Danny keyed in on this last bit of information. “Do you know why Kylie was frightened?”

“I assume because she found herself on the beach alone. Her mother said she has a habit of wandering off.”

“Wandering off as in sleep walking?”

“No. They flew in from the east coast of the mainland yesterday…as far as Kylie was concerned, it was almost lunch time. Why is this important?”

Steve replied. “We think the murder occurred only a few hours ago and not far away.”

The blood drained from Beth’s face. “And you think that Kylie might have seen it!!”

“We don’t know that, but it’s possible. We’ll talk with her later.”

“If Kylie did see something, you’ll have to be very careful with her. She may be traumatized and sometimes the only way a child can deal with that kind of trauma is to suppress any memory of it.”

Danny scoffed. “What, so you’re a shrink now?”

“No, let’s just say I can relate.” Beth stood and approached Danny. “When I was a little girl, Detective, even younger than Kylie, I was kidnapped out of my bed one night. The woman who took me was …misguided… but didn’t harm me. After a few days, I was rescued and returned to my mother. For years, I had no recollection of my ordeal other than flashes of memories that occurred in my dreams. Trust me, I know how this child is feeling. Maybe I can help.”

Shaking his head, Danny declined the offer. “Appreciate it, but under the circumstances, that might not be such a good idea.”

“I don’t understand…”

Steve handed the paper to Beth. “First, I have to apologize for all this, but Danny’s right – you may not want to be seen around me during the investigation.”

Scanning the first page, Beth collapsed into a chair. “O my God!! No wonder people have been looking at me strangely all morning. Steve, I’m so sorry, this has got to be embarrassing for you.”

Danny snorted. “Embarrassment he can handle, lady. It’s your husband that has me worried.”

“Mick!! Do you think he’s seen this? Never mind, stupid question. Josef sees everything and if he’s seen it, so has Mick.” Beth grabbed her phone. “Come on, Mick, pick up! Damn!!! It went to voicemail. Maybe he’s still asleep.” Beth left a message, then tried another number, also getting voicemail. “Josef’s not answering either. One more try….”

“Who are you calling?”

“A friend at Buzzwire…..Sam? It’s Beth St. John. Listen, I can’t talk long, but I need you to do me a huge favor. Work your magic and see if Josef Kostan’s jet is still at LAX. It’s not? When did it leave? An hour ago…heading to Honolulu. Any idea who’s on board? No? OK, thanks, Sam. I owe you.”

Beth gazed sadly at Steve. “I’m so sorry, Steve, but you’ve got to leave. You’ve got to stay away from me, for your own good.”

Danny’s eyebrows shot up; he’d only been half-serious about Mick seeking vengeance. “Lady, your husband wouldn’t really come after Steve, would he?”

“Detective, you have to understand that Mick is a good man and would never harm anyone without cause. He loves me in ways you could never imagine, and knows I’d never be unfaithful to him. What you don’t understand is that there’s a part of Mick that loves me just as deeply, but is also very protective and wouldn’t think twice about dealing with someone he thought ….hurt me.”

“Dealing with? As in kill?” Danny stared incredulously at the woman before him. “Can’t you just talk to him, explain that nothing happened?”

Knowing the strain between Mick and his wife, Steve understood her silence. “Danny, it’s complicated – and private. But Beth’s right, I need to stay away from her.”


Mick regarded Josef curiously; his friend was on his sixth ‘cocktail’ in the last 2 hours. “Tell me again why you’re coming with me? I thought you hated the tropics. And why all the blood?”

“To keep you from doing something stupid, like starting a war, and yes, I do hate the tropics. Too much skin, too much temptation, so little time.”

“Not to mention the sun.”

“That, too, hence the blood, which I suggest you start drinking in large quantities. The climate is going to be hard enough on you, but your emotional state is going to make keeping your inner vamp under control even harder.”

“My emotional state? Josef, I’m telling you, I’m not going to cause trouble. I just want to apologize to Beth, then take her home.”


And get her the hell away from McGarrett…

Mick couldn’t ignore the vamp’s displeasure. “And then we’ll discuss where and when she wants to be turned. We’ll set a date, I promise.”

“OK, that’s one of you talking. What happens when you get to the hotel and you catch McGarrett’s scent in Beth’s room?” Josef couldn’t help but notice Mick’s hands clench.

“McGarrett took Beth’s bag into the room, then left. His scent should be minimal.”

Josef knew his next words were dangerous, but necessary to get his point across. “What if it’s not? What if it’s all over the room? What if he touched her without her consent?”

Mick transformed, snarling, then reverted, shocked at his response.

Josef poured a crimson cocktail and handed it to Mick. “Drink up, boyo. This isn’t just some private little domestic situation we’re dealing with. If your inner vamp even thinks the Commander did anything inappropriate with Beth, he’ll want McGarrett’s blood. And that, my friend, is something he just can’t have.”
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by allegrita »

Okay, Josef, so why are you revving Mick up only to shut him down? Mixed messages, my friend. :devil:

I almost did this :coffee: at "balls face." It's a new Danny-ism for sure! :rolling: :rolling:

Wow, this is sure turning into a tangled mess. I wondered if it was the bad photographer. Is it a Yakuza slaying, or is someone just trying to make it look like one? I've gotta say, I won't be lighting any candles for good ol' Rokuro. He was a bad egg. But I can't help but think Josef is a lot more involved in these events than anybody realizes... yet.
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by r1015bill »

The exchanges in this chapter are just excellent! I, too, love the "balls face" from Danny.

I particularly liked this exchange.
“The Governor is the least of your worries, my friend. If this story has traveled beyond our tropical paradise….”


“Her, too, but I was thinking someone bigger, with sharp, pointy teeth.”
Of course, Beth would understand the little girl. Somehow, I know she isn't going to stay away.

And, although Josef seems to be confusing Mick right now, the fact that he understands there's a possible war involved with any harm to Steve shows that he's going to try to contain this.

I'm hoping there's a conversation somewhere between Steve and Mick. I'm also hoping that Mary does get to be in the story somehow.
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by aolver »

:confused2: Just what is Josef's agenda anyway? Mick should know better than to fall prey to his nonsense. And Mick should trust Beth more than that. As if she would cheat on him, under any circumstances. Bad Josef...bad Mick. :snicker:
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by jen »


Wonderful new chapter filled with details that would be there in an investigation in the islands and some nice 5-0 ambiance, too--what I didn't expect was Josef Kostan being the voice of reason to Mick's vampire enhanced jealous husband instincts. He's right. Steve McGarrett's unique position with the Eastern blood demons adds another level of complexity to an already tense situation. Drink up, Mick. You will need a lot of control over the next few hours!

It is a good idea for Steve to make himself scarce at least initially. Once Mick and Beth have had a chance to talk and for Mick to 'nose out the truth' Steve can and probably should have a face to face meeting with Mick.

Beth may be the best person to talk to that little girl. Steve needs to learn about her background as a reporter and the types of cases she researched. Some time with a computer hooked to the internet could be very useful in the near future.

Thank you!


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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by Marigold »

Mick definitely should drink up! Between the climate and the Steve-situation, he will need all the strength and control he can get.

I'm interested in finding out more about Kylie, and what exactly she saw. Maybe Beth will be able to get Kylie to talk to 5-0.

I like the small mention of Sam. :hearts:

Thank you, DSR! :flowers:
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by darkstarrising »

allegrita wrote:Okay, Josef, so why are you revving Mick up only to shut him down? Mixed messages, my friend. :devil:

I almost did this :coffee: at "balls face." It's a new Danny-ism for sure! :rolling: :rolling:

Wow, this is sure turning into a tangled mess. I wondered if it was the bad photographer. Is it a Yakuza slaying, or is someone just trying to make it look like one? I've gotta say, I won't be lighting any candles for good ol' Rokuro. He was a bad egg. But I can't help but think Josef is a lot more involved in these events than anybody realizes... yet.
Thanks, alle :hug: Ah, the end of the story, you'll see. :devil: Indeed this is a tangled web I'm many agendas, so little time. I couldn't resist the 'balls face', but somehow, I can't see that making it past the network censors. :snicker:
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by darkstarrising »

r1015bill wrote:The exchanges in this chapter are just excellent! I, too, love the "balls face" from Danny.

I particularly liked this exchange.
“The Governor is the least of your worries, my friend. If this story has traveled beyond our tropical paradise….”


“Her, too, but I was thinking someone bigger, with sharp, pointy teeth.”
Of course, Beth would understand the little girl. Somehow, I know she isn't going to stay away.

And, although Josef seems to be confusing Mick right now, the fact that he understands there's a possible war involved with any harm to Steve shows that he's going to try to contain this.

I'm hoping there's a conversation somewhere between Steve and Mick. I'm also hoping that Mary does get to be in the story somehow.
Thanks, Rhonda :hug: Notice who Steve thinks of first...she's important to him, more important that a possible threat from Mick. Beth does understand what Kylie has been through and although Danny is good with his own daughter, he can't understand Kylie's fear. As for Josef, he's got Mick and Beth's best interests in mind.
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by darkstarrising »

aolver wrote::confused2: Just what is Josef's agenda anyway? Mick should know better than to fall prey to his nonsense. And Mick should trust Beth more than that. As if she would cheat on him, under any circumstances. Bad Josef...bad Mick. :snicker:
Thanks, aolver :hug: Josef is agitating Mick for a reason, one he thinks is a good one. But there's more going on here than is currently apparent, even to our all-seeing Josef.
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by darkstarrising »

jen wrote:DSR

Wonderful new chapter filled with details that would be there in an investigation in the islands and some nice 5-0 ambiance, too--what I didn't expect was Josef Kostan being the voice of reason to Mick's vampire enhanced jealous husband instincts. He's right. Steve McGarrett's unique position with the Eastern blood demons adds another level of complexity to an already tense situation. Drink up, Mick. You will need a lot of control over the next few hours!

It is a good idea for Steve to make himself scarce at least initially. Once Mick and Beth have had a chance to talk and for Mick to 'nose out the truth' Steve can and probably should have a face to face meeting with Mick.

Beth may be the best person to talk to that little girl. Steve needs to learn about her background as a reporter and the types of cases she researched. Some time with a computer hooked to the internet could be very useful in the near future.

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
Thanks, Jenna :hug: Ah, yes....Josef as the voice of reason .... for his own reasons. :devil: Mick and Josef are walking into a situation beyond either of their expectations and both of them will need to be in control. The blood demons on Oahu are a powerful group.
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by darkstarrising »

Marigold wrote:Mick definitely should drink up! Between the climate and the Steve-situation, he will need all the strength and control he can get.

I'm interested in finding out more about Kylie, and what exactly she saw. Maybe Beth will be able to get Kylie to talk to 5-0.

I like the small mention of Sam. :hearts:

Thank you, DSR! :flowers:
Thanks, Marigold :hug: What Mick doesn't know is that Steve is the least of his worries...and that all his control will be needed later. Originally, I thought about Sam, but used another character, then went back to Sam....hard to top a woman with her hacking skills. :giggle:
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

First of all: "balls face"

:rolling: :rolling:

Not only funny, but I can picture what that expression would look like!

Wow, you really have Danny's voice down. The dialogue between him and Steve is pitch perfect. I have to add that you do a very realistic sounding Max, too.

So, Mick and Josef in Hawaii? Can't wait to see how that turns out!
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by darkstarrising »

Fleur de Lisa wrote:First of all: "balls face"

:rolling: :rolling:

Not only funny, but I can picture what that expression would look like!

Wow, you really have Danny's voice down. The dialogue between him and Steve is pitch perfect. I have to add that you do a very realistic sounding Max, too.

So, Mick and Josef in Hawaii? Can't wait to see how that turns out!
Thanks, fleur :hug: Yeah, the muse had fun with that one. :devil: Steve will end up making that face again near the end of the story. For me, Danny is fun to write, simply because he has such a flamboyant speech pattern. Steve, more often than not, is the victim, or sometime straight man, to Danny's rants. Somehow, while I would never have cast these two together, they're perfect playing off each other.
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 4 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Must... step away from... the computer. Must... get something... accomplished... in the house. Must...

Oh, WTH. Maybe just one more chapter... I can't stop reading! :reading:

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