Exclusivity, version 2.0 Chapter 1 (PG-13)

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Exclusivity, version 2.0 Chapter 1 (PG-13)

Post by librarian_7 »

Disclaimer: The characters from Moonlight are copyrighted by CBS, and no infringement is intended. The characters from the WFS do not bear any resemblance to their online counterparts.

A/N: This work follows the events of "Within the Empty Reaches of the Night," and you might want to read that one first, if you haven't. If you’ve read this elsewhere, this is Version 2.0. The story originally reference events taking place in an RP long ago and far away, on another site. I’ve tried to rewrite to make it more my own. I hope you enjoy it…this is the last of my old stories to be reposted here. It originally appeared on MLL back in December 2007/January 2008.



Chapter 1

For the first day or two after the attack, Lucky had barely opened her door. After calling work, and telling them she had a raging case of the flu and would be out all week, she’d turned off her phone, shut down her computer, and hidden. She closed the curtains, turned on no lights, no television after dark. At first, she was able to keep her mind in a comfortable white fuzz, no thoughts, no memories. It was all she could do to make herself eat and drink a little, but somewhere underneath the haze, she knew she would survive this, and she knew her body needed basic sustenance. Later, she thought she recalled sleeping a lot, but she was never sure about that. She suspected she might have spent just as much time staring off into space. A time or two, she thought she might have been dimly aware of someone else in the apartment, but for some reason, if this was true, she felt no fear of whoever it was. If it was someone wanting to kill her, then he could kill her and be done with it. If not, then it made no difference to her. She didn’t care.

On the third or fourth day after the attack, she woke up, feeling calmer and more herself than she had for days, shrugged on an old bathrobe, and came out into the living room. Josef was sitting on the couch, waiting with that patience she’d noticed before. He often appeared hyper, talking too fast, moving too fast, but she’d also seen him go as still and watchful as leopard waiting for passing prey. He was watching the bedroom door as she came through. Of course, she thought, he knew I was moving. Lucky tried not to let anything—surprise, pleasure, fear—show on her face. She was feeling an odd mixture of all three. She wasn’t sure what she ought to be feeling—fear of the vampire, or pleased that he had come to see her, definitely surprised to find he’d entered her space without her being aware of it.

He waited for her to sink into a chair opposite him, waited for her to be the first to speak. They shared a long moment of silence, while she searched for the right thing to say. She finally went with simplicity. “Josef,” she said, with no trace of emotion in her voice. “Why are you here?”

He shrugged. “Your phone is off, babe. I’m told you’re not answering emails or im’s. The day watch says there’s no evidence of movement, and the night guys could only tell me you were here because they heard your heartbeat. I was getting—concerned.”

She knew the surveillance was to protect her, she knew it was evidence that she was still valued. Nevertheless, the idea of it, the invasiveness of it, made her want to strike out at someone. Invasiveness was about the last thing she needed right now. What had been done to her body was bad enough, but this was getting into her head. Far worse. Even so, Josef seemed like the wrong target. He had left her no doubts that his intentions were, if not what was generally accepted as good, at least in her best interests. “I don’t know what to say. I didn’t mean to worry anyone. I just wanted—“ the tears were rising again. “Oh, damn, I don’t want to keep breaking down, Josef.” She paused and took a deep breath. “I just wanted some time to heal, some time to be alone.”

Josef looked away, and she realized he still felt responsible, still felt guilty, for what had happened. He spoke softly. “I think you may be entitled to a few tears, Lucky.”

They sat in silence, for a while, lost in separate thoughts and unspoken words. Once Lucky had had a chance to settle herself, she found she was taking a strange sort of comfort in Josef’s presence. It was restful, sitting across from him, and she felt utterly safe. That seemed odd, because always before, when they’d been together, it had been about excitement, and blood, and the pleasure and pain of his attention. Being with him was like handling a straight-edge razor. If you were careful, it was all right, it was fabulous, but the slightest slip could lead to…consequences, from a careless nick to a sliced open heart.

She’d had more than one cut from that blade, and she remembered each of their encounters with some residual heat. They stood out like individual drops of blood strung along the skin of her arm. That surprised her. After her experiences with Lunos, she’d have thought she could never consider the idea of a vampire’s kiss again without abject fear. She took out her memories of Josef, and of the other vampire she’d fed, ran through the images in her mind and found that her recollections of them were all good. Her first vampire was always considerate when he fed, as gentle as possible. And Josef. Josef could make every encounter into something intimate, something to be sought out and enjoyed again. Perhaps it was the centuries of experience, perhaps it was the way he focused his attention on whatever woman he chose, but he was irresistible. She stole a glance up at him, and blushed to discover he was staring at her, listening intently. She realized once again that he knew the blood pulsing through her as he knew his own. It was his own. The reality of their blood bond—she’d never given it much thought before; the vampires usually didn’t stress that too much with freshies, especially non-exclusive ones, but everyone knew there was something there. Once they’d fed from you, once they’d tasted you, they knew you, knew how you worked, knew how you thought. She knew, here and now, there was something there. And she knew he knew it too. She bit her lip, embarrassed.

Josef cleared his throat. “As pleasant as this is, my dear, I did have some object in coming here,” he said. Lucky looked up, startled. Surely he didn’t expect to feed on her—not now, not so soon. He went on, “I wanted to ask you if you could stand a little company. Belinda had instructed the rest of the girls not to bother you—it did seem obvious you wished to be alone—but I think the time has come for you to let us take care of you.”

“It’s really not necessary, Josef. Really.”

Josef shook his head and chuckled. “Knew you’d say that, Lucky. It’s not optional. Not this time. I’m not sure who’s coming. But a couple of the girls will be here. Today. And you’re going to let them in. Clear?”

Lucky nodded. “All right, Josef.” If her voice was a little wobbly, he ignored it. Rising, Josef came to stand before her. It was difficult for her to read what was in his eyes, and his face was serious. He inhaled, carefully, taking in her scent. Then he reached out and laid his smooth hand against her cheek, gently, before he turned and left.
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Re: Exclusivity, version 2.0 Chapter 1 (PG-13)

Post by mitzie »

Oh, that was so lovely and loving!!!! :hankie: The last two lines really did me in!!!! :hankie: :happysigh: Beautiful story... :heart: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper2: :hyper2: :gasp: :eyes: :grouphug: :yahoo: :yahoo: :hyper2: :hyper2: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :hearts: :hearts: :flowers: :rainbow:

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Re: Exclusivity, version 2.0 Chapter 1 (PG-13)

Post by Phoenix »

I like the changes, Lucky. :rose:
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Re: Exclusivity, version 2.0 Chapter 1 (PG-13)

Post by AggieVamp »

I *THINK* I read this before - and liked it. And I like it even more 2nd time around.
On to Chapter 2....... :reading:

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Re: Exclusivity, version 2.0 Chapter 1 (PG-13)

Post by tucutecats »

Oh absolutely delicious. The connection between the two is undeniable. I find myself holding my breath,,everytime I read their story. You are a true artist, you breath life into these two, what a wonderwoman you are ,Lucky. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
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Re: Exclusivity, version 2.0 Chapter 1 (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

This is my first time reading Exclusivity, so I don't know what you changed, but I can tell you that the rewrites are seamless. This doesn't read like a story that's been altered. It flows perfectly. And it's a wonderful depiction of the beginnings of that marvellous deepening of Lucky's and Josef's relationship. :hearts:

BTW, I loved this:
...perhaps it was the way he focused his attention on whatever woman he chose, but he was irresistible.
...because it perfectly describes the way it feels to talk with Jason. That man has an amazing ability to make you feel as if you are the only thing on his mind at the moment. And in Josef, with his age and vampire attractiveness (and, of course, the blood thing), it would probably be magnified a thousandfold. :happysigh: :melts: :melts: :melts:
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Re: Exclusivity, version 2.0 Chapter 1 (PG-13)

Post by librarian_7 »

allegrita wrote:This is my first time reading Exclusivity, so I don't know what you changed, but I can tell you that the rewrites are seamless. This doesn't read like a story that's been altered. It flows perfectly. And it's a wonderful depiction of the beginnings of that marvellous deepening of Lucky's and Josef's relationship. :hearts:

BTW, I loved this:
...perhaps it was the way he focused his attention on whatever woman he chose, but he was irresistible.
...because it perfectly describes the way it feels to talk with Jason. That man has an amazing ability to make you feel as if you are the only thing on his mind at the moment. And in Josef, with his age and vampire attractiveness (and, of course, the blood thing), it would probably be magnified a thousandfold. :happysigh: :melts: :melts: :melts:
I have to say, I totally agree...and this was written a good 10 months before I experienced it first hand. I recall an instance at the Gala, I (honest! I wasn't staring!) happened to glance over in his direction as he talked to someone else--may even have been you, Alle, and he briefly made eye contact, with a very slight lift of his eyebrows...and I felt like he wasn't just looking around at all the silly women...but seeing me as a person. Even others at my table noticed this and commented on it. Just an instant, but he really knows how to make that connection. And that's something that came through in Josef, also, very clearly. I think Josef focusing on you would either be very good...or very, very bad.

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Re: Exclusivity, version 2.0 Chapter 1 (PG-13)

Post by francis »

I don't even remember much of the first version, too long ago. I absolutely love this one. Love how much Josef cares for her, and how he forces her gently to get into life again. Your description of Lucky's reaction to major trauma, the depression and the need to be alone and safe in your own environment, feels quite right.
And I agree with allegrita, this is exactly how many have described Jason. Surely that intensity is what made Jason's portrayal of a 400 year old work. I love that you saw that in him even before we all knew.
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Re: Exclusivity, version 2.0 Chapter 1 (PG-13)

Post by Penina Spinka »

This is the first time I'm reading this. Thank you for giving us a chance to see their early relationship again. Josef is so caring with Lucky, how could she help but feel lucky?
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Re: Exclusivity, version 2.0 Chapter 1 (PG-13)

Post by moonlight_vixen »

Being with him was like handling a straight-edge razor. If you were careful, it was all right, it was fabulous, but the slightest slip could lead to…consequences, from a careless nick to a sliced open heart.
These lines are my absolute favorite. I just...I can't even describe it, but they get to me. They can easily be related to any number of men, but when used to describe Josef they just sink right in.

It's even better this time around! :notworthy:
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Re: Exclusivity, version 2.0 Chapter 1 (PG-13)

Post by susieb »

Personally, I feel that any scene in ML the series and/or fanfiction is better with Josef. And your portrayal of Josef is so right on target that even though there's an OC here, I can so easily imagine this story filmed as part of the series.
She’d had more than one cut from that blade, and she remembered each of their encounters with some residual heat. They stood out like individual drops of blood strung along the skin of her arm. That surprised her. After her experiences with Lunos, she’d have thought she could never consider the idea of a vampire’s kiss again without abject fear. She took out her memories of Josef, and of the other vampire she’d fed, ran through the images in her mind and found that her recollections of them were all good. Her first vampire was always considerate when he fed, as gentle as possible. And Josef. Josef could make every encounter into something intimate, something to be sought out and enjoyed again. Perhaps it was the centuries of experience, perhaps it was the way he focused his attention on whatever woman he chose, but he was irresistible. She stole a glance up at him, and blushed to discover he was staring at her, listening intently. She realized once again that he knew the blood pulsing through her as he knew his own. It was his own. The reality of their blood bond—she’d never given it much thought before; the vampires usually didn’t stress that too much with freshies, especially non-exclusive ones, but everyone knew there was something there. Once they’d fed from you, once they’d tasted you, they knew you, knew how you worked, knew how you thought. She knew, here and now, there was something there. And she knew he knew it too. She bit her lip, embarrassed.
I especially liked this passage. Not only does it give us a very intimate glimpse of what this relationship would be like for a freshie, but also a further glimpse into Josef. I find the idea of the blood bond absolutely fascinating and your description is beautifully written and succinct.

And, oh, I do think I'm liking Lucky! :hearts: Heading to chap 2.

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Re: Exclusivity, version 2.0 Chapter 1 (PG-13)

Post by jen »

Lucky's reaction in the hours and days immediately after the...incident...are very, very likely. In many ways, this was like a sexual assault and she is reacting in much the same way a sexual assault victim would.

It makes total sense that Josef would have been there.

I am not surprised that Lucky sensed him in some way. perhaps a shadow of a sense she is not aware she posesses.

Josef is taking care of her, seeing that she gets the companionship she needs to discuss the event and yer feelings. She needs to get it out or it will be with her forever.

Wonderfully written!

Thank you!


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Re: Exclusivity, version 2.0 Chapter 1 (PG-13)

Post by jen »

Wonderful reread!

Lucky is healing. The path she is walking, alone, is one that no one can really share in. This was an assault on her body, on her freedom to choose and reject, and as much as Josef wants to be there. There is a part of this journey that is solitary.

I said that I would read more in this story once I got home from work.

When have I ever showed any restraint when it comes to reading fanfic...

But I really had better get back before they discover how well they can get along without me. :biggrin:
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