Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

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Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by cassysj »

I do not own any recognizable characters, no copyright infringement is intended.

Josef and Mick were enjoying drinks at The Billiard Club.

Josef raised his glass to Mick. “You had a good night.”

Mick laughed. “I’m good with my hands.”

Josef smiled. “Beth would know better than me. Let’s meet next Sunday so I can win my money back.”

“I can’t on Sunday. It’s Christmas.”

“Christmas, since when do you celebrate Christmas?”

“Since Beth moved in. She wants to pick out a tree tomorrow.”

“A live tree?” Josef asked


“Bah Humbug! Does she know the smell is going to be overwhelming?”

“I don’t hate Christmas trees as much as you do Josef.”

“I don’t hate trees. I just insist that the freshies don’t try to kill me with pine smell. I’ve had a fake tree every year for the last few decades.”

“I don’t mind having a real tree. It reminds me of when I was a kid.” Mick said. “Do you have any plans for Christmas?”

“You know I go to Norway every year. The freshies have the week off and I’m back for my New Year’s Eve Party.”

“Do you have to go to Norway this year? Beth was hoping you would come for Christmas Dinner.

“Is she on the menu? Josef said lightly

“Not your menu. Mick said firmly. She’s willing to go freshie shopping. We would like you to be there.”

“I’m sorry Mick It’s a long standing commitment. Some of us old timers go, run naked in the snow, hunt.”

“Hunt?” Mick asked.

“Well, it’s more hide and seek in this civilized age. The freshies are released with a ten minute headstart. When we catch them we do whatever we want for 24 hours. It’s a wonderful way to spend the holiday.

“How come you never invited me? Mick asked. We had some wild times back in the day.

“You’re too young.” Josef said quickly. “You have to be two hundred and by then Beth will have you so domesticated even I can’t bring your fangs out.”

“If you change your mind, you’re always welcome at our place.”

“That’s very kind but the boys would miss me terribly.”

Josef had a party with the freshies later in the week and gave them all their presents. The ones who had family far from LA were piling into the limo to go to the airport. Tangie packed her suitcase to visit her sister and brother-in-law across town.

“Josef are you sure you don’t want me to come to Norway with you?”

“Yes, Tangie. I told you exclusivity rules are not followed on the hunt. I couldn’t stop another vampire if he caught you first. Stay here with Plum and Charles.”

“If you change your mind.”

“I won’t Tangie and I’ll be out of touch for the first few days. We all relinquish our phones for the hunt.”

Tangie shrugged. “I guess I don’t understand vampire bonding. Has Charles ever gone to one of these things?”

“No. He’s too young.”

Tangie’s eyes widened. “Charles is a 175.”

“He has to be two hundred. Josef said “And we’ve never had an American. I’m not sure he would be accepted.”

Tangie laughed. “Plum would stake him if he left her alone for Christmas anyway.

Josef rode to the airport with the girls and went on his private plane. The limo met him at White Plains airport. When he stepped out of the car the driver handed him an umbrella . The rain was heavy, New York City was rarely cold enough to snow on Christmas Eve. He opened the door on Waverly Place and dismissed the nurse till the day after Christmas.

He walked into Sarah’s room at the stroke of Midnight.

“Merry Christmas Baby. He said gently. “I have your present.” He took a small box out of his jacket.

“The gift wrap is a candy cane pattern, just like our first Christmas.” He opened the paper and took out a diamond necklace. He held it in front of the light so the diamonds would shimmer on her skin. He replaced last year’s necklace and put the new one on.

He smiled. “What did you get me? He picked up a heavy box in the corner. The tag said. “To my Darling Charles. Love always Sarah.

He opened the box and found three books published this year. Robopocalypse, The Litigator and Steve Jobs.

He kissed her gently on her unmoving lips. “Thank you Darling. They are just what I wanted. I’ll put them in the library.” He picked them up and walked into the library that had exactly 171 books. 3 books for each year since 1955. Sarah had bought him The Man In The Gray Flannel Suit because he was such a cranky business man. The Return of the King so he could escape into fantasy and A Night To Remember since he told her so many stories about The Titanic. Every year he tried to get three books in the same spirit and he read them with Sarah before New Year’s Eve.

He briefly wondered if Mick suspected that there was no hunt in Norway. It didn’t matter this was his holiday tradition.
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Re: Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by Lucy »

So Josef!
Great warmth I'm the J. K fashion.
Yeah for Mick and Beth having their cuddles under the real tree. :mistletoe:
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Re: Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by librarian_7 »

I've long suspected the "party animal" side of Josef was something he mostly...concocted to throw people off. I absolutely think he would spend time with Sarah at Christmas.

(On the other hand, it might just be that the Great Norwegian Freshie Hunt is actually in the spring sometime...when the weather is better for it!)

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Re: Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by Marigold »

I agree with Lucky. I think that Josef puts on a mask in order to keep a distance between himself and others. He doesn't let many people get close to him, and even when he does, he doesn't share much of his personal history/life with them. Sharing his stories, or admitting his feelings, would alert people to his weaknesses, which could endanger him. I suspect that Mick sees right through Josef. He may not know all the details of Josef's life, but I think that Mick realizes that much of Josef's behaviour is an act, a front. We had a few glimpses of an introspective Josef in the show, just enough to hint that he has many secrets.

It's always nice to see Sarah make an appearance. :Mickangel: :bmoon:

Very nice Carol! :rose: I love reading your stories because you always bring in such creative ideas (for example, hunting for freshies, the blood-sicles, etc.). I also enjoy how many of your stories contain humor (“Is she on the menu?"). :snicker: This was a great entry for the challenge!

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Re: Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by allegrita »

Awww... :hearts: Josef is a closet softie. :snicker: But I think Lucky may be onto something. I'd love to read a story about the Great Norwegian Freshie Hunt someday... :teeth:

I love the way you responded to the Challenge, Cassy! :hug:
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Re: Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by librarian_7 »

That sounds like PWP to me, Alle...and yeah, it might really be fun to read. Or write... :whistle:

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Re: Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by francis »

I just knew that Josef would spend the Holidays with Sarah.
The freshie hunt was kind of a very steep story. Hunting poor cold freshies in the midst of winter in Norway - No Way!
Maybe another time, though. :snicker:
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Re: Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by cassysj »

Lucy - Josef is warm in his own traditions.

Lucky - I like your idea that the Freshie Hunt is in the spring. If you ever feel like borrowing it for a story feel free. :blinksmile:

Marigold - Thank you that is such a nice compliment. I don't know where I get these ideas but they hit me and I run with them. I started Josef Doll almost exclusively as a a comedy in the beginning. It evolved into something else over time but laughter is still where I'm most comfortable in writing.

Alle - We all know Josef is a softie although don't say it in front of him. Thanks.

francis - It's hard for me to imagine Josef anywhere else for the holidays. Sarah touched his soul and that would be the time of year he would give back to her. I don't think it was an accident in Sleeping Beauty was in December and he decided to stay in New York for a while.
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Re: Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by jen »

This was lovely!

The Great Freshie Hunt in Norway sounds like Josef Kostan, but Christmas with Sarah sounds like the man we saw in Sleeping Beauty. He is so sentimental!

Thank you!
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Re: Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by darkstarrising »

How like Josef to concoct a 'freshie hunt' as his excuse for being away from everyone at Christmas, everyone except someone he still loves deeply and holds out hope for. The cover story maintains his 'reputation', while the truth actually shows his soft, human side.

Maybe someday, Josef will get his own Christmas wish and Sarah will actually hand him the books.

Lovely story, Carol :hearts:
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Re: Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by jen »

Josef definitely has his 'big bad vampire' reputation to maintain, hence the freshie hunt in Norway, but I wouldn't dismiss it entirely. He probably has participated in some pretty harsh celebrations in his past.
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Re: Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

I love it cassy. this is just gorgeous. so like josef to hide behind a non existent big bad vampire tradition. lovely sentiment.
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Re: Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by nutmegger911 »

Ah, so what's really wrapped up here is Josef's heart. :heart:

Nice story, Cassy. Oh, and the Norwegian hunt presents quite the plot bunny. :snicker:
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Re: Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by BlueEyedMonster »

Josef's soft side love it. Nice story
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Re: Holiday Tradition PG-13 Champagne Challenge #133

Post by cassysj »

Shameless bump but in 95 degree weather in NY I wouldn't mind being a "hunted" freshie in Norway.
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