Born to Be Wild Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Born to Be Wild Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Born To Be Wild
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Steve's old crew tracks him down and tries to blackmail him back into boosting cars :eyeroll:

Manuel Gomez had been looking for Steve Belfaur for many years now and he could tell he was getting close. Ever since Steve had gotten arrested he'd given up the trade and Manuel tried to find someone else to recruit but no one and he meant no one had Steve's skills at getting into any car and he had almost given up until he saw him on JK News. How dude got a gig like that was beyond him, but it was time to get the band back together. They could make a fortune in today's market.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jun 26, 2023 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Born to Be Wild Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Nooooo! :hankie: Save Steve!! :mdrama:
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Re: Born to Be Wild Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Hey, my man!!" Manuel said loudly walking over towards him. Steve looked up in surprise.
"Manuel!! Damn man! How the hell are you?" Steve said giving him a brief hug.
"How am I? How the hell are you?" he said looking all around at the people Steve was working with who appeared to be working for Steve!
"I'm good. I got married a while ago".
"Was it Yolanda?" Manuel asked remembering, how hot and heavy they were for each other.
"No. Yolanda moved to Phoenix a while ago" Steve replied. "What are you doing back in LA? Freddy said you pulled up and relocated to Tampa".
"Yeah, I did for a while. It was getting too hot for the crew here in Los Angeles, so I thought I'd try the Sunshine state, but that place turned out to be loco!! Way too many meth heads there" he said with a grin. "But I'm glad I found you. I'm putting the crew back together and we need you back Steve. No one can do what you did. Hell, no one even comes close to doing what you did!"
"Manuel, I can't. I've changed. I went back to school and got my degree, now I'm the Station Manager for JK News. There isn't a car anywhere that could tempt me out of retirement" Steve said with a chuckle.
"No worries. Just thought I'd ask. Oh, while you're here, Carlita told me to tell you hi, if I ran into you".
Manuel knew that Carlita was the chick that Steve had never been able to bait or catch. No matter how hard he tried. And he always swore that he would get her in his bed no matter how long it took.
"Carlita? Damn! Is she still in Los Angeles?" Steve asked.
"Not in LA but in San Diego. She's working at the Marina selling yachts to rich dudes and man, she looks even better than she did".
Steve took a few seconds to remember Carlita Garcia. A stunning beauty who drove every guy she ever met into hysterics. Steve always knew that he stood the best chance of hooking up with her, but no matter what tactic he tried, she always seemed to be immune from his charms. And no one was immune to Steve's charms with exception to Beth. Hell, even Isabelle had once wanted to take Steve out for a test drive, but he had to decline because he had no desire to die at the hands of Josef Kostan.
"So who's the wife? Anyone from our neck of the woods?" Manuel asked.
"No. she's from El Centro. She's a former Army Ranger Sniper." Steve said proudly. Manuel began to think of how he could get Steve back with the crew and Lisa, the former Army sniper would be just the way to do it!
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Jun 27, 2023 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Born to Be Wild Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Darn that Manuel, he needs to go back to Tampa and stop trying to ruin Steve's life. :nonono:
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Re: Born to Be Wild Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Hey, let me take you out to dinner, then you can meet Lisa tonight, if you're free" Steve said.
"You know what? That sounds like a great idea. Would you mind if I brought a date?"
"Not at all! Let's meet at 8pm at DAMA, it's on E.11th St. It's a great place, my treat!" Steve said excitedly.

When Steve got home, he immediately went to the backyard. It was Wednesday and that meant Lisa was shooting targets. One of the perks of having their home built in Topanga was that their closest neighbor was far away from gunfire. Steve slowly began to walk towards her but not close. He now knew that coming up behind a former soldier with a gun in their hand was a surefire way to get shot, which he almost was. So, he stood still until she noticed his scent and turned around.
"Hey handsome! How was your day?" She asked laying her Glock on the table beside her.
"Would you like to go out to dinner tonight? I ran into an old friend and I'm meeting him for dinner at DAMA. You wanna go with?" he asked with a smile.
"Sure, that sounds like fun! So, who's this friend?" She asked with a smirk. Early on in their marriage she found out that her hubby had an alarming number of female friends and hardly any male friends.
"Manuel Gomez. We were in the same car theft crew when I was arrested but I heard he took over the crew and moved the operations to Florida."
"So why is he back in Cali?" Lisa asked already becoming suspicious of the situation.
"He does still have family here" Steve said remembering Manuel had two younger brothers and 4 sisters who were still in the area.
Lisa didn't know why she had an uneasy feeling over this guy but she couldn't ignore it and she wouldn't ignore it. That was one of the more important things she learned in the military. Always trust your gut. And something about Manuel rubbed her the wrong way.

Steve and Lisa were sitting at the table waiting for Manuel to arrive and after 20 minutes, Steve started to think that something wasn't right. Finally, he stood up.
"Look, I don't think Manuel is showing up, so something must have happened. You stay put, I'll go get the car and bring it up front" he said kissing Lisa on the forehead and headed for the door.
Before Steve could get back, Manuel showed up and sat at in the chair across from Lisa.
"You must be Lisa. Manuel Gomez, it's a pleasure to meet you" he said holding out his hand. "Where's Steve?" he asked looking around.
"You were late, so he went to grab the car."
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I got a flat and had to do the old switcheroo". He said with chuckle. "Look, I'm going to go wash my hands. They smell like oil" he said walking towards the bathroom. Lisa heard her phone chime and saw it was a text from Steve. He was pulling up now. She spoke to the server and told her to have Manuel wait at their table. She stepped out of the restaurant looking for Steve to pull up when she felt something being pressed hard to her mouth. In seconds she was out!

Steve woke up and saw he was in a dirty motel room tied to a chair.
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Re: Born to Be Wild Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Lisa is so right about that Manuel creep. :madface: I hope she goes all Rambo on their asses!! :grumble:
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Re: Born to Be Wild Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Manuel looked at the young woman lying on the sofa. Steve always had knack for finding beautiful women, but he really scored big with this one he thought with smirk. He checked to make sure she was tied up tightly before he left, locking the door behind him.
"Hey Manny, you really think this is going to work? Steve said there was no way in hell he was ever going back to boosting cars. He even helped some detective bring down Vince Cartelli's group" Ricky said.
"Trust me, it's going to work. Steve is really in love with this chick. He'll do whatever we ask to get her back" he said confidently as he pulled out his phone waiting for the phone call he knew he was about to receive.

Steve quickly ripped out of zip ties and ran out of the hotel room. He saw he was in the old Arne's Royal Hawaiian Motel. He started looking for his cell phone and found it in his jacket packet and immediately called Mick who was beside him in seconds.
"What's going on Steve?"
"I think someone chloroformed me and dropped me here. Lisa and I were waiting to have dinner with an old friend of mine but he was late, so I left Lisa at DAMA while I got the car. I was going to leave a note for him at the restaurant letting him know we left, but then I wake up and I'm here" Steve explained. "I just tried to call Lisa and it went directly to voicemail".
"Let me check with Captain Hernandez" Mick said making the call. Steve saw Mick face changed to worry and he knew that Lisa wasn't at work.
"Lisa didn't show up for work this morning". Mick said with controlled anger. "Tell me about this friend"
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Re: Born to Be Wild Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Yay! Mick is on the hunt! :dracula:
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Re: Born to Be Wild Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Manuel saw me the other day while we were filming the train derailment for JK. I had heard he relocated to Tampa, but he said he had just moved back. He asked if I wanted to come back, and I said no. told him I had gotten my life together and was married. He seemed to be okay with me tuning him down. So, I thought Lisa and I would take him out to dinner, but I see now he had another plan to get me back! That son of a bitch!!"
"Tell me about the rest of his crew" Mick asked.
"Chiko is the muscle and he is beyond strong. Mikey strips the cars once they have them in possession and Carlos is the lockpick. That guy can get into any facility. Jake used to their grifter. Dude could make you believe he was anybody." Steve said. Mick pulled out his phone and quickly rang Logan.
"What you got for me Mick?" He asked.
"Lisa's been kidnapped and I need you to look up info on a guy named Manuel Gomez. He's a car booster. He runs with a crew named Chiko, Mikey and Carlos. See if you and Lucky can find any info on where they may be in Los Angeles".
"Sure, thing Mick! Give me half an hour" Logan said hanging up. Mick turned to Steve.
"We WILL find her" Mick said trying to calm himself.
"I never should have agreed to meet him!!" Steve said punching a hole in the wall of an abandoned building.

Lisa slowly woke up and looked around for Steve. She was lying on a strange bed. She quickly jumped up and checked her body. She still had all her clothes on, and nothing seemed to be amiss. She sniffed the air and frowned. Steve's thug friend had done this! She heard voices that appeared to be coming her way, so she layed back on the bed and closed her eyes.
"She really should have been up by now!" she heard a voice say.
"She's a tiny little thing, it probably really knocked her out, but look her chest is still moving so she's alive" she heard Manuel say. "It's a shame she's married, or I would have staked my claim!" he jokingly laughed.
"Steve always did pull in the honeys! Don't know how he did it. He wasn't that good looking". The friend said with smirk as he walked over to Lisa's body and gently touched her face. Lisa heard a loud punch.
"Shit man!!! What the fuck you do that for?"
"This is a man's wife!! You better stop thinking what I know you're thinking, or I'll kill you myself! Manuel said in anger.
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Re: Born to Be Wild Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Manuel has some twisted ideas of right and wrong! :dizzy: Lisa seems able to take care of herself, but I'm glad Steve and Mick are hunting for her. I have a feeling there will be one less car theft ring in LA by the time this story ends. :getclue:
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Re: Born to Be Wild Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Hey Mick! Lucky pulled up something!" Logan said quickly. "So, this guy Manuel and his crew have warrants in several states for auto thefts, but one member of his crew Jake Jansen comes from actual money. His father is Head of Neurology at Good Samaritan Hospital on Wilshire Blvd. So why this guy is boosting cars is anyone's guess. But his dad has been getting into real estate and has bought up some properties that he wants to turn into clinics. So, I'm thinking that Lisa is being held at one of those places. I'm sending you the address of all three" Logan said.
"Thanks Logan, you're the best" Mick said.
"Logan has found some properties owned by Jake's dad, and they think Lisa is being held at one of them" Mick explained.
"Jake?! No way! Jake was as broke as the rest of us! His dad didn't own a pot to piss in".
"Actually, Jake Jansen's dad is the Head of Neurology at Good Samaritan Hospital". Steve shook his head having a hard time believing that Jake had been lying to them all this time.
"Shit!! I can't believe it! Jake was always the first one to run headfirst into a dangerous situation".
"Well, when you have a very rich doctor who can bail you out of any and all trouble you get into, I can see where he had no fear of repercussions" Mick said. "But let's check out these properties and get Lisa back!" Mick said jumping in his car.

They pulled up to the first property which had already been half demolished, so they could tell that no one was in that building with exception to one lone homeless man who was trying to catch some sleep before the construction crew came in a while and chased him away. They went to the second property and Steve laid a hand on Mick's shoulder.
"She's in there Mick!" Steve said with his eyes closed focusing on Lisa's scent alone.
"There are four men in there with her. Try and speak to her mind" Mick said.
"Lisa, it's me, please tell me you're alright! Please baby!" Steve said in his mind.
"Hey you! I was just about to call you, but you and Gramps can come in now" he heard Lisa's voice casually say to him.
"Lisa said to come in!" Steve said taking off for the vacant building as quickly as he could. He found Lisa in a room that was clearly a room in doctor's office. Lisa was sitting on a bed with a huge grin on her face.
"Oh baby!!! I was so afraid something bad happened to you!!" Steve said kissing her face. "Did they hurt you? Did they touch you!!!" Steve yelled out loud. "Where are they?!!!" he yelled looking all around the room.
"They're in there" Lisa said pointing to the room behind her. Steve went to door and saw that Mick was behind him ready to help his takeout these assholes! Steve pulled open the door and saw all four of his former gang buddies knocked out and tied up tightly with ace bandages. Mick sighed with relief and reminded himself to trust in Lisa always.
"You just couldn't let me be the hero this time, could you?" Steve joked with a grin.
"Well, I didn't think you would let them live and I really wanted to see them in jail for this. Not dead for this" she said which dumped ice cold water on any fiery payback thoughts Steve was having.
"You're right.... I'm just mad as hell that these guys who I've been through so much with would do something like this to me! They were all like brothers to me!" Steve said as tears ran down his face. "Hell! I did time for them!!" he finally screamed out.
"What are you talking about Steve? You said you were caught boosting an Audi" Mick said.
"I had to back out of the job. MY mom got called in for the late shift at her janitorial job. I had to watch my little sister" he admitted. "The cops were coming down had on all car theft rings at that time and they had their sights on Manuel, and I thought if they were going to take him down then that would be the end of it all. I'd lose my friends. My family. So, I fessed up to the job and did the time. Manuel always said if there was anything I ever needed, he would take care of it, but after that stint in juvie which was just like California State Prison, I decided I was done with that life and I stayed away from that life and the people in that life. My mom had arranged for me to stay with her sister who lived in Pasadena" he finished.
"So, you save their asses, and this is how they repay you?!" Lisa yelled jumping off the bed ready to rip the heads off of all of them. Steve grabbed her and engulfed her in a huge hug.
"What happened to wanting to see them in jail for this" Steve gently reminded her.
"Oh, alright. If you say so my former born to be wild husband. And you know how much I love bad boys" she said seductively grabbing his face and kissing him deeply.
Mick cleared his throat.
"Don't do that in front of me! I'm gone!" Mick said rushing away for his car. "Don't forget to call Hernandez" they heard his voice say over the roar of his car.
"Look, these guys are going to do time. You just don't walk away scot free from kidnapping a star officer on the LAPD."
"5-10 depending on the judge" Lisa replied.
"You did warn me. I'll never doubt you again Lisa. Ever. How I ever get so lucky to have you?" He said his throat tightening up.
"As if any other man or vampire could ever handle me!" she joked.

The End
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Aug 01, 2023 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Born to Be Wild Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Woohoo! Lisa is badass! :highfive:

And aww, Steve sacrificed himself for those creeps?? They had better do major time, or Lisa might just make them sorry they were ever born. :devil:
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Re: Born to Be Wild Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

allegrita wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 6:54 pm Woohoo! Lisa is badass! :highfive:

And aww, Steve sacrificed himself for those creeps?? They had better do major time, or Lisa might just make them sorry they were ever born. :devil:
Yes, Lisa kicks butt for sure!! I love her character!
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