Dangerous Trails - chapter 7 (PG-13)

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Dangerous Trails - chapter 7 (PG-13)

Post by francis »

Disclaimer: See chapter 1.

Chapter 7

Mick had spent half the night sitting with a still very sleepy Beth until the staff threw him out and asked him politely and with concern to take a shower and get some fresh clothes. He hadn’t even realized that he was still caked in blood and mud.

Entering the hotel room he sniffed and immediately realized that McGarrett and another man had gone through his luggage. He took a blood pouch from the cooler and drained it. Yuck, too warm. He would need to change the cold units soon, and go for groceries. Maybe Josef’s contact knew where to get something without stealing. Throwing off his clothes on the threshold he took a long needed tepid shower to wash off the grime, then a very cold one to revive him. He took out some comfortable wear and went to the ice machine to fill a few buckets into the bathtub. He hoped Steve hadn’t seen the ice, and tried to come up with an excuse for the blood bags in his closet.
To save time he filled some of the ice into his cooler, then he stripped and laid down in the tub with a contented sigh. Hopefully tomorrow Beth would be better and he could talk to her about their problems with the police. He needed her input and he needed to get their cover story straight with her.


As soon as they let him, Mick was back at Beth’s side. He wasn’t a morning person but had learned to adapt. Beth had been moved to a private room, she was awake and greeted him with a smile. He bent down to kiss her.

“How do you feel today?” he asked.

“Much better. Not as drowsy as yesterday. They reduced the medication and took the drain out of my leg.”

Mick sat down. “Beth, I’m so sorry this happened. I didn’t mean to crash the helicopter. You could have died!”

Beth smiled. “You did what you had to do. I’d rather be in hospital than kidnapped by the Legion. They wanted to kill you! Besides, you could always have turned me.”

Mick’s eyebrows went up. “I know that you gave your consent long ago, but I would rather not if at all possible. And then we had a nosy witness.”

“Tell me the whole story, Mick. How did we get out of there?”

Mick told her how Steve helped him stabilize her and how he called for evacuation. He also told her about 5-0 investigating the crash and that he was a suspect.

Beth sat up. “We need a cover story why we were in that helicopter.”

“I already have one, but we need to fill in some details. Steve was in our hotel room. I don’t know how much he saw.”

“So, what did you tell him?” Beth was animated as if this was a news story.

Mick told her about his story that the older couple invited them for a tour.

Mick was worried. “What if he interrogates you?”

“I can always pretend to be the cute little blonde housewife who let her husband make all the decisions and was unconscious the whole time.”

Mick smiled. “Only you could do that. Don’t you have any pride?”

“Not when I need to play a role.” Beth laughed.


Steve McGarrett entered the hospital room with a frown. Mick and Beth Jenkins were smiling and talking softly with each other. He dreaded another confrontation with the man, but he couldn’t let this whole affair go without answers.

“Good morning. Mrs. Jenkins, I’m glad to find you awake. I hope you feel better.”

“Much better, thank you. I guess you’re Steve McGarrett. My husband told me about you. Thank you for saving my life.”

“It was nothing. I’m sorry, but I have a few more questions. I would like to take Mr. Jenkins with me to the office.”

“No way!” Mick cried out. “You can ask me here. I won’t leave Beth alone, and I already told you all I know about the crash. What more do you want from me?”

Steve scowled. “We got some new information. For one, the helicopter pilot has been identified. He stole the helicopter the day before your so-called tour. There is no trace of where the other couple came from, no identity, nothing. They weren’t seen at the restaurant with you. And we found blood bags in your hotel room. What’s their purpose?”

Mick looked down as if embarrassed. “I have a medical condition. I need regular transfusions.”

“Why do you have fake passports in your safe?”

“You broke into our hotel safe?” Beth asked.

“We asked the manager.”

“You didn’t have a warrant, did you?”

“We’re Five-0. We have full immunity.”

Mick stood up and said with restrained anger in his voice: “I don’t have to tell you anything. We are victims of the crash, we didn’t cause it. We didn’t kill those people.”

Steve stood up, too. “I want to take your fingerprints. Will you come with me to the precinct or will I have to use force?”

Beth looked up at Mick with a worried expression. “Mick, maybe we better cooperate with them. We did nothing wrong.”

Mick calmed down. “You can take my fingerprints here. I’m not leaving Beth alone.”

Steve nodded. “That’s a compromise. I’ll fetch the kit from the car.”

Steve left in a hurry.

Mick gritted his teeth. “They will find out that I’m Mick St. John from L.A. What then?”

Beth stroked his arm. “It doesn’t matter. If they found the passports we need a better cover story. Maybe something about witness protection, or maybe we work for the C.I.A.”

“He has enough contacts to find out if that’s true.”

“But it will buy us time until I can get out of here and we can go under. One thing is sure: As long as the task force goes in and out here, we are safe from the Legion. They won’t start another attempt until they can be sure not to be caught.”

Mick looked up with alarm. “I won’t let them hurt you again. I will stay here day and night if necessary. I hope Josef’s contact can help us. They should hurry up.”

Just then the door opened.

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Re: Dangerous Trails - chapter 7 (PG-13)

Post by darkstarrising »

O you tease!! Ending the chapter just as someone, possibly Josef's contact, arrives.

Steve's not letting go of this and whatever story Mick and Beth concoct, Mick's smart enough to know that Steve will look for and find any holes in their story.

I don't know how Mick's going to get out of this one, francis, but I'm loving the story. :flowers:
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Re: Dangerous Trails - chapter 7 (PG-13)

Post by r1015bill »

ditto what dsr said!
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Re: Dangerous Trails - chapter 7 (PG-13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

The door opened and...? AND??? :gasp:

Sheesh. ( :snicker: )

Keep going...we're all waiting for more! :reading:
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Re: Dangerous Trails - chapter 7 (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

OOOOH, evil cliffie!!! :teeth: I'm dying to know what happens. :hyper: This story is so cool!!!
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Re: Dangerous Trails - chapter 7 (PG-13)

Post by Lucy »

I am about to fashion a CROWN....
for, francis....QUEEN of the Cliffies.......
I was away from home and my blackberry was fluky for responding..... Lordy, woman....this is quite a muse's re-awakening...
This had got to be their contact...please....please.... :quill:
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Re: Dangerous Trails - chapter 7 (PG-13)

Post by jen »



First the Legion, now McGarrett and an evil cliffie! :witsend:

Thank you!


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Re: Dangerous Trails - chapter 7 (PG-13)

Post by Marigold »

:nails: Who is going to come through the door?

Luckily for me, I can just cruise on over to chapter eight and (hopefully) find out! :teeth:

Thank you, Francis! :rose:
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Re: Dangerous Trails - chapter 7 (PG-13)

Post by cassysj »

Ohhhh what an ending. Let's see what's behind door number 1
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Re: Dangerous Trails - chapter 7 (PG-13)

Post by MoonlitRose »

Oh what a cliff-hanger! :snicker:

Yeah, there are some advantages to be reading this "later on" after the next chapters are already available!!!! :brow:

:rose: :thanks: , Francis!!!!
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Re: Dangerous Trails - chapter 7 (PG-13)

Post by nutmegger911 »

Excellent chapter, Francis. I like the way you built the tension between Mick and Steve, with him pushing Mick while he's trying to take care of Beth. And Beth's calming effect on Mick feels right. She's right, BTW. If McGarrett was able to blow their cover so easily, they needed a better one.
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