1977 Christmas with the Vampires Forgiveness Series PG

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1977 Christmas with the Vampires Forgiveness Series PG

Post by cassysj »

I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended.

Knock Knock

Anne opens the door. Hello Charles.

Anne, I’ve come to bring you to our house for Christmas Eve.

Charles, I’ll come over tomorrow.

Anne, we always celebrate Christmas Eve.

Why don’t you have Vampire Christmas Eve and deal with the humans Christmas Day?

Anne, what’s wrong?

Nothing’s wrong.

Anne don’t lie to me. It’s your first Christmas since you moved here. We want you to spend it with us.

Because Thanksgiving went so well. Anne said annoyed.

Sarah’s sorry about that.

I’m sure she is but she’s driven my best friend away.

Hope’s your best friend?

She is now. I had to leave my home, my friends and now Sarah’s cutting into my vampire friends.

Anne, I know you’re upset but you should be with your family.

Sarah and I are fighting all the time Charles. I can’t take it.

Anne when Sarah lived with you what was your relationship like?

She was just a girl Charles.

Just answer me.

We fought a lot. But it was different after she woke up.

Of course it was. You were so happy to see your daughter. You lived thousands of miles apart and you only saw each other a few weeks out of the year.

But we didn’t fight.

Yes you did just not as often. You’re around each other all the time so your quarrels will be more frequent.

If I’m around you so much then the two of you need privacy so I’m not coming over. Anne was furious.

Anne, I’ll side with you 99% of the time but today you’re being as stubborn as Sarah.

Then you know she comes by it honestly. I’ll see you for New Year’s! Please leave.

Anne, you’re being unreasonable.

Charles, I’m asking you to leave my house right now!

Charles stepped out and walked down the hallway until he heard Anne lock the door. Then he started yelling.

Mother how can you do this? Little Tim is going to cry all day long. Where’s Nana? What am I going to tell him? Nana’s angry at Daddy and refuses to come over for Christmas. What about Annie? It’s her first Christmas. I’ve apologized over and over but I’ll take out an ad in the LA Times if that’s what it will take. Please, Mother don’t ruin Christmas for the babies.

One by one doors were opening in the condo complex. Mostly widows whose children barely paid attention to them. They were all looking at this distraught young man, how could you stay angry at him and not see your grandchildren. Who was so hard-hearted?

Anne Whitley opened the door and glared at her son-in-law. Charles it’s not that simple.

Of course it’s not. Sarah and I have behaved reprehensibly but please for the sake of the children.

Anne whatever he did he’s sorry. Mrs. Johnson said.

Look at him, I think he’s crying. Anne it’s not Christian to be so unforgiving. Mrs. Bauer said.

Anne’s face was bright red. For Tiny Tim and Annie I’ll come with you.

Thank you Mother. Thank you.

They walked to the car in silence. When they got in Anne turned on him and said.

Charles I have never been so angry with you in my life. I’m going to have to move I’m so embarrassed.

I’m sorry but you weren’t going to come. I couldn’t drag you out of the house kicking and screaming. Spend Christmas with us, you can beat me later.

I’m very tempted Charles. You better get me pictures of Tiny Tim and Annie for those old biddies in the condo.

Former donors send me pictures all the time. Baby Annie’s even a redhead.

Charles pulled up into the driveway and Hope opened the door.

Surprise! She yelled.

Hope, you told me you were going to London! Anne said. Naughty vampire, I’m so glad to see you. She ran over to give her a hug.

You didn’t really think I’d spend Christmas with anyone else did you? Hope said.

You and Charles are very bad. Anne said. Santa’s not going to come here.

But he already did. Riley said.

Riley? I’ve missed you so much.

You stood me up at Shea Stadium.

There was a blackout.

I was ready for baseball and my lady friend was nowhere to be seen.

That was my fault Riley. Hope said. I kidnapped her and took her to Philadelphia.

It’s true. I said she’s a naughty vampire. Charles where’s Sarah? Anne asked.

Speaking of naughty vampires. Charles mumbled.

Charles, you’re not out of the woods yet. Where is she?

She’s upstairs. She wanted you to see your friends first.

That’s just silly. Leaving guests down here, I raised her to be a better hostess than that. I’m going to talk to her right now.

Anne knocked on Sarah’s bedroom door.


Mother, I’m so happy you came.

I wasn’t going to, I was mad.

I know. I’m sorry, I’ve been acting like a child and I don’t know why.

Charles had a talk with me today.

A talk with you? Sarah asked. Usually I get those talks.

Well he had a point. He said we fought a lot when you were younger and then we lived far away so we were on our best behavior for visits. He said now that we see each other all the time we’re letting our guard down.

That’s probably true to some extent but I’ve got to get a handle on my emotions. Sarah said. Or else that hairbrush is going to get a lot of use.

Not on Christmas. Anne said. I left it at home. Which is a good thing for Charles, because you won’t believe what he did to me.


He started crying in the hallway begging for forgiveness. Saying I was going to ruin Christmas for Tiny Tim and Baby Annie.

He didn’t really say Tiny Tim did he?

No he said Little Tim. Everybody’s door was open. Sarah I’m going to have to move.

Well you’re always welcome here.


All right I’ll be good.

Anne hugged Sarah tightly. You know you’re my baby girl and I love you more than anyone else in the world. Those five years I didn’t know where you were, they were the worst of my life.

Mother I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize then how much it would hurt you. I want to make it up to you.

Sarah we can’t go back we can only go forward. Let’s go down and have a wonderful Christmas with our family and friends.

Our makeup’s a mess. Sarah said. Let’s fix each other up.

The ladies made themselves presentable and went downstairs.

Oh good. Charles said. We were going to sing the twelve days of Christmas but we didn’t know how many Weeping Whitley Women.

Charles is really pushing his luck today isn’t he Mother?

Sarah you’re a perfect angel compared to him today. He’s not getting any sugar blood vials.

Anne that’s not fair. It’s Christmas. Charles said.

No, not one. Tiny Tim will get your AB negative.

You never punish Charles. He must have done something really bad. Sarah said gleefully.

I’m at my wit’s end with him. Anne said.

I’ll save you a sugar vial. Sarah whispered.

That’s my girl.
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Re: 1977 Christmas with the Vampires Forgiveness Series PG

Post by francis »

Seems that with the Whitley women the circle of life means fighting and making up.
Wonderful story. And this time Charles almost got the hairbrush. :snicker:
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Re: 1977 Christmas with the Vampires Forgiveness Series PG

Post by cassysj »

Charles had to get into trouble at some point. I figure Sarah and Anne are not very different from most families.
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