Luxury Apartments Rated PG

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Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Luxury Apartments
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Josef purchases a historic apartment building only to find out some young vampires have been squatting there for a long while.

"Congratulations Mr. Kostan. You are now the proud owner of The Continental Building! I don't understand how you were able to obtain this treasure without any bloodshed" His friend said.
"Harry, they just don't make buildings like this anymore" Josef said with a wistful smile thinking about the many fabulous times he had in this building since the 1920's.
"So what are you going to do with it? It's a registered building with the Historical Society so there's not a lot you can mess with".
"Oh no, everything stays the same although there will be a couple of updates here and there, but I plan on keeping the old girl in great shape" Josef said shaking his friend's hand.
"Again, congratulations, but....the neighborhood isn't what it once was, so if you're thinking about getting a newer moneyed crowd, let's just say not many want to live in this area" he said walking away.
"Oh, they will want to live here" Josef said to himself with a smile.

"Josef, do you really need more property?" Mick asked.
"Don't listen to Mick, The Continental Building is beyond gorgeous! The 1904 Beaux-Arts style is to die for!" Beth said.
"Why thank you Beth for always seeing the forest as well as the trees" Josef joked. "You two want to come with me tomorrow to check out the property with Building Management?"
"I'm there! Whatever the time!" Beth said excitedly.
"9am on the dot" he said.

"I can't believe the building was sold! After all we did to make sure it was considered a Historical Landmark!" Kat screamed, thinking that their home was about to be overrun with entitled pricks!
"Calm down Kat. Think about this. Since it is a Historical landmark, very little of it can be touched. And they're certainly not going to do anything with the sub-basement level, so I think we'll be fine" Jake replied thinking that some new young freshies would be a nice change from their usual geriatric menu options.

Josef, Mick and Beth pulled up to the lovely building to see Property Management standing right by the front door ready to take them on a tour.
"You're right on time Mr. Kostan. Ready to see what your money bought you?" he chuckled.
"Lead the way" Josef said.
"Now as you know, most of the 56 units are now loft dwellings, most just one floor, but the upper units have two stories. Right now, we have 38 units occupied. The pandemic caused a lot of our old timers to move away from the city and with the job market not fully restored, there aren't a lot of people who can afford $8,800 per month". he said going toward the elevator. Josef looked at Mick quickly. Vampires were somewhere around. With a nod of his head, Mick made an excuse to run back to his car, but as soon as he saw the elevator doors closed, he quickly ran all around the building to find where the vamp smell was coming from. After checking every floor, he discovered that the smell wasn't coming from the units but from the basement. He slowly made his way down the rickety stairs and onto the basement level. The lower levels appeared to be individual storage shelters. He smelled each shelter and could no longer detect the vamp smell. Maybe a vamp had been down here at some other time and that was what Mick was smelling.

"Sorry Mick, we went on up to see the open units and they are impressive! I don't understand why no one wants to live in the area. Yeah, it's a little beat up and bohemian but that's what gives it character!" Beth said wishing that her and Mick could move here.
"If you plan on any renovations, you'll have to give the current tenants at least two weeks' notice and the work can only be done in the daylight hours and must be halted by 8pm" the Property Manager pointed out. "We have one more unit located on the top floor, but it has its own elevator. Ernest Hemmingway lived up there for a long while". He said pulling out the elevator key and heading for another elevator on the right side of the lobby. Mick, Beth and Josef got on the elevator and when the doors opened all they saw was bright sunlight and all they smelled was the overpowering smell of vampires. Multiple vampires.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

:thumbs: Okay, I'm on board! :reading:
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Re: Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

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Re: Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by aolver »

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Re: Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Well, that's the whole building, so I'll leave you to speak amongst yourselves" the Property Manager said to them as he walked away leaving them in the lobby. Mick was about to say something, but Josef interrupted him.
"Let's take a stroll around the neighborhood and see what's going" Josef said heading for the door. Beth, having worked for Josef for over 10 years, knew that he was trying to steer all conversations away from the building.
"That's a great idea! I saw a really cute Cuban bistro down the street" she said with a bright smile as they all left to walk down the street. "Ok Josef, what's going on?" she said as they walked further down the street.
"The Continental has a serious vampire problem. And we need to find where they're hiding themselves" he said.
"I smelled at least 6 different vamps on the premises" Mick said.
"All male with exception to one female" Beth said. "With that many vampires, I need to look up deaths in the building" she said pulling out her mobile to phone Ted and Sam and get them started on research of the building.
"I think Mick and I should come back after dark and see what really happens when everyone's tucked in for bed".
"I'll call you as soon as I find out anything. I'm taking the car Mick". Beth said, holding out her hand for the keys.
"How am i supposed to get back?" Mick said, then stopped.
"Your wife is not a teleporting angel, so keys please my love" she joked as she took the keys from him and left to pick up the car.

Alexi Volkov was the only vampire who did not succumb to the dark sleep that the others had no control over, and he was grateful for that. When a vamp reached 200 years, they could seep whenever they felt like it. And Alexi was always counting down the days for that particular skill. The younger of their kind were troublesome and impatient. Always wanting something immediately instead of finding joy in the wait. But he would worry about them later. Now he needed to feed, and he was in the mood for Chinese food. He appeared in the woman's apartment, waiting for her to come out of the shower. He always liked the body soap she used that smelled of vanilla and sandalwood.
He took off all his clothing and waited on her bed. Miko Sun-Yee came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel and froze in her tracks when she saw the young man sitting naked on her bed. She was about to scream when very quickly he stopped her screams with his hand.
"Come on now. You don't want to be alerting everyone in building" he said in a gentle voice, snatching off her towel and admiring her delectable form. He took his had away from her mouth. "Now be a good girl for me" he whispered in her ear and could feel how aroused she was becoming. Leading her to the bed, he laid on top of her and began to kiss her breast.
"Please not again" she begged as he very gently began to make passionate love to her as she felt the sharp prick of his fangs on her neck.

"Where have you been?" Jake asked in anger as Alexi approached them. "We've been calling to you all evening long!"
"Yeah, you promised us that this building couldn't be sold!! And now someone has spent a fortune to own it!" Kat screamed at him.
Alexi stood in front of youngsters.
"Are you saying I'm a liar?" he asked softly. Kat was about to say something, but Jaked stopped her.
"No. We're not calling you a liar and we're sure that this man Kostan has conned the state into selling this building to him." Jake replied staring at Kat with anger in his eyes. One of these days Kat was going to get them all destroyed.
"Kostan, you say?" Alexi asked.
"Yeah. Josef Kostan" Edward piped up. "Wasn't that dude President of the United States?"
"Indeed, he was. And if he is anything like what people have said, we are about to dine on Kings" Alexi said with a chuckle.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue May 09, 2023 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

:reading: :chair:
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Re: Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

This is very mysterious! :confusing: :chin:
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Re: Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Surely you understand what a man like Josef Kostan brings to our little plot of land. A healthy assortment of young women and men for you to use however you please. Riches that always bring the most beautiful people in Los Angles directly to us" he said with smirk knowing that the men were getting fed up with dining on the elderly in residence while he was able to partake of the three youngest females in the building.
"What if he finds out where we take our rest?"
"Nothing on the sub-basement level will be touched. It can't be touched. The first owner had already updated all pipes, furnaces, and water heaters. There will be no need for them to do anything to the basement levels" he said trying to get them to see that no harm would come to them under Kostan's rule. "Kostan does not appear to be the kind of man who spends money unnecessarily, so worry no more about it." he said walking up to Jake to speak with him privately. "Helena on the 9th floor will be having 3 beautiful sorority sisters visiting Los Angelas for the first time from Topeka. I give you permission to take what you and the others want, but there will be no killing and no harming of the females. Hypnotize them if you must". Jake knew that Alexi was old school. Just because he was a strong vampire, didn't mean he had to make his domination unpleasant for the women. He had seen too much defiling of innocent women in Vietnam when he served.
"Thank you, sir" Jake replied.

When it grew dark Josef and Mick began to plan what they would be doing.
"I want Alma to seal all the apartment doors so they cannot be opened. The tenants living there need to be protected". Josef said.
"I'm starting to wonder about that Penthouse apartment. The vamp smell was overpowering but surely a vampire isn't taking his rest there. All of that direct sunlight would surely burn a young vampire to a crisp" Mick said. "I think that was done to lure us away from where they actually are. We need to check the original blueprints and see how the structure was originally built".
"You're really smarter than you look Mick!" Josef chuckled.
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri May 12, 2023 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Hey now, Josef! :nonono: No need to insult Mick! :snicker:

This Alexi doesn't know Josef very well, if he thinks J won't have every square inch of that building thoroughly investigated-- especially since it reeks of unknown vamps! :noway:

This is intriguing. Be careful, Mick!
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Re: Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

I'm thinking Mick and Josef are going to find that sub-basement... :yes:
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Re: Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Hey Logan, can you and Lucky find the original blueprints for the Continental Building? on Spring St." Mick asked.
"Of course we can! How fast do you need them?" Logan asked.
"Give me about 10 minutes" he said, hanging up. And after 10 minutes there was a knock-on Josef's door.
"These were delivered to you at the front desk sir". His security guard said handing him the blueprints.
"Thanks Parker" Josef said laying the blueprints out on his dining table. "So this is what was originally you see that?" Josef said pointing at what looked to be the basement levels.
"Is that the basement? W...wait. Why does that look like a room within a room? That has to be a mistake" Mick began to say. "Unless it was used for something that was meant to be hidden. Something tells me we've got an older vamp. Someone who was around when this room was used for whatever reason. A new vamp wouldn't think to look up blueprints on a historical building just to hole up in it".
"Well, let's you and I find out what's hidden" Josef said with chuckle.

Jake was pulling up his pants as he looked back at the beautiful young woman on the bed behind him. She had an incredible body and a glazed look on her face with a small smile.
"Can I see you again?" she said in a dreamy voice.
"Of course, you can sweetheart".
"And every tomorrow after that" he lied. "Get some rest" he said leaving the room. Jake hadn't felt this good in years.

Mick and Josef parked far from the property and appeared inside the building on the Lobby floor. Mick looked at the blueprint plans on his phone.
"The basement is to the right" he said pointing to a door. When they were inside the room, they smelled a strong whiff of vampire.
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Re: Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

“With age comes decay. I’m picking up a lot of decay.” 😁

(Hope I got that Mick VO correct. I’m a little rusty. 😉)
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Re: Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

MickLifeCrisis wrote: Fri May 12, 2023 7:53 pm “With age comes decay. I’m picking up a lot of decay.” 😁

(Hope I got that Mick VO correct. I’m a little rusty. 😉)
:rolling: :rolling:
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Re: Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

:rolling: :rolling: :dracula:
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Re: Luxury Apartments Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick and Josef walked all around the basement and found nothing.
"What the hell is going on?" Josef yelled.
"I have no idea Josef" Mick said looking at the blueprints again. "This is the sub-basement. If any vamps were around, this would be the best place. No windows and no people walking about".
"We have to be missing something! Let's go back to Kostan Towers and do some more research" Josef said but he quickly stared back at the room they were leaving. Something just wasn't adding up.

"Jake! Where the hell were you? We were almost found out" Kat screamed. Jake had been enjoying the brand new freshie visitors and really didn't want to hear Kat's latest conspiracy theory.
"I'm sure that's not going to happen, because you are still here."
"Kostan came back with his friend and they were commenting on the vamp smell on this level, so yeah, I think we're about to be found out and I'm not sticking around for that!" she said vanishing in anger. Kyle, another newbie vamp started to freak out.
"Look Jake, maybe Kat's right. We need to think about relocating somewhere else" he said.
"Alexi said that our lair was secure, and I believe him. The dude is over 200 years old! And I don't think he's been around that long by being stupid. Kat's being overly dramatic" he said. What Jake said made a lot of sense. Alexi is the oldest vampire any of them had ever met and to live that long, you had to have a lot of tricks up your sleeve.
"Maybe you're right. Kat just had me a little freaked out".
"No worries. Alex has taken care of everything. Now I do believe there is a gorgeous red head, all alone while her sorority sisters show for shoes". Kyle smiled brightly and vanished from the basement.

Going into Josef's apartment, Mick quickly rang Logan.
"Hey man can you and Lucky get to Josef's? We have a project for you"
"Sure thing Mick. We'll be there in 15 minutes". Logan said.
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