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I Hate LA In The Springtime PG-13 Cham Challenge #137

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:35 am
by cassysj
I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended.

“What are you so cheery about?” Josef growled as Mick entered his office.

“What happened to you? Did you have a sour freshie?”

Josef frowned. “No. I hate Daylight Savings Time. There is nothing worth saving. It was bad enough when it happened in April but now March….it’s unnatural. It takes the freshies a week to recover from the time change.

“Josef it’s one of the signs of spring. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming.”

“Income taxes and freshies with hayfever.

“Love is in the air.” Mick sang.

“I manage to have love all winter long.”

“How is the rebound freshie?”

“Solita is not a rebound freshie. Josef said sharply. Things just didn’t work out with Simone and……

“Your bed got lonely.”

“I don’t sleep in a bed.” Josef said mischievously. “Yet that doesn't seem to matter.”

“Does Solita prefer the floor?”

“I hear Beth prefers the shower.” Josef countered. How is married life?”

Mick grinned. “It’s perfect. Six months and it feels like the honeymoon will never end.

“At least you can take advantage of a better tax bracket. Single people like me are discriminated against.”

“You could marry Solita.”

“Or try to get the tax laws revamped to accommodate the single person.”

Mick shook his head. “Good luck with that. In the meantime I want to discuss my picks in the March Madness pool.

“No can do. I have to go to court.”

“Are you being sued?”

“No, I’m the injured party and by the time I’m done I’ll own half of Southeast Asia.”

”Give my best to Simone.”

“Wrong again. I have a new lawyer. Preston Spencer.”

“What’s his blood type?” Mick teased.

“O positive, he will never have a freshie career. You won’t believe what he puts in his mouth.”

Josef’s phone rang to Shannon Lawson’s “Who’s Your Daddy

Mick laughed. “Solita?”

“No, that’s the exclusive ringtone. “Tangie, what’s wrong? Is the doctor there? Well tell her to be there in thirty minutes or less, or she'll be bitten and not in the good way. I’ll be home right after court.

Mick leaped up from the couch “What happened? Did someone get hurt?”

“Not yet. I wouldn’t want to be the manager at Clean Rite laundry.”


They used Cheer detergent and three of the girls have broken out in hives. They know my ladies have sensitive skin, they are supposed to use Dreft baby detergent and nothing else.

“Baby detergent?”

“Mick, I decide what touches their skin. Now I’m going to be down three freshies until the hives go away. This week can’t get any worse.”

“Is this a good time to remind you the LA Marathon is this weekend?”

Josef’s eyes turned silver. “I hate spring.”

Re: I Hate LA In The Springtime PG-13 Cham Challenge #137

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:57 am
by AussieJo
Such a grump! Great story Carol, and btw congrats for going to the Barbie convention! :hug:

Re: I Hate LA In The Springtime PG-13 Cham Challenge #137

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:02 am
by allegrita
Cassy, this is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. :notworthy: Mick is singing love songs, and Josef is grumbling his way through March. What a hilarious scene! :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

Re: I Hate LA In The Springtime PG-13 Cham Challenge #137

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:12 am
by Marigold
:rolling: This was a hilarious response to the challenge, Carol! :flowers:

It reminded me of one of my grandpa's old sayings: "Some people have to be sad to be happy." I think that Josef enjoys complaining. :laugh:

Those poor freshies... :mdrama: :eek2: :snicker:

Thank you!

Re: I Hate LA In The Springtime PG-13 Cham Challenge #137

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:25 am
by francis
Josef can be a Grinch all year round. I still adore him. :hug:

Re: I Hate LA In The Springtime PG-13 Cham Challenge #137

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:39 pm
by cassysj
This story came about for a few reasons. One, I hate Daylight Savings Time. I wish we could stay Standard all year long I understand in some parts of the world it is necessary but not in NYC. Two I just did my taxes and being single...well...Josef and I have something in common although it would be nice to have his money. :winky: Third I'm allergic to many laundry detergents and as a general rule we only use Ivory or Dreft but I developed hives on my back this weekend from my pajamas so I'm not sure what is responsible.

AussieJo - Thanks for reading grumpy Gus. I am so excited to be going to the Barbie convention.

Alle - Actually what told me this had to be Josef/Mick chat is bracket. My mind went immediately to taxes.

Marigold - I've heard that expression too. I think it does fit Josef in this case. Poor freshies :batseyes:

francis - The Vampire who Stole Spring. Oh, if only Dr. Seuss was here.

Re: I Hate LA In The Springtime PG-13 Cham Challenge #137

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:11 am
by jen
Josef the grinch for all seasons and I was waiting for Mick to break out in "Love is a Many Splendid Thing" :rolling: :giggle: :giggle:

Oh, the trials and tribulations of vampire life.

Well done!

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: I Hate LA In The Springtime PG-13 Cham Challenge #137

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:58 pm
by Emerald
Wow! I haven't caught up with your writing in ages it seems, and to my detriment, because wow! This is fantastic. Your characterisation of Josef, your dialogue, the story structure itself, everything just flows so nicely.

Colour me impressed, very, very, very impressed.


Re: I Hate LA In The Springtime PG-13 Cham Challenge #137

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:17 pm
by cassysj
jen - Mick is a happy man in love :heart: Josef has sleepy freshies with hives. You can understand why he's cranky. :snicker:

Emerald Thanks so much for stopping by and reading it. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm in so deep with my OC's that sometimes I worry I've lost the Josef touch.

Re: I Hate LA In The Springtime PG-13 Cham Challenge #137

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:00 am
by cassysj
Shameless bump. I had fun with this one.

Re: I Hate LA In The Springtime PG-13 Cham Challenge #137

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 2:41 am
by allegrita
Another fabulous entry in the "March Madness" challenge. I love grumpy Josef and blissful Mick. They are so funny in this! :snicker: