Death Becomes Her - Chapter 7 (PG) Posted: 2/7/18

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Death Becomes Her - Chapter 7 (PG) Posted: 2/7/18

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi all!! :wave:

Here is the seventh chapter of this Moonlight /H50 crossover story, with another three or so to follow.

As always, I don’t own these characters, but dearly love to play with them, nor do I profit in any way from this story.

In memory of our own dear Librarian 7, aka Lucky :rose:

I hope you enjoy!!

Chapter 7

Iolani Palace – the next morning

Danny and Chin arrived at the Palace after spending most of the night in the hospital. The forced rest and IVs seemed to have done Steve some good, as he was awake and in somewhat better spirits than he’d been for the last several days. When they gave him an update on the case, he told both men to leave and keep their appointment with Ted Miller. In the meantime, Nahele would stay with him and call if there was any change in Steve’s condition.

A short time later, Danny, Chin and Lou were once again seated in McGarrett’s office facing a tired looking Ted Miller. With no obvious signs of injury, Danny was relieved that Mick hadn’t harmed Miller, at least not physically. Mentally, Miller looked as though he was still shaking off a few cobwebs.

After some softball questions regarding Ted’s knowledge of Simone Walker and a few other issues, Danny got down to brass tacks. “Mr. Miller, are you aware that your wife is telling people that she’s required to work 20 hours a week, per your pre-nuptial agreement?”

If anyone expected Miller to be shocked or deny any knowledge, they were in for a surprise. “Yes, Detective. I’m aware of that and a few other things that Samantha says…and does.”

“Like what?”

“Samantha was convinced I was having an affair with Laura, I mean Ms. Walker. She even hired a private investigator to follow me and to watch Ms. Walker’s house hoping to catch me sneaking in or out.”

Were you having an affair?”

“No. I knew Ms. Walker to exchange pleasantries when we saw each other. Once I helped her move a piece of furniture that was too heavy for her. That was the only time I was ever in her home.”

Chin picked up the interrogation. “How did you find out about the private investigator?”

“Ms. Walker clued me in. She’d become aware that her home was being watched. She said she called a friend of hers, another private investigator, to find out what was going on. When she was informed of the reason, she told me.”

“Did you confront your wife about this?”

“Of course I did. She denied it, at first, saying that Ms. Walker was trying to make trouble for us.” Ted sighed. “My marriage had been troubled for some time, trouble that Ms. Walker in no way contributed to.”

“Care to elaborate?”

“Not really, but I feel I must or I wouldn’t be sitting here.” Ted paused for a minute, trying together his thoughts. “When I married Samantha, I thought we were a good match. She was bright, loving, a good partner, or so I thought. After we married, we found that children weren’t in the cards for us. I poured my energy into my work and Samantha started her own business, more to keep busy than anything else. She was actually quite good at it, but for some reason was never satisfied. She wanted more. When Samantha became increasingly obsessed with money and status over the last few years, we started to drift apart. She thought I was giving too much money to charity, saying we could live far better if we kept the money for ourselves.”

“Sounds like you were heading for divorce.”

“I was certain we were. Yet when I offered her a divorce, Samantha wouldn’t agree to one, even though she would have been granted more money than even she could ever spend in one lifetime.”

“Why didn’t she agree?”

“I believe she thought she was entitled to more. If I died, she’d get half my assets, quite a bit more than a divorce would give her.”

Lou chimed in. “Hoping to outlive you, huh? What would she get if you went to jail, say for murder?”

The blood drained from Miller’s face. “Are you suggesting Samantha killed Ms. Walker and then tried to frame me?”

“Finding it hard to believe?”

“Honestly? I don’t know what to believe anymore. I know that Samantha was upset at my charitable contributions, but to stoop to this? To take someone’s life and destroy another for monetary gain?”

“If she didn’t like your charitable donations, I’ll bet she hated your ‘gift’ to Greg Mariner.”

“O yeah, and she let me know about it.” Ted’s eyes narrowed. “Although how you found out about that…”

Danny now took over. “We talked to Mariner. He was a person of interest, being Walker’s boss and all.”

“So you don’t know the reason for the gift?”

“All Mariner said was that you were there for him when his wife died. Was there another reason, like you wanting to be more than friends with Mariner? Maybe his wife being out of the way gave you an opening?”

For the first time, Ted Miller looked shocked. “You think I was in love with Greg? That I had something to do with his wife’s death?” Understanding dawned on Miller. “And that’s why you think I murdered Ms. Walker, to keep Greg from leaving?”

“It did cross our minds. Are you and did you?”

“No, to all three.” Ted put his head in his hands muttering. "What’s the saying, ‘no good deed goes unpunished’?”

Danny leaned forward. “Come again?”

Ted Miller sat up, rubbed his bloodshot eyes and asked for some coffee. “I’ll tell you everything, but it’s going to take a while.”

When Ted was finished telling his story, Danny thanked him for his time.

Before Ted left, Lou stopped him. “I have to say, Mr. Miller, none of us saw that coming. If you don’t mind, though, I did have one more question for you.”

When Ted nodded his assent, Lou continued. “When I was at your house the other day, talking to you and the missus, you seemed, I don’t know, startled when I mentioned Ms. Walker’s necklace. With everything you just told us, I don’t see why that got such a reaction.”

Ted looked abashed. “Samantha didn’t exactly lie to you, but she wasn’t entirely truthful, either.”


“The necklace. She never actually saw it, but I knew she’d heard about it from one of our neighbors. What started as mere curiosity about the gem on the necklace became nearly obsessive. When you brought it up, part of my mind leapt to the worst possible conclusion, that she’d tried to take the necklace from Ms. Walker and killed her in the process. That’s the reaction you saw. Afterward, I decided that I was being silly, that despite all her other faults, Samantha wasn’t capable of murder. Now I know better.”

After Ted left, the three men went over all that they had learned, lamenting that while it seemed Samantha Miller did have a motive, they still didn’t have any proof.

Before they disbanded, Danny got a text from Beth. “I don’t know if this is good news or bad news.”

Chin prodded. “What is it?”

“Kostan called. Simone Walker is now officially a bloodsucker.”

“That should make Kostan happy and keep him in LA.”

Danny paused, as if lost in thought. “Yeah, but Mick is still here…”

Lou didn’t like the look on Danny’s face. “Don’t tell me you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking.”

Danny just grinned. “OK, I won’t. Besides, the less you know, the better.”

Chin shook his head. “You’ve definitely been hanging around McGarrett too long, my friend.”

“Yeah, and I hope to be hanging around with him a whole lot longer.”


When Danny arrived at the hospital, he was nearly knocked over by an anxious Nahele. “What’s wrong, kid?”

“Nothing. It’s just …it’s just that no one seems to know what happened to Steve.”

Now it was Danny’s turn to get anxious. “What do you mean, ‘what happened to Steve’? I though you said nothing was wrong.”

As the two men hurried to Steve’s room, Nahele explained that when he arrived earlier, he found Steve sitting up, eating breakfast, looking a lot better than he had the previous day. What was disconcerting was that the doctors seemed as surprised as he was. “They took Steve for some additional tests this morning and couldn’t find any of the lesions that he had last night.”

Danny stopped dead in his tracks. “They didn’t find anything? Steve’s OK?”

“See for yourself.” Nahele just grinned. “Gotta run. Steve wanted me to get something for him.”

Entering the room, Danny found his partner just as Nahele had said, sitting up and inhaling his lunch.

McGarrett looked up from his meal, then smiled. “Hey, partner. What’s up?”

“You, apparently. You sure you should be eating so much? You have a bucket nearby in case you need it?”

“Nah. Won’t need it. I’m starving. You know what I’d really like? A thick, juicy steak, rare, really rare. Doc says I’m not ready for it yet.”

“Well, for now, stick with toast and Jell-o and whatever the hell that white stuff is.”

Steve poked the stuff with his fork. “I don’t know what it is either, but like I said, I’m starving.”

Danny sat down and watched his partner devour the last of his meal, grateful that Steve seemed to have been brought back from the brink of death, but wondering how that came to pass. Miracle? Maybe, or maybe it was something else.

Trying to sound nonchalant, Danny asked. “You have any visitors after Chin and I left early this morning?”

“No. A bunch of doctors though. The first one came in to check on me. Did a double-take when he looked at the monitors.”

“That, and the fact that you no longer look like death warmed over.”

Steve shrugged. “Maybe. After that, a couple more doctors came in, looked at the monitors, checked my chart, then left. Next thing I know they’re dragging me out for more tests. Everything seems to check out OK, but they don’t know why. I said I felt fine and wanted to go home, but they said they want me here for observation for another day or so. Still, I can check myself out…”

“No. Absolutely not. If I have to have Kamekona sit on you to keep you here, I’ll do it.” Danny turned to pleading. “Please, Steve, for once in your death-defying life, don’t take any chances. Let the docs test you for another day or so.”

“Hey, I’m OK, Danny. Really. I told you the new meds needed a few days to kick in.” Steve finally realized how concerned his partner was. “Fine, if it makes you happy, I’ll stay here for another day. I just don’t see what the big deal is.”

Danny sighed in relief. “I’ll hold you to that. I’ll leave Nahele here to make sure you stay put.”

“Good. I’ll need him to get more food. I just wish he could sneak that steak in here for me.”

After Danny left, he texted Mick St. John.

McGarrett’s place. Need to talk.

A minute later, Mick agreed.


A short time later, Danny arrived at McGarrett’s place, finding a limo outside with a very serious looking driver.

If this is Mick’s ride, I’ll bet anything that that driver is one of them….best keep my distance.

Letting himself in, Danny found Mick and Beth waiting for him.

Mick seemed anxious. “I take it you have news for us.”

Danny took a deep breath; best to get this over with first. “Yeah, I do, but first I have a question for you. Did either of you help Steve last night?”

Either the St. Johns were really good actors or they were genuinely perplexed. Mick’s eyes narrowed. “Helped him how, exactly?”

“You know, tried to turn him.”

“No, we didn’t.”

“OK that’s you. What about Beth?”

Danny found out very quickly that that was the wrong thing to ask. Before he knew it, Mick had him by the throat and a few inches off the ground. “I said, we didn’t.”

“OK, OK..”

Beth intervened. “Put him down, Mick, please.” Once Danny recovered, she asked. “What makes you think that we helped Steve, as you put it?”

“Twenty-four hours ago, my partner was at death’s door waiting for someone to push him through. The doctors said he had some kind of cancer and that he was a goner. An hour ago, Steve looks healthy as a horse and is eating like one. On top of that, the cancer is gone.”

Beth just smiled. “If you can believe in vampires, Danny, why can’t you believe in miracles?”

“Because you’re real. I can see you, touch you, not that I’d ever do that. I just don’t see how Steve could miraculously recover, if you two didn’t have anything to with it.”

Mick prodded. “You said you were with Steve last night. Who else was there?”

Danny thought for a moment. “A bunch nurses came in to check on him throughout the night. Chin brought in a friend of his, a priest who prayed over Steve. Two doctors, the one who admitted him and the one who covered the night shift.”

“And you were there the entire time?”


‘Miracles come in many forms, Detective’

Danny blinked. “Wait. The second doc, he asked me to leave for a few minutes while he examined Steve.”

“Did you get his name?”

“Dr. Sato, that’s all he said. Didn’t give a first name.”

Mick sighed; Sato was a common enough Japanese surname, but he had a bad feeling about this.

“Danny, can you describe this guy?”

Danny did and Mick turned to Beth. “I think we’d better talk with Akemi.”

Beth was puzzled. “Why? Do you know this Dr. Sato?”

“Based on Danny’s description, yeah. If I’m right, the doctor is Hideki Sato. He worked with Max at the free clinic. He’s also Akemi’s son and he knows Steve.”

Danny was trying to keep up. “Who’s Akemi and what’s she got to do with anything?”

Beth explained. “Akemi is a vampire and works for Kimiko, the island’s head vampire.” Beth turned back to Mick. “It can’t possibly be Akemi’s son. He was turned against his will and would never do that to anyone else.”

Mick countered. “You got a better explanation?”

“No, but I know Steve said he didn’t want to be turned.”

Two sets of eyes bored into Beth, with her mate finally asking. “You know this, how?”

Beth relayed her earlier conversation with Steve. “He realized he needed a miracle to survive, then asked me if I was offering him one. Believe me, that was something I wasn’t expecting. I then asked if he wanted to be turned.” Beth thought back to the earlier conversation. “He said, not really.”

Danny pounced. “Not really? So he didn’t say no, exactly, right?”

“No, but that’s how I took it, not that I’d have turned him in any case.”

Danny swore under his breath. “Of all the stupid, reckless, idiotic stunts. If Steve’s still alive when this is over, I’m going to kill him.”

Mick cautioned. “If Sato did give Steve his blood, I’d hold off for a day or so.”

Danny paled, understanding the danger.

“Now that we’ve answered your question, what’s your news?”

Danny relayed what Ted Miller had told them and how 5-0 now believed his wife, Samantha, was responsible for Simone’s death. “We got means, motive, but no proof. I was hoping you guys might have an idea about getting some.”

A cold hand touched Danny’s shoulder. “Perhaps I can be of assistance, Detective.”

Danny jumped, then turned, finding himself face-to-face with a stunning brunette standing next to Josef.

“We haven’t met, formally, anyway.” The woman extended her hand. “My name is Simone Walker and I’d be more than happy to help you nail my killer.”

When Simone’s eyes flashed silver, Danny fainted dead away.

Simone turned to Josef. “Was it something I said?”

“No. The Detective isn’t quite used to our kind yet, so try to be gentle with him.”

“What about Samantha? Do I have to be gentle with her as well?”

Josef grew serious. “Of course not. You may do whatever you like with her, the worse, the better.”

Turning to Mick and Beth, Simone said. “I think I have a way of getting Samantha to confess, but we’ll need the Detective’s help.”

Mick gently slapped Danny’s face, bringing him back to consciousness. “Danny, c’mon, man, wake up. Time to catch a killer. You in?”

Seeing four sets of vampiric eyes focused on him, Danny moaned. “Do I have a choice?”


“On what?”

“Whether you want human justice or vampire justice.”

“Human justice, definitely.” Danny got to his feet, then shook Simone’s hand. “Nice to meet you, by the way, alive, sort of... ” Seeing Josef’s expression, Danny decided it was time to shut up.

Simone smiled. “The pleasure is all mine, Detective, I assure you.”
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Re: Death Becomes Her - Chapter 7 (PG) Posted: 2/7/18

Post by allegrita »

Eeeee, it's getting so exciting!! :hyper2: :hyper2: I'm dying (pun not intended :winky: ) to know what made Steve suddenly heal, and if it's permanent. Whatever the reason, I'm thrilled that he's so much better, and I hope it lasts. He couldn't be a vamp, or he wouldn't be eating... but maybe there's some magical Blood Demon juju that we don't know about! :chin:

And Simone is on the island, eeeek! :teeth: I wouldn't want to be Samantha when she meets up with the formerly dead Simone. :dracula:

I am really loving this story. You're doing such a great job of keeping us interested, but keeping us guessing too. :clapping: :clapping:
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Re: Death Becomes Her - Chapter 7 (PG) Posted: 2/7/18

Post by Moonlightsonata »

What Alle said. And this is really a very very interesting story.

Wondering if Steve has been turned or what else has produced the "miracle"?

And yes it looks like Simone's killer will get what she is due.

Thank you so much DSR for keeping the Moonlight magic alive.
Thank you Coco for the lovely banner.
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Re: Death Becomes Her - Chapter 7 (PG) Posted: 2/7/18

Post by darkstarrising »

allegrita wrote:Eeeee, it's getting so exciting!! :hyper2: :hyper2: I'm dying (pun not intended :winky: ) to know what made Steve suddenly heal, and if it's permanent. Whatever the reason, I'm thrilled that he's so much better, and I hope it lasts. He couldn't be a vamp, or he wouldn't be eating... but maybe there's some magical Blood Demon juju that we don't know about! :chin:

And Simone is on the island, eeeek! :teeth: I wouldn't want to be Samantha when she meets up with the formerly dead Simone. :dracula:

I am really loving this story. You're doing such a great job of keeping us interested, but keeping us guessing too. :clapping: :clapping:
Moonlightsonata wrote:What Alle said. And this is really a very very interesting story.

Wondering if Steve has been turned or what else has produced the "miracle"?

And yes it looks like Simone's killer will get what she is due.

Thank you so much DSR for keeping the Moonlight magic alive.
Thanks, alle, MLS :ghug: The reason behind Steve's healing and Simone's revenge will be covered in the next chapter, going up soon! I'm just glad you find the story interesting (means I haven't lost my touch :snicker: )
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Re: Death Becomes Her - Chapter 7 (PG) Posted: 2/7/18

Post by Lucy »

HAPPY DANCE..................oh, yessirreeeeee........
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Re: Death Becomes Her - Chapter 7 (PG) Posted: 2/7/18

Post by darkstarrising »

Lucy wrote:HAPPY DANCE..................oh, yessirreeeeee........
Thanks, Lucy :hug: Glad you're enjoying the story!!
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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