Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

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Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

Post by francis »

I already gave you a spoiler in the chapter guide, sorry for that. Here's the next chapter of the twisted tale of how Josh fell for Morgan and what came of it. Enjoy!!!

link from chapter 24:

Later that day I was sitting in the office trying to concentrate on paperwork when my secretary announced Mick St. John. He waited in the doorway until I beckoned him over. „Hi, Mick. Is this about Morgan?“

„I’m not sure. You wanted me to investigate her, but I also started looking into the fire. It might be connected, after all she photographed someone in the house. I searched the first floor myself, and," he paused, "I found a body.“

I was surprised. I'd suspected Coraline had something to do with the fire - it was just too convenient - and she had surely faked the photo, but that she would have burned someone – this was more than dangerous, it was crushing every sense I had that she could be justified in her actions. Did she just murder someone to have a body, or had she chosen a specific victim?

„Tell me more,“ I said.

„I already called the police. Carl Davis is there. He’ll probably be able to tell you more once the coroner takes a look. The body is badly burned, probably no more than a few teeth and bone fragments left. But I suspect, from body type alone, that it’s a woman.“

„Do you think the arsonist murdered a woman and set the fire to dispose of the corpse? Or was she a witness of the arson and the perp murdered her because of that?“

„That’s just speculation at this point. What I find interesting is that it matches the photo Morgan showed us. Except that the man in the photo isn’t the thief and the arsonist.“

„No?“ I tried to sound surprised.

„No. It’s you.“ He watched me closely.

„How can you be so sure I’m not the arsonist and the thief?“

„I know. This game is way out of your league, Josh. Morgan's playing with you and me, and probably Beth too. Can't you see it?“ He leaned forward. „Here she is, turning up unexpectedly, meeting me by chance at the Franklin fire, looking exactly like my ex-wife, but pretending not to know me. She gets her camera stolen and brings Beth and me into the case. I find fingerprints at her door from the thief, clear as day. They lead to a person named Hank Mottola. When I investigate further, this man is already dead, he died three weeks earlier from pancreatitis. Now I find a body in the fire, exactly in the room that the photo showed. But I know that the photo is manipulated, it shows you and Morgan. Now, tell me, what kind of game are you two playing with me? And how did she get you into it? And where is Hank Mottola? Cause I guess he’s still around and faked his death.“

I leaned back. „Look, Mick, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I know that she’s playing a game here, but she’s not coming clean with me either. She used me, tricked me into shooting that photo, but I had no idea what she was planning. I don’t know this Mottola guy, and I have no idea who the body in the hotel is. I guess maybe she wants to frame one of us for the fire and the murder. Maybe she just wants to drive us crazy. Why do you say she looks
like your ex? Is she?“

He shrugged. „No idea. I’ll try to find out. Anyway, do you want to come with me to Mottola’s house? Let’s find out if he’s in league with… - with Morgan.“

I looked up. „I need a warrant.“

He scoffed. „You don’t need a warrant. This isn’t official. Come on.“


He picked me up later that night. We took his car, and I had to admit it was a wonderful ride. It was a great car, classy interior, nice leather seats, and the motor purred like a cat. Mick had the top down and we enjoyed the cool breeze. Neither of us spoke. When we reached the house in Burbank I almost regretted that the drive was over.

„How do we get in?“ I wanted to know. Mick smiled and showed me a small case, but at the door, he unsuccessfully tried to pick the lock while I stood guard.

Finally he gave up. „Combination lock. Wait here, I’ll see if there’s a window open in the back. I’ll let you in.“

Before I could say anything he was gone. In less than two minutes he opened
the door from the inside. „Bless those who install a combination lock at the
front door and then leave the kitchen window propped,“ he grinned.

We searched the ground floor in silence, looking for clues about Mottola and any connection to Morgan. I searched a stash of unopened mail that I found in his mailbox; there was nothing out of the ordinary. I found keys to another house and a few old bills, including one for a freezer. No personal documents, no photos, no hospital bills, which was odd, given that he was sick before he died. The kitchen was meticulously clean, no food anywhere, not even in the pantry. Someone had cleaned up after his death.

Mick had closed the window; I wondered how he managed to get in without a trace. Maybe he had turned into a bat. I almost laughed at my own joke.
I looked for the entrance to a basement, but didn’t find it. Where was the freezer he had paid for? Mick was already upstairs, calling out for me and when I stepped into the small bedroom he showed me a safe behind a clothing rack. „I found the key in the book over there.“

I picked it up from the bedspread, “Remembrance of Things Past”. There was a hole cut out of the pages. „How did you know?“ I asked.

„Favorite book of my ex,“ he said, his voice flat and dead.

He opened the safe and there it was: Morgan's camera-bag. I was stupefied.

He stared at me, „So Mottola really worked with Morgan, or she used this house after he was dead to plant the evidence. What does she want from you? What’s all this about?“

“Are you sure this Mottola guy is dead?”
He knitted his eyebrows together. „Damned if I know. but I think it's time for a little confrontation with the lovely Morgan.“


On our way back I tried to pry more information from him, „I didn’t know you
were married. How long ago?“

„A few years,“ he evaded. „Didn’t work out.“

„So if Morgan looks like your ex, do you have other clues that she could be

„Coraline played games with me, too. The same book was in Morgan’s bedroom. She played my favorite song when I visited her before. She has all these photographs of Paris lying around.“

I smiled. „That’s not very conclusive, you know. Could be coincidence.“

„I know. That’s what’s driving me crazy. And there’s more.“


He smiled. „I can’t tell you. You'd have to investigate this, and I don’t want that.“

I understood. He made it sound like some minor secret of his wild youth, but I knew there was something else. If he tried to kill Coraline he probably thought he succeeded. I couldn’t tell him that Morgan was Coraline, or could I? Could I tell him that I knew he was a vampire, and that his ex-wife was one, too? I didn’t dare.

When we parted he asked me to be there when he confronted Morgan.

„I wouldn’t want to miss that.“ I answered, grinning. „Just don’t make it too early. I need a couple hours sleep.“

He smiled. „You and me both. Let’s invite her over in the afternoon. I’ll call you.“


Around 4 pm Mick called and told me that he invited Morgan over at 5.30 pm. I hurried to get to him earlier.

“What will we tell her about why I’m here?” I wondered.

“Doesn’t matter, really. She knows you’re curious about the case, and she won’t question that you’re here to talk about it.”

Morgan knocked and timidly opened the door. She saw me standing by the cabinet and raised her eyebrows. Then she smiled seductively, turning up the heat in the room by a few degrees. Mick invited her in without leaving his desk. “Josh came by to talk about the Franklin fire, and we ended up talking about your cameras. I’m sure you don’t mind him being here.”

“No, of course not.” Morgan’s voice faltered. She watched me intently the whole time. “Well, the suspense is just killing me. What’s the surprise?”

Mick showed her the box on his desk. “Over there. Go on. Open it.”

She opened it slowly as if she expected a snake to crawl out. Was she really that unaware of what would be in it, or was she just a very good actress?

“My cameras! They’re all in there. How did you do it?”

He showed her a picture of Mottola. “You recognize this guy?”

“Yeah, that’s the thief. You’re amazing.” She batted her eyelashes at Mick.

Mick played it cool, “It was nothing special, his prints were in the system, your cameras were at his house. The woman in the photo is his girlfriend. She's probably the one in the fire.”

Morgan’s face lit up. “And he came after me because he thought I had incriminating evidence. Right.”

I decided to enter the conversation. “There’s one little catch. His death certificate says he died three weeks earlier. This guy was dead when you took his picture.”

“He faked his own death?”

I doubted that. I imagined her having something to do with the whole thing.

“Or he rose from the grave”, Mick dropped.

I almost flinched. He was baiting her, but she didn’t go for it.

“He must have faked it, right? That’s the only explanation. Where is he buried?”

Mick said, “He was cremated.”

“His ashes are at Hollywood Forever”, I added.

Morgan was energetic. “Well, not if he faked his own death. Let’s go to the cemetery and see if the remains are there. How about it, Mick?”

“Don’t you think we should let the police handle this?”

“Well, this isn't about the theft anymore; I have my cameras back, and if Josh wants to investigate this further he can. But I am just a little curious about this.”

I looked at Mick and he raised one eyebrow questioningly. What should we do now? It would be best if I ducked out. This was something that would be more in Mick’s area of expertise.

“Do whatever you want, this isn't my case. Just tell me whatever you find and I’ll let my boss decide if this is worth investigating.”

Morgan seemed relieved, but valiantly tried to hide it. “Okay. Maybe later when it’s dark?”

“I’ll pick you up at midnight. Wear something inconspicious.” Mick said.

She grinned. “Midnight at the cemetery. Sounds like a date.”

She turned and left.

link to chapter 26:
Last edited by francis on Sun May 23, 2010 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

Post by wollstonecraft61 »

:hyper2: francis posted! Great chapter. I wish Josh would just 'fess up so Mick and he can get to the bottom of Morgan's/Coraline's game!!! Ohhhh! She is evil!!!!!!!!
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Re: Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

Post by mitzie »

Wicked cool chapter!! :twothumbs: Oh, I really wish that Josh would talk to Mick about all that he knows, it would help them both if he did. I love this story and can't wait to see what happens next... :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper2: :hyper2: :woohoo: :Mickangel: :shrug: :gasp: :devil: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :heart: :rose:

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Re: Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

Post by Emerald »

You have such a flair for the written word, I know I don't comment as often as I should, but I really do enjoy reading your work. :hug:
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Re: Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

Post by NocturneInCMoll »

I love how Mick and Josh are working together now, and how Josh is more in-the-know than anyone realizes*! I really can't wait to see where this goes, Francis--glad your muse appears to be back, and I'm hoping she sticks around...!!!!

*I do, however, kind of wish Josh would just spill it. That conversation would be priceless. "Oh, by the way, Mick--I know you're a vampire, Morgan is SO Coraline, and oh, by the way, I slept with her."
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Re: Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

Post by francis »

wollstonecraft61 wrote::hyper2: francis posted! Great chapter. I wish Josh would just 'fess up so Mick and he can get to the bottom of Morgan's/Coraline's game!!! Ohhhh! She is evil!!!!!!!!
Yup, I think Josh might almost be ready to spill the beans, because Morgan really did a number on him and he's a bit peeved with her at the moment. But I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Thanks for reading!
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Re: Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

Post by francis »

mitzie wrote:Wicked cool chapter!! :twothumbs: Oh, I really wish that Josh would talk to Mick about all that he knows, it would help them both if he did. I love this story and can't wait to see what happens next... :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper2: :hyper2: :woohoo: :Mickangel: :shrug: :gasp: :devil: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :heart: :rose:

mitzie :mooncat:
Thank you mitzie! I missed the smilies, glad they're back.
Josh is a bit afraid of how Mick would react. Coraline made it very clear to him that this is a grave secret. Maybe Mick would attack him even. So he hopes Mick finds out on his own.
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Re: Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

Post by francis »

Emerald wrote:You have such a flair for the written word, I know I don't comment as often as I should, but I really do enjoy reading your work. :hug:
Thank you, Emerald, for the compliment. You don't have to comment on every chapter, but I'm glad to know that you enjoy it. :heart:
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Re: Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

Post by francis »

NocturneInCMoll wrote:I love how Mick and Josh are working together now, and how Josh is more in-the-know than anyone realizes*! I really can't wait to see where this goes, Francis--glad your muse appears to be back, and I'm hoping she sticks around...!!!!

*I do, however, kind of wish Josh would just spill it. That conversation would be priceless. "Oh, by the way, Mick--I know you're a vampire, Morgan is SO Coraline, and oh, by the way, I slept with her."
Hmmm, maybe this will happen soon. Or Mick will find out on his own. Or Josh will still not spill... let's see.
Thanks for your comment. I hope my muse sticks around, too.
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Re: Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

Post by VampFan5 »

Of course midnight at the cemetery would be her kind of date. Mick you just played right into her hand again. I was hoping since this was slightly alternate universe that Josh would have tipped her hand but I guess he still has feelings for her. Poor guy. Maybe she'll be in that ambulance in Love Lasts Forever and turn him in the end. Great update Francis. Will you be updating this story more often now? I find it fascinating that we get to see Coraline's manipulative process and how she spins a web for almost every man she meets and they end up doing her bidding.

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Re: Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

Post by francis »

Yes, VF, I try to update more often. I had a hard time when I wrote myself into a corner, but I think I know now where this is heading. Thank you for reading!
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Re: Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

Post by coco »

Yay! This was a joy, francis. I really do love this story and it's wonderful to see an update. :hearts:

I'm really loving the Mick and Josh partnership. :twothumbs:
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Re: Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

Post by cassysj »

Just getting back to reading again. Very good chapter. I wish Josh would tell what he knows but it's not easy being around vampires.

Will try to get around to the next chapter later.
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Re: Twists of Fate chapter 25 (PG-13) (5/04/10)

Post by jen »



You have recast Josef's part with Josh. Now that is an interesting situation.

I am starting to wonder if Coraline's tears were genuine or faked. That's always the question isn't it? Is anything what it seems.

Nicely done!!!!!!


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