Love Endures...for now PG

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Love Endures...for now PG

Post by jen »

Pairing: Mick and Coraline, with hints of past Josef and Coraline

No copyright infringement intended. This is just for fun and hopefully the enjoyment of readers.

Sounds of the party reminded Josef he was neglecting his guests but he didn’t care. He needed to retreat and sometimes that’s what an office is for. Pouring scotch into a brandy sniffer he swirled it, enjoying the flash of light reflecting off the golden liquid. He needed more than solitude, he needed... a bit of peace to consider the evenings revelations.

Unfortunately, he got neither.

Coraline Duval swept into his office, designer gown and practiced elegance carefully in place.

“So,” she glowed, “what do you think of him?”

“Attractive, if you like that sort--which you clearly do but A positive? Rather pedantic if you ask me-- which you didn’t. Another thing, a decorated war hero isn’t your usual choice, but hey, variety is supposed to be the spice of life--not that it should have anything to do with us. There is also the obvious fact that your new object d’amour has a pulse.”

“You had him checked out.” She seemed surprised.

“Sweetheart, I have everyone checked out, not that I needed it to verify the pulse part. Someone has to look out for you.”

“He’s human. Of course he has a pulse!” she snapped, then softened. “He is lovely though, isn’t he? He treats me like a goddess.”

“He’s decorative and of course he treats you well. He’s charmed. How did you get away from him, anyway? He seems the possessive sort. That will wear after a while.” Josef set the brandy sniffer down on his desk and pushed it away with two fingers. “I got the distinct impression he doesn’t like me.”

“I don’t think he does: he called you a pompass ass. Is that a problem?”

Josef barked a laugh and reclaimed his glass. “Not at all--it's the most interesting thing about him so far.” He grinned. “He’s going to notice you’ve left the party.”

“No, he knows members of the band and is sitting in with them for a set. They dedicated it to me and wanted me to stay and listen, but I told him ‘when you know the source of the spring is good, you don’t have to sip from every pool to know the water is sweet’. I also said I needed to talk to you."

'“How very ‘French’ of you. Why?”

She shrugged. “It just seemed to fit the occasion and I wanted to ask-“

“Not what I mean. A romantic association with a human isn’t wise--you know that and don’t tell me this is just a casual fling. I’ve been reading you for too long not to spot the signs.”

“What signs?”

“The shining eyes, the hint of blush—not than anyone else would notice, but it’s there. When you’re together you attach yourself to him like an undead appendage and that’s not a healthy thing for either of you. You've fallen for this one and the lifespans don’t match. There is no way around that fact.”

“Oh, that,” Coraline waved her carefully manicured hand dismissively. “Of course there is. I plan to Turn him—maybe just after the wedding. I haven’t decided. Besides, we don’t all subscribe to the ‘till death do us part’ thing.”

“Hold it! Are you saying that you are thinking about marrying this guy? Haven’t given this a lot of thought, have you? I can tell you haven’t been feeding from him and even though your mark is there, it’s barely discernible. When did you meet him?”

“About ten years ago when I was home during the war. I told you that I worked with the resistance on occasion and was captured a couple of times. This time, after they tired of interrogating me, three of the SS troops took me into the woods and have a little fun before following orders and executing me. Before I had the chance to have a little fun with them, Mick shows up. He had gotten separated from the soldiers he was with and when he saw a lady in danger-“ her eyes flashed with irritation at Josef’s snort of amusement.

“-he took them on all by himself?” Josef hooted. “Had you not been in control of the situation, the only one to end up dead would have been your latest boy toy and maybe the Nazi troops.”

Mick didn’t know that--he wanted to protect me and I don’t see that very often. I killed the Nazis in a way that didn’t reveal what I was and over the next several hours he walked me out of the area to where we met up with my brother Pierre. Pierre wiped the entire experience from Mick’s mind, almost killing him in the process—you know his control of that ability isn’t very reliable on a human. Once Mick was stable and just sleeping, I marked him carefully and we took him back to where his people could find him. They would take the tiny wounds on his wrist as from a small animal. I watched out for him in combat for a while and returned the favor of saving him once or twice. Once Mick is Turned, he’ll eventually remember our original meeting but my marking ensured that when we met again, he’d be drawn to me. I knew I wanted to find him again after he’d aged a bit, like a fine wine. He has, hasn’t he.”

“I’m sure. So you planned all this, even then.” Josef said, his expression unreadable.

“He has depths he doesn’t realize. I’ll help him discover them. We can take care of each other.”

“You say he has talents other than fighting and making music?”

“He plays many things well,” she said softly, smiling at her own joke as she poured herself a drink.

“Help yourself,” Josef said thinking of the times the woman before him had promised that they would see civilizations rise and fall together. C’est la vie...or maybe not.

Apparently Coraline could read him as well. “Mon cher, don’t be like that. You’ve never tried to restrain me before. Forever is a long time. There will be time for many things.”

“Coraline, I’m not objecting to you falling in love. When you live as long as we do, it happens. I’ve been there myself a time or two. You think my objections are rooted in jealousy but I’m concerned about you. I don't want to stifle your fun, but I don’t think this will end well for either of you. You're too different. Thank about it! If you were so sure of his love, wouldn’t you have told him what you were and you haven’t-” She opened her mouth to protest as he continued. “Don’t bother telling me that you have because I’ve had that checked out, too. You sense depths in him? I think you sense more than depths. You haven’t told him because you already suspect how he’ll react. Not every human wants to be what we are. Some new Turns take their own lives—several of yours, as I recall. You claim to care about him? Maybe the kindest thing you can do for him is let him live his life as a mortal.”

“You don’t know anything.” She said flatly.

“I could be wrong, yes. He could be cut out to be a vampire, but I don’t think so and more importantly, neither do you.”

For a time, Coraline said nothing.

“One last question. Will you interfere with me in any way?”

”No, and I’m certainly not telling Montez. I don’t want you running afoul of his form of justice. It’s harsh, even by our standards.”

She turned to go, then stopped. “Love endures many things, you know” This time, she didn't meet his eyes.

He nodded. “I know. The question you have to ask yourself is, ‘will it endure this?’”


When she returned to the party, Mick was looking for her.

“What’s wrong? You look upset.”

“Nothing important. Just...a difference of opinion. Let’s go make our own party.”

His mouth curved up into the smile she loved.

“Whatever you want. I’ll get your coat.”’

“Leave it. I can get another,” she said and they walked out into the moonlight. Outside in the warm Summer night, she stopped suddenly and faced him. “Mick, are you happy?” Her lighthearted mood had been replaced by a sudden lack of confidence that wasn't like her at all.

“Coraline, where is this coming from? A beautiful night, a great party I didn’t have to work, and I leave with the most beautiful woman there. Of course I’m happy! Look at me,” he tilted her chin up to gaze into her chocolate eyes. “Are you happy?”

Her smile returned with a bit of wistfulness. “As long as you’re with me.”

“Then I intend to make sure we're both happy for a very long time.”

Taking off his dinner jacket, he draped it around her and they walked together to her car.
Last edited by jen on Fri May 03, 2013 1:20 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Love Endures...for now PG

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Very interesting idea that Coraline met Mick during the war and marked him so that he would be attracted to her when they met again.

And a very insightful Josef you have portrayed. In his long life he has gained much wisdom. :chin:

Great story! Thanks for posting! :thumbs:
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Re: Love Endures...for now PG

Post by jen »


Thank you for reading and leaving a comment!

This was fun! I tossed in some things that were hinted at in the series without ever being said. Then again, maybe I'm the only one that didn't dismiss it. Like the idea that that there was something between Josef and Coraline--maybe a long time ago. If that were true, how would Mick react, even now. Then again, what if Coraline had doubts about Turning Mick and Mick actually said something that caused her to dismiss those doubts--like him telling Coraline that he'd love her forever on their wedding night and she echoes breathlessly, 'forever?'

Anyway, you are, as always very, very kind.

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Re: Love Endures...for now PG

Post by Marigold »

Nicely done, Jenna! :hearts: I like how you created an extra piece of history for Cora and Mick. What a great way to add even more depth to their relationship.
jen wrote:Once Mick is Turned, he’ll eventually remember our original meeting but my marking ensured that when we met again, he’d be drawn to me.
I wonder if Mick has remembered yet. :chin:

I enjoyed the interaction between Coraline and Josef. :flowers:

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Re: Love Endures...for now PG

Post by allegrita »

This is a very interesting story. I like that you've used little things from the show, like Mick's and Josef's original opinions of each other, and mixed it up with your own version of the vampire mythology. Your conversations are really well done. I think you captured the inflections and speech patterns of Josef, Coraline, and Mick very well. And you've dropped all sorts of hints that poor Mick was only a link in a chain of human crushes and poorly chosen fledglings.

Nice answer to the Challenge! :clapping:
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Re: Love Endures...for now PG

Post by jen »


Thank you! You are amazing. You seem to read everything on the board and always have something encouraging and positive to say. In a world like the one we live in, the positive voice is rare sometimes.

There were so many little points in the show, like Mick and Josef's initial impressions of each other that could lead to fascinating stories. When I first discovered Moonlight, there were a number of fabulous writers who had written quite a bit about Coraline, and I just didn't understand their fascination with such a destructive, bad influence on so many lives but after a few years I see it. While Coraline could have been a force for a lot of pain and grief she, too, has both seen a lot of history and had a hand in making it.

There are always two sides to any difference of opinion. One thing that has long been an intriguing notion that came out of the series (to me, anyway) was what if Coraline encountered Mick the medic during the war and thought him very young and in need to a little aging. She watched out for him without his knowledge and maybe his unit started talking about the St. John luck, because he seemed to be able to come out of anything unscathed. What if Coraline watched after Mick a bit like Mick watched over Beth as she grew up. I just never did anything with the idea until this challenge. Interesting...

Thanks again!


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Re: Love Endures...for now PG

Post by BlueEyedMonster »


Intriguing back story. I can hear Coraline purr and Josef's concerned commentary perfectly.

Thank you
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Re: Love Endures...for now PG

Post by choccyterri »

:hug: Jenna, I've really enjoyed this. I love reading about and hearing Coraline's voice in stories, and this has been such a treat.

The idea that they'd even met before she lured him in is a wonderful one. And so very well acted out, and Josef is his usual direct self. Which is always an enjoying read. His reasons for being so interested are most intriguing. :chin:

Thank you so much for sharing!! :flowers:

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Re: Love Endures...for now PG

Post by jen »


Thank you!

I hoped I got the voices down and it is fabulous to hear feedback that others think so too!

You are so very kind to read my work and leave such a nice comment!


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Re: Love Endures...for now PG

Post by jen »


Thank you!

This was such fun to write. While this came together for the challenge, the idea has been knocking around my brain for some time (i.e., what if Coraline actually saw or met Mick the Medic in Italy and watched over him while he was in combat, rather like Mick watched over Baby Beth as she grew). This would send Mick into one heck of an emotional tailspin, and he seems succeptable to those. Another interesting thing (to me, anyway) were hints I saw that perhaps at one time there may have been something between Josef and Coraline [maybe it's just me, but first Coraline marries Mick and three years later, Josef falls head over heels for a human (Sara) in the same city where he met Coraline during the Civil War (cough, rebound? cough).

Glad you found it interesting!


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Re: Love Endures...for now PG

Post by francis »

Josef knows people very well, and he certainly was right about Mick, to a point. It's sad how Coraline was so smitten that she didn't want to see.
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Re: Love Endures...for now PG

Post by LaughtersMelody »

I generally try to be articulate in my reviews, but the first thought that came to my mind when I read this was, *SQUEE* lol!

As you can probably guess, I loved the Coraline/Mick moments, and I also loved how you portrayed Coraline. She was vibrant and alive (undead?) and her excitement about Mick just came across beautifully. It was great, too, how she wanted Josef's approval about Mick, and how unwilling she was to admit that Mick might not want to be turned. Nonetheless, she wasn't intentionally malicious, just stubborn and insistent, and so excited about Mick that she didn't want to accept any other possible outcome.

Awesome work! :hearts:


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Re: Love Endures...for now PG

Post by jen »


I am so very sorry for not responding sooner. RL has been very demanding lately.

So very glad you enjoyed this. Actually, you are partly responsible for it. Your work on Coraline got me thinking that there was much more to be explored here.

Thank you for the lovely comment!!!!


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Re: Love Endures...for now PG

Post by cassysj »

It looks like I may have missed this the first time around. Very interesting tale.
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Re: Love Endures...for now PG

Post by jen »

Thank you, Cassy! In reading this now,, I question whether some of it works. I thought I was being clever, having Josef act clueless about things he already was aware of--he always knew more than he let on--but now it just looks confusing.

Thanks for reading, anyway.
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