Guidelines for Graphic Art & Fan Videos

A mosaic of Moonlight fan art
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Guidelines for Graphic Art & Fan Videos

Post by allegrita »

Dear artists, welcome! :ghug: We look forward to enjoying your creations.

Please make note of these guidelines for graphic art and fan videos here at MLA.

Graphic art:

If you would like to post your banners or other graphic art here in The Studio, please send a PM to Allegrita, and she will create a graphic art office for you. In order to keep things tidy, we ask that you do not post your artwork until your office has been created. (The exception to this rule is certain Graphic Art Challenges, which allow you to post your artwork in the Challenge thread.)

Since this is a Moonlight fan forum, we encourage our artists to create banners that may be used in our members' signatures. Please see our Signature and Avatar Guidelines for size and content rules for signature banners.

You may create and post banners and other artworks that are not suitable for use in signatures (for example, large-sized images, or banners celebrating other shows by our Moonlight actors). However, if you do so, please note in your post that the artwork isn't suitable for signatures, to avoid confusion. Also, please note whether your banners are "snaggable" for use by others, or if you would prefer for them not to be used.

You may want to create separate threads for snaggable signature banners, personal banners that are not to be used by others, holiday banners, other Moonlight art by subject, non-Moonlight art, etc. This makes it easy for members to know whether or not the artworks in a particular thread are OK to use in their MLA signatures. If you're not sure how to organize your artwork, we recommend that you look at other graphic art offices for ideas on how to classify your creations.

Fan videos:

If you would like to post your fan videos here, please send a PM to Allegrita, and she will create a video office for you. To keep The Studio tidy, we ask that you don't post your videos until you have a video office.

The video offices here in The Studio are for Moonlight-themed videos (including crossover vids, where Moonlight characters interact with characters from another show), or actor-centric fan videos prominently featuring the actor's Moonlight role.

Standard practice is to create a separate thread for each of your videos, with the title of the thread being the title of the video. If you are able to provide a download link (and don't mind fans downloading your videos), please also include the download link in the thread for your video.

If you would like to share videos you've created that don't have a connection to Moonlight, you are welcome to post them in the Non-Moonlight Videos section of the Off the Moonlit Path forum.

If you have questions, please contact any of the mod/admin staff via PM.

Your Moonlightaholics Admin/Mod Team

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