Dangerous Trails - Chapter 15 (PG-13)

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Dangerous Trails - Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Post by francis »

Disclaimer: See chapter 1

Chapter 15

It knocked, and Mamo invited Kono in, calling her “keiki”. Steve chuckled at that, knowing she would roundhouse kick anyone who would call her a child, except Mamo.

Dinner was a quiet time with only small talk but once dessert rolled in form of a haupia cake Kono brought, Steve could no longer hold his curiosity.

“So, Mamo, how long have you been a vampire?”

Mick flinched at that question. Among vampires it was considered rude to ask about turning. But Mamo sat back in his chair, a content smile on his face, and reminisced.


“I came to Hawaii on one of the boats of settlers from one of the Polynesian Islands. I can’t say which one, as their names have changed into oblivion over time, and I lost contact to my home for centuries. I was their king and the only one who could read the stars to stay the course. When we landed, we made camp and decided to explore later. Of course we set out guards around the perimeter of our fire, to look out for beasts but also for other human beings. Some of the islands were so poor of nourishment that clans became cannibals.

In the middle of the night we were attacked, but not by a clan of people but by one very fast and very brutal being. They killed two guards by breaking their neck before we even became aware. Only when we formed a line of defense and grabbed our weapons did we see that it was a woman. She fought us, sinking her teeth into the neck of first one, then another of my comrades, until I managed to defeat her by sinking a spear through her chest.

We treated the wounded, but for one of them the blood loss was too much, he died that night. Two others became infected and died later. The woman was left at the shore, obviously dead.

We settled on that island, which would later be known as Maui. Our women gave birth and we grew in numbers. A few years later we moved over to Oahu since there was more room, more food and clean water there. We didn’t have leptospirosis in the fresh water back then, that came later.

Then one day I lead a small band of men back to Maui, because we knew we would find turtle eggs there which were a delicacy. Don’t look like that, Kono, they didn’t need to be protected back then. We came to the shore where we had first landed, and decided to chant an incantation of worship to our gods as a thank you for our new home. That’s when we were attacked again, by the same woman. She sank her teeth into the neck of my friend, the others ran for help, but it was too late. She kept her distance this time, not letting anyone near. She was incredibly fast in her movements. I was equally repulsed and mesmerized by her.

The woman started talking to me in an ancient dialect, more ancient than our own language if you want to take today’s perspective.

“Help me”, she said. “You are the leader. I am powerful and can help your people, but I need nourishment. Feed me, and I will give you my power.”

“Why should I let you kill my people?” I asked.

“I only killed them because I was so hungry. I don’t need that much when I’m fed daily.”

She was a vampire who had been left on the island by her people who didn’t want to sacrifice their sons and daughters for her thirst. She told me she had learned control and wouldn’t drink people dry anymore.

I didn’t really trust her, so I asked her for proof. She told me she would drink from me first. I told her no, then my people would lose their king and she could just take over.
One of my comrades volunteered. She took him into her arms, calmed him down with a sweet voice and soft motions, then she bit into his neck. He didn’t struggle, and she let him go when his knees started to buckle. His wound wasn’t bleeding at all, and he was fine.

So, long story short, we took her with us. Her name was Pele.
Later, we became lovers, and she turned me. We had a falling out when she started to go back to her old ways and kill people. I banished her to the Big Island. When the people there told me she still killed, more and more, I fought her to death. She finally was staked and thrown into the volcano.”


The table was silent. Chin cleared his throat. “I knew you would be old, but I didn’t know that old.”
Beth blinked. “Then you must have lived since what? Bronze age?”

Mamo laughed. “Something like that. We didn’t count years and days like you do now.”

Mick asked: “How did you keep your vampire nature hidden?”

Mamo smiled. “I didn’t. Not for the first millennia. Only when the haoles came and started to kill the Kahunas and destroy our culture and our gods did I see the need to hide. I was their king and god, they would have defended me to death, but I didn’t want that. Since then only a few pure-bred families like the Kalakauas know my secret and serve me.”

Steve nodded. “Now I see why the historical reenactments would be so much fun for you. You really were there, weren’t you?”

Mamo looked up. “Did you ever wonder why the statue of King Kamehameha looks a bit like a younger Mamo?”

They all gasped. “But you look older!” Beth said.

“I’ve lived so long that I age, slowly but I do. I can revert to my younger self by staying in a cold place for a long time, a year or two. So I let myself age, and when I’m tired of being old I take a retreat and come back. For the haoles I’m my own nephew or cousin. Actually, I think it might be about time within the next few years to go to ground.”

Steve shook his head. “I think I need you to stay a little bit longer. For me. You’re part of my family and I don’t have too much of that.”

Mamo leaned over and grabbed his arm. “I promise. I’m glad you still count me as ohana.”

Steve smiled. “Always.”

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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Oooooooh, Pele!! That makes a lot of sense... especially if she started going all Lola on the islanders. I love Mamo's history. It makes so much sense--and oh my goodness, he's been so many people over the centuries!!! :dizzy:

I'm glad he's gonna stick around for a while. Steve really does need him. :ghug:
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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

What a great way to weave the island history into your tale! Terrific job!

Off the read the last chapter!
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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Post by darkstarrising »

Wonderful how you weave both ancient history and island culture into this fantastic story, francis :rose:

Mamo's explanation for how he aged and could revert was fascinating, but my heart broke when Steve asked him to stay around for a few more years, not wanting to lose any more of is 'family'.

Off to the next chapter!
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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Post by Marigold »

Mamo has led an absolutely fascinating life. It was great to hear some of his personal history. I'm sad that things with Pele didn't work out. :Mickangel:

Thank you, Francis! :flowers:
Fantastic banner by Kath40! Thank you!
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