FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........(PG-13)

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FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........(PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set…...

DISCLAMER: I don’t own ‘Moonlight’, or any of its wonderful characters. I’m just taking them out for a run! No copyright infringement is intended.

SUMMARY: A multi-chapter action-adventure featuring Mick, Beth, Josef, Guillermo, Talbot, Simone, and a few really big werewolves, among others. Rated PG-13 for mild language and violence.

SPOILERS: Follows on from all 16 episodes of ‘Moonlight’, as aired on CBS. Follows on from Allegrita’s FanFic, ‘Presto Agitato’, Chaps 1 & 2. (Mick and Beth ‘seal the deal’ and become lovers.) Follows on from Desdemona’s FanFic, ‘Silver’, Chaps 1 thru 7 only. (Talbot finds out about vampires in general, and Mick in particular, the hard way!) Borrows, with Eris’ kind permission, her original character of ‘Karl’, from her many fine FanFics.

OK? Ready? Here we go again!


Beth awoke early. Mick wasn’t in bed with her, but she spotted him immediately. He was still asleep in a glass freezer case set up in an adjoining room. The double doors to that adjoining room had been left open.

Beth smiled and stretched, climbing out of bed. She felt wonderful, better than she had ever felt in her entire life…..stronger and more energetic. She was also famished….. again.

Glancing at the ornately carved wall clock, she saw it was only 5 o’clock. She assumed that meant afternoon, since Mick was asleep. It was summertime, so it wouldn’t be dark for hours yet.

Sauntering into the adjoining room and up to the freezer case, Beth allowed herself the pleasure of a good long look at Mick as he slept.
She smiled, wondering, not for the first time, if he had any idea just how beautiful he was…... His body was flawless, his face, perfect. He was the most magnificent man she had ever seen. When he was actually awake, his warm hazel eyes and gently playful smile cast a spell all their own. She adored him.

With her energy level running so high, Beth chewed her lower lip and toyed with the idea of waking Mick for alittle afternoon delight. She grinned, twisting a lock of her long blonde hair around one finger as her eyes wandered leisurely up and down his body. Oh, the possibilities………..

Finally, she sighed, deciding it would be selfish of her to wake him. He needed his rest. Besides……she was really hungry.

She turned and wandered out of the bedroom, heading straight for the Suite’s kitchen. To her disappointment, the fridge held only some OJ, some milk, a bag of English muffins, some butter, and some human blood, bottled for Mick.

Frustrated, she poured herself a large glass of milk and shut the fridge. She wasn’t hungry for English muffins! She wanted something a lot more substantial.

Her eyes wandered the Suite as she gulped down her milk. She spotted what looked like an intercom panel beside the Suite’s only door. Setting down her empty glass on the counter, she headed for the panel.

There turned out to be two panels. One looked like an intercom, and the other looked like a reader of some sort, probably for operating the door.

She pushed what looked like it might be a call button on the apparent intercom. “Hello?”, she ventured, “Is anyone there?”

After a few seconds, a female voice answered, “Hello back. Who’s this?”

Relieved, Beth responded, “This is Beth Tuner…… Mick’s friend. I’m in what Josef calls the Newbie Suite. I’m really hungry. Is this the kitchen?”

A pause…..then, “Hello Beth. I’m April, one of Josef’s girls. And no, this isn’t the kitchen. You got routed to the Theater Room for some reason. Several of us are up here watching a movie. To operate the intercom properly, you must first press the color key that represents the area you wish to call, and then hit the call button.”
“But the buttons aren’t labeled!” Beth protested, “Which one is the kitchen?”

“The red button.”, the freshie responded.

“OK…..red button….then call button….right?”


“Thanks so much!”

“No problem.”

The channel closed.

Beth pressed the little red button and then the call button again. “Hello? Is this the kitchen?”

Another pause. “This is the kitchen.”, a male voice responded.

Beth felt as though she would melt into a puddle of relief. She was so hungry now…. “Oh thank goodness!”, she blurted. “This is Beth Turner. I’m in…..”

“Yes Miss Turner….We know where you are. What can we do for you?”

“Another two or three of those wonderful steak and eggs breakfasts would be great! You guys sure can cook, by the way!”

“That’s very kind of you to say, Miss Turner.”, The man responded. “We’ll be down shortly with the first serving.”

“Thank you so very much!”

“It is our pleasure.” The channel closed.

Beth paced back and forth in front of the bubble window as she waited for her breakfast. She eyed the odd feature as she did so……What was that strange window for, jutting like a half-shell into the room? The clear material looked thick. She knocked her knuckles lightly against it. Felt very sturdy. She guessed it was probably made of Lexan, because it obviously needed to be able to take beating, given the Suite’s purpose.

After what seemed like an eternity to her……but was actually only about ten minutes…….a man in a white Chef’s outfit appeared in the bubble window. Suddenly, the strange window’s purpose became clear…..it was a viewing port! A person outside the Suite could lean into the bubble if they needed to, and see up and down the wall, as well as view the entire living room and kitchen areas. It was a shark-cage!

The Chef regarded her cautiously. She beamed a smile at him. He smiled back tentatively, then reached to push a button on the wall on his side of the window.

His voice came through speakers on either side of the bubble window. “Miss Turner, would you please move over by the fireplace and remain there while the food is brought in?”

She would have stood on her head while singing Yankee Doodle Dandy, if she had to, in order to get the food at this point. “Sure!”

She bolted across the room and stood obediently beside the stone fireplace.

The man turned and nodded to someone off to his right. A few moments later, there was a soft buzzing sound and Beth heard an exterior door slide open. A second later, another soft buzz, and the interior door into the Suite slid open. Another man stepped into the room, glancing nervously at her. He was young and human, and alittle frightened of her. She caught a glimpse of a small sally-port room behind him before the interior door slid shut.

She wanted to charge forward and grab the food……but forced herself to remain where she was, despite how wonderful it all smelled, and despite her tremendous hunger. In addition to the mouthwatering aromas of her breakfast, Beth was also keenly aware of the spicy scent of this young man’s fear. She didn’t want to frighten him by moving towards him……he might drop her breakfast. And it was all so nicely arranged on an decorative tray, even a little bud vase with a red rose in it.

With his eyes flicking towards her every few seconds, the young man carried the tray of food, steak and eggs with all the trimmings, to the breakfast bar and set it down on the counter.

Beth was doing internal self-talk as she waited. Stay…..stay…..steady now…..stay……

The young man turned and moved quickly back to the door. He pressed his thumb to a scanner and the mechanism buzzed softly, opening the interior door. With one more backward glance at her, he stepped into the sally-port and the door slid shut behind him.

Beth thought she’d really impress them with her self-control. Then perhaps they wouldn’t be so worried the next time. Instead of immediately rushing to the food, now that the young man was gone, she turned and looked at the older Chef still standing in the bubble window. She raised one eyebrow in unspoken question. The man smiled and nodded.

Beth beamed a grin and bolted over to the breakfast bar, plopping into a chair and digging in.

“Just call when you’re ready for your next serving, Miss Turner.”, the Chef said through the speakers. “We’ll bring it right down.”

After gulping down a chunk of venison steak, Beth responded, “Thanks! Will do!” She heard the speaker channel close as the Chef and his assistant left her to her meal.


Two more steak and eggs breakfasts later, Beth peeked in on Mick again. Still sleeping……and still gorgeous. She sighed, wishing he would wake up, but knowing she needed to let him sleep.

She turned and headed for the bathroom, flipping on the soft overhead lighting as she entered the spacious facility. She paused and looked around first……what a beautiful bathroom…..so typical of Josef’s tastes. There was a huge sunken bathtub with whirlpool jets, large enough to accommodate two people easily. The shower stall was also a very large two person affair, with dual shower heads. The floor and walls were all done in what looked like very expensive tiles, sandstone in color. There was both a toilet and a Bede. Shelves made of Teak wood, and polished to a high shine, held an assortment of shampoos, conditioners, lotions, bath oils, bath salts, and a selection of fine soaps. Thick burgundy bath towels hung from a warming rack on the wall. A plush burgundy throw rug adorned the floor, and a large mirror hung above the marble countertop with its twin sinks. A bouquet of fresh cut flowers sat in between the two sinks.

Beth smiled, feeling spoiled. As much as she would enjoy a long soak in that tub, she was in the mood for a nice hot shower right now. She kicked off her fuzzy slippers and shucked her sleep pants, stepping out of them. As she pulled the tank top off over her head, she was stunned by her own reflection in the large bathroom mirror. The tank top fell from her hand as she stared at herself.

The scars from her numerous lacerations were completely gone. Her creamy skin was flawless, almost luminous. She had heard the expression…..glowing with health…..that described it…..she was actually glowing with health. She looked……beautiful.

After eating three platters of steak and eggs, she’d expected to look several months pregnant. But instead, her belly was flat and firm. Josef wasn’t kidding about her burning the food as fast as she ate it, apparently. She turned side to side, taking herself in…… brazenly admiring herself. She had always tried to stay in shape, watch her figure, work out. She had always been fairly pleased with the results of those efforts. But now…….she looked downright buff, better than ever…..she had a hard-body, as they say. She could see muscles she didn’t remember having. The thought occurred to her that she looked like one of those women in the BowFlex commercials, and that made her giggle.

She grabbed a hand mirror off the counter and turned around, using it to see herself in the big mirror, examining her own posterior. Wow! Her back was lean and muscular….. in a feminine way…. with a flawlessly toned rump. She was Beth 2.0, definitely better than ever! She grinned……wait til Mick sees this! Maybe being a werewolf wasn’t going to be so bad after all…..she certainly felt wonderful, and she looked wonderful too.

Sighing happily, and feeling very pretty, she set the hand mirror back down and turned on the water in the shower. When the temperature suited her, she grabbed some soap and shampoo, and stepped in.

She began to sing softly as she shampooed her hair, stopping suddenly when she noticed that her singing voice sounded better now too. Maybe it was just the acoustics in the bathroom. She resisted the temptation to sing louder. She didn’t want to disturb Mick. He’d been through a lot, and he needed his sleep.

Finishing her shower, she toweled off and tossed her tank top and sleep pants down the small laundry chute, before stepping back into her fuzzy slippers and heading back into the bedroom. She didn’t bother to cover herself with anything……she was hoping Mick might be awake, and she wanted to show off her BoFlex body.

No such luck……still sleeping like a baby in his freezer. Damn.

Rummaging through the walk-in closet, she found a beautiful blue silk bathrobe with matching slippers and a matching silk tie for her hair. She decided on that……the blue brought out her eyes……and if she was going to turn into a giant wolf tonight…..the bathrobe would be easy to dump in a hurry.


Mick’s eyes snapped open. He yawned, and his fangs descended in his need for breakfast. Then he remembered where he was and turned his head quickly to look through the wall of the glass freezer case into the adjoining room. The bed was empty and neatly made. No sign of Beth.

He opened the lid and climbed out, grabbing the sleep pants and tee shirt off of the hooks on the wall, pulling them on hurriedly. He finger-combed his hair and scented the air. Yup….Beth was nearby.

He smiled and padded down the short hallway to the living room. He caught Josef’s scent too.

“Well…..it’s about time you woke up!” Josef declared as Mick entered the living room. He and Beth were seated in front of the fireplace.

“Mick!” Beth jumped up off the couch and ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him. “Good morning…..or…..good night…..oh whatever!” She grinned happily and hugged him once more for good measure before letting him have his neck back.

“Well, you’re sure in a good mood!” Mick observed, returning her smile and embrace, “Feeling better, I take it?”

“Much better!” She smiled warmly up at him. She took his hand and led him to the couch were she sat back down. He sat beside her.

Mick watched Beth in amazement. She looked wonderful! More beautiful than ever, positively radiant. She was wearing a floor length blue silk bathrobe. She had a matching blue silk tie framing her lovely face, and secured at the nape of her neck, under the fall of her long blonde hair. It served to keep her hair back off of her face.

He noticed her scent had changed…… She still smelled like Beth, all the elements he knew were still there, but now…….there was a faint wild musk underlying her familiar scent. He couldn’t put it into words, really…..but this new scent brought the forest to mind…..pines and fir trees, wind blowing through secluded canyons, pure mountain air……. The scent of untamed wilderness.

“I brought you some clean clothes, buddy. I put them on the bathroom counter.” Josef interrupted Mick’s thoughts, “We’ve got a while yet before Beth changes…..so grab a shower and get dressed. Oh, and drink up! Bottles are in the fridge.” Josef flashed his signature impish grin.

Mick glanced at the clock on the mantel. 8:30pm. It would start getting dark outside soon. “How long have we got, do you think?” He asked Josef.

Josef shrugged slightly and looked at Beth. “How do you feel?”, he asked her.

“I feel great!”, she answered enthusiastically, smiling ear to ear, and tucking her feet up underneath her.

She was feeling alittle too great, Josef thought to himself, almost giddy. That could indicate she was getting close, but the sun wasn’t even down yet. “Most first shifts happen quite late at night, so we probably have several hours yet.”

“Probably?”, Mick asked, raising one eyebrow.

“It’s not an exact science, Mick.”, Josef replied, “Gulp down your breakfast, hit the shower, and get dressed.”

Mick nodded at Josef and then leaned over to give Beth a quick kiss. She grinned happily up at him. He was suddenly struck by how brilliant her blue eyes seemed. Had they been that blue a minute ago? He blinked in surprise and looked again. No….he was imagining things……Beth’s eyes were bright and blue, but they were still her human eyes.

Giving her hand a final reassuring squeeze, Mick headed for the fridge and grabbed the two bottles of donated blood off the top shelf. He thought about stepping out of the room to drink them, like he usually did when Beth was around. Then it struck him how ridiculous that was now……In a few hours Beth would be eating a deer, an entire deer, in this room! He supposed that made it OK to drink blood in front of her. He chugged both bottles quickly and made a beeline for the shower.


Freshly showered, and wearing clean clothes, Mick rejoined Beth and Josef in the living room of the Newbie Suite. He froze for a moment when he spotted a Cleaner standing in the bubble window, watching Josef and Beth. He growled softly…..he didn’t like this particular Cleaner very much, even though he knew she was the Lead Cleaner of the LA Tribe. That cut no ice with Mick. She was the one who had sentenced Emma to death. He didn’t like her……he never would.

“Josef?” Mick asked, “What’s she doing here?” He nodded towards the watching Cleaner.

Josef glanced at the Cleaner, and then back to Mick. “Professional courtesy. She’s the only one I’ve allowed inside the house.” Seeing Mick’s grim expression, he added. “Don’t worry…..she isn’t armed. She’s here strictly to observe Beth’s initial transformation, and to alert her crew if anything…..” he glanced at Beth briefly, “…goes wrong.”

Mick relaxed alittle and settled back onto the couch beside Beth. Beth smiled and waved at the Cleaner. The Cleaner did not wave back. Awk-ward…….

Josef’s little hand-held intercom device beeped in his pocket. He fished it out. “Yes?”

It was Logan, “Mr Kostan? Hi…..uhm…..I was wondering if there’s anything I can do to help with Beth? I feel pretty useless up here right now……and I’d like to visit her anyway.... to see how she’s doin?”

Everyone smiled……. except for the Cleaner. She continued to watch Beth intently. Beth was beginning to wonder if the woman knew how to smile.

Josef snorted softly, grinning, “Actually, yes, since you’re volunteering. It’s time to start getting set up down here anyway. Go to the kitchen and get two of the deer carcasses out of the meat locker. Bring them on down.”

“Two whole deer?!”

“That’s right.”

“OK…..I’m on it. See you in a few.”

The channel closed.

“Two whole deer!?” Beth echoed Logan, wide-eyed.

Josef smiled at her. “Your first shift will be your most…..expensive one……metabolically speaking. Your body is putting the finishing touches on the new you. That’s going to take a lot of fuel. In the same way a newly Turned vamp’s bloodlust is dangerously extreme at first, the same is true of a newly Turned werewolf’s appetite.”

Beth blinked at him, not knowing what to think.

“Once we have the deer set up in the kitchen for you,” Josef continued, “Mick and I will have to step outside the Suite for the remainder of the night.”

Beth’s eyes widened in alarm.

“It’s OK, Beth.”, Josef added, wanting to reassure her, “We’ll be right out there with Claudia. You’ll be able to see us and talk to us. You won’t be alone....... but we can’t be in here with you when you actually go through your first shift. We would be too much of a….. temptation….. for you at that point. You’re going to be very volatile at first, until your belly is full. To avoid possible…..unpleasant complications……it needs to be just you and the deer for awhile.”

Beth nodded, relaxing again, “OK.”
Last edited by lionsonleashes on Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........

Post by mitzie »

Great chapter! Josef seems to have everything already for Beth's first "shift"!! Hope nothing goes wrong??!!

Off to read chapter 15!!!

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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks Mitzie! :D I love hearing feedback from you!
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

lovin' it.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........

Post by redwinter101 »

They are all being so very practical about things - I hope that isn't a sign that they are misjudging the power of Beth's first shift, or the possible ramifications of bring a Noble.

Loved Beth's admiration of her new body! Who wouldn't take a moment to enjoy that kind of an instant body-lift?


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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks Luxe & Red! :D
Yes....Josef's trying to be organized and confident. Mick and Beth are just trying to cope. :? And yeah! What woman wouldn't love a body-lift like Beth just got! ;) It would make being a werewolf worthwhile! :lol:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........

Post by coco »

Yes, everything does seem so calm. Is that a bad sign? :?
Off to check out the rest :D
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........

Post by lionsonleashes »

coco wrote:Yes, everything does seem so calm. Is that a bad sign? :?
Off to check out the rest :D
You know what they say about the 'calm before the storm'! :lol:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........

Post by toria1521 »

I have always wanted a body like that. Where can I get werewolf saliva? Great story!
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........

Post by lionsonleashes »

toria1521 wrote:I have always wanted a body like that. Where can I get werewolf saliva? Great story!
Yeah! I'm with you Toria! :yahoo: Wouldn't it be great to have an effortless body-lift like that.....one perk of being a werewolf for Beth! After what she went thru....she deserves a few perks. :cheering:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........(PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Lions, I'm finally back to reading this story, and I see that there are several new parts for me to read. Yay!

I liked this part. Maybe it is the calm before the storm, but it's so Beth to see the silver lining to her bad situation. She is a forward-thinking person. It's not in character for our Beth to sit around regretting the situation as it stands. She's gonna take stock, find out everything she can, and greet the new events with zest. Mind you, she's probably gonna get kicked in the teeth, but she has the kind of resilience to bounce back from the bad stuff and be ready to deal with the situation again.

Mick is being his normal slightly cautious, but loving and supportive, self. And Josef is organized, confident, and using his confidence as a shield. He isn't sure of what will happen, but why worry the kids? :snicker:

I'm off to read Chapter 15!
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........(PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Hi Alle! :hug: So great to hear from you! And I'm so glad you've got alittle time to read my chapters again! :yahoo: I love getting feedback from you......it's always so valuable. :rose: Your opinion means alot to me! And I'm delighted that you liked this calm before the storm. :snicker:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........(PG-13)

Post by MSJ_sunglasses »

Love the tension in this chapter as they wait for Beth to shift.....now what was that song oh yeah, hungry like the wolf :giggle:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........(PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Hi Sunglasses! :hug:
I'm so happy you're enjoying the story! :yahoo: And yeah.....that song, 'Hungry Like the Wolf'....could be the theme song of the next chapter! :eek2: :chair:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 14----Get Ready, Get Set........(PG-13)

Post by jen »

On occasion, I have seen icons of a sofa or chair to hide behind or under when things get scarey.

I wish I had one of those right about now.

Really feel for Beth, though. She is taking all this amazingly well. Then again, Beth takes almost anything amazingly well. I hope things go well with the first shift.

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