Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by NocturneInCMoll »

I wondered why they weren't taping Bustos in the interrogation room, too.

I also wonder what Carl thought after Tejada was a no-show at the Compos Bar in Boyle Heights. (I also pity the owner of the Compos Bar after the SWAT team had their way with the place). Why, oh, why, did they have to leave stuff like that open? Why did Carl have to disappear?

When Tejada said, "You come to my place and spill blood? Now I'll have your blood," was anyone else cringingly waiting for Mick to say, "Actually...I'm gonna have yours"?
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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by allegrita »

When Tejada said, "You come to my place and spill blood? Now I'll have your blood," was anyone else cringingly waiting for Mick to say, "Actually...I'm gonna have yours"?
I think it's spelled "Campos"...that would be the spelling if it's a Latino name, anyway. And I think Mick said just that, Julie... only without saying it. :devil:

And I agree with you, rbill--Mick must have had his rampage in mind when he talked to Beth about regrets... although I don't think he really regretted what he did to Tejada--at least, not in the same way he'd regret, say, murdering that poor girl Coraline delivered to him on a string the night after she turned him. :Mickangel:

I think Mick believes he's damned forever for what he is and what he's done...but he can justify letting himself go (as he did with Tejada and his goons) when he's doing it in a good cause. Not that it makes him less evil in his mind, but at least he's evil in service of good. Just my :2cents:

(edited to add the quote)
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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by r1015bill »

Oh, I don't think Mick regrets killing Tejada either. I just meant that it shows what he is capable of doing if it pleases him.
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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by francis »

NocturneInCMoll wrote:I wondered why they weren't taping Bustos in the interrogation room, too.

I also wonder what Carl thought after Tejada was a no-show at the Compos Bar in Boyle Heights. (I also pity the owner of the Compos Bar after the SWAT team had their way with the place). Why, oh, why, did they have to leave stuff like that open? Why did Carl have to disappear?
Do you think that maybe Mick told Josef about that loose end and he took care of it? That would have been a great episode 14 1/2 or so. How would Beth react to another one of her friends dying, and would she suspect something? Would Josef tell her it was just like the Dean Foster problem? How would Mick react if his best friend and the love of his life would fight about this?
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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by NocturneInCMoll »

Since we don't know how Carl handled the lack of Tejada at the Campos (thanks, Alle) Bar--did he just assume they were too late and that was it? or was it obvious Tejada had never been there, and he was suspicious?--it's hard to say what kind of loose end there would have been, and if it would have merited being taken care of the Le Brea Way. I'm sure Carl and Commander Murphy wondered what the heck Mick "said" to Bustos in there to make him freak and spill his guts like that...
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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by GuardianAngel »

francis wrote:
NocturneInCMoll wrote:I wondered why they weren't taping Bustos in the interrogation room, too.

I also wonder what Carl thought after Tejada was a no-show at the Compos Bar in Boyle Heights. (I also pity the owner of the Compos Bar after the SWAT team had their way with the place). Why, oh, why, did they have to leave stuff like that open? Why did Carl have to disappear?
Do you think that maybe Mick told Josef about that loose end and he took care of it? That would have been a great episode 14 1/2 or so. How would Beth react to another one of her friends dying, and would she suspect something? Would Josef tell her it was just like the Dean Foster problem? How would Mick react if his best friend and the love of his life would fight about this?
No, I don't see any f that happening. First, Mick would not go to Josef with this because a)Mick would feel it's his problem and b) Josef would feel it's Mick's problem. Mick wouldn't let Carl be 'taken care of', especially since it was him who sent Carl on the wild goose chase to begin with. And if Josef wanted Carl 'taken care of' it's Mick he would expect to handle it.
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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by GuardianAngel »

Here we go; the finale of this episode.

Beth is alone, in her room, grieving. It looks like she’s been looking through pictures of her and Josh.


Mick steps in off the terrace as Beth’s phone begins to ring. He asks if she’s going to answer it.


Beth turns to him and says that she doesn’t want to talk to anyone. She asks if Mick would please leave. He asks if she would just give him a minute.


He knows she’s angry with him but he didn’t kill Josh. The gang, Tejada, his JOB killed him. She can’t blame him for Josh being gone.



Mick tells her that turning someone into a vampire isn’t saving a life, it’s taking one. Beth finishes for him with impatience. Because it’s such a curse. I know, you tell me all the time.


But she doesn’t know. How could she know? Beth asks then, if he hates what he is so much, why does he go on living.


The question shocks him and he’s stunned for a moment. Mick’s VO tells us that Beth makes him want to but he struggles with what to say to her. He gives a sad laugh and says he’s not really sure (Oh, mercy me. I can’t breathe). He laughs again and repeats his answer.





Mick tells her that he did a lot of bad things after he was Turned, things she can never imagine, that he carries tremendous amounts of guilt about. He wants to make up for them.


He calls her name (amazing how much he actually says just by saying her name). She says she can’t stop thinking about him (Josh). That if Mick had done it, he’d still be here.



She asks him what if it were her lying there seconds before death? Would he have saved her?

He thinks on it and tells her he would have done the same thing.


But as Beth turns away, upset, Mick’s VO tells us that he’s asked himself that question over and over. The truth is, he doesn’t know what he would do.

Mick leaves. As Beth settles back into her chair Mick’s VO tells us that what he does know is that at the end of the day, not a lot separates life and death. Only one thing....eternity.
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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by darkstarrising »

I found this whole scene just incredibly heartbreaking....the initial shock has worn off for Beth....she's a mess, she's been crying, trying to make sense of it all when there's none to be had and perhaps wondering if she had been honest with Josh, would he still be alive...Sophia nailed this.....she's curled up in a chair like a little child and there's no way in hell she's going to leave that chair, not just yet.

Mick has already dispatched Tejada, the only thing he could do to deal with his own guilt. When he shows up on the balcony, he's looking to console Beth, but to be consoled as well....neither can help the other right now, and seeing Mick just adds to Beth's grief. She can't deal with it, she can't deal with him, so she pushes him away....but the questions she asks of him about continuing to live and turning....he can't answer her honestly, not just now, in part because he doesn't know the answers. And so he leaves, and each will deal with their grief in their own way.
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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by jen »

It is rare to find a scene so emotionally powerful and fabulously done ans this one in any show. It is all just so synergistic--yeah, I like that word. The acting is just off the charts excellent, the music rich and emotional. the writing superb. This was one of those moments in Moonlight that just said to the world what a remarkable show this was.

'I have been in situations when your world feels ripped apart and for a brief time, you can't think rationally, and even as you reach out for comfort, something within you will not allow you to find it. Somehow, you cling to the knife edges of your pain, as they are all you have left connecting you to the one you lost. In those moments, trust me--you are not big on details. ANY details. Routine is forgotten. Things you thought you would never forget, even eating. So, I found the glass of wine and lit candles on the table beside her a bit odd.

Maybe I am looking for too much realism in a TV show, no matter how enchanting, but Moonlight spoiled me, sometimes.


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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by francis »

This one scene punched me in the gut, much more than the scene when Josh died. It brought it home to me. And I found myself in Beth, grieving and lashing out. I know that situation, and I know that you just can't deal with someone else, can't comfort anyone, can't think, can't move. Sophia nailed it.
And Mick - that sad little laugh that told everyone even without the voiceover that everything he was gonna say next would be a lie, a lie he would try to tell Beth and himself, because he was grieving too. They are at a standstill here, no way to go.
It broke my heart to see them, and I have never EVER seen anything like that on TV.
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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by PNWgal »

This final scene of LLF ripped me in two. First time I saw it, I was furious with Beth. How dare she ask him such a horrible question? Couldn't she see he'd done everything he could? Yes, she was mourning, but she'd practically asked him why he just doesn't go out and end it all. That look on his face breaks my heart every time.

But...the more I thought about it, the more I felt for her. Beth's just lost a good man and she's hurting and confused. Mick comes looking for absolution, for reassurance that he did the right thing by letting Josh die. So now I'm thinking that Mick's in the wrong. How dare he come looking for comfort when Beth's hurting?

Turns out they're both right and they're both wrong. They're both hurting, and neither knows how to comfort the other. And - I also think Mick's a big liar. I honestly can't see him standing by and letting Beth die without seriously considering Turning her.

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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by NocturneInCMoll »

PNWgal wrote:This final scene of LLF ripped me in two. First time I saw it, I was furious with Beth. How dare she ask him such a horrible question? Couldn't she see he'd done everything he could? Yes, she was mourning, but she'd practically asked him why he just doesn't go out and end it all. That look on his face breaks my heart every time.

But...the more I thought about it, the more I felt for her. Beth's just lost a good man and she's hurting and confused. Mick comes looking for absolution, for reassurance that he did the right thing by letting Josh die. So now I'm thinking that Mick's in the wrong. How dare he come looking for comfort when Beth's hurting?

Turns out they're both right and they're both wrong. They're both hurting, and neither knows how to comfort the other. And - I also think Mick's a big liar. I honestly can't see him standing by and letting Beth die without seriously considering Turning her.
I fully agree with all of the above.
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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by allegrita »

Yeah--what Pgal said. I was never that mad at Beth, though. I just felt soooo bad for both of them. :Mickangel:
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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by redwinter101 »

Yup, me too. Even at first viewing, I was shaking my head at Mick, looking for comfort (and forgiveness) when Beth is obviously in no state to give it and while I understand the desire to set things straight at the earliest possible opportunity, this was not the way to do it.

But the "Why do you go on living" line, as I remember, actually made me gasp with horror - which just goes to show how brilliantly written and performed this scene was. People in extremis can do and say terrible things and this was a brilliant and powerful evocation of that.


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Re: Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 11: Love Lasts Forever

Post by wpgrace »

:hankie: :hankie: :hankie:
And the acting... :happysigh:
And yes, I was mad at Beth. She ticked me off in the last few eps... :shrug:
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