FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort. (PG-13)

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FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

FULL MOONLIGHT-----Ch 11-------The Last Resort.

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own ‘Moonlight’, or any of its wonderful characters. I’m just taking them out for a run! No copyright infringement is intended.

SUMMARY: A multi-chapter action-adventure featuring Mick, Beth, Josef, Logan, Talbot, Guillermo, Simone, and a few really big werewolves, among others. Rated PG-13 for mild language and Violence.
WARNING: This chapter contains one use of the ‘F-Word’. It is used only once for artistic purposes, in order to convey the extreme emotional agitation of the character in question.

SPOILERS: Follows on from all 16 episodes of ‘Moonlight’, as aired on CBS. Follows on from Allegrita’s FanFic, ‘Presto Agitato’, Ch 1 & 2. (Mick and Beth ‘seal the deal’ and are now lovers.) Follows on from Desdemona’s FanFic, ‘Silver’, Ch 1 thru 7 only. (Talbot finds out about vampires in general, and Mick in particular, the hard way!) Borrows, with Eris’ kind permission, her original character of ‘Karl’ from her many fine FanFics.

Ready? OK! Hold on! It’s going to be a VERY rough ride!


Josef stood beside the window-wall of his penthouse office suite and craned his neck to get another look at the huge, jet black beast that was climbing towards him. It
looked up at him, and for a moment, their eyes met. Josef smirked at the creature.

The werewolf barred his enormous fangs and snarled, redoubling its efforts. Punching through another pane of glass, and gripping the steel security mess behind the glass, it increased the speed of its climb. Its goal was in sight.

Time to go. The last of his employees were now safely away from the building. Josef turned from the window and took in his darkened office with a quick sweep of his eyes. He had just finished remodeling and redecorating after that bombing. The place was perfect. He knew the rogue wolf would tear the hell out of everything as it entered in pursuit of him. Damn thing.

He sighed. That’s life……it’s always something.

Josef took off, leaving his penthouse office in a blur of motion, too fast for a human eye to follow. He raced down a hallway and into the stairwell, pausing only to secure the stairwell door behind him. Every door that the brute had to batter his way through would slow him down, buy precious time. With the stairwell door sealed, Josef took off again, hummingbird fast up one flight, to the helicopter hanger on the roof.

Josef rarely flew his Bell 407 Helicopter , but he knew how. Until now, he had thought of it as he thought of his Ferrari, an expensive toy. It occasionally came in handy for impressing clients, showing them the city, quick trips to LAX, and the like. The craft was sleek with beautiful lines. Leather upholstery, very plush interior, and it seated six, including the pilot. The Cadillac of personal copters. But for the most part, it was just fun. Learning new skills, mastering new technology, was something Josef prided himself on.

He had a team of mechanics and pilots whose entire job was the ongoing maintenance of the Bell. It was kept in tip top shape, always ready to fly at a moment’s notice……like right now.

As he entered the hanger bay and locked the door behind him, Josef winced at the sound he had been expecting……. and dreading. Large amounts of glass shattering, the steel security mess bending and snapping, quickly followed by the splintering of furniture. There went his brand new desk. The wolf was inside his office one flight down…….and it would be hot on his trail. He heard more furniture being smashed, followed by a deafening roar. It was angry……had it expected him to just stay in his office and wait to be dinner?

Josef moved in a blur to a security panel and keyed in the command to unseal the hanger bay. His eyes flicked to the hanger’s side door as he heard the deep thud of the wolf slamming into the sealed stairwell entrance below him. More thuds followed as it battered the stairwell door. Josef could hear the metal bending, beginning to fail. The security doors had been designed to hold a vampire……but they were no match for the strength of a werewolf. That door wouldn’t hold the brute for long. His time was short.

The security system demanded his palm for recognition in order to over-ride the emergency lock down. Josef pressed his palm to the appropriate reader. The system beeped its acceptance of him. He keyed in the command to open the hanger door.
Below him, he heard the wolf crash through the first stairwell door. He could hear its claws clicking and scrabbling on the concrete stairs. Only two more doors stood between Josef and the wolf now. The exit from the stairs on this hanger floor, and the entrance to the hanger bay itself. Both were heavy steel doors, but no heavier than the door the creature had just battered its way through on the penthouse level.

The system smoothly opened the hanger’s outer doors. Beyond them, the night sky beckoned. Josef was in the Bell helicopter in an instant, flicking switches, and igniting the engine. It whined to life. Josef remotely activated the mobile landing pad. He donned his headset as the helicopter’s rotor blades began to turn, and the landing pad on which it sat began to move, rolling slowly towards the now open hanger doors.

Too slowly……….Josef’s jaw tightened as he heard the second stairwell door give way under the beast’s onslaught. A second later, it hit the hanger’s side door, battering against it for all it was worth. Boom…..Boom…..echoing through the hanger bay. Metal groaned and the heavy door began to bow inward. It wouldn’t last much longer.

Out of time. Josef knew he couldn’t wait for the landing pad to roll clear of the hanger doors. The rogue was going to breach the last steel door in a few seconds. The rolling landing pad was designed to carry the helicopter clear of the hanger to where it could safely lift off the roof. The reverse happened when the helicopter returned and landed. Lifting off while still inside the hanger was never considered…. the space was simply too small for that…….. But Josef had no choice.

Taking hold of the Bell’s controls, he urged the helicopter off the deck, even though it was still inside the hanger. Responding to his subtle touch, the copter rose and hovered just inches above the still rolling landing pad. This was going to be tricky……………. Josef carefully nudged the copter forward, leaving the sluggish landing pad behind, making his way toward the open hanger door.

He would have only inches of clearance for the rotors in the hanger doorway……one mistake…..a fraction of an inch in either direction……and the rotors would impact the hanger’s door frame, causing a spectacular rooftop crash.

The whump…whump…..whump…of the rotors reverberated off the walls of the hanger, and the prop-wash caused papers on the maintenance crew’s desk to swirl madly around the room. Ordinarily, the Bell would not be fired up until its rolling landing pad had carried it outside the hanger. Ordinarily………Nothing about this situation was ordinary.

Josef tried to block out the sound of the beast battering its way through the last barrier between him and it. Allowing himself to pay attention to that now was useless……he would either make it…..or he wouldn’t. All he could do was focus on getting the Bell clear of its hanger and into the air.

Brow knitted in concentration, Josef inched the helicopter slowly and carefully through the hanger’s doorway…….he was threading a needle…….clear! He made it!

A faint smile of victory flashed across Josef’s boyish face. He had done it! His celebration was brief.

Behind him, he heard the hanger’s side door give way, crashing into the room, followed by a roaring, tremendously pissed off werewolf.

No time to look back. Working the foot pedals to control torque with the tail rotor, and the sticks on his right and his left to control movement in the vertical and horizontal planes with the large main rotor, Josef struggled to gain altitude and get away from the roof as fast as he could. He could hear the wolf coming, its claws digging into the concrete as it turned and rushed out of the hanger bay and onto the rooftop, sprinting towards the ascending helicopter.

The Bell sailed out away from the roof while climbing, rising above the streets far below. Josef skillfully worked the controls, pivoting the helicopter in the air, turning back to face his building……..and his attacker.

The black wolf raced forward and leaped……stretching himself out in space toward the helicopter that was rapidly conveying his prey away from him. He reached, stretching…….falling short……..

Josef had swung the Bell a full 180 degrees to face his building. He saw the wolf jumping towards him……and missing by mere inches…..the skids of the copter just out of reach. With his heightened visual comprehension, Josef saw everything in a kind of slow motion. He saw the miss, he saw the expression of surprise and fury on the black wolf’s face. Followed by yet another expression……..

A decidedly, ‘Oh Shit!’, expression, as the were realized his situation...................For a instant, Josef and the predator locked eyes again. The werewolf hung for a split second in midair, high above the city streets below…….Josef smiled and winked at the creature. Bye, Bye now,…….

The werewolf snarled. There was a Wiley-Coyote moment……when the black wolf’s paws and legs flailed madly in empty space……then he fell, plummeting toward the street so many stories below.


The woman and her friend were stunned when the enormous black animal smashed into the street in front of their car. So much for girls’ night out! The creature stood up immediately, but the woman was unable to avoid hitting it. Her friend screamed…..she screamed………as their car slammed into the huge creature. Their airbags deployed.


The predator stepped back away from the ruined vehicle. He shook himself and glanced in through the shattered windshield at the two women in the car. Both had been knocked unconscious by the impact. They did not see him, and were not a threat…….but so many others had………..

He looked around himself. There were several humans watching him from a distance. A few were holding devices out in front of themselves, taking his picture, no doubt. So many had seen…….and photographed…….that which could not be explained away. He had done a terrible thing…………..

He didn’t care……….it didn’t matter. In for a penny, in for a pound. Only his hunger mattered now.

He looked up as he caught the scent of his prey in the prop-wash, blown down towards the ground by the helicopter’s rotors. He could see the helicopter moving away towards the hills overlooking the city. Inhaling deeply, the black wolf began to run, following the scent of his quarry as it was conveyed down to him from the sky. He had gone through too much, risked too much, to let his prey escape him now.


Josef spun the Bell in the air again, turning to look behind him…..there it was…..following him on the ground, running down allies and side streets. Damn. He turned for home and accelerated to the helicopter’s top speed. The wolf couldn’t match his air speed, but it could follow his scent. He got on the airwaves immediately; “Karl! Are you reading me? Karl!?”

Karl responded quickly in his heavy eastern European accent… “Yes, Mr Kostan, I’m here.”

“Initiate Lock down of the mansion. I’m on my way in the helicopter.”

There was a pause…… “Lock down, Sir?”

Josef sighed with exasperation….this was not the time for Karl’s cautious formality. “Yes! Lock down now! The rogue wolf attacked the office building! Everyone got out, including myself…….but tall, dark, and shaggy is all over me! He’s following me on the ground. This wolf is seriously off his rocker! Don’t open the hanger bay until I signal you that I’m on final approach……and please have numerous large caliber weapons on hand, with lots of really big silver bullets, just in case he’s faster than I think, and manages to rush the hanger before we can get it closed behind me.”

“I’ll handle it, sir.” Karl replied firmly.

“Thanks Karl……Kostan out.”


Karl had two possible choices in a lock down situation……an immediate emergency lock down, or a delayed lock down. An immediate, emergency lock down would undoubtedly leave some of the freshies trapped outside. That wouldn’t be good. He decided there was time enough for a delayed lock down. He reached out and pressed the appropriate button on his Security panel.

Everyone looked around when the alarms began to sound………A recording of Heather’s voice spoke for the computer, cool and professional……. “Lock down initiated…..30 seconds to lock down…..All personnel withdraw to within secure perimeter……lock down in 28 seconds…….27 seconds………”

Unlike the downtown office building, there were far more humans than there were vampires at Josef’s mansion. Freshies who had been lounging around the Terrace Pool, and other pools on the grounds, grabbed up their towels and ran for the house, calling to each other as they bolted inside.

Logan and Heather exchanged startled glances in the Terrace Room. Logan was well fed now….thanks to Melissa, and he and Heather had been bantering about ideas on artificial intelligence when the Alarms went off.

Heather jumped up and ran to the gathering covey of freshies who had just run in from the pool. They stood dripping on the floor, towels wrapped around themselves, eyes wide in terror.

“Is everyone here?!” Heather called. She stood on her tip-toes, counting heads.

Freshies that had been in their rooms, including Melissa and Amy, entered the Terrace Room, having been awakened by the alarm. Logan had moved up beside Heather. Melissa and Amy both made their way to him. He looked in surprise at first one, then the other, as the two young women each took hold of one of his arms and burrowed into his sides, seeking reassurance and protection. Logan was the only vampire in the room at that moment. Melissa was still pretty wobbly on her feet, having just fed Logan a couple hours earlier. She leaned heavily on him for support. He slipped his arm out of her grasp and wrapped it around her waist instead, supporting her weight. She was trembling…..so was Amy. Instinctively, soothing pheromones began to roll off Logan in waves, calming the frightened women.

In the background, the computer continued its countdown in Heather’s calm, detached voice……. “Lock down in 20 seconds, 19 seconds, 18 seconds…….”

The real Heather finished her head count, satisfied that all the girls currently on the grounds were accounted for………wait a minute…….where was Smokey? She looked around the room frantically.

“Has anyone seen Smokey?!” She asked, louder than she intended.

The freshies exchanged glances. Then one spoke up….. “She was in the garden near the pool alittle while ago.”

Heather pushed past the gathered freshies and ran outside, wrenching away from several of the girls who tried to stop her. “Smokey!”, she called, “Smokey! Here girl!”

“Heather!” , one freshie called.

“Get back in here!”, another shouted.

Heather ignored them. “Smokey!” She called again, desperate, “Here kitty, kitty!”
The computer relentlessly continued its countdown, “Lock Down in 12 seconds, 11 seconds……”

Suddenly, Karl was there……having heard the shouts from the freshies, and Heather calling her cat…..he knew what was going on. The freshies backed away from the patio doors, giving him room.

“Miss Heather!” Karl called in an urgent whisper, “Inside now!”

Heather’s only response was to wave her hand at him without even turning around. “Smokey! Here girl!” She knew the most likely cause of the lock down was an impending attack by the rogue wolf. No way was she leaving her baby girl outside to face that monster alone! “Smokey! Please baby!”, her voice began to crack with emotion, “Here girl!!!”

“Miss Heather!” Karl called more loudly, his eastern European accent becoming heavier with emotional stress, “I carry you if I must! Inside now!”

Heather briefly turned to look at the enormous vampire in surprise, making sure it was really him. That was more words than she could ever remember hearing the silent giant speak at any one time. The situation must be even more desperate than she thought.


In typical cat-fashion, Smokey sat watching all the excitement from the concealment of some garden shrubbery about 50 yards away. She ignored Heather’s calls. She would come in when she was ready, and not a moment sooner. Her little feline brain was puzzling over the alarms she heard, and the fear she smelled. Running towards that noise and fear didn’t seem like a good idea to her. She felt safer where she was…….

What the little gray and rust cat didn’t notice was that Logan’s eyes had just acquired her…….Karl was too focused on Heather, but the young vamp saw her………..


Logan spotted the troublesome little cat sitting under a bush in the garden, o
ut past the infinity pool, down a slope, and across an expanse of manicured lawn.
He scooped up both Melissa and Amy, and turned, depositing them quickly on the closest couch. “Sorry ladies…..be right back.”

“Lock down in 8 seconds.....7 seconds….” The computer droned on.

Logan shot past Karl in a blur of motion. The elder vamp saw him and realized what he must be doing. One corner of his mouth quirked up in a barely perceptible hint of a smile.

Heather registered Logan’s passage as a whoosh of air sailing past her.

“6 seconds…..5…….4…….”

Karl moved, scooping Heather up and darting back inside the Terrace Room.

Smokey never saw Logan coming, but she heard the rush of air an instant before he reached her…..she crouched, hissing, and flattened her ears against her head…..


Logan snatched the little cat up and clutched her against his chest, hoping to protect her from acceleration-related injuries. A startled squeaking mew of protest escaped her as Logan turned at hummingbird speed and rocketed back across the lawn, up the embankment, leaping the infinity pool, and darting inside the Terrace Room.

“1……Lock Down.” The computer intoned in Heather’s pre-recorded, emotionless voice.

Everyone stood still in the Terrace Room as the whirring of motors echoed through the mansion. Solid steel blast doors slid down from pockets built into the exterior. In seconds, every exterior door and window throughout the mansion was covered. Everyone listened as the blast doors locked into place with soft thuds, sealing them in, and hopefully sealing any threat out. Only Karl and Heather knew that all the exterior walls themselves also had solid steel panels built into the core of each of them. The entire mansion was built like a bomb shelter.

Heather ran to Logan and he handed Smokey over to her. The little cat was dazed, and only semi-conscious, from the G-forces involved in her quick ride across the lawn at vampire speed. Heather murmured profuse gratitude to Logan as she cuddled her woozy cat. A tear of relief slipped down her face. Logan nodded to her, feeling embarrassed. He was not accustomed to having a human look at him like he was a hero, except for his Mom and Dad, of course.

Heather rocked Smokey in her arms and smiled up at Logan. As the little cat’s head began to clear, she turned those big green eyes on Logan and hissed at him.

“You’re welcome.”, Logan replied, grinning at the annoying little creature. The animal was actually starting to grow on him. Ornery little shit……..

Heather turned to ask Karl what was going on, but found the big guy had already left the room. She wasn’t surprised…….she knew he would be dealing with the crisis, whatever it was.


Brent was the last one to enter the fall-back shelter, zooming in at hummingbird speed. With one last glance down the escape tunnel, he entered his code at the key panel, and then provided his palm to the reader for positive ID. The system beeped its acceptance of him. He hit the key that would seal the escape tunnel access on this end. The steel blast door slid shut. The shelter was secure.

He looked around the large warehouse building. Josef’s employees where everywhere, both human and vampire. Most of the freshie staff had made the trip being carried through several blocks of escape tunnel at vampire speed, and had blacked out as a result of the G-forces involved in that kind of speed. Vampires are built for it, humans aren’t.

All around the room, anxious vampires divided their attention between tending to unconscious freshies, and glancing at Brent for an explanation, and guidance. A lot of them didn’t know what had happened. He was sure most of them were wishing it had been Karl manning the Security Desk, instead of him. He had been wishing that same thing himself.

Brent moved to the warehouse’s Security Desk, trying to look confident, and nodding to the two human guards already there. They nodded nervously back and stepped out of his way.

He dialed Karl’s cell. It rang for a long time before the call was answered. “No time now!”, Karl’s heavily accented voice snapped, “Defend in place! I will call when it is clear!” Without waiting for a response, Karl hung up.

Brent starred at the phone. Defend in place? No time? That could only mean the mansion was also under attack……..what was happening?


The predator ran with determination, following his prey’s powerful scent on the air, and periodically glancing up at the night sky, trying to catch a glimpse of the helicopter his prey had fled in. He bolted across a busy 4-lane street, caution having been long ago thrown to the wind. He no longer cared if he was seen. He would not let anything deny him his prize now.

Cars honked and swerved, tires squealing, vehicles colliding with each other in an effort to avoid hitting the enormous black animal that had just galloped across the street. Motorists got out to exchange accident information, and to try to see where the animal had gone. It had disappeared.

“Was that a horse?!”

“No it was a bear, I think!”

“ A bear?!”

“ No, you’re crazy…..it was too shaggy, and too tall! Had to be some kind of buffalo!”

“Somebody call animal control!”


Josef banked the helicopter and lined up with the mansion, beginning to slow his airspeed. He got on the radio again. “Karl?”

“Here, sir.” Karl answered quickly. He had clearly been waiting. “We are ready.”

“I’m on final approach.” Josef said curtly. “Open the hanger doors on my mark.”

“Yes, sir.”

Josef slowed the Bell at the last possible moment, coming to hover above the mansion’s roof. He began a vertical descent. “Mark!”

The stylish tile roof of the mansion split open along its peak, and began to rise into the air, like a draw bridge. Beneath the tile roof, steel blast doors began to slide open smoothly, revealing a large hanger bay, ready to receive the rapidly descending copter.

Josef descended as quickly as possible, dropping through the open hanger doors with reckless speed. As soon as his rotors were clear of the doors, he yelled over the radio, “Button it back up now!”

The steel doors began to close again. Josef landed hard, partially bending one skid in his haste. Glancing around himself through the windshield, he saw Karl and several of his Security staff lined up with large caliber rifles trained on the hanger’s ceiling doorway. None of them took their eyes off of the hanger doors until they had closed again. With a quick glance around the hanger, and then in at Josef, they all relaxed, lowering their weapons. While the interior roof doors had closed, they now heard the whirring of motors and gears as the decorative tile roof panels lowered back into place.

Josef removed his headset, and began flicking switches, shutting the Bell down. The rotors slowed and stopped gradually. Josef climbed out and stepped down to the floor of the hanger. No one said a word. He and Karl exchanged a silent glance.

“Is everyone inside and safe?” Josef asked.

Karl nodded. “Gathered in the Terrace Room.”

“Good.” Josef said. He walked out of the hanger, followed by Karl and his Security team.


Beth dropped on to Mick’s overstuffed couch and kicked off her shoes. She had already called in sick for work at the DA’s Office tomorrow. A mental-health day, as Mick had called it. She sure needed one of those! She leaned on the arm of the couch and smiled softly, watching Mick pour her a glass of Chardonnay in his kitchen.
She and Mick were both trying to pretend everything was normal…..when it was anything but…..

Doing as Josef had said, they had left Mick’s Benz at the DA’s Office, and had made a bee line for Mick’s loft. Now, safe in the loft, with all its security measures, Beth tried to relax, tried to forget the feelings of the evening, the terrible unease……. sensing the nearness of a huge predator……feeling its eyes on them……feeling what it wanted……

Beth nearly jumped out of her skin when Mick held her wine glass out to her. “Here you go.”, he said. Beth flinched violently, gasping. She had been lost in thought.

“Whoa!” Mick said, grinning, “Sorry! I thought you saw me walk over.”

Beth smiled up at him. “No…..sorry…..it’s OK….my bad……I wasn’t paying attention.”

Mick sat down beside her on the couch. He slipped his arm around her as she sipped her wine. They both watched the fire dance in the gas fireplace………tongues of flame leaping up through a bed of crystals, looking like burning ice.

“Do you think he’s OK? Josef, I mean?” Beth asked quietly.

“Josef’s a survivor.” Mick answered, “I’m sure he’s got matters well in hand.”


The predator climbed the hillsides, gradually rising above the city lights, loping past expensive house after even more expensive house. He had lost sight of the helicopter, but he had not lost his prey’s scent. Scent molecules had drifted down in the prop-wash of the copter and splashed across the landscape beneath it like spray paint. It was a scent trail the predator had no trouble following. The noise of the helicopter’s engines had stopped several minutes ago. He knew this meant his quarry had gone to ground.

Before long, the scent trail led to a huge hillside mansion estate. The place was glowing with his prey’s scent. This was it. Growling to himself in expectation, the predator stalked towards his cornered prey.


Josef, Karl, and his heavily armed Security team, entered the large Terrace Room. Heather put Smokey down and immediately approached Josef.

“Josef?” she whispered, “What’s going on?”

“A slight canine problem, my dear.” Josef replied, with a reassuring smile, “Nothing we can’t handle.”

“The wolf?” Heather asked.

Josef winked at her and smirked, “Well, my dear, I’m not referring to the neighbor’s Afghan Hounds.”

Just then, everyone, including Josef, flinched as something slammed hard into the steel blast door covering the Terrace Room’s outside entrance. It sounded like a truck had just hit the building. The sound came again, a resounding thud as something heavy impacted the blast door. The walls vibrated from the blow. Drywall dust drifted down from the ceiling.

Freshies screamed in terror and clung to each other, backing as one away from the doors and windows. Smokey ran under the couch. Josef and Karl exchanged glances. This wasn’t good. Now what? What if it got in? There was no where left to run……….. Karl’s Security team raised their weapons and chambered rounds, spreading out, establishing a perimeter around the large room.

Looking up at Security monitors, and flipping on the exterior feed, Josef and Karl saw it. It was standing right outside the Terrace Room, beside the little infinity pool. They watched as the creature reared back on its haunches and threw itself at the blast door again. Another deep thud reverberated through the house. These doors were considerably stronger than the mesh and interior doors at the downtown office, but would they be strong enough?


Beth leaned against Mick’s shoulder and looked out the large windows into the night beyond. “Maybe you should call Josef?” She suggested, “Just to be sure everything’s still OK?”

Mick had been thinking that very thing himself. He smiled down at Beth, and kissed the top of her head. “Good idea.”, he said softly.

Reaching for his cell on the coffee table in front of them, Mick dialed Josef’s number. It rang for such a long time, that Mick was sure it would go to voice mail. His stomach sank.

Abruptly, Josef picked up……… “Alittle busy, buddy! Can I call you back?”

Josef was trying to sound light hearted and sarcastic, but Mick could hear the tension in his voice. Josef was upset…..very upset.

“Josef?! What’s wrong?” Mick asked.

“Nothing I can’t handle, buddy! Don’t worry……stay where you are……”

Mick heard a deep reverberating thud through the cell phone connection, followed by the sound of metal groaning, and drywall cracking. He heard several of Josef’s freshies screaming.

“Josef! My god! Where are you?! Are you at home!?”

“Stay where you are, Mick! We’ve got this under control!”

Another thud echoed through the phone. This time Mick heard Heather’s voice trying to calm a group of terrified freshies. Josef was at his house in the hills.

“Josef!?” Mick yelled.

“On second thought,” Josef said urgently, “You and Beth head for LAX right now! This son of a bitch is going to be busy with us here for awhile, so you’ll be safe. You and Beth get on the first flight out of LA that you can find! Don’t come back until I call and tell you it’s safe!”

“I’m on my way, Josef! I’ll be there to help in minutes! Hold on!” He hung up and shut off his phone. He knew Josef would try to call him back to stop him, and he didn’t need a cell phone ringing while he was trying to get the drop on an ill-tempered werewolf. Mick quickly strapped on the shoulder holster of the .480 Ruger revolver Josef had given him, and threw on his jacket.

“Where do you think you’re going?!” Beth demanded, arms across her chest, blocking Mick’s path. “I hope you don’t think you’re going werewolf hunting without me, do you?!”

Mick’s brow knitted, his hazel eyes intense. “I don’t have time for this right now, Beth! The rogue has Josef pinned down at his house……it sounds like the place is on lock down, and the thing is trying to batter its way inside! They’re all trapped! I have to help them! You stay here. Understand? Stay right here!” He made an exaggerated motion of pointing at the floor in front of him. “Don’t you leave this loft! Is that clear?! Lock yourself in after I leave!”

Beth glared at him and said nothing.

“Stay!” He pointed at the floor in front of him again, his expression stern, “Here!”

And with that, Mick was gone, vanishing in a blur of motion from Beth’s sight. She looked out the door after him, but there was no trace. He must have dropped straight down the stairwell, and if she knew him, which she was pretty sure she did, he would run all the way to Josef’s house in the hills, because he could get there faster that way. Mick was faster than any car.

Beth shook her head, and said softly to herself, “I don’t do ‘stay’, Mick. You should know that by now.”


Mick ran, hummingbird fast, through LA’s night time streets. No one saw him. His passage didn’t register. He whipped through traffic, and past pedestrians on the sidewalks. Before long, he was heading up into the hills where Josef lived. He paused, slowing to a stop in the dark, to double check his weapon. The heavy revolver held its solid silver rounds, everything was as it should be…..and he was nearing Josef’s mansion. That was when he noticed that the wind was at his back, ruffling the light brown hair at the nape of his neck.

Shit! Stupid! Way to go, St. John! Very smooth! He cursed his own foolishness…..he had just broadcast his approach on the breeze. The wolf would scent him easily.

Well….perhaps he could use this……make the thing think he was approaching from the West, when he would actually come in from the East? Some plan was better than none. Hopefully, the brute would be too focused on Josef to notice his approach at all.

Mick took off again, a blur of motion into the night, heading East, and then swinging around to approach Josef’s hillside estate from downwind.


The predator paused and raised his muzzle into the night wind. He smiled……scenting a young vampire approaching. If he wasn’t mistaken, it was the one who had been with that annoying blonde woman earlier. He also smelled silver, the young vampire was still armed. That was alright. He’d dealt with armed vampires before……he knew what he was doing.

This was an unexpected gift…….an appetizer…..just when he needed it! He was starving, and he’d expended a lot of energy trying to get at this one high-value target. A quick snack of the approaching younger vamp would refuel him, so he could continue his efforts to get at his original, energy rich quarry.

He resumed battering the steel door, so the approaching vampire would not realize he had been noticed.


Beth pulled up to a four-way stop at the base of the hills. Rolling her window down, she proceeded to stick her left index finger into her mouth, wetting it with her own saliva. Then she stuck her left arm out the window and thrust it into the air. A soft breeze was blowing in from the West, coming off the Pacific Ocean, feeling cool on her wet finger.

OK then……wind from the West. She rolled her window back up, and turned left, taking another route that would allow her to approach Josef’s house from the East……. downwind.

When she came to a stoplight, she reached under the driver’s seat of her Prius, touching the black leather scabbard of her Grandfather’s silver short-sword. The gladius, as Josef said it was called. It had been there all day…….she’d brought it with her, considering the day’s planned activity. She just hadn’t told Mick she had it.

Her Grandfather’s weapon of last resort. She could hear her Grandfather telling her that a human can’t survive a knife fight with a werewolf……..but Mick. He was going after it alone, and on foot! She had to help him…….no matter the risk.

She shook her head……Mick would already be getting tired from the long run by the time he made it to Josef’s house……and then he was going to try to take on a werewolf single-handedly!? Him and his ‘White Knight’ complex. She had to help him, or he would be killed.

She gripped the hilt of her Grandfather’s sword, his Weapon of last resort…….


A human can’t survive a knife fight with a werewolf……..


The light turned green, and Beth floored it, the little Prius jumping eagerly ahead. It had plenty of guts. You just didn’t get very good gas mileage if you used those guts. Good gas mileage was the last thing on Beth’s mind at that moment.


“Mick! NO!”, Josef yelled into his cell phone, “Don’t come anywhere near here!” But it was too late. His friend had hung up. Shit! Josef immediately called Mick back, but the call went straight to voice mail. Mick had shut off his phone.

Josef closed his phone and starred at it…….Mick……no…………….

Josef looked at Karl. “Call the Cleaners and tell them the party has relocated to my house. Tell them they’re cordially invited, and to get their asses here fast!” Karl nodded and made the call.

Josef starred at the steel blast door. It reverberated deeply as the rogue slammed into it again, and it was starting to bow inward in places, metal groaning, weakening. More sheet rock dust filtered down from the ceiling above the door.


Mick slowed to a jog as he approached Josef’s house. He paused and crouched in the brush, listening. He could hear the thing battering against the mansion’s blast doors. Perhaps it hadn’t noticed his scent. The Pacific breeze was blowing softly across his face. He was now firmly downwind of the creature.

Cautiously, slowly, Mick began to inch forward towards the mansion. He bounded quietly over a perimeter fence, and then stopped again, crouching, listening.

The sound of the thing pounding on a heavy metal door continued. Good…….it hadn’t noticed him. Moving stealthily, he crept toward the East side of the mansion.


“What’s it doing?” Heather asked breathlessly. She was beside Josef and Karl, starring up at a monitor that displayed the external security feed. On the screen, they could see the black wolf. It was still pounding on the steel barrier, but it seemed distracted now, not really trying. It was as though it was merely making noise, rather than trying to get in………

Josef shook his head, “I’m not sure……..” He had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as he watched the huge wolf pound its fists and forearms against the blast door, while at the same time, lifting its muzzle to scent the air. He watched as it looked around, cocked its head slightly, and scented the air again.

Then……he saw it smile. Josef’s blood ran cold. No……please……no…………….


Beth coasted silently on the Prius’ battery as she neared the mansion.
She inched over to the curb and turned the car off. Exiting the vehicle quietly, she reached under the driver’s side seat and pulled out her Grandfather’s sword. She buckled the leather scabbard’s belt around her waist, and bent over to secure the smaller ties near the tip of the scabbard around her right leg, just above her knee. Now the sword could be easily drawn when needed, and the scabbard would remain in place.

She carried nothing else but her ID in one pocket, and the electronic key to the Prius in the other. She signaled the Prius to lock itself, and immediately wished she hadn’t, wincing at the soft beep the car emitted, happily announcing its success in locking itself. She sighed. Hopefully, the beast wouldn’t notice something that was just an ambient background car sound.

She turned and looked towards Josef’s estate, just a short walk away. The wind blew softly in her face. She was downwind of the creature. Her Grandfather had told her that werewolves tended not to notice humans if they are focused on vampire prey, so she had that going for her too.

She set off, moving as quietly as possible toward Josef’s estate.


As Josef watched the monitor in horror, the werewolf thumped once more on the blast door and then turned and bounded out of frame, clearly moving to conceal itself somewhere.

Please…..let it be the Cleaners……….not Mick……… don’t let it be Mick………

Mick crept into frame, dull stainless revolver drawn, his eyes scanning the area and taking in the external damage to the blast door. Then Mick scented the air, searching for his enemy…….

“Open the doors!” Josef shouted to Karl, “We’re going to have to take this thing on now! Everyone lock and load!”

The freshies squealed in terror and retreated further towards the back of the room. Heather did her best to soothe them.

Logan looked on……his eyes wide.

Karl glanced at the trembling women, and then at his Security team, and finally back to Josef.

“No, sir.” Karl said quietly.


“I will not open the doors, sir.”

Josef’s eyes washed out to white and his fangs dropped, his face blanching to deathly white. “That’s Mick out there, you son of a bitch! Open the fucking doors now!”

“No, sir.” Karl repeated.

“Then I will!” Josef started towards the Security Control panel in the corner of the room, but Karl, all 6 foot 8 inches of him, immediately appeared in his path.

“Get out of my way!” Josef snarled.

“No, sir. I will not let you do this…..” Karl said with quiet finality. His own eyes had faded from their human pale blue, to icy white. His own fangs had descended, his own face had blanched.

“You’ve always hated Mick, but I never thought you’d sink this low!” Josef growled, crouching to spring.

“My feelings do not matter.” Karl said in his clipped eastern European accent. “I will not allow you to risk the lives of many to save just one.” He widened his base of support, muscles tensing, ready for Josef’s attack. Karl was a lot bigger than Josef, but Josef was more than 150 years older, so he was stronger and faster.

The freshies broke and fled, Heather running with them, in a freshie stampede down the hallway into the human wing of the mansion. They entered the first doorway they came to en mass. It was one of the Maids quarters, one with no exterior walls or windows. That suited their purposes perfectly. Slamming the door behind them, Heather and her terrified girls huddled together on the floor in the far corner of the room. The world as they knew it was crashing down around them. First, some terrible monstrosity was trying to smash its way into the house from the outside. And now, Karl and Josef, the two rocks of their world, were going to fight each other inside the house!

They heard Karl and Josef roar at one another, followed by the sound of furniture being smashed. It had begun. Several of the women, including Heather, began to weep softly, flinching with every roar and crash they heard.

A frantic meowing began at the room’s door. Heather scrambled to the door on her hands and knees, and opened it just enough to allow a terrified Smokey to dash in and run under the bed. Slamming the door again, Heather crawled quickly back to the huddle of terrified women on the floor.


Mick moved cautiously. A wild musk, that could only be the wolf, was fresh and close. He was tired…..he hadn’t thought of this……running all the way here at top vampire speed might not have been such a good idea. He wasn’t in tip-top shape for a fight now, but, at least he had gotten here before the brute managed to breach Josef’s Security system. He was in time to help his friend. That’s what mattered.

He could hear the pounding heartbeats of Josef’s terrified Harem inside the mansion. And now something else, crashing, roaring, hissing………… a fight? It sounded like two vampires fighting……what was going on in there?

He was momentarily distracted by this sensory input to the extent that he didn’t notice a much larger heartbeat approaching him from behind. When he did notice it, he spun, raising his weapon………just in time to see a huge clawed hand swinging towards him.

The revolver was batted out of his hand and sent spinning away through the air and into the shrubbery. Mick stood facing the predator for the first time. It had stepped between him and the direction his handgun had gone. It towered in front of him. Even on all fours, its lantern-yellow eyes glinted in the darkness several inches above the top of Mick’s head, looking down at him. Mick stared up at it……amazed.

It smiled slightly, then said, “We’re both tired…….make this easy and hold still.”

Mick bolted, taking off in a blur around the side of the mansion.

The black wolf rolled his eyes, but, instead of pursuing, he looked up and leaped to the roof of the mansion, three stories up. He crouched there, watching below, waiting. He knew the vamp would try to recover the handgun he had lost. Let him wear himself out further. The predator could wait for his appetizer to be served.

Mick raced around the perimeter of the estate, finally angling back towards the garden area near the infinity pool, the place where his gun had landed. He was sure his superior speed would get him back to his weapon before the wolf could catch up.

He slowed as he approached the infinity pool area, dropping to normal speed, and then stopping. He was close to exhausted. Where was that damn gun? He started towards the shrubbery in search of the weapon.

The massive black wolf sprang from the roof above and landed between Mick and the shrubbery where his weapon lay, uselessly out of reach. Mick was exhausted. He didn’t think he had the strength for another run…….no, he knew he didn’t. After running all the way here from his loft, he had wasted the last of his strength circling the estate grounds, while the predator simply sat waiting for him. Mick was mentally kicking himself for leaping before he looked…… again…….. just like Beth always said he did…….Beth……he hoped she would be OK. Who would protect her now?

The predator stepped slowly towards Mick, smiling, the tips of enormous white fangs catching the light. Mick stumbled backward away from the creature. It sprang, knocking Mick to the ground and pinning him there with one huge hand-like forepaw splayed across his chest. The predator’s grin widened, and then its jaws gaped open. Mick stared up at it, fascinated, unable to look away, even as death took aim on him.

Suddenly, the wolf’s triumphant expression became one of pain. Its low growl of victory became a roaring howl of agony. Throwing its muzzle towards the sky and bellowing in pain, the wolf took its hand from Mick’s chest and lurched forward over the top of him, dragging a limp and bloody left hind leg behind it. Hopping and dragging itself past Mick, it turned to face its attacker. Mick rolled away from the creature and followed its infuriated gaze.

Beth stood there, in a fighting crouch, with her Grandfather’s silver short-sword held in front of her, clasped tightly in both hands. The bright blade was covered in blood and black fur. Her eyes were riveted on the wolf.

“Beth!” Mick yelled, “Get out of here!”

Beth snorted once, and glanced quickly at Mick, before locking her eyes back on the towering black wolf. “Not an option right now, I think! Where’s your gun?! Get the gun! Shoot it!”

The predator was furious…..not just with this blonde woman, but with himself. He hadn’t noticed her! He had been so focused on the young vampire, he hadn’t noticed this little human female creeping up behind him. Her weapon was silver. His left hind leg was ruined and useless …..its muscles cleanly sliced through…..and it wouldn’t be healing anytime soon, due to the residual silver left by the blade. The wound burned like fire. He snarled deep in his chest and limped forward, dragging his crippled hind leg, his eyes locked on the woman who had dealt him such a grievous injury.

“Get the damn gun, Mick!” Beth yelled.

Mick rolled to his feet and lunged around the wolf, heading for the shrubbery where his handgun lay. At the same moment, the wolf snarled and leapt towards Beth, propelling itself with its one good hind leg. She raised the point of her silver sword to the oncoming threat. The wolf landed on Beth, bowling her to the ground. Beth screamed. The wolf roared.

Mick turned, horrified, “Beth! NO!!!!!!”, he screamed.

As Mick watched in horror, the wolf plopped down on its rump and reared back, with Beth dangling from its mouth like a rag doll. It shook her side to side. She flopped loosely in its jaws.

“Beth!!!!”, Mick screamed again, anguished. No, no, no! This couldn’t be happening! One as pure and beautiful as Beth could not die to save a creature like himself! NO!!!!

The werewolf dropped Beth. She landed in a broken heap in front of it, unmoving. The predator swiped a couple times at its own chest, as though batting at flies, and then it slumped over sideways, landing with a heavy thump on the ground beside Beth.

Mick snatched up the revolver and ran towards the nightmare playing out before him.

“No, no, no, no……oh god….Beth……please……no…..” Mick knew he was babbling…..he didn’t care. Without Beth…..nothing mattered. He crouched at her side. Her heart was still beating weakly, and her breath came in ragged gasps. “No Beth…..please…..don’t leave me……” Tears began to spill freely down his cheeks.

Another heart was still beating too……another set of lungs were struggling to draw in bubbling gasps of air. The wolf. Mick realized it was watching them as it lay there on its side…….its lantern-yellow eyes growing rapidly dimmer. It was then that Mick noticed the sword of Beth’s Grandfather…… buried up to the hilt in the wolf’s powerful chest. The hilt moved up and down as the brute struggled to breathe, and rivulets of blood streamed from its open jaws.

The wolf focused its dying attention on the little blonde woman laying beside him…….she had killed him……he was dying……and in return for that……he may have given her the greatest gift of all. It wasn’t fair. His canine lips pulled back from bloody fangs, and a bubbling snarl escaped him. He sucked in one last labored breath, and said to the woman who was his killer, “Bitch………” Then the life faded from his golden eyes.

Mick leveled the revolver at the wolf and emptied it into its head.


Inside the sealed mansion, Josef battled Karl in the Terrace Room, trying to get past the big guy in order to over-ride the lock down and get outside to help Mick. Karl’s only objective was to keep Josef away from that Security panel. Too many other lives were at stake, including Josef’s. Karl wasn’t willing to allow Josef to endanger himself, and dozens of others, in an attempt to save just one life. Their battle had pretty well destroyed the room…..there wasn’t a stick of furniture left intact.

Logan, and Josef’s Security team, watched the battle, and tried to stay out of the combatants way, not knowing how to intervene, or even if they should. Both Karl and Josef were hundreds of years old, and tremendously powerful. No one in the room was a match for either of them, let alone both.

Suddenly, everyone heard the booming gunshots coming from outside. Josef and Karl froze in mid-struggle and exchanged glances.

Breaking apart, they headed for the Security monitor in a blur. On it they saw Mick standing over the huge body of the wolf, handgun smoking. Beside the apparently dead wolf lay…………..Beth?!

Josef turned to Karl, furious, “Can we open the damn doors now?!”, he bellowed.

Karl nodded once and quickly over-rode the lock down. The mansion opened, the steel blast doors retracting into their pockets again…….except for the badly damaged blast door over the Terrace Room’s entrance. It had taken a terrible beating from the wolf, and its heavy damage caused it to jam half-way up.

Josef ran outside to Mick and Beth, followed closely by Karl and Logan. The Security team surrounded them cautiously, guns trained on the motionless black wolf. It quickly became obvious that it was indeed, dead, and everyone lowered their weapons, stepping back.

Josef crouched beside Mick, while Logan and Karl stood a few feet away, watching. Karl’s face twitched slightly, but he otherwise seemed impassive. Logan’s eyes were wide in horror.

Josef reached out and lightly touched Mick’s shoulder. Mick was cradling Beth in his arms. He was covered in her blood. The physical damage to Beth was horrific. Her torso was covered with gaping wounds, her breathing ragged, her pulse weak, rapid and thready. Her blood was pooling on the ground beneath them.

Mick looked up at his friend, utterly broken, trembling in his grief, tears flowing down his face. “Josef,” he rasped, “Help her! Help me help her!”

Josef looked at Beth, that feisty little blonde that he loved sparring with, and his eyes began to fill with tears….his brow knitted briefly, the way it always did when he was struggling to keep his emotions in check. He blinked rapidly, fighting the tears. “Mick…..she’s been bitten……if she lives……she’ll….. change…..”

“I don’t care!” Mick bellowed in anguish, his eyes washing out to crystal white. “She’s my Beth, Josef! She’ll always be my Beth! Please! Help us!”

“Mick…..” Josef said softly, “Her Sire is dead.” His eyes flicked to the lifeless black wolf. “If she lives, and recovers, there’ll be no Sire to teach her, to control her………. she could go rogue.”

Several of Josef’s Security team raised their weapons, beginning to train them on Beth. Mick snarled at them fiercely, baring his fangs, and mantled protectively over Beth’s still form…..the message was clear…….they would have to shoot him too.

Josef raised a hand towards his Security team and motioned for them to lower their weapons. They complied, but remained tense. They had all had about enough of this werewolf shit.

“Josef! Please!” Mick begged, “You can teach her! You know about werewolves!” He gestured towards the shaggy lifeless form beside them. “You wouldn’t want that guy teaching her anything anyway!”

“Good point.”, Josef admitted.

Josef heard engines coming up his long winding driveway. He glanced that way……the Cleaners…..better late than never. But that meant he had very little time to decide what to do…….. because he knew how the Cleaners would deal with the situation.

He looked back at Mick and Beth. Her pulse was already getting stronger, her breathing easier……the bite had taken…..she was already beginning to heal. For better or worse……here we go, he thought to himself.

Josef stood and turned to Karl. “Escort Mick and Beth to the Newbie Suite, and call Guillermo. Tell him to bring his emergency kit and get out here fast. Beth is hurt. Then stand guard outside the Newbie Suite. No one gets in but me and Guillermo. Understand?”

Karl nodded once, and leaned down towards Mick, motioning for him to pick up Beth and follow him.

“And Karl?” Josef said.

Karl turned back to look at his ancient employer.

“Don’t ever go mustang on me like that again…….Are we clear?”

Karl nodded solemnly, and turned towards the house.

Mick gently gathered Beth up in his arms and trailed along behind Karl into the house. He murmured in her ear as he cradled her, telling her that she was going to be fine, and that he was with her.

The freshies had begun to come out of their hiding place and re-enter the Terrace Room. Heather was among them. They all gasped softly, and covered their mouths with their hands, as Mick passed by them carrying the broken and bloodied Beth.


He turned to see Logan starring at the lifeless black wolf.

Josef sighed. “What is it, Logan?”

“Isn’t he supposed to turn back into a guy now?” Logan looked up at Josef, confused.

Josef snorted, in spite of the horrid circumstances. “That’s a myth.”


“Go inside, Logan.”

“OK.” Logan turned and wandered back into the Terrace Room. Josef thought he looked a little shocky……or the vampire equivalent of that condition.

The Cleaning Crew pulled up in front of his mansion in two large black vans.
Josef turned quickly to his own Security team, who still stood in a semi-circle around the dead werewolf.
“Fan out…….cover all the entrances to the mansion. No Cleaners are allowed inside, without specific permission from me, until further notice.”

Each Security man nodded curtly, and they scattered at vampire speed.

Josef turned his attention back to the Cleaning crew as they climbed cautiously out of their vehicles, weapons at the ready, scanning their surroundings. He planned on mentioning to them how much he appreciated them showing up just in time to clean up the mess, after the threat had already been neutralized by a human with a little sword. Awesome work, ladies.

He waved them over, and noticed that the Lead Cleaner herself was among them.
He sighed. This wasn’t going to be any fun at all.
Last edited by lionsonleashes on Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort.

Post by eris »

Wow - well you certainly weren't kidding about the big guy having a bit part in this one :shock: . And I think you've done him justice ;) . I seriously love Karl as a character (though I still feel stupid for not changing his name considering Lt. Davis' first name on the show was Carl :roll: ) and I LOVE that you had him stand up to J. He does what's best for the old man even when it puts him at odds with him.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort.

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks soooo much, Eris! :D Your approval of my use of 'Karl' means ALOT to me!
And, I don't see the idea of there being both a 'Karl', and a 'Carl', in the Moonlight universe as a problem. They are spelled differently! :lol:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort.

Post by coco »

:shock: Oh I hope Beth is going to be ok? :shock:
Fabulous update lions :D
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort.

Post by lionsonleashes »

coco wrote::shock: Oh I hope Beth is going to be ok? :shock:
Fabulous update lions :D
She's tough....and she's got some strong help! :D
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort.

Post by toria1521 »

:eek2: :hankie: :thud: If I hadn't already bitten my nails to the quick while reading this story, I'd be doing it now! :hankie: What 's going to happen to MicBeth now?!
Will she ever be a vampire? Can Mick love a wolf?

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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort.

Post by lionsonleashes »

toria1521 wrote::eek2: :hankie: :thud: If I hadn't already bitten my nails to the quick while reading this story, I'd be doing it now! :hankie: What 's going to happen to MicBeth now?!
Will she ever be a vampire? Can Mick love a wolf?

Hi Toria! :hug:
Thank you so much! :notworthy: And as to what will happen next??? Keep reading and you'll find out! ;)
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort. (PG-13)

Post by wollstonecraft61 »

GEEZZZUUUSSSS!! H! CHRISTMAS! Beth taking on a werewolf with a lone sword! This scene reminded me of the one in Aliens where Sigourney Weaver takes on the mama monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

:rolling: You crack me up, Woll! :rolling: Thanks so much! That's high praise, indeed! :notworthy: :curtesy:
And....that's our Beth! :snicker: She doesn't wait in the car, and she's willing to kill....or be killed.....to protect her Mick. :heart:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort. (PG-13)

Post by jen »

Now I did NOT see that coming!!!!!

Wonderful chapter. Again. Here we are treated to an excellent dose of Mick and Josef banter with the boys doing their comic routine, with Mick playing the role of the straight man and Josef serving up the snark. I loved Josef's line when he just barely made it out of his office in the helicopter with the wolk making a last ditch leap to catch him and missing.

"Bye bye now," Fabulous

and Beth had a great line, too. "I don't do 'stay' Mick, you should know that by now"

I adored the wonderful 'one liners' of Moonlight and here you are, keeping up the tradition.

Great job, Lions!



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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks, Jen! :hug: :rose: :curtesy:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort. (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Hey, Lions! I've missed you, honey! :hug:

I can't believe I didn't post a comment on this chapter. You know what a huge fan I am of this story... I'm not nudging you at all--I've been horribly hit by writer's block myself--but I just want to tell you how happy I am to see you, and hoping your life's going OK... :hug:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Alle! :hug: :rose: :wave: I've missed you too, girlfriend!! :friends: Sorry I've been gone so long, and thanks for your understanding about my writer's block. :comfort2:
My muse is starting to show signs of waking from her coma! I have about 3000 of Chap 28 written already, but am currently alittle stuck on some dialog between Mick and Beth as he tries to help her come to terms with what she's done, and why she did it. He doesn't want her to hate herself, but he doesn't know how to help her not do that.....since he's spent ALL of his vampire existence hating himself. I want to get it just right, and be faithful to the way both the screenwriters, and the actors, portrayed Mick and Beth.
Thanks for being sooooooo supportive of my efforts, both now, and always. :comfort: You are the best! :hearts:
Your friend always,
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort. (PG-13)

Post by jen »

This was one of those pivotal moments that come and fly past so quickly that we only come to recognize their significance later, when we can digest all that has occurred. This was, indeed, a chapter of beginnings and endings.

The ending of Beth's human existence. The beginning of her life as a werewolf.

The vamp community has gained a huge, huge ally and a major responsibility, as well. Josef once said he had sired plenty of vamps in his day but he is about to foster-sire a werewolf.

And Mick is set for life in a lot of different ways.

Wonderlful, Lions!


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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 11----The Last Resort. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thank you, Jen! :smooch: You always give me such wonderful, and helpful, feedback! :rose:
LIONS (Beautiful Banner by MoonlitRose)
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