Worshipping Josef with words

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Worshipping Josef with words

Post by Catmoon »

I'm feeling the need to do some Josef worshipping. :worship: :notworthy: :worship:

I checked out the "Think Kostan" thread, but that seems to be for pictures. I want to use words. I thought about putting this on the JM support thread, but he told me, "why not just open a new topic?" He's so brillant! It all started when I was reading Lilly's thread about the mural in Josef's office (but I didn't think this was quite on-topic for there). I stopped looking at him for a moment and realized what a truly magnificant office he had. :snicker: I know I'm slow, but you can't blame me. Even a great office like that is going to get eclipsed when he's in it.

A magnificant office, for a magnificant man. It's the only word that fits. When you look up the word in the dictionary surely Josef's picture is next to it?

There's been some teasing of Josef in the show and fic for his taking so long to re-build, and going couch shopping, etc. (I'm guilty too), but it really hit me what he meant when he said Think Kostan. Look at his former office -- how to you follow that? It was unique, amazing, it was Josef. The loss of that office was truly a sad event. Any new design would have to be as good or better and that's a tough act to follow. I can just imagine the trite, predictable, unacceptable ideas the designers were giving him. I say, into the tar pits with them if they can't come up with a good design! This is Josef Kostan we're talking about!

Then we've got the wonderful threads dedicated to his clothing (particularly the maroon), and just recently we've been discussing his watches and other accessories. Let's face it, everything about the man is impeccable and spectacular. But I'd like to interrupt this worship just a moment and return to RL. I'm so impressed with the prop and wardrobe dept. of ML (and whoever else had a hand in it). They really did pay a lot of attention to detail in every aspect of Josef's environment, from office to clothing. (Mick too, but then Mick was the main character so it's expected). They were true to his character in everything even down to a watch. Those things helped to show us who Josef Kostan is, even though he didn't get a huge amount of screen time.

Hmm... do you think maybe they had a Josef Muse in their heads, saying things like: "That watch doesn't go with that suit -- change it immediately!" and "I wouldn't wear that, get rid of it!" :snicker: :evillaugh: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Worshipping Josef with words

Post by francis »

Oh, of COURSE did the writers have a Josef muse from day one. How else do you think he existed before we began to write fanfic? He must have been born around the time they wrote the scene in the Goldstein house where he summons the freshie by yelling "hungry" and giving his good-natured but concerned teasing to Mick for not eating fresh. I love the monologue on the phone while dancing through the room like a panther. And wearing that rose coloured shirt and suspenders. Who else but Josef would choose that outfit for his first ever scene? And I fell for him from the get go. I got Mick only around episode 4, but Josef I got from "My best to the family."
I can see him staring over the shoulders of the writers, making "tsk tsk" and telling them:

"No, I won't wear such a predictable dark suit. That's for office hours. This scene is in my home, and I will be moderately comfortable there."

"No, I won't call for a freshie over intercom. I'm at home there, and everyone caters to my will. They are aware that I will summon them soon, and they stand just next door waiting. It will be enough if I shout out to them. No, I will shout it during a conversation with Mick. No need to settle down for meal, it's not dinner, it's a snack. Besides, I want to tempt Mick with this. Of course I'm aware that he will make an exit. That's the only way to get him to shut up."

"Yes, of course I am cranky, I've just gotten up and it's rather early. I haven't had breakfast yet and the deal is tanking. Let me do this my way. I promise not to use swear words. Much."

Josef: :witsend: :blahblah: :getclue: :swords:

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Re: Worshipping Josef with words

Post by Catmoon »

francis wrote:Oh, of COURSE did the writers have a Josef muse from day one. How else do you think he existed before we began to write fanfic? He must have been born around the time they wrote the scene in the Goldstein house where he summons the freshie by yelling "hungry" and giving his good-natured but concerned teasing to Mick for not eating fresh. I love the monologue on the phone while dancing through the room like a panther. And wearing that rose coloured shirt and suspenders. Who else but Josef would choose that outfit for his first ever scene? And I fell for him from the get go. I got Mick only around episode 4, but Josef I got from "My best to the family."
It's been an interesting experience to revisit the beginning and think about that first episode... For me it was quite different, I fell in love with Mick from the moment I laid eyes on him. I barely spared Josef a thought. He wasn't my type. :gasp: :lol: Josef got under my skin when I wasn't looking, and by the time I realized it he owned me. :heart: In fact, I didn't start to realize Josef was totally in charge and the center of my HB series of fanfic until about #12!

Yes, I agree with you, I've always felt that character muses don't just talk to fanfic writers. Even actors can have them. It's noticable, too. I've known actors to fight for them when they disagreed with what the writers had written because they felt it wasn't in character. And when they don't and are forced to do it anyway, you can tell...
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Re: Worshipping Josef with words

Post by one.zebra »

I didn't fall for Josef until I met Sarah...he seemed too shallow. Shallow guys are booring....once I realized he had some depth everything about his public persona fell into place...that and fanfic....(yeah, thanks for that..I'm hopeless now, dammit).
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Re: Worshipping Josef with words

Post by K.A. »

I found myself loving Josef almost from the beginning. I'm a sucker for sarcasm and Josef had it in spades. His style was so unapologetically hedonistic that it made you smile before you could stop yourself. I adore Mick and always will but my first loyalty is to Josef. I was heartbroken when I thought he'd died and I was helplessly devoted to his character after that. He drove me to finish two stories with him at the center and now he's helping me finish Animal Instinct, no matter how frustrating the process.

As many have said before...

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Re: Worshipping Josef with words

Post by greenleaf9 »

Josef captured me from the very first flick he gives his plant in his first scene... :melts:

His snark...his ruthlessness...his suspenders and attitude...and then he ends his phone conversation with "My best to the family." Classic Josef. I never thought his character shallow...even before Sarah there were hints...like with Lola's death.

I'm a Josef girl through and through. I can't ever get enough of this sexy vampire! :drool:

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Re: Worshipping Josef with words

Post by moonlight_vixen »

K.A. wrote:His style was so unapologetically hedonistic that it made you smile before you could stop yourself.
You have no idea how big of a smile was on my face when I read this line! It perfectly describes Josef.

I was in love with him from the beginning. He has style, class, humor and emotion. He's incredibly good looking and loves what he is with no excuses and no apologies. Plus, he's a born hedonist and majorly rich. What's not to love?? :angel:

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Re: Worshipping Josef with words

Post by librarian_7 »

One of the things that so draws me to Josef is his wit, and flashingly brilliant mind. And the fact that he knows himself so well. Never at a loss for words...except once.

And when he said "I get...lonely"--if I hadn't been in love with him already, that would have done it. Right there. We see the facade of hedonism crack across, and the real Josef looks out through eyes filled with pain. He lies and evades a lot, but not that time, not with Mick.

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Re: Worshipping Josef with words

Post by Tam »

Reviving an old thread :)

I actually have written proof of my first reaction to Josef, as I was chatting with a friend while the first episode aired...I was determined to hate it because I disliked so many of the then-recent vampire craze (ML started airing in Germany on June 23rd, 2008)...and then I found myself typing : "Oh dear...it has clichés, it has emo music, it even has the classical Ann Rice slash combination tormented anti-vamp vamp + relentless hedonistic sexy vamp ... and I'm loving it!"


I didn't give Mick much of a chance except for his good looks (I've come to appreciate his character more in later episodes) but I was on 'Team Josef' right from the first scene. I love listening to people on the phone for (I love writing that in fics, too) and the little walk, and...just the...Josefness ;) and the chemistry with Mick...His second scene is very classic too...'non-fat soy vegan blood?' *squeals* I was a goner then :)

*deep sigh* It feels so good to think back of that time!
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Re: Worshipping Josef with words

Post by JKsGirl »

Whilst Mick certainly has his charms, I was Josef's girl as soon as I laid eyes on him.

Dressed beautifully, the casual waving in of Mick, the 'love to the family' comment, the looks to Mick whilst he's on the phone, all brilliant. But I was lost at just how exquisitely he moves...such style, grace and elegance, and when he prowls... :melts: :melts: :melts: :notworthy: :notworthy: :thud:

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Re: Worshipping Josef with words

Post by librarian_7 »

Ah, I can see you're one of us...the few, the proud...the Kostanistas!

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Re: Worshipping Josef with words

Post by allegrita »

Oh, yes... he fascinated me from the first episode. I'm a total Mick girl in terms of my fic writing, because I'm intimidated by Josef. I'm afraid I won't be worthy of him. I have such admiration for people who can capture his voice. I do short scenes with him, but eek, the idea of writing entire stories about him just makes me scared that I couldn't possibly measure up.
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Re: Worshipping Josef with words

Post by cassysj »

It's interesting Alle I'm just the opposite. I never have confidence with writing Mick yet Josef sings to me. I started out as a Mick chick. I barely noticed Josef prior to Sleeping Beauty but once I noticed him. Look out!!!!!
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Re: Worshipping Josef with words

Post by librarian_7 »

I think...Josef has such an engaging character, and such enormous potential for backstory, etc. that he really jumps out to writers. I know my first couple of fics were actually more Mick/Beth-ish, but once I started writing Josef, there was pretty much no going back. I think his age, his intelligence, his attitude--all the things that make him tough to write--are also the things that make him irresistible to write, for me, anyway.

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Re: Worshipping Josef with words

Post by tucutecats »

He is irrisistable.in every way, when he said "you know I get lonely" it broke my heart and Micks flippant answer "and I see why". you could feel the Josephs pain ButMick wasn.t thinking strait. he still was feeling the loss of Joseph . Their relationship was so complicated.I'm sorry that the show didn.t have a 2nd season to explore all that is Joseph and Mick.I wish I could write I would explore the depth of their relationship and I'm not talking about sex, because what is bwteeen them is so much more.layers and layers to be delved into``````````````````
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