Four Years in the Moonlight

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Four Years in the Moonlight

Post by allegrita »

Four years ago, an amazing thing came into my life - Moonlight. I had no idea how powerful it would be, how much it would change me and my world. But it has, and I'm so very glad for it.

The story of Mick St. John, so deceptively stylish and cool, has depths and layers that continue to reveal themselves to me, four years later. The stories we were given, and the amazing stories that they have inspired, still captivate me. The art that has been created, the musical vistas that have opened up, the friendships I've gained, the talents I've discovered in myself, the knowledge I've gained -- these are treasures that are far beyond mere price.

Moonlight has somehow become a transformative experience for many, many people. I'd love to hear how it has transformed you.

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Re: Four Years in the Moonlight

Post by choccyterri »

:ghug: So while I am in a completely mushy, remembering mood, this morning. I shall reply. :biggrin:

Like many, when I first watched the show, it was to see what the latest vampire series would turn up. But from episode one I was hooked. The underlying story, mixed with the current trials and adventures of the characters held my attention... and I'm sure would have continued to long after the one and only series we were afforded. :heart:

And what it gave me?? :hearts: Initially I was a quiet show follower, like many. But when it seemed that the show wouldn't pass it's first season, I joined so many others fighting for a second. :cheer: I ' Rah, rah, rah'd ' along with the rest of you, and made some amazing friendships, that I cherish to this day. Leading me to begin making banners, enjoying the beautiful images and scenes, and appreciating the amazing music in the show.

Finally, this amazing show led me to begin writing a character... to the world of rping. Which I love, and find amazing. The people I write with have the most wonderful storytelling talent, which leaves me in awe. And I feel privileged to be accepted amongst them. :heart:

While other shows may come along, and I enjoy them? Moonlight will always be the show that inspired me into action. To not just following, but being involved in a community. And it led me to my dearest friend in the world. Whom I would never be without. :heart:

In short, it changed my outlook, my approach, and how I involve myself with the world around me. Just a little show? I think not...

Happy Moonlight Anniversary everybody..... :ghug:

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Re: Four Years in the Moonlight

Post by librarian_7 »

Moonlight has meant so much to me, it's hard to summarize. Falling in love with a tv show was so NOT me. Admittedly, the vampires had me years and years before that, but this was different. I've learned so much through this, gained so many friends and become part of a world-wide community. My love of ML gave me the courage to follow through on my passion. It re-awakened the need to write, to tell stories, and it gave me an audience for my creative work. It opened a whole new field of studies and inquiry for me.

Has it all been rosy and wonderful? No. There's been some heartache and strife associated with it, but in the long run, it's been worth it.

:champs: to our lovely :dracula: ; :champs: to our lovely community. :ghug:

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Re: Four Years in the Moonlight

Post by francis »

Moonlight was the first show I ever got hooked on. It was the first show I analyzed every single scene, every movement, every line and every facial expression. It was the first show I tried to catch on the internet, as it wasn’t shown in Germany yet, and I didn’t watch much TV anymore. It was the first show that made me join a message board (and another and another…) and look up actors, ratings, behind-the-scenes material, screenwriters, directors and so on.

It was the first time that I fell in love with a singular actor just from one performance, from one scene, to be honest. It was the interview scene that hooked me, it was the hug at the end of NSTAV that made me cry, and it was the end of OOTP that made me realize that this was something truly special.

It was the first time I dared to write in English on a message board, and I learned so much in these four years. I’m now so fluent, know so much about pop culture and a lot of things I had no idea of.

Moonlight made me connect to my inner self that had been neglected for so long. For the first time I wrote fanfiction. For the first time I swooned over pictures and videos and graphics. For the first time I wanted to know every single detail about something other than a science project. I found my creative side again that had been buried mostly.

Moonlight helped me through some serious problems, like dealing with a lot of stress by finding an outlet, a distraction, that spoke to another part of me.
The emotions of the characters connected with me. Maybe it was the genius lighting and set décor that made me look at it, really watch the show without distractions. There was just so much to see. And so I trained myself to look for the details, and it made the whole experience so much more enjoyable, and deep, and meaningful.
There wasn’t a wasted scene in the show, from start to finish. I never enjoyed a show that much, and I haven’t since.

The message board let me make lots of friends, people I care about, people who share advice, jokes, personal matters, sorrows, triumph with me. Not that I lack friends in real life, but this is something else. We went through some pretty heavy stuff already (not the least the breaking up of some board, and the cancellation of ML).

I’m now at a point where I think the early cancellation might be a blessing in disguise. Who knows if this kind of quality could have been kept. The last four episodes are great, but they already show a shift in focus and style. The fanfiction kept the show alive for me, and still does.
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Re: Four Years in the Moonlight

Post by cassysj »

I came to Moonlight as a fan of Angel and fell for it quickly. The first time Fever was on I was on a three day religious retreat in Alabama. I didn't get back to the hotel room until 8:50 so I missed most of the episode but it was the first thing I thought of.

I've mentioned before I've been in love with a lot of tv shows so the feeling Moonlight gave me wasn't new. I'd been to the rodeo at least four or five times to the point of reading fanfiction going to conventions for various shows etc.

Surprisingly I didn't even look for websites or message boards with Moonlight. I just enjoyed it. I went to NY Comicon and unlike many of you I loved final four episodes. I know I'm in the minority but the different style and the less noir feeling appealed to me.

I still remember the feeling of dread when I saw the commercial that said there were only 2 Micks left. While the formal announcement had not been made my experience in television did not like the feel of that commercial. It felt wrong to me and there was such an upbeat feeling from NY Comicon it didn't seem possible.

I've read a lot of fanfic in my time but never wrote before Moonlight. I posted my first Josef Doll on September 24, 2008 and have been writing ever since.

I love Moonlight the people I've met online and the community we have here.
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Re: Four Years in the Moonlight

Post by coco »

I came to watch Moonlight via the wonderful UK Living promo. I was so intrigued to see what it was all about. :notworthy:

I still to this day remember chatting to my friends about this great new show I'd become hooked on. I think they finally watched Fever just to shut me up. :snicker: They loved it but hadn't become as obsessed as I had. I searched the internet for more info and came across the boards. First, the UK Living forum, followed by my first proper ML board where I "met" a lot of you for the first time. I started out tentative as I was a UK poster but after a while you couldn't shut me up. :biggrin:

I feel completely at home with this online community. I've met such wonderful friends who I've shared more with than some of my friends and family. It's very rare to have a TV show change your life but that's what ML did for me. I'm shy and quiet in RL and wouldn't have ever thought I'd travel to meet online friends and go to ML conventions. I did all those things. :biggrin: As I was watching my four eps tonight, I saw the signed messages from Jason Dohring & Jordan Belfi from BBM. That weekend was such a fun, special moment for me. I'll remember it fondly forever. :hearts:

Moonlight brought out my creative side. Back in the day I posted pics to song lyrics before I moved on to making vids. What a joy that has been. 58 vids later I still want to make more. I made my own blogspot to showcase all my vids and while it doesn't work as well as it used to, I'm proud of what I put together.

Moonlight the TV show may have ended prematurely but the Moonlight community we have here is still going strong 4 years later and I am so grateful for that.

Love to you all. :hearts:
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"Maybe it was her blood in my veins that let me feel her. The beating of her very living heart. Or maybe, we've always been connected." Mick & Beth - Moonlight

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Re: Four Years in the Moonlight

Post by darkstarrising »

I share many of the feelings and reactions others have said, but francis struck a particular chord
It was the first time that I fell in love with a singular actor just from one performance, from one scene, to be honest. It was the interview scene that hooked me, it was the hug at the end of NSTAV that made me cry, and it was the end of OOTP that made me realize that this was something truly special.

Each of the actors brought their respective characters to life in a memorable way, but as an ensemble cast, Alex's Mick St. John was the center around which Josef, Beth and Coraline all revolved. I'd never heard of any of them before, but after that first episode, I couldn't wait for it to be Friday night again. Have I ever fallen in love with a TV show like this before? No, not even close and I've tried to understand why this one was any different. (Lilly and I had this conversation over lunch a couple of weeks ago.)

In retrospect, part of the answer is that Mick St. John was a character we could all empathize with in some way or the other. He was a tragic figure, to be sure, and it was the heart and soul of the character that was exposed each week what touched us. Mick mourned his lost humanity and you felt his sorrow. He was powerful, yet vulnerable, longing, yet fearing to love and be loved again and you felt his loneliness. The final scene of 'Out of the Past' captured that beautifully. Mick did what he could to save Josh, his rival in love, knowing he'd likely lose Beth forever should he succeed. But when he takes the high moral ground and refuses to turn him, it costs him anyway. Hands covered in blood, eyes raised to heaven, you could almost hear him plead for mercy.

When Mick finally achieved his dream of becoming human again, you rejoiced, but only for a brief moment as that gift cost him the woman he once (and probably still) loved. That last look exchanged between Mick and Coraline was full of longing and regret that broke your heart. And when he gave up that gift to save the woman who now held his heart, your own tears fell with his single tear drop.

What has Moonlight done for me? More than I could ever have imagined. I owe the creators, writers and actors who brought 'Moonlight' to us a debt of gratitude. Because of them, I found all of you :ghug: and learned a few things. I also decided to follow a dream that has been on hold for far too long. Whether or not that dream becomes reality, I have no way of knowing, but because of 'Moonlight', I'm at least going to take a chance.

Isn't that what life is about?
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Re: Four Years in the Moonlight

Post by kath40 »

darkstarrising wrote: In retrospect, part of the answer is that Mick St. John was a character we could all empathize with in some way or the other. He was a tragic figure, to be sure, and it was the heart and soul of the character that was exposed each week what touched us. Mick mourned his lost humanity and you felt his sorrow. He was powerful, yet vulnerable, longing, yet fearing to love and be loved again and you felt his loneliness. The final scene of 'Out of the Past' captured that beautifully. Mick did what he could to save Josh, his rival in love, knowing he'd likely lose Beth forever should he succeed. But when he takes the high moral ground and refuses to turn him, it costs him anyway. Hands covered in blood, eyes raised to heaven, you could almost hear him plead for mercy.

When Mick finally achieved his dream of becoming human again, you rejoiced, but only for a brief moment as that gift cost him the woman he once (and probably still) loved. That last look exchanged between Mick and Coraline was full of longing and regret that broke your heart. And when he gave up that gift to save the woman who now held his heart, your own tears fell with his single tear drop.
Well said darkstarrising! :rose: This is what happens when I come here and share in a love of a show with so many brilliant writers. Not only did you take the words out of my mouth but you looked deep into my heart and spilled it all over the page.

Now in my clumsy way I'll try to express how Moonlight changed me.

I never knew one little show would change my life. I've been a Moonlight fan since the word's "Mick St. John, Thank you for joining us tonight" floated across the room from the worm glow of my television. Then the sexiest male voice I've ever heard said "you're welcome" as Mick St John appeared on my screen. Little did I know it was a night that would turn my world upside down. For the next 8 months I fell deeper and deeper in love with this new show Moonlight only to have it riped from me one unbelievable night with one lone word "canceled". I was devastated. I was not ready to say goodbye to this wonderful story and it's perfect cast of characters.

Thank God for fanfic! Now I'm no writer, but I do appreciate those of you who are writers , who have taken your talent and picked up where Moonlight left off. You and you alone keep Moonlight alive for me and many others. With your imaginative stories and uncanny ability to capture the essence of what made us fall in love with Moonlight and write it down on this virtual paper...a site like this. Moonlight may no longer be on my TV screen with new stories, but Moonlight lives on in my heart and my minds eye as I read your stories and imagine Alex, Sophia, Jason, Shannon and all our beloved cast bringing more Moonlight adventures to life. I can't thank you enough.

In a nut shell I fell in love with a TV Vampire , bought my first home computer to follow this show and it's stars. I made many many friends all over the world, learned how to make fan art, burn my own CD's and DVD's. I've learned about TV ratings and more then I care to know about the Hollywood machine. I've become a moderator for a sight dedicated to the man who started it all....Alex O'loughlin.

Even though Alex has moved on with his career and has found great success with the new Hawaii Five 0, He will always be Mick St first love. Moonlight lead to my discovery of this talented Aussie actor that of which I'll forever be grateful.

My heart will always belong to Moonlight a romantic thrill ride that never ends.

Moonlight may be gone but it will never be forgotten.

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Re: Four Years in the Moonlight

Post by MoonShadow »


ML opened my world in ways that I never expected. I allowed myself to travel far beyond my comfort zone, trying new things, meeting new people, exploring new aspects of my own self.
I never dreamed that a television show could have possibly enriched my world the way that this one did.
Part of me will always believe in the magic that was, the magic that could have been, but most importantly,
that measure of magic that is within each one of us.

Congrats to the wonderful beings related in all ways to this wonderful moment in time.
Thank you :heart:
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Be bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn
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