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Fever, Redux (or, No-Star Cell Service) [Ch. 7] PG13

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:42 am
by NocturneInCMoll
Author’s note: *cough* So it’s only been 13 months since the last post…I apologize profusely! The muse has been AWOL. I hope you all still remember what’s going on! If not, I posted chapter recaps.

Beta: The fabulous Barb (Bank1115)!

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Fever Redux (or, No-Star Cell Service) — Chapter 7

It was dusk, and the shadows in the parking garage had multiplied. Josh looked over his shoulder as he and Beth hurried to keep up with Josef.

Beth was peppering the vampire with questions. “If they’re still alive, why haven’t they called?”

Josef rolled his eyes. “I don’t know; vampires aren’t psychic. What the heck has Mick been telling you? Do you think we can fly, too?”

No,” she said defensively. “…I asked.”

He stopped short and stared at the bright red two-seater parked in the corner. “Huh. I forgot the Ferrari isn’t really practical in some situations.”

“In some situations?”

Josef ignored her. “We’ll take your car. Gimme the keys.” He held out a hand. When nothing was placed in his palm, he turned his head and raised his brow at her. “I’m still driving.”

Beth huffed and began to dig around in her purse. The keys jangled as her fingers found them and held them out.

“Thank you,” he grinned and snatched them away from her. He stepped around in a circle. “Which one is your car? Please tell me you don’t have a Smart Car.”

“It’s the silver Prius,” she pointed.

“Silver…excellent,” Josef muttered and approached the car warily. When he got in, he found he did not have to adjust the seat. He eyed Beth, who had beat Josh to the front passenger seat and was getting in on the other side.

“Josh drove. I wasn’t…up for it," she said by way of explanation, biting her lip.

Josef stared at her a second longer, then turned and put the keys in the ignition.

“How are we going to find them?” Josh said impatiently from the seat behind.

“On it,” Josef whipped his phone out of his pocket, pressed a few buttons, and held it up to his ear. “Rider—track the GPS on Mick’s phone…ASAP. Text me the location, and keep a watch on it. Inform me immediately if there are any changes.” He snapped the phone shut and tossed it to Beth. “I hear you like navigating.”

Without waiting for a reply, Josef put the car into reverse and swung out of the parking space, then put it back into drive and floored it. The tires squealed as the car jerked and sped forward.

Beth and Josh were wide-eyed and breathless when Josef stopped the car short at the entrance of the garage. He grinned at the sound of their racing hearts. “What are you so afraid of? I have night vision and lightning-fast reflexes.”

You also can’t die,” Beth twisted her hair around her finger.

“Oh, is death what you’re so worried about?” He revved the engine. “Don’t worry, if we crash, I’ll bring you back to unlife.”

“Great…” she sank back against the seat.

“Don’t sound too enthusiastic,” he glanced at her. “I think you’ve been spending too much time with Mick.”

Josh cleared his throat loudly.

“So does he,” Josef jerked a thumb toward the back seat.

Beth edged herself further into her seat and turned her head to the window as the gas pedal was once more fully depressed.


“Ugh… no more candy,” Leni waved the chocolate away.

Mick sighed. “There isn’t anything else here, and you’re too lethargic still.”

“That’s probably because the only thing I’ve had to eat today is junk food,” Leni groaned. “My OB-GYN is so going to kick my ass when she finds out.”

“This isn’t another hit request, is it?”

She stuck her tongue out at him, but he suddenly ceased all movement. A moment later he tilted his head at her. “Car. Get in the closet.”

When she froze, he repeated himself sharply. Leni scrambled off of the bed and into the closet. She shut the door behind her and sunk to the floor, hugging her arms around her stomach.

Mick’s eyes turned pale blue, and he moved swiftly to the space along the wall between the door and the window. Peering outside through the crack in the blinds, he watched a single set of headlights pull into the driveway. “Let’s see you take me on without weapons-grade firepower,” he snarled under his breath.

A horn began to honk and a man began to yell. “Mick! Your knight in shining armour and a couple of pawns are here! Come on, let’s go! I don’t have all night.”

“It’s Josef,” he laughed. “I don’t believe it! It’s okay, Leni, you can come out.”

Leni opened the door a crack and peered out. “What?—your friend? How did he find us?”

“I’m more curious about how he knew to look for us, but we can worry about that later.” He held out his hand. “Come on—let’s get out of here!”

She pushed open the door and took his hand so he could help her up, but she stood too fast and her head spun.

When she put a hand to her temple, Mick said, “I’m going to carry you—no arguments,” and picked her up.

She relaxed against his left arm and let her legs dangle over his right. “Well, all right—but just to warn you, I could get used to this.”

“I promise you won’t have to,” he said quietly as he struggled briefly with the doorknob and opened the door.

When they stepped out onto the porch, Beth cried “Mick!” and started to run forward, but stopped short when she saw Leni in his arms.

“Beth?” He caught her eye, then Josef’s. “I’m okay, but we need to go to the hospital and get her and the baby checked out.”

Josef moved quickly ahead of his friend to open the rear door of the car. When Mick had settled Leni in the back seat, he turned and raked a hand through his hair and began to pace the length of the car back and forth.

“I should have known better,” he said to Josef, who only raised an eyebrow. “I shouldn’t have let her—shouldn’t have let myself—”

“What’s wrong with her?” Beth said in a small voice.

“I think she’s a little…anemic.” Against his instincts, his eyes went to Beth, but it was Josh who reacted, walking right up to him and shoving him.

“What the hell did you do to her?!” He shoved him again. “How could you? You were supposed to be protecting her! Beth said you’d never hurt an innocent.” He shoved him again. “What kind of monster would force a pregnant woman he was supposed to protect to feed him?”

Mick growled gutturally and flew at Josh, propelling him up against the car with a hand to the throat.

Is this it?” He snarled into Josh’s face with his fangs fully descended. “Is this the monster you were expecting?”

Mick heard Josef say something, but it was Beth and Leni’s screams that broke into his consciousness, and he became aware of the terrified man squirming beneath him. Instantly he relaxed his grip and fell against the car beside Josh, sinking slowly to the ground with his head in his hands.

“I’m sorry, Josh. Beth…Leni. I lost control.” He sucked in a ragged breath. “Just leave me here. Leave me alone.”

Leni’s eyes flashed. “You’re talking nonsense again, Mick.” She turned her glare on Josh. “Giving Mick my blood was my idea. He’d been out in the sun way too long—he was dying. And he still didn’t want to do it. I practically had to shove my arm down his throat, and he’s been beating himself up over it all afternoon.

“He saved my life, and I returned the favour—who the hell are you to be coming out here and yelling at Mick for things you don’t understand when you’re the one with the leak in your office endangering all our lives in the first place?!”

Josh stared at the ground. “You’re right—you’re right. I’m sorry.” He raised his eyes and then looked over at Mick. “I’m sorry, Mick.”

Mick waved him off. “It’s been a rough day for everyone. Let’s just forget about it and go home.” He picked himself up off the ground and found Beth in front of him, staring at his shoes.

“You must be wondering—” she broke off and began again. “I thought you were dead. I couldn’t bear the weight of your secret alone. I hope you can forgive me.”

Mick said nothing, and Josh stepped forward. “And I have to apologize again. For putting you in danger…for accusing you without knowing the whole story.” He sighed. “I can’t possibly imagine what you struggle with, but I won’t add to it by getting on your case about vampire stuff that I don’t know anything about. I hope you’ll be willing to talk to me about it in detail sometime—so I can try and understand.”

Mick looked him up and down. He nodded. “Okay. We can do that. But first things first—we need to get out of here.”

“Mick,” Beth said as he passed her.

He stopped, but did not look at her.


He exhaled. “We’ll talk—later.”

She said nothing, and he finally turned his gaze to her. Her eyes were large, and he sighed. When his hand twitched up, she ran and threw her arms around him.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” she said into his chest.

“Thank you.” He slowly put one arm up around her back as his eyes locked with Josh’s.

To be continued...

Re: Fever, Redux (or, No-Star Cell Service) [Ch. 7] PG13

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:00 am
by redwinter101

Great day in the morning!

So happy to see the next chapter, Julie. And I loved the rescue, especially Josef's displeasure at the silver car. :snicker:
NocturneInCMoll wrote:“I think you’ve been spending too much time with Mick.”

Josh cleared his throat loudly.

“So does he,” Josef jerked a thumb toward the back seat.
Perfect. :clapping:


Re: Fever, Redux (or, No-Star Cell Service) [Ch. 7] PG13

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:59 pm
by francis
OMG! Now Mick and Beth didn't have their great bonding moment :eat: :mdrama: , and Josh is in on the secret and actually handles it quite well. Does this mean Beth won't leave Josh? :gasp: :whistle: Can't say.

Josef really handles this well, as well. He struck me as the "let humans fight their human problems" kind of guy who would rather dispose of Leni and Josh and Beth in the tar pits to protect the secret and rip Mick something for betraying the secret. :mdrama:

Do you think Mick will beat himself up some more after Leni is in the hospital?
Yeah. I guess so, too. :snicker:

Re: Fever, Redux (or, No-Star Cell Service) [Ch. 7] PG13

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:13 pm
by darkstarrising
The plot thickens....not only does Josh know about vampires, his fears about Beth's feelings for Mick are confirmed and he doesn't handle it too well. Loved Josef's snarky comment about it, too!!

Julie, I love your Leni, and was glad she came to Mick's defense when Josh came flaming out of the box. She's a tough lady, and I think she's developed a soft spot for Mick.

And Josh wanting to understand 'vampire stuff'? If I were Mick, I wouldn't trust Josh as far as I could throw him :no: Bad enough, he's the DA, but he's a jealous one as well.

Glad you're continuing this story :hug:

Re: Fever, Redux (or, No-Star Cell Service) [Ch. 7] PG13

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:16 am
by jen
This is wonderful!!!!

It seems that Mick is less angry at Josh than he is at Beth, and I suppose I can understand why he is feeling that way at the moment.

I need to review the prior chapters to refresh my memory.

Thank you!!

Re: Fever, Redux (or, No-Star Cell Service) [Ch. 7] PG13

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:01 pm
by mitzie

Re: Fever, Redux (or, No-Star Cell Service) [Ch. 7] PG13

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:11 am
by NocturneInCMoll
Red--Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed the rescue. :thumbs: Poor Josef, good thing silver-coloured things are okay.

Francis--Thanks for reading! Mick and Beth may have not had their pivotal moment, but perhaps there will be another. We'll see. For now, Josh's questions need to be answered. I suppose Josef is a little less ruthless here, but he needed Beth/Josh, and they passed a couple of tests. They were discreet in trying to find out if he was a vampire like Mick, and for the purpose of seeing if anything special needed to be done about Mick's body so the secret wouldn't be discovered. Speaking of Mick, of course he will still beat himself up. :winky:

Karen--Thank you! Josh is still having some difficulties with the news about vampires, plus Beth being very close to Mick, but ultimately he is a good and honourable guy, and I think he'll be all right. In this story. :snicker: Leni is very tough, and is as protective of Mick as he is of her. They sort of have a similar bond to the one Mick and Beth share in the real Fever, but purely platonic.

Jen--Thank you! Mick can't be very mad at Josh, he didn't ask to be told the secret, and he is still searching for answers and trying to understand--and to think outside the stereotype, which Mick didn't help much with. :eyeroll:

Mitz--Thanks for the bump! No symphony of emoticons, though? :shrug:

Re: Fever, Redux (or, No-Star Cell Service) [Ch. 7] PG13

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:13 am
by Moonlightsonata
Thanks for continuing the story. Some interesting twists. As a Mick/Beth shipper though I do have some mixed feelings about Mick's blood relationship with Leni.

Re: Fever, Redux (or, No-Star Cell Service) [Ch. 7] PG13

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:43 am
by NocturneInCMoll
Thanks, Moonlightsonata. Don't worry...Mick and Leni's blood connection will be platonic, more like brother and sister--but that doesn't mean it won't affect Beth.

I'm happy to report that the muse has seen fit to provide me with the next chapter already. :gasp: I'm expecting to finish it tonight if all goes well. Then it's off to the beta...