Exclusivity version 2.0 Chapter 2 (PG-13)

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Exclusivity version 2.0 Chapter 2 (PG-13)

Post by librarian_7 »

Disclaimer: The characters from Moonlight are copyrighted by CBS, and no infringement is intended. The characters from the WFS do not bear any resemblance to their online counterparts.

A/N: This work follows the events of "Within the Empty Reaches of the Night," and you might want to read that one first, if you haven't. If you’ve read this elsewhere, this is Version 2.0. The story originally reference events taking place in an RP long ago and far away, on another site. I’ve tried to rewrite to make it more my own. I hope you enjoy it…this is the last of my old stories to be reposted here. It originally appeared on MLL back in December 2007/January 2008.


Chapter 2

Lucky hesitated at the door, hanging back while Felicity punched in the door code. She wasn’t sure she was ready to come back to Belinda’s place, but her friends had insisted.

“Look, just show up, drink a cup of coffee. It’s not healthy to hide in your apartment. And everyone’s been asking after you. Even the doctor said you ought to get out a little,” Felicity was relentless, and Lucky found herself wondering again about the doctor who took care of the freshies. What he’d told her was that if young people would insist on living as freshies, they needed to look out for themselves well. Of course, it seemed pretty clear that he was paid an enormous retainer to see that the freshies in this particular circle were healthy.

“Do you think—the boys—“ She didn’t even really know what she was trying to ask, whether she wanted to see them, or wanted not to. She especially wasn’t sure about seeing Mick. She hadn’t talked to him, not since that first visit, when she’d had to endure the humiliation of having the vamps inspect the wound she’d received at the fangs of her assailant. At least they hadn’t suggested trying to heal the wound; she could not have stood that, the thought of a fanged mouth there. She couldn’t have endured it. Josef, as always, Josef was a slightly different matter. He’d been by to see her three times in the past week, and put aside his usual snarky sarcasm for surprisingly civil and thoughtful conversation. Lucky loved listening to him; when he got out from behind the wall of attitude he’d built, he was fascinating. Wise, well-read, and articulate. She thought he was even a little taken unawares himself, to enjoy spending such—normal—face time with a freshie. She’d never known he could be like that, and she suspected even he hadn’t realized it.

She hadn’t mentioned any of that to any of the other freshies. It was hard to imagine the reactions of any of them if she told them that through this ordeal Josef had been her rock, had been the star that was lighting her way back from darkness. She actually wondered if he knew it himself.

It was time, though. Lucky took a deep breath and walked in. Five or six voices greeted her immediately, and she found herself on the receiving end of a hug from Cinda that nearly knocked her over. After that, someone put a cup of coffee in her hand, and she found herself in her familiar seat by the bookcase. And the slight awkwardness passed, as the bright flow of the usual chatter resumed. Lucky felt no great need to join in the talk, but nonetheless she felt included, felt safe and at peace again. She was among friends. More than she’d have thought possible, she felt like she’d come home.


About a week later, she’d never have thought about doubting the wisdom of spending time at the Belinda’s place. She hadn’t seen much of either of the vamps around, although Josef had stayed in close touch with her outside of the salon, and via cell phone. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was getting fond of her, that he was starting to expect to talk to her frequently. Nonsense, of course, she knew that. Even if he hadn’t been a vampire, he was important, powerful, way out of her league. And when you added in the other part…she knew he just felt guilty about the attack. He was being inexplicably nice to her, but it didn’t mean anything. And it wasn’t long before she thought she saw the proof of that.

One evening at Belinda’s place, the night’s complement of girls had just finished watching a movie when the door’s electronic lock beeped, and Josef came strolling in with a stunningly beautiful blonde on his arm.

“Evening, ladies,” he smirked, “Papa Bear’s here.”

Lucky and Ivoire exchanged a look. They’d never seen this girl before. She was expensively dressed, perfectly coiffed and made up, and dripping expensive jewelry. She had a vaguely dissatisfied look on her face, as though she were less than happy to be there.

“I thought we were going back to your house, Josef,” she said with a charming little pout.

Josef unbuttoned his suit coat and seated himself on the couch, and the newcomer sat next to him, but not snuggled in the way most freshies would. Josef caught Lucky’s eye—Ivoire was studiously looking the other direction. “Lucky, would you mind scaring up a couple of drinks? Scotch for me—Julian, what are you drinking tonight?”

Julian smiled at Josef. They would find quickly that she saved most of her smiles for Josef, and all of whatever limited charm she possessed. “Bourbon, neat,” she said. “Josef, you were right, Belinda really has a fantastic decorator.”

“Yeah, well, with this crew she redecorates about once a week.”

Lucky brought over the drinks. “Good to see you, Josef. Julian, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Lucky.”

“Thanks, doll,” Josef replied, but his eyes were busy devouring his new find. Julian chose not to respond to Lucky, and if Josef noticed, he didn’t comment.

Over the next week or so they saw little of Josef, and less of Julian. Gradually, they learned she was indeed exclusive to Josef, and that they one and all despised her. Josef did encourage her to hang out Belinda’s salon from time to time, but every time she set foot there without him, it was clear that she came reluctantly, feeling it beneath her interest to talk with lowly non-exclusives. Even with Ivoire and Felicity, who were almost at exclusive status with Josef, she seemed standoffish. And she certainly never pitched in to wash a coffee cup, or brought treats. She’d come in, exchange a few words with Belinda, usually, drink a cup of coffee, and decide it was time for her manicure, or that she needed to go shopping for a new outfit to wear to whatever expensive restaurant Josef was taking her to that evening. Usually, she managed to announce that Josef had given her a credit card, and carte blanche to spend whatever she wanted. “Because I understand he likes to be seen with a truly stylish woman on his arm.”

Lucky agreed with Felicity and Ivoire that Julian was bad news, and that Josef needed to open his eyes. Even Belinda thought she was not a good addition to the regular crew. “You girls have always been friends here. Like sisters,” she said one afternoon when Julian had swept out with another flash of Josef’s credit card. “but that one—she’s trouble.”
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Re: Exclusivity version 2.0 Chapter 2 (PG-13)

Post by Phoenix »

Josef, as always, Josef was a slightly different matter. He’d been by to see her three times in the past week, and put aside his usual snarky sarcasm for surprisingly civil and thoughtful conversation.
Delightful. :hearts:

And Julian needs to get on her broomstick and leave.
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Re: Exclusivity version 2.0 Chapter 2 (PG-13)

Post by AggieVamp »

Ahh...now I"m beginning to remember...and Julian IS trouble with a capital T.. Now I'll patiently wait for chapter 3. :thumbs:

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Re: Exclusivity version 2.0 Chapter 2 (PG-13)

Post by tucutecats »

OH I don't like Julian, she needs to come to a bad end. Lovin this story. You are the best Lucky.
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Re: Exclusivity version 2.0 Chapter 2 (PG-13)

Post by LadyAilith »

I just love reading this again. Lucky is one of my favorite OCs. :rose:

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Re: Exclusivity version 2.0 Chapter 2 (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Josef, as always, Josef was a slightly different matter. He’d been by to see her three times in the past week, and put aside his usual snarky sarcasm for surprisingly civil and thoughtful conversation. Lucky loved listening to him; when he got out from behind the wall of attitude he’d built, he was fascinating. Wise, well-read, and articulate. She thought he was even a little taken unawares himself, to enjoy spending such—normal—face time with a freshie. She’d never known he could be like that, and she suspected even he hadn’t realized it.
Not that I would wish an experience like the one Lucky endured on anyone... but in a way, if not for that trauma, and Josef's guilt, and Lucky's need to recover from the experience, I don't think they would have gotten to know each other as they did. Because Josef really does hide behind that carefully constructed wall, and he is extremely good at not letting anyone see that it's a facade at all. He only shows the man behind the wall in extreme circumstances (like getting blown out of his office by a firebomb, or having to heal a devastated freshie whose injuries he felt responsible for). So maybe we can call this relationship the silver lining to the cloud of that devastating attack. Or... to use a conceit from fairy tales, maybe the attack was the price Lucky paid in order to find the hidden door in Josef's wall.

Oh--and yeah, Julian is definitely Trouble... and I'm hoping that she's gonna get some major comeuppance. :grumble:
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Re: Exclusivity version 2.0 Chapter 2 (PG-13)

Post by mitzie »

This Julian sounds like major trouble!! :grumble: Josef seems to be blind to what she is all about!!!! :eek2: He needs a wake-up call!! :fingerscrossed: I love this story and can't wait to see what kind of trouble Julian will cook up... :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper2: :hyper2: :yahoo: :thud: :devil: :gasp: :eyes: :eyes: :stir: :nosee: :nails: :bash: :bash: :clover: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :hearts: :flowers:

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Re: Exclusivity version 2.0 Chapter 2 (PG-13)

Post by librarian_7 »

Thanks for the kind comments...I'm so tempted to say, awww, this old thing! But it's so gratifying that an older work is being well received. I'd like to think that my writing has improved somewhat since I wrote this almost two years ago...and yet it's an important piece of the Josef/Freshie Lucky story.

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Re: Exclusivity version 2.0 Chapter 2 (PG-13)

Post by francis »

Hey it's not old, because I don't remember the first time I read it. (Actually, that's almost an insult, right? Maybe I haven't!)
Julian really is trouble. Seems to me that Josef tries to counteract his affinity to Lucky by finding a freshie that is exactly her opposite. Knowing what we know now about what came later, this seems a lot like reverse psychology to me: He tries to convince himself.
The vapid way of Julian's life is what gives freshies a bad name. I'm glad the others don't like her.
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Re: Exclusivity version 2.0 Chapter 2 (PG-13)

Post by moonlight_vixen »

Even after all this time, I still don't like Julian... :no:
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Re: Exclusivity version 2.0 Chapter 2 (PG-13)

Post by jen »

Julian is certainly isolated. She does it to herself and I wonder if she realizes it.

This is fabulous. Lucky is receiving a wonderful dose of love and acceptance, and that is precisely what she needs right now. I can understand her focus on Josef, but Mick is her friend, too. I hope she comes to understand that she doesn't need to be afraid of him, but he is a very old vamp and with age comes power.

Thank you!


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Re: Exclusivity version 2.0 Chapter 2 (PG-13)

Post by jen »

This is great.

Julian is...boring. I'm sorry, but I have met people like her and I don't care how good her blood tastes, that kind of attitude is going to get old fast. That degree of self absorption is just tedious.

In a previous comment, I think I said something about her being isolated and that she does it to herself. She may well be totally oblivious to how obnoxious she is acting.
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