FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

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FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

FULL MOONLIGHT----CH 20----Friendships.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own ‘Moonlight’, or any of its wonderful characters. I’m just taking them out for a run! No copyright infringement is intended.

SUMMARY: A multi-chapter action-adventure, featuring Mick, Beth, Josef, Guillermo, Logan, Talbot, Simone, and a few really big werewolves, among others. Rated PG-13. This Chapter is a particularly hard PG-13 for one very sexually suggestive scene.

SPOILERS: Follows on from all 16 episodes of ‘Moonlight’, as aired on CBS. Follows on from Allegrita’s FanFic, ‘Presto Agitato’, Ch 1 & 2. (Mick and Beth ‘seal the deal’ and become lovers.) Follows on from Desdemona’s FanFic, ‘Silver’, Ch 1 thru 7 only. (Talbot finds out about vampires in general, and Mick in particular, the hard way! He also shares the ‘List’ with Mick and Josef.) Borrows, with Eris’ kind permission, her original character of ‘Karl’ from her many fine FanFics.

Ready? Okay! Here we go again!

I’ve been thinking about our fortune,
And I’ve decided that we’re really not to blame,
For the love that’s deep inside us now is still the same.
And the sounds we make together is the music to the story in your eyes……
It’s been shining down upon me now, I realize.
Listen to the tide slowly turning……wash all our heartaches away.
We’re part of the fire that is burning…..
And from the ashes we can build another day.

From “The Story In Your Eyes”, by The Moody Blues


The golden she-wolf lay on the floor of one of Josef’s large living rooms. She was quivering slightly, and her legs moved, like a dog running in her sleep. Mick crouched over her, and his fingers wound through the thick mane of her neck. The huge wolf’s ribcage heaved as she panted and gasped. The gathered freshies inched closer cautiously, wanting to see what was happening.

Dressed only in dark sleep-pants, Mick’s expression was tight with anxiety, bordering on fear. He gazed down into the wolf’s deep sapphire blue eyes. “Beth…..I’m here, sweetheart! I’m right here…..it’s okay. Are you in pain?” Mick’s eyes darted quickly to Josef…..his expression pleading.

He didn’t need to worry. Josef was already moving.

“No….”, Beth answered in a hoarse whisper, “No pain.”

“Alright!” Josef ordered, “Everyone back up! Give her some room!”
Freshies shuffled backwards, murmuring amongst themselves and exchanging nervous glances.

Josef crouched beside the elk-sized golden wolf. He too, was still wearing only a dark pair of sleep-pants. All the vampires sleeping in the Kostan household had gotten a rude awakening earlier. There wasn’t time to dress properly.

“Beth?”, Josef said softly, “What are you feeling?”

Intense sapphire eyes flicked to him. “Tingling……all over…..dizzy.”

“What are you wanting to do?”, Josef pressed calmly.

“Curl into a ball…..”, Beth rasped, “Contract…..flex……pull in…..”

Josef smiled. “Good girl.”, he murmured, reaching out to stroke the silky fur on the huge golden wolf’s forehead, “Perfectly normal……do that……go with that…..pull in, Beth! Pull in now! Flex!” The last few words were delivered as a command.

The huge she-wolf closed her eyes and bowed her long back, curling in on herself. Her long lupine legs drew up tight against her chest and belly.
Mick threw Josef a frightened glance. Josef smiled and mouthed, “It’s okay.”, hoping to reassure his young friend that all was as it should be.

And then, in a matter of seconds, the 700 pound golden wolf seemed to melt back into the form of the Beth Turner everyone knew so well. She shrank. Silky golden fur withdrew into her skin, leaving only Beth’s long blonde hair behind on her head. Her face and limbs reshaped themselves from lupine to human…..her half-tail withdrew back into the hidden tailbone that humans have. Her hind limbs shortened, the hocks of her lupine legs reverting to the heels of her human feet. Large clawed forepaws melted into dainty human hands.

What no one, not even the vampires, could see was the invisible cloud of matter that was being released as Beth shed hundreds of pounds of mass. Dark Matter.....that mysterious, poorly understood material that fills our universe, and provides the invisible scaffolding that holds galaxies together. Having been pulled in, and converted to conventional matter, when Beth transformed into her lupine form…..it was now released back into the cosmos from which it was borrowed. Unseen by anyone, it shimmered in the air around her as she shifted, slowly drifting away.

Beth sighed softly and opened her eyes…….eyes that were the first to change…..and now the last to change back…..still the glittering deep sapphire blue. She blinked and tried to focus……finally, her eyes shifted back to the soft sky-blue normal for a human.

The first thing she saw were the faces of Mick and Josef, peering down at her as they both crouched beside her.

“How do you feel?” Josef asked gently.

“Naked…….”, Beth replied, “Small and naked.” She managed a weak smile.

Josef grinned, then looked over his shoulder, “Talbot!”, he barked, “Make yourself useful!”

Ben flinched violently, and shook himself out of the trance he had fallen into, watching in amazement as Beth had become Beth again…..right before his eyes. He flushed with embarrassment as he realized he had been staring at Beth’s now nude human form.

Since it was Saturday, Ben was casually dressed…..blue jeans and a tee-shirt with loafers and an old leather Bomber jacket he’d had since Law School. Composing himself, he quickly shrugged out of the jacket and tossed it to Josef, who was now glaring dangerously at him.

Josef caught the jacket and turned back to Beth, draping it around her shoulders as she started to sit up. “Take your time……”, he cautioned her, “Get your bearings.”

Mick leaned in and squeezed her shoulders, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek. Beth turned and smiled at him, and leaned forward til her forehead came to rest against his…… They remained that way for several seconds……supporting each other…..drawing strength from each other.

“Feel like getting out of the public eye?”, Mick finally asked softly.

“Oh yes…..”, Beth replied, “Yes…..I would like that very much.”

Mick gathered her up into his arms, covering her with Ben’s jacket.
Fortunately, Ben was a tall fellow, and his jacket fit Beth like a short bathrobe. Beth rested her head against Mick’s bare chest, sighing……this was much better.

Mick carried her from the large living room, making their way back through the mansion. Josef trailed along behind them. Ben, Simone, Guillermo, Logan, and a gaggle of curious freshies, trailed along behind Josef.

Re-entering the freshie family room, Mick headed for the staircase that led back down to the Newbie Suite. He paused at the top of the stairs and turned back to look at Josef. “Thanks buddy….” Mick said, offering Josef a lop-sided grin. “I’ll take it from here……and sorry about all the……damages.”

Josef smirked. “Don’t worry about it!” He shrugged. “Everyone knows I’m made of money. Let me know if you two need anything.” His eyes flicked to Beth, who was gazing up into Mick’s face as if no one else on the planet existed, snuggled contentedly in his arms.

Mick nodded and trotted down the stairs. Josef watched them go as he stepped to the top of the staircase himself. One corner of his mouth crooked up in a smile. “You know…..”, he called after them, “with the perimeter breached down there, that room won’t be sound-proof anymore. Keep that in mind!” They didn’t answer.

Josef chuckled and turned back into the freshie family room. Simone, Ben, Logan, Guillermo, and several freshies, were standing about watching him. He raised an eyebrow and grinned.

“Guillermo…..go on to work…..Beth is fine. Logan, go get dressed. You’re not a silk bathrobe kind of guy. Simone…..how long has it been sweetheart?”

Simone smiled. “ Three weeks.”

“Ah…..too soon, I’m afraid.”

Simone looked disappointed. Ben turned and starred at her with dawning comprehension…. and horror. She let Kostan feed off her?! Regularly!?

“So?” Josef continued brightly, “Who’s up then?”

A tall blonde’s hand shot up in the back of the small group. “Me sir!”, she chirped. Simone glared at her.

“Wonderful, Sally…..you’re with me then.” Josef smiled.

Noting Simone’s sullen glare, he added to her, “Don’t be jealous sweetheart……you know how it is…..I need a pint a day, roughly. You know you can’t give all that on your own….not even close.” Simone nodded, agreeing, but still looking distinctly unhappy.

The tall blonde stepped to Josef’s side. He would normally have wrapped an arm around the girl’s waist, but with Simone looking on, it was awkward……so he kept his arms folded across his still bare chest instead.

“And who’s next up?”, he asked. Another hand shot up in the small group of freshies, the little red-head Beth had nearly run over in the hall earlier…… April.

“Thank you, April.” Josef said. “Please go with Logan.”

April nodded and followed Logan out as he left to make his way back to his guest suite to get dressed. Logan looked surprised…..but he was beginning to get used to this whole willing freshie thing……. He was hoping Josef would need him to stay at the mansion for awhile yet.

“See you guys later.” Guillermo said amiably as he picked up his little medical bag and turned to leave.

“Wait.”, Josef said suddenly. Guillermo stopped and looked back at him, slightly fearful….. Had he done something wrong?

“I’ve been a terrible host, and you were a tremendous help during Beth’s first few hours.”, Josef said, “Forgive me……I was preoccupied. Have you eaten yet today, Gasol?”

Guillermo’s eyes widened slightly. “No sir……I usually just eat at work.”

“Bah!” Josef spat, “Swill! How do you and Mick exist on that stuff?” He shook his head and turned his attention back to the freshies gathered in the family room.

“And who’s up after April?” Josef asked.

A third hand was raised. “Me, sir.” The eyes of the striking little brunette flicked nervously to Guillermo. She didn’t know him at all……and she’d never fed him, but she trusted Josef not to place her in danger.

“Thank you, Gracie.” Josef said gently, “Please take care of Guillermo for me, will you dear?”

The little brunette nodded, and her eyes moved to the stocky Hispanic vampire again. She walked towards him and reached for his hand, leading him to one of the couches. Guillermo followed, and sat down beside the girl. Fresh was not his usual fare, but he knew how, and this was a very welcome treat. He smiled at the young woman, as his soothing pheromones began to surround her. She relaxed and returned his smile.

Josef glanced back to Simone and Ben. Ben was starring in open horror at Guillermo and the little brunette on the couch. Simone had taken a seat at the kitchen counter, and was sitting there with her chin resting on the heel of one hand, watching Josef, and apparently sulking alittle…..if her expression was any indication.

Josef sighed…..there was nothing he could do about Simone’s reaction. He was what he was…….She knew that…… He turned his attention to Ben, who was still gawking at Guillermo and the freshie.

Ben’s eyes widened as he watched Guillermo’s eyes wash out to crystal-white. He took a step back as the stocky vampire leaned towards the waiting woman.

Guillermo caught the sharp spike in the ADA’s fear and paused, turning to look at him. He grinned at Ben, his fangs showing. “Geez, man!”, he chuckled, “This is nothing you haven’t seen before! In fact, if I remember correctly, you saw this from me only a couple hours ago? You remember…..I vamped out, and nearly pissed myself, when our favorite blonde land-shark sauntered towards me for the first time? So what’s wrong now?”

“I just…..”, Ben croaked, still gaping at Guillermo, “I haven’t seen anyone…..like you…..eat. Not since……Mick.” He swallowed hard.

“Oh…..”, Guillermo smiled gently, the caregiver re-emerging. PTSD much? He remembered Ben’s violent, and nearly fatal, encounter with a badly injured…. and ravenous……. Mick. He had patched Ben up after that little incident, and transfused two units of blood, and lots of fluids, back into the young ADA to save his life. Mick had nearly killed the man, and had been apologizing to Ben ever since. The guilt-ridden PI had done everything but send the guy flowers.

“Well…..you got nothing to worry about now, man….. I’m ‘housebroken’, just like Beth.” Guillermo nodded towards the little waiting brunette beside him on the couch. “This lovely lady is what we call a freshie. She’s very willing, very well cared for, and very well paid, in exchange for her services. Mr Kostan maintains a large Harem.”

“A Harem!?” Ben blurted, appalled.

Simone, still sitting at the kitchen counter, looked bored, and was ignoring the conversation, staring blankly at the countertop.

Guillermo grinned and shook his head. “Not the kind of Harem you’re thinking of…… It’s a Harem of girls who willingly feed him, and in my case, his guests. Thanks Mr Kostan.”, he added, nodding to Josef.

Josef nodded back politely.

“I’m not going to hurt this pretty little thing…..”, Guillermo turned at smiled down at the stunning brunette beside him, “In fact…..I guarantee she’ll enjoy herself. It’s a win-win situation.”

“Oh….”, Ben whispered, unable to take his eyes off Guillermo and the young woman.

“It’s rude to stare, Talbot.” Josef snapped, tired of watching Gasol pamper the man. Ben flinched and turned to look at him.

“That’s better…… Now, you are welcome to stay the rest of the weekend if you want. Did you get settled in a guest suite already?” Ben shook his head. “Well then,” Josef continued mildly, “help yourself to any empty suite down that hallway.” He indicated the entrance to the human wing with a wave of his hand. Then he paused, “On second thought…..you’ll just get lost. Karl?”

Ben’s eyes got even wider as a towering vampire stepped out of a far corner of the room. The six foot, eight inch, pale-blonde giant had apparently been standing there for who knows how long…..completely immobile. How had he not seen someone that big before?

Ben swallowed hard as Karl moved with silent, cat-like grace, to his side. He starred up at the huge man, but Karl was watching Josef, his expression mild, awaiting further instructions.

“What about Mick?”, another freshie inquired. Apparently, she was next in line, and was hoping. All the freshies adored gentle Mick, and each hoped that he might elect to feed directly from them at some point. A girl can dream.

Josef glanced at the eager girl and chuckled softly. “Sorry to disappoint, my dear, but Mick just won the vampire Lottery. He’s set for life.”

The young freshie did, indeed, look very disappointed.

“Wait a minute!”, Ben burst in, “You mean he’s going to…..bite Beth?! Now?!”

Josef turned his bemused expression on Talbot. “Among other things……yes. If what I’ve heard is true…..and my source is very reliable, so I’m sure it is true…..a new werewolf quickly becomes very……ah, randy……when they return to human form after their first shift.” He winked at Talbot, whose expression of horror quickly took on a tinge of outrage.

“Mick had better pay to have my Bomber jacket cleaned!”, Ben snapped.

“Oh…..I doubt your jacket made it past the entryway down there. As a matter of fact…..Mick might not have made it much past the entryway himself! Poor guy….. I forgot to warn him about this little side effect.” Josef smirked at Ben’s scandalized expression.

As if in response, the crash of splintering furniture echoed up the staircase. Josef winced and frowned, turning to look down the stairs. “Beth!”, he bellowed, “Stop breaking stuff! Remember our deal?! I’ve got Talbot hostage up here!”

After moment’s pause, “Alright! Alright!”, came Beth’s irritated response.

Satisfied, Josef turned back to face the room. “Karl? Please show ADA Talbot to an empty suite in the human-wing.”

Karl nodded once, and gently gripped Ben’s upper arm, leading him down the hallway towards the human-wing. Ben stumbled along beside the silent giant, like an errant child being dragged out of a store.

Once they were gone, Josef turned his attention to Simone, who still sat at the freshie kitchen counter. Sensing his attention, she looked up at him, her dark eyes meeting his……

Josef smiled warmly. “After I’ve fed, would you do me the honor of spending the evening here with me, Simone? I could use the comfort of your company…….and I want to discuss the media-circus created by the rampage of Beth’s Sire. Sooner or later……I’m going to have to face the salivating press corps.”

Simone returned his smile with one of her own, nodding.

The tall blonde freshie at Josef’s side looked mildly disappointed. Her time with Josef would be brief tonight……just long enough to feed him. Ah well…..that’s the way it was sometimes. She held no illusions as to her role in Josef’s life……she was his employee.…..nothing more. All the freshies knew that Simone was rapidly becoming something special to Josef.

Josef nodded and turned, leaving the family room, escorting the freshie back to his private suite. Simone sighed, watching them go……. The whole freshie Harem thing was still hard to cope with……even after all this time……even knowing that she was not able to keep Josef fed on her own.

She stood up and headed for one of the couches, stretching out there for a brief nap. She ignored Guillermo and the brunette freshie on the other couch. They were still engrossed in each other as he fed from her throat, and neither of them paid any attention to Simone’s proximity.

It had been a long day……and it was most likely going to be a long night too. Simone’s eyes slid shut and she dozed.


As Josef had predicted, Ben’s jacket ended up on the floor of the Newbie Suite’s entry way. Mick made it alittle farther than that before Beth tackled him.

They rough-housed, laughing. Beth made a lighting fast grab for Mick’s sleep-pants and tore them off him, literally. The ruined clothing drifted to the floor. A coffee table was crushed beneath them, splintering, as they playfully knocked each other around, feigning and pouncing.

They both snorted and giggled as Josef bellowed another threat to Talbot’s safety down the stairs, if Beth didn’t stop breaking things. Beth had yelled back, allowing irritation to color her voice. They both knew Josef wouldn’t really hurt Ben.

Mick was astonished……Beth had gone from restful, to rabidly turned-on, in a matter of seconds. Not that he minded, of course, it was just surprising. He had expected her to want to sleep some more, after the exertion of her first shift.

Sleep was clearly the last thing Beth wanted right now. They both laughed like children as they pursued each other and wrestled, trying not to break anything else.

Mick couldn’t remember ever feeling this happy…… In her human form now, Beth was as powerful as he was, not as fast, but strong as an ox, stronger, and seemingly indestructible. At one point, Beth lifted him clear off the floor, as though he weighed nothing. And she was magnificently beautiful! Beth had always been a stunner, but now……she had turned a corner into a kind of beauty that ordinary humans could not hope to attain. She was walking perfection.

Somehow, they made it to the shower, and after some fun and games in there, they progressed to the bed. Mick reveled in the clear fact that he no longer needed to fear hurting Beth. She healed even faster than he did now, and she was so strong! He could let himself go…..really go……no more holding back….. They grappled in their love making, each so powerful, each so filled with such need for the other.

Beth held her human form, but occasionally, in the throes of passion, her blue eyes would deepen to the brilliant sapphire blue of her lupine form. She mouthed him a great deal, running her tongue tantalizingly across every inch of his muscular body……a werewolf thing, it would seem. Josef’s friend, Phelan, had been right about that.

As they neared a climax, one of many, Mick felt his eyes bleach out and his fangs drop. He needed to bite……he wanted to bite. Reminding himself that he could not hurt Beth now…..not even if he completely lost control……Mick reared his head back and flashed downward, plunging his fangs deep into Beth’s throat. She gasped…..but it was a gasp of pleasure.

Mick drank deeply from the arterial flow he had tapped…… Indescribable power coursed through him…..so much raw energy! His whole being pulsed in time with Beth’s strong heartbeat, and he felt like the sheer power of that sensation would kill him. Fresh human blood felt electric to a feeding vampire……but this!? Werewolf blood……Beth’s blood……it was nuclear!

They shuddered together in their shared climax. For a moment, Mick felt certain that the fire of her blood would consume him.....burn him up……and all he could think was…..what a wonderful way to die!

He drank and drank, until he was sated, having taken enough to kill a human many times over…..but Beth’s heartbeat never faltered. As he withdrew his fangs and licked the wound clean, the twin punctures healed right before his eyes. He lifted his face and gazed with wonder down into Beth’s shining blue eyes, eyes that wavered back and forth from sky blue, to sapphire blue, and back again. She smiled. He felt that his still heart would explode with love for her! What had he ever done to deserve the love of such a glorious creature? He couldn’t imagine….. but he was endlessly grateful.

At the same time, many hundreds of miles to the North, in a quaint backwoods town called Likely, a tall red-haired man leaned over a pool table, lining up his shot. His green eyes shifted to the man watching a couple feet away.

“Corner pocket.”, the red-haired man rumbled in a deep, amused voice. A faint Irish accent colored his words. The other man groaned and rolled his eyes.

Pool balls clacked together, and a procession of balls rolled smoothly into said corner pocket. The red-haired man straightened up, smiling with satisfaction. He reached for his large mug of Ale and took a sip. He was a very big man, easily six foot, six inches, and solidly built, with broad shoulders, and powerful muscles clearly evident beneath the flannel shirt and blue jeans that he wore. His neatly cropped beard and mustache were a slightly darker shade of red than the coppery hair atop his head. His features were refined and handsome.

Sighing like a martyr, his companion stepped up to the table and looked for any possible shot that might be left to him. “I don’t know why I bother to play with you, Red! You never lose! It’s completely unfair!” But the fellow’s tone was jovial.

“Ah….you play with me to stay on my good side, Jim!” The tall red-haired man chuckled, and again, the traces of an Irish accent decorated his words.

Chalking the tip of his cue, the other man, Jim, circled the table, eyeing the positions of the remaining balls. He too, wore a flannel shirt and blue jeans. His short hair was a dirty blonde. Both men wore work boots.
The red-haired man towered over his companion…..but then…..he towered over everyone in the little Likely Pub.

Likely is a town of about 350 people in British Columbia, Canada, lying at the feet of the Cariboo Mountains, and on the shores of Quesnel Lake. It is a remote place. Quesnel is the deepest fjord lake in North America, plunging to over 900 feet in places. It is pristine, and is a protected fishing destination. Barbless hooks only, and strict limits on numbers of fish taken. No Rainbow over twenty inches may be kept, as they are the breeders, and nothing under twelve inches may be kept either. As a result, Quesnel boasts a large population of trophy-sized Rainbows. All are native. Quesnel is not stocked. In the Fall, huge numbers of Sockeye Salmon swarm the Lake, ruby-red in their spawning colors, surpassing the glory of the autumn leaves on the trees.

Quesnel Lake is surrounded by the world’s only inland temperate rain forest, and this gives the area a unique, and sometimes capricious climate. Violent storms can whip up in a matter of minutes, scouring out a sunny day, and ripping across the surface of the vast Lake, punishing anyone foolish enough to have missed the signs, and been caught out on the water. Placid waters can turn into six-foot seas in only a few minutes time.

But, it is worth it…….The unspoiled wilderness stretches as far as the eye can see. The little road to Likely is the only paved road in the area. Mountain goats scale the rocky cliffs which tower above the mighty Quesnel. Grizzlies forage at the water’s edge. Elk and deer are ridiculously abundant. If you stand still, all you can hear is the wind rustling the trees, and stirring the surface of vast Quesnel. Peace lives there……an escape from the hustle of everyday human society.

While small, the town of Likely has all the basic amenities. A School, a Library, a Post Office, a museum, a general store, a Chapel, a Laundromat, and, of course, a Pub. There are also assorted rustic Inns and campsites for tourists.

Quesnel, and the Cariboo Mountains, are a sportsman’s dream.

“Say, Red?”, Jim asked casually, as he circled the pool table, still looking for a possible shot, “Could I talk you into doing me a favor?”

The red-haired man’s eyebrows raised slightly, and one corner of his mouth quirked upward. “And what would that be?”

His companion glanced around the small, simple Pub, making sure no one was within earshot. The red-haired man groaned inwardly…….he should have known it would be something like this……

Moving closer, Jim whispered, “Could you lift an engine into the back of my pick-up for me? Otherwise, I’ll have to rent an engine horse…..and they’re costly. I need to take the engine to the big town for rebuilding.”

The large red-haired man rolled his eyes. “And what’s in it for me?”, he asked in a playful tone.

“The gratitude of a good friend?”

“Naw…..Got to do better than that.”

Jim rolled his eyes and sighed, “Fine…..be that way…. What’s your price then?”

Before he could answer, the red-haired man was distracted by the TV that hung over the bar across the room. CNN was on…..Anderson Cooper 360. For no reason he could put his finger on, a chill of apprehension ran down the red-haired man’s spine.

Anderson Cooper smiled sardonically into the camera. “So…..since it seems you just can’t get enough of this particular viral video…..we’re going to show it for you again. Here you go……tonight’s Shot Of The Day…..again.”

A grainy cell phone video began……. At first, you could see a brightly lit skyscraper in some large city. And silhouetted against the lights of the building was a very large…..something……apparently climbing the side of the skyscraper.

Then…..the skyscraper abruptly plunged into darkness……but you could still catch glimpses of the……thing…..whatever it was……climbing. It looked shaggy, dark, and as big as a horse.

The red-haired man was frozen…..staring at the screen. Others in the Pub glanced at the screen, but they’d all seen it before, and quickly returned to their quiet conversations.

A couple of the locals glanced quickly toward the tall red-haired man before looking away again. They knew he lived in a remote log home way outside of town, and that he had no TV, no phone, and no computer. So, they weren’t surprised that he seemed not to have seen this footage before.

The few tourists in the room had no idea, but the locals all recognized the dark, shaggy shape climbing that building in downtown LA……. not personally, but they knew what they were looking at. They were surprised to see the creature behaving so badly, especially in public. But, of course, behaving badly in public….. and getting caught on film while doing so….. appeared to be a tradition in LA. At least, that’s how it seemed to the good people of Likely, BC.

THIER werewolf would never carry on like that! He was a gentle, and friendly, fellow……and very handy to have around……especially if a child…..or a tourist….got lost in the woods. They also had no problems with large predators, and any criminal elements that tried to make trouble in, or around, Likely, generally ended up fleeing the area in babbling terror by the next day. Yes….their friendly neighborhood werewolf was very handy to have around!

Jim moved up beside the friend, and neighbor, that he called Red. He was also staring at the TV screen……. the pool game, and his heavy engine problem, forgotten.

Glancing down at the pool table, Jim noted Red’s hands, tightly gripping the edge of the green felt. Razor sharp claws had already sprung, digging into the surface of the table. Glancing up at his friend’s face, Jim saw that Red’s green eyes had become even deeper, brighter. Shit………

Jim quickly reached for his jacket on a nearby chair, dropping it over Red’s hands.

“Easy, Red…..”, he said quietly, “Take a breath….. There are a couple tourists in here ya know.” Bright emerald green eyes flicked to him, and then back to the TV screen.

The viral video rolled on………..The thing disappeared, perhaps into the building……it was hard to tell……and then a helicopter soared away from the roof of the skyscraper. The shaggy thing jumped after it……and missed……plummeting to the street below.

“I take it that is……. what I think it is?”, Jim ventured in a soft whisper.
He hadn’t seen this video before either. He was always so busy this time of year……no time for TV, or surfing the Net.

Red nodded slowly. “Yes.”

They watched as the video showed the……shaggy thing……stand up and look around……seeming, for an instant, to focus its attention on the camera. Then it turned and looked skyward, towards the rapidly disappearing helicopter. In an instant, it was gone……bolting down an alley and out of sight……apparently following the helicopter.

Anderson Cooper’s head shot filled the screen again. He grinned. “And there you have it. The Office building, in LA, belongs to Kostan Enterprises, owned and operated by Hedge Fund mogul, Josef Kostan.” A file portrait of Josef popped up, smiling and confident in his expensive suit.

Jim glanced nervously at his large red-haired friend as he heard the sharp intake of breath the photograph had provoked.

“We have been unable to reach Mr Kostan for comment.”, AC 360, continued, “The theories of what this….creature…….might be vary wildly from a genetically engineered Government Super Solider, to a good old fashion werewolf, and the ever popular elaborate hoax. We have no idea. Larry King is up next. Goodnight everyone.”

The music for Larry King Live kicked in.

Phelan felt sick……he snarled softly, and struggled not to shift right there. There were tourists in the room……..


Jim placed a hand on his shoulder. Phelan turned glowing green eyes on his neighbor and friend.

“What’s going on, Red?”, Jim whispered.

“Whoever that was……”, Phelan answered quietly, “he may have hurt a very old friend of mine. If that crazy wolf is still alive……he won’t be for long…… Not once I catch up with him!” A low snarl rumbled deep in his chest, but he hung on to his human form.

“How can I help?”, Jim asked softly.

Phelan managed a faint, but strained, smile. “I need a ride to Prince George Airport. But I’ll move your damn engine for you first.”
Last edited by lionsonleashes on Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
LIONS (Beautiful Banner by MoonlitRose)
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by mitzie »

I thought I missed something! I read chapter 21 first!!!! :blushing: :coffee: Great chapter!!! Now I know why Phelan showed up at Josef's place!!!! Loved knowing a little bit more about him and his interactions with the townfolk. Love this story... :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :groupwave: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :cheering: :biggrin: :cheer: :cheer: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :rose:

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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Thanks for bringing this over, Lions. I love this story--and this chapter is dear to my heart. I just love the way you bring science into these stories. Dark Matter--of course! It makes perfect sense! :slaphead:

I love the way that Talbot is horrified (and yet fascinated) by vampiric feeding. Well, poor guy...you can hardly blame him, can you? And the way that Guillermo clicks out of feeding mode and into caregiver mode. Very cool. Simone is very much as I imagine her to be--a strong, intelligent, capable woman, fighting her baser urges toward jealousy. She knows what she signed up for, but it doesn't make it easy for her to take. I really feel for her.

And of course--the wonderful, joyous, playful, physical lovemaking. With an emphasis on the LOVE. :melts: :happysigh: Beautiful job--I really love it. You did great!!

xo-- Alle
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by coco »

Stunning chapter lions :clapping:

I particularly loved the description of Beth changing back to her normal self. Beautifully done :thumbs:

Mick & Beth seem very happy to be back together again :D
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Hi Coco, Alle, and Mitzie! :ghug:
I'm so glad you all enjoyed my storytelling! :thanks: I really appreciate all your wonderful feedback! It feeds my muse and encourages me to keep going! :woohoo:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

Loved the shift back - and its after effects. Mick's relief and wonder at no longer having to hold back with Beth - so lovely but also so poignant.

I can't wait to see what Phelan gets up to when he arrives in town!!


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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks Red! :rose:
Your feedback and praise means a great deal to me! :hug:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by wollstonecraft61 »

Oh, wow, Phelan is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by wollstonecraft61 »

P.S.: I wanted to thank you for the verse from the Moody Blues song. I adore the Moody Blues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Yep....Phelan's back! :yahoo: And, you're welcome! I love the Moody Blues too! :twothumbs:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by jen »

Phelan is still around!!!! I hoped he would show up in this wonderful story!

He would be an even better teacher for Beth than Josef.

Excellent chapter, Lions



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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by jen »


Beth has now shifted back to her human form. We have been treated to a lovely look into her puppy stage and a happy childhood it is. Other than a couple of minor issues, things have gone off without a serious hitch.

And for Mick she is the gift that keeps on giving.

And Phelan is here to provide the next level of instruction.

Unfortunately, I have to do housework. Reading fanfic is so much more fun...

Be back tomorrow!



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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

hehe.... :flirt: Thanks, Jen! Yup....you can't keep a good 900 pound werewolf down! :snicker: Phelan is back. :yahoo:
I'm so glad you enjoyed this Chapter, and I especially loved your comment that, for Mick, Beth has become the 'gift that keeps on giving'! :laugh: :heart: A harem of one, for one very special vampire! :flirt: :happysigh:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by jen »


:bump: :bump: :bump:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 20---Friendships. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks Jen! :rose:
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