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Camino del Monte Sol, ch. 3 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 7:14 pm
by librarian_7
Author’s Note: This story is a collaboration between OnceBitTwiceShy and myself for Champagne Challenge #128: Reader/Writer II. OBTS provided the idea of Josef visiting Santa Fe in the 1920’s, and running into…well, you’ll have to read the story. The settings are as accurate as I can make them, having been in Santa Fe myself many times, and also using various resources on the City Different, as they call it, and its inhabitants back in the ‘20s. While I could find no record of a hotel located in Sena Plaza, such a place does exist, and who knows? It could have housed a small hotel at one time. The artists’ colony, and their compound on Camino del Monte Sol, are documented. There will be a thread with a set of pictures and links to places, costumes, cars, posted after most chapters. My thanks to OBTS not only for the idea, but for her encouragement and input as the story progressed. I don’t own Josef, or any of the historical locations and personages mentioned in the story. Any errors or misrepresentations of fact are mine.

Camino del Monte Sol

III. Sena Plaza

The party at La Fonda went on until long after midnight, before Mruk suggested they migrate back up to the compound on Camino del Monte Sol. Ellis agreed, commenting that he had a trip to Chimayo planned for the next day. Which, of course, sparked a discussion on location, light, and transporation details, since the artists were sharing one vehicle at the time, and it was none too reliable.

And that went on until Reza stood up, wobbling, with one hand on Nash’s shoulder to steady herself. “I promised my mother I’d be home by ten,” she said. “It’s after that, right?”

Bakos laughed. “It’s after one, darling.”

“Oh. Well, then, I must run on.”

“I’d be happy to see you home, Señorita Razor,” Stephen offered, but she dismissed him with an airy wave of her hand.

“No, no. I have my car tonight.”

Stephen blinked. So her expensive clothing was no anomaly, much as it stood out in this bunch of down-at-the-heel artists. She came from real money. “Are you sure that’s wise?”

She laughed, her teeth very white against her scarlet lips. “I’ll be fine. Everyone knows to get out of my way.”

Nash echoed her laughter. “You could always come back to my place, Reza. It’s closer.” He slipped an arm around her waist.

She batted his hand away. “Oh, no. I need to get some sleep. You won’t want to paint me with circles under my eyes.” And with a saucy flip of her hair, her hat dangling from one hand, she sashayed out of the lounge.

Bakos caught Stephen’s eye, shaking his head. “She loves her entrances and exits, that one.”

He chuckled. “I can tell.”

Shortly, the artists decamped to their homes, arms slung around each other as they lurched down the street singing a lugubrious Spanish song about lost loves and broken hearts. Something about dolores de mi corazon.

Stephen watched them go from the hotel’s door, before stepping quietly into the night. He headed in the opposite direction, passing the black, looming bulk of St. Francis cathedral on his way to Palace Avenue and the colonnaded walk in front of Sena Plaza. He noted the turquoise paint on the slender pillars, as well as the door and window frames, as bright to his eyes as though lit by the sun, and not moonlight alone. He knew the color was a superstition, meant to ward off the presence of evil spirits, and twisted his mouth in ironic humor, thinking it was too bad he felt not the slightest pang in passing among the warding blue. Unconsciously he raised a hand to his royal blue necktie, smoothing it. He rather liked the color, in fact.

The desk of the tiny hotel was deserted as Stephen passed, and he made his way silently to the upper gallery, seeking out the familiar scent of his women.

A light tap on the door marked 7 caused a sleepy stirring within, and he called out softly, “Open up, it’s me.”

In the next instant, the door flung open and Stephen found himself drawn into a fierce embrace. “We’d given you up,” Patrice said, sliding into his open jacket, the warmth of her voluptuous body almost a shock against his cool skin.

She was joined at once by Dorothea and Louise, the three of them all seeking to burrow into his embrace, stropping around him like so many cats.

“You missed me, kittens?” He was answered with a flurry of kisses and soft cries, three mouths seeking his. He responded in kind, dropping kisses down on upturned faces, his arms wide to encircle them all. This was what he needed, he thought. No undercurrents, no dangerous flirtations. Just simple affection and uncomplicated desire.

He felt a tug at his collar, and realized one of the girls had stepped back, holding his necktie like a taut leash. “Lou-Lou, what are you doing?”

She laughed, keeping up a gentle traction, backing away slowly and bringing him along, the moonlight through the window making her diaphanous silk slip nightgown almost transparent, the light creating a hazy nimbus around her form. Stephen, looking at the girls on either side of him, realized that they all were wearing next to nothing. He could feel warm hands on the seat of his trousers urging him forward.

“Well,” Louise said, “this room has a very…large…bed.”

Patrice and Dorothea giggled.

“I see,” Stephen said. “Big enough for all of us?”

By then, Louise had scrambled up onto the bed, still leading Stephen by the tie, and he was at the point of needing to do the same. “I don’t know,” she said with a teasing smile. “Shall we find out?”

Stephen disentangled his arms long enough to shed his jacket, then moved onto the bed with Patrice and Dorothea beside him. He could feel subtle fingers working at the buttons of his shirt, but he spared them no attention.

Louise sat back on her heels, knees spread for balance, her short nightie now concealing even less. As Stephen crawled onto the bed toward her, his eyes flickering to crystal blue as his own desire ignited, her expression gained a hint of uncertainty. Teasing the vampire always held a hint of danger.

One sharp tug freed his tie from her grasp, and he looked down at the creased and crumpled silk. A low growl escaped his lips. “You’ve been a very, very naughty girl, Lou-Lou. How shall I punish you?”

Her eyes went round. “I –I don’t know!” she squeaked.

“You know, I could turn you over my knee,” Stephen said with a wolfish grin. “Warm your little round ass.”

She caught her lower lip between her teeth, with a quick intake of breath. “Oh.”

“But perhaps that wouldn’t be a punishment. Perhaps I should just send you out to sleep on the couch while Patrice and Thea stay with me.” He loosened the tie, all but ripping it off, and allowed the two other girls to slide his shirt from his shoulders, leaving him in a thin undershirt and trousers. “Maybe I’ll just tickle you.” Louise laughed, and squirmed as he grabbed her, feigning struggle just enough to tighten his grip on her as they fell onto the mattress, her warm, curvaceous body beneath his.

After that, things got a little fuzzy. Later, Stephen recalled hands everywhere, his own encountering the swell of a breast here, the subtle curve of a silken hip there. And the sweet, wet mouths on him, tongues caressing him, teasing his fangs to extend. His mouth against their skin, fangs piercing, drawing their blood even as his fingers invaded other moist recesses. The three women blended together in his mind, all of them moving against him, beside him.

The sky was beginning to lighten when Stephen extracted himself carefully from the pile of sleeping, sated freshies. He was feeling pretty sated himself, even though he’d tried to limit himself to sips from all of them.

He trailed a finger over the flushed cheek of one of the girls, and she smiled in her sleep with a small, satisfied noise. He should go, seek out his darkened hotel room and rest, but he lingered, watching the women sleep. He tried to imagine Therésa as a part of the scene, the vivid flame of her personality subordinated to his needs. He couldn’t quite manage it, but the idea stirred something within him.

As he dressed, he wondered how he should proceed, how she would react to his nature. That was always the dicey part, the point where seductions sometimes failed.

On the bed, Louise moved, her short dark hair shifting to put her eyes in shadow. Her mouth looked swollen, lips fuller than usual. And long, cool, Thea, a different shade of brunette, curled around her. Sweet Patrice, his sunkissed blonde, lay slightly apart, but as he watched, she shivered and moved in closer to the other two.

Stephen hated to cover all those rounded limbs that had been wrapped around him so enticingly, so recently, but he couldn’t have them getting chilled. He found a blanket, kicked to the floor sometime in the night, and shook it out, settling it over them. He’d have to have a good breakfast brought in for them. With the blood loss, they’d need to replenish themselves, else he’d be stuck with the uncertainty of local produce.

As he walked back to La Fonda through the pre-dawn gray, he whistled a little to himself, an old melody but a suitable one, “Auprès de ma Blonde,” although he thought he’d been next to his brunettes, as well. Even if he wasn’t technically alive, life was good.

Re: Camino del Monte Sol, ch. 3 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 7:36 pm
by francis
It seems that willing freshie included a little more than it did later. Stephen is more adventurous than Josef, maybe because Charles in between lost someone dear to him.
I really love how Razor made her exit. She's fiery.

Re: Camino del Monte Sol, ch. 3 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 7:44 pm
by tucutecats
lovin :hyper2: it ,

Re: Camino del Monte Sol, ch. 3 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 8:44 pm
by jen
The unrestrailed pursuit of pleasure and passion continues unabated, but I didn't entirely expect it at that time. Nonetheless, the gentle chase continues. Well, poor Stephen does not have to suffer too much in the process.

I would expect somewhere, in Casa Kostan or his offices at Kostan Industries, there is some artwork that he obtained around this time, from this group.

Thank you!


Re: Camino del Monte Sol, ch. 3 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 12:48 am
by librarian_7
Those Jazz Age babies! Wild girls in a wild time...and Stephen is certainly benefitting from it.

Francis, I like your idea. I think Josef did go through some changes, from that time to this.

And jen, well, wait and see!


Re: Camino del Monte Sol, ch. 3 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:00 am
by allegrita
What a delicious romp. :melts: I love the relationship Stephen has with his "kittens"... but I've got to wonder if Razor will fit into the group. :chin: She strikes me as adventurous enough, but not submissive enough to make it as a freshie. On the other hand, she'd be a heck of an interesting wild fling. And of course, if he does have a fling with her, how will her artist friends react - especially Nash? :brow:

Re: Camino del Monte Sol, ch. 3 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:13 am
by darkstarrising
Stephen is an intriguing pre-sage of the man we know as Josef. He savors the simple pleasures, the warmth of a woman's body, the playfulness of his freshies.
This was what he needed, he thought. No undercurrents, no dangerous flirtations. Just simple affection and uncomplicated desire.
There's a tenderness about Stephen that seems tempered in Josef; both care for their freshies, but you get the feeling that this trio provides sustenance beyond what lies within their veins.

And Razor? She's her own woman, but I look forward to whether she's a match for Stephen.

This is a wonderful glimpse of a vampire for the ages, ladies. :rose:

Re: Camino del Monte Sol, ch. 3 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 3:33 am
by NightAir
Stephen hasn't yet metamorphosed into Lucky's Josef. His rules were different then. He didn't yet believe in love. It was still all about a quest for excitement and paradoxically, for comfort, at this point in time. I wonder how much excitement Razor will bring to him? And him to her?

Re: Camino del Monte Sol, ch. 3 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 3:10 am
by cassysj
This is deliciously fun for both Stephen and the freshies. While all the girls "love" him with this "foursome bed he doesn't have the same complications of picking one freshie. They are all "even" and while he makes them feel special so much of this feels to me that wants to keep his food tasty.

Razor on the other hand would be a hot potato. I'm not sure if she'd fit with these girls but I think he wants to have fun in the pursuit.

Stephen while having the same style and intelligence is very different from Josef. I look forward to getting to know him better.

Re: Camino del Monte Sol, ch. 3 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 2:00 pm
by jenstc2003
*Grins* J never changes, does he? Always with an armful of loving freshies! Wouldn't do for him to have one of his sides get cold, now would it? *winks* Razor sounds like a true character- how she fits in with the kittens might be EXTREMELY entertaining to see.

Re: Camino del Monte Sol, ch. 3 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 3:41 am
by moonlight_vixen
Ah, Stephen does know how to have fun doesn't he? And the girls definitley did the perfect job of bringing out his wilder side! :winky:

Razor intrigues me...I can't wait to see her next "entrance and exit."

Re: Camino del Monte Sol, ch. 3 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:13 pm
by RangerCM
Oh, the life of a freshie :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: