Fourth of July Sparks, Part 1 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

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Fourth of July Sparks, Part 1 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Disclaimer: I don't own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rated: PG
Characters: Mick, Beth, and a little Josef
A/N: MickBeth fluff, taking place early on in their post seal-the-deal relationship.
Many thanks to Lorig, my faithful sounding board and idea bouncer. :hug: Without her I'd never get anywhere. She got a little bruised at the end of this one.

Fourth of July Sparks :4July: (Part 1 of 2)

Mick heard the elevator ding and looked up from his desk, scenting. A smile broke out across his face and he went to meet Beth at the door. He was expecting his usual hello kiss; he was disappointed as she walked brusquely past him.


“Hi,” Beth replied a little coolly as she dropped her purse on the table. She headed directly to the kitchen and began to fix herself a glass of iced tea, opening cupboards, the freezer and giving an air of being very busy.

“Is something wrong?” Mick asked tentatively.

She ignored the question as she continued her preparations. “I had a message from Josef on my phone today.”

“Josef called you?” Uh-oh, this can’t be good.

Beth buried her head inside the refrigerator reaching for the pitcher. “Uh-huh.”

Mick waited for her to continue; it soon became obvious she wasn’t going to on her own. “So what did he want?”

“He said he hoped I changed my mind about tonight, and if we wanted a blanket we’d have to bring our own. Then he laughed and hung up.” Beth slammed the fridge door shut and looked straight at Mick. “So, are you going to tell me what he was talking about?”

Damn! The chilliness in the air didn’t have anything to do with the refrigerator having just been opened.

Beth stared at him expectantly as she sipped her iced tea.

Mick avoided her eyes. “Josef invited us to a party at his place tonight to watch the fireworks.”

“And?” Beth took another sip.

“And…I told him you didn’t want to go.”

Beth choked and sputtered on her tea. “You WHAT? Without even asking me first?” She slammed her glass on the counter sloshing tea over the side. “How could you…why would you…what do you think this is, 1950?”


“You think you can decide for both of us and just tell the little woman what she can and can’t do?” She pushed past him and starting storming around the living room as she continued her rant. “Well let me tell you something, Mick St. John…”

“Beth! Can you just…”

“I am NOT your ‘little woman’. We decide things together in this relationship, got it? I can’t believe…”


“WHAT?” Beth stopped and stared at him, panting slightly after her tirade.

“Will you let me explain?”

She plopped down onto the couch, crossed her arms over her chest and gave Mick an ice-blue stare. “This better be good, mister.”

Okay, genius, you’re on. Somehow I don’t think telling her that I don’t want her to be a temptation to other vamps, or want her to see a bunch of them getting it on with their freshies is going to cut it. Or that I’d prefer to just keep her to myself. “I didn’t think…”

“Obviously,” Beth muttered under her breath.

“Do you mind?”

“Sorry. Do go on.”

“Josef doesn’t just have a party; he has a real bash. I didn’t think you would be comfortable around so many strange vampires. They aren’t all like me, or even like Josef. I haven’t been to one of his shindigs…”

Shindig? Beth stifled a small chuckle. Mick glared at her and continued.

“…for quite awhile. They can be a little overwhelming if you don’t know what to expect.” He paused for a second. “And there would be lots of freshies there. You know, like Simone. I didn’t want you to feel you had to go on my account, or feel pressured into going, or be uncomfortable telling me ‘no’.”

“Do I embarrass you?”

“What?” Mick was confused by this sudden turn.

“Are you ashamed to be seen with me, a human, in front of other vampires?”

“Beth, no, of course not! That’s not it at all.”

“So you figured you were just ‘saving’ me from having to tell you I’d be too timid to go to a vampire party.”

Mick brightened at her words. “Yes! That’s it!”

Beth stood and patted Mick on the cheek. “How very thoughtful of you.”

“So, we’re staying home?” he asked hopefully.

Beth turned and headed back to the kitchen. “No. We’re going.” She turned her head to look back at his stunned expression. “And you can forget about sharing a blanket.”


The night was warm but the atmosphere in Mick’s car was colder than his freezer. They didn’t say a word all the way to Josef’s mansion. Mick parked the car and headed for Beth’s side to open her door like he always did, but she got out herself before he reached it. He sighed and slammed the door shut behind her. He tried to hold her hand up the driveway, but she pulled it away. Josef greeted them at the door.

“Blondie! So glad you changed your mind.”

Beth stepped inside and gave him a peck on the cheek, surprising both Josef and Mick. “Hello, Josef. Thank you for inviting us,” she said, emphasizing the last word. She turned to survey the room, already crowded with party guests.

Josef glanced from Mick to Beth and back again, sensing something was up. “Trouble in paradise?” Josef whispered to Mick as he shut the front door. Mick sighed and rolled his eyes.

“I didn’t tell her about the party,” he whispered back.

“You didn’t tell her? So, you lied to me?” Josef acted indignant. Mick shrugged. “Ah, I get it. You didn’t want her to come.”

“No, I didn’t. And it would have worked if you hadn’t called her!” Mick hissed.

Josef grinned. “Well, then I’m glad I did. You two need to get out more anyway.”

They started walking towards Beth. Still whispering, Mick said, “I’m going to go get us a drink. Stay with her, please Josef? Some of your guests look a little hungry.” Then he turned to Beth. If I ask her if she wants me to get her a drink she’ll just say no and try to push her way through this crowd to get it herself. So he simply told her “I’ll get you something at the bar and be right back. You can visit with Josef,” and walked off before she could stop him.

Beth harrumphed and looked at Josef. “There he goes again, telling me what to do without even asking me.” Josef smirked. “He told you, didn’t he?”

“He might have mentioned something in passing.”

“Uh huh. Look, Josef, I don’t need a babysitter. I can take care of myself.”

Josef eyed her as he thought it over. This could be fun! “Suit yourself,” he replied and walked away.


Mick had to push through the crowded room to get to the bar.

“Well, if it isn’t Mick St. John. I haven’t seen you at one of Josef’s parties in ages.”

Mick turned to the voice behind him and gave a curt nod. “Crandall. Yes, it’s been awhile.”

“I see you brought your own tonight,” Crandall said approvingly as he looked across the room at Beth. “The last I heard you had given up fresh, and yet here you are with a real looker by your side!”

Mick let out a low growl of warning. “Watch it, Crandall. She’s here with me, but she is NOT a freshie. So wipe that grin off your face.”

Crandall’s smile faded. “Too bad. But if she’s here with you, you might want to claim your property. Looks like she is already attracting some attention.”

Mick looked over at Beth and let out a hiss. “Bartholomew.” Where was Josef? Why hadn’t he stayed with her? “Excuse me, Crandall, I have to get over there.”

Crandall nodded in understanding. “Good luck,” he added.

As Mick tried to retrace his steps back through the throng of people, he suddenly found himself surrounded by a giggling flock of Josef’s freshies.

“Hey, Mick, nice to see you.”

“You never come to Josef’s parties!”

“Ladies,” Mick said politely in greeting as he tried to push past them. They didn’t budge.

“You’re looking as good as ever, Mick.”

“We saw you come in with that blonde. She’s not even marked!” That comment earned the brunette who said it an elbow in the ribs. “What?”

“Maybe the marks don’t show, did you ever think of that?” came the whispered reply.

The brunette looked at Mick and blushed. “Oops, sorry Mick.”

Mick was becoming more agitated with their inane remarks as he watched a second vamp approach Beth. He tried again to gain ground. “Look, I need to get over to…”

“Mick, if you need a fresh drink, I’ll be glad to oblige. I think there’s an open room in the back.” That was a redhead.

“What makes you think he’d want to go back there with you?” The brunette turned to Mick and smiled sweetly, placing her hand on his arm. “I’ll be happy to accommodate you, Mick.”


Beth watched Josef walk away and breathed a sigh of relief. She took a few minutes to look around the room and observe the people. Other than Mick and Josef, the only other person she recognized was Simone, who gave her a little wave from across the room when Beth caught her eye. Beth thought about heading over there, but noticed that she was also Josef’s destination. So much for that, she thought. She turned away and found herself face to face with a handsome man who had been standing behind her.


“I’m sorry, did I startle you? My apologies. Permit me to introduce myself. I am known as Bartholomew,” and he gave a slight bow.

“I’m Beth Turner. It’s nice to meet you,” she responded warmly and held out her hand.

“The pleasure is all mine, Miss Turner,” he said smoothly as he took her hand and raised it gently to his lips bestowing a feather light kiss upon its back. Beth blushed slightly and gave a small giggle.

“Do I amuse you?” he asked, smiling. His words flowed like honey and Beth was mesmerized.

“Oh no, I didn’t mean to…it’s just, I’m not used to such formality.”

“Good manners never go out of style. Let’s just say I come from a more civilized time. And I find your blushing cheeks most attractive.” He let go of her hand but stayed close and eyed her appreciatively up and down. “I don’t mean to sound trite, but have we met before? You have a most familiar face.”

To be continued...

ETA: Bumping for Fourth of July! Here is Part 2.
Last edited by MickLifeCrisis on Thu Jul 08, 2021 4:49 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by aolver »

:flowers: Uh oh...I love a worried and jealous Mick. Great so far... :yahoo: :clapping: Can't wait for more. :thumbs: :type:
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by redwinter101 »

Lovely start, MLC. Poor Mick - there are some things he really should have learned by now, i.e. expect Josef to meddle and never, ever, ever make a decision for Beth.

So now we wait for the fireworks. :4July:

Red :hearts: :hearts:

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Re: Fourth of July Sparks (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by Albra »

I like this very much :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Can't wait for next part :hyper2:

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Re: Fourth of July Sparks (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by jen »

MicklifeCrisis, this is a great start.

This is just very, very bad communication. Beth should know by now that a human female that isn't marked by her vampire is considered up for grabs, so to speak. Josef is going to let her learn the hard way. I expect he is still watching, but is letting her have her independence until she discovers how dangerous it is in this situation.

I look forward to the enxt chapter.



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Re: Fourth of July Sparks (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by lorig »

Yeah this one is lots of fun! MLC did a great jobe on it. RL has MLC away for a few days, but the second part should be up sometime around saturday evening!! :heart:
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by allegrita »

Ooh, what a great beginning! Beth's so strong, but she doesn't know what to expect. And Mick's in the know, but he handled things badly. I agree with Red... time for the fireworks to begin! :laugh:
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by francis »

Mick should really stop trying to second-guess Beth because he's always blatantly wrong. And Beth should really stop to get into danger just to spite 50s sensitive Mick, because she then needs her knight to get her out of it again, thus defying the purpose of showing how independent she is. I can smell trouble...
Looking forward to part 2.
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by PNWgal »

There's always one thing I can count on when I read your stuff, MLC - it's always going to put a smile on my face. :laugh:

Being between a headstrong Beth and a meddling Josef, Mick is always going to have trouble on his hands. He's well-meaning but over-protective, and sometimes a bit over his head when it comes to Beth. :biggrin:

I love jen's points - Mick's still not telling Beth all she needs to know about vampires and freshies, and Josef's determined for her to learn them, even if it's the hard way.

Looking foward to part II! :hearts:

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Re: Fourth of July Sparks (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by Kara »

redwinter101 wrote:Lovely start, MLC. Poor Mick - there are some things he really should have learned by now, i.e. expect Josef to meddle and never, ever, ever make a decision for Beth.

So now we wait for the fireworks. :4July:

Red :hearts: :hearts:
:giggle: What she said. :snicker:
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

:wave: I'm back! Thank you all so much for the lovely comments! :flowers: I'm glad you are enjoying this little fic. Yes, communication has not always been one of Mick and Beth's strong suits. :snicker: We'll see how they resolve this one on Saturday!

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Re: Fourth of July Sparks (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by GuardianAngel »

You've sucked me right in, MLC. I could definitely see this scenario happening. Mick wanted to avoid it but it, with Beth and Josef, it's inevitable.
Josef eyed her as he thought it over. This could be fun! “Suit yourself,” he replied and walked away.
This had me laughing out loud and giving an 'Uh Oh' Mick should have known better to trust Josef to think protecting Beth is as important as Mick does.

And now you've left me wondering how Beth looks familiar to Bart. And will Mick ever get by the giggling gaggle of freshies.
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by AussieJo »

Oh Mick!!
Please tell me you're not as thick as the rest of 'THEM' :mdrama:
Please dear MLC, let him redeem himself........ :pray:
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 1 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by cassysj »

Mick needs to learn how to "handle" Beth. I love that Josef got involved but I do understand Mick's concern an unmarked human must be like caviar.

I need to go to Part 2.
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Re: Fourth of July Sparks, Part 1 (PG, MickBeth, Two-Shot)

Post by mitzie »

Loving this story!! :woohoo: Mick just does not know how to "handle" Beth, even though he should by now. Communication has always been one of their biggest problems! I love how you have Josef involved too!! Off to read Part 2... :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper2: :hyper2: :whistle: :gasp: :getclue: :slappy: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :hearts: :rose:

mitzie :mooncat:
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