Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

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Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

A piece of freshie fluff for the challenge. This is a prequel to my Thanksgiving fic, "Follow That Freshie" and tells how Kylie came to work for Josef.

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Characters: Josef and my O.C. Kylie Jenkins
Rated: PG

Fresh from the Farm

Kylie looked away from the four bare walls of her efficiency apartment and back down at her checkbook. The numbers hadn’t changed. Sighing, she put it away and began to change into her waitress uniform. Making it in Hollywood was proving to be much harder than she had expected and she had been naively unprepared. She hadn’t even had any professional photographs of herself when she arrived. Her waitressing job barely covered the rent and utilities. At least she got a free meal whenever she worked. If she made good tips she was able to make a small payment on what she still owed the photographer and for the two nice outfits she bought for auditions.

She looked at the outfits now as she reached for her pink uniform. She had been passed over yet again for a part. She’d be happy with a bit in a commercial – anything. The directors said they liked the “fresh from the farm” country air about her and her sunny disposition, but she had no experience. Not even a modeling class.

How am I supposed to get experience if no one will give me a chance to get experience? she asked herself for the umpteenth time. If I don’t make some real money soon, I’ll have to give up and go back home. “Home,” she scoffed aloud. A homeless shelter. She and her mother had had to sell their farm after her father died, and then lost their small house when her mother lost her job. She had hoped to make her way in Hollywood and send money home to her mother so she could move out of the shelter.

“Ha. You can’t even support yourself,” she said as she pinned her hair up in front of the mirror. With a final glance she pasted her “sunny disposition” back in place. “Be polite and cheery to everyone you meet,” Savannah had told her when they first met at an audition. “Not only will you make good tips, but you never know what important Hollywood person you might be serving. People really do get discovered that way!”

Kylie walked the ten blocks to the diner, saving the bus fare. She missed seeing Savannah, the only person she had made friends with here. They used to run into each other at auditions all the time, but Kylie hadn’t seen her for over two months now. She assumed she must have landed a good role. Well, if it happened for her, it can happen for me. I will keep smiling, and being cheerful, and maybe I’ll get discovered too.


Kylie walked up to the table of giggling young women and handed out menus. “Can I get you something to drink?” Kylie looked around the table. “Savannah!”

“Kylie! How good to see you! This is Janelle and Lizette,” Savannah pointed out her friends. “How have you been?”

“Oh, I’m okay. Still hoping for that big break.” She smiled as she looked wistfully at the designer clothes on the young women. “You must have landed a good gig. Congrats! Now, what can I get you?”

Savannah and the others placed their orders and stared after Kylie as she walked away. They immediately put their heads together and began to whisper animatedly. The conversation stopped abruptly when Kylie brought their orders.

“That’s two chef salads and one fruit plate,” Kylie said cheerfully as she set down their meals. “Will there be anything else?”

“No thanks,” they replied in unison. Savannah grabbed Kylie’s wrist as she started to turn away.

“Kylie, I might have an opportunity for you. Are you off tomorrow night?”

“Yeah, it so happens I am. What kind of opportunity?”

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow. Are you still in that little apartment?” Kylie nodded. “I’ll come pick you up around eight. Wear something dressy.”


Kylie opened her door and quickly turned away. “Hi, come on in. I just have to finish my make-up,” she said as she walked back into the tiny bathroom. Savannah watched as she leaned against the bathroom door.

“Not too much lipstick. And put your hair up.”

Kylie paused and turned to look at her friend. “Really? I thought the curls looked better down.”

“They’ll look even better up. Here, I’ll help you,” she said, grabbing a brush and some clips.

Ten minutes later Kylie eyed herself in the bathroom mirror. “Wow, that looks terrific! Thanks, Savannah!”

“Don’t mention it. Are you ready now? Good, let’s go.”

Kylie locked her door and they headed to Savannah’s car. “You haven’t told me yet what this audition is for.”

They reached the car and climbed in. “Well, it’s not an audition, exactly. More like an interview.” Kylie looked at her friend and waited for her to continue. “I can’t tell you a whole lot right now, but you’ll learn all you need to know once we get there. Janelle, Lizette and I think you’ll be a terrific addition. We talked to the manager and she said to bring you by the club.”


Savannah ignored the question and instead asked one of her own. “You’re, um, not squeamish around blood, are you?”

“What? No, of course not. I was raised on a farm, remember? But what does blood have to do with anything?” She thought a minute. “Oh – you’re not selling your blood are you? ‘Cause I looked into that once, and believe me, you can’t make enough selling plasma to afford those clothes and shoes!”

Savannah laughed. “No, I’m not selling my blood plasma. Well, at least not like how you’re thinking.” She pulled into a parking place. “Okay, here we are.”

Kylie looked out the window and saw they had arrived at The Moonlight Club. She turned to Savannah, shocked. “Savannah! You’re not, I mean… you haven’t started selling your...No, sorry, I can’t do that.”

Her friend stopped smiling as confusion crossed her face. “Selling my wha…?” Realization dawned and she once again began to laugh. “Oh, no no no no, honey! Did you think I was a hooker now? Oh, you’re too funny.” She started to grab her purse and then paused, becoming serious as she looked directly at her friend. “You are going to see some things that will probably shock you at first. And what you see you can never tell another person about outside of the club. But trust me, it is perfectly safe.” She looked at the club and then back at Kylie. “Well, for the most part, it is. You just need to relax and don’t be scared. It really is the most amazing thing!” she gushed. Slamming the car doors shut she locked them and grabbed Kylie’s arm. “Come on!”

Kylie reluctantly followed. What in the world have I gotten myself into now?


Kylie stood in front of her closet clad only in her underwear, trying to decide what to wear. Her small closet was now crammed with lovely dresses and its floor covered with shoes. As she flipped through the hangers she caught sight of the pink waitress uniform, now stuffed at the back of the closet. She fingered the sleeve and thought back. Has it really only been four weeks since I quit the diner and started working at The Moonlight Club? She pushed it aside and finally pulled out a teal dress and slipped it on, still thinking about her sudden change in fortune.

She had been shocked to learn about the secret world of vampires and their freshies. But Savannah and Lizette seemed to be none the worse for wear, and the money was more than she could have hoped for. And I’m certainly not making it as an actress, she thought as she applied her makeup. Marta, the freshie manager, explained that The Moonlight Club catered to upper vampire society and they had a strict code of conduct for both their freshies and the clientele. Kylie was given a signing bonus up front, which allowed her to pay off her debts and expand her wardrobe. She planned on keeping the small apartment until she had saved enough to get her mother out of the shelter and into her own apartment. When she wasn’t on the feeding schedule the Club let her work as a cocktail waitress and she made excellent tips. She was well liked by the other freshies as well as the vamps. With her genuinely cheery personality and the unique spice in her blood from her fresh-air country upbringing, she was quickly rising to the top of the preferred list.


Josef left his office and headed home. It had been an especially profitable evening and he was in a good mood, humming along with the satellite radio and drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. He sped past The Moonlight Club, thinking how long it had been since he’d last visited there. Glancing at its retreating lights in his rear view mirror, he made a snap decision. With squealing tires he made a U-turn in the middle of the road and sped back towards the club, screeching to a halt at the entrance. The valet quickly greeted him.

“Good evening Mr. Kostan, sir. It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen you.”

“Good evening James,” Josef said as he tossed his keys to the valet. “Treat her gently now, understand?”

“Yessir! Of course, sir!” James replied as he climbed behind the wheel. Josef cringed as James peeled away from the curb.

Entering the club Josef headed straight for the bar. “Mr. Kostan, nice to see you again sir.”

“Hello, Charles. Scotch. The good stuff.”

“Naturally, sir.”

Josef sipped his drink and scanned the crowd. His eyes were drawn to a lovely strawberry blonde in animated conversation with several other vamps. He could hear her laughter drifting over to him above the music. It seemed genuine, not forced like that of so many freshies who fawn over the clientele. His reverie was suddenly broken when a woman appeared at his side.

“Josef darling! So good to see you!”

Josef turned and set his drink down, grabbing Marta’s hands. “Marta, you look as lovely as ever,” Josef said as he kissed each of her cheeks.

“You are such a flatterer!” she protested, clearly pleased. “You should have called ahead and let me know you were coming. I’ll have a room prepared for you at once,” she said as she turned to Charles and nodded. He nodded back in return and picked up the phone.

“It was a last minute decision to stop by.” Josef picked up his drink and once again turned his back to the bar, searching the room. He smiled when he caught sight of the young woman again.

Marta’s eyes shifted between Josef’s face and the object of his gaze. “Ah, I see you’ve noticed our new girl, Kylie. Only been on the feeding circuit a few weeks. She’s such a sweet child.”

“I’d like to meet her.”

“Of course,” Marta said as she caught Kylie’s eye and motioned for her to come over.

Kylie excused herself from the group and came over to Marta, smiling shyly at Josef. “Kylie my dear, this is Mr. Kostan. He is one of our most important clients.”

Kylie held her hand out. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kostan.”

Josef took her hand and raised it to his lips. “The pleasure is all mine,” he said as he bestowed a light kiss. “And please, call me Josef.”

Just then the phone behind the bar rang. Marta turned to look at Charles as he answered it, giving her a curt nod. She turned back to Josef and Kylie.

“Josef, I have your usual suite ready for you.”

“Thank you, Marta.” He held his arm out to Kylie. “Shall we?” Kylie blushed as she placed her hand in the crook of his elbow and walked with him to the suites in the back.

Kylie had been in some of the suites before, but never one this elegant. It reminded her of a Victorian parlor from an old movie. Josef sat down on the plush settee and pulled Kylie down onto his lap, brushing a few stray ringlets of hair away from her neck. She relaxed into his embrace and couldn’t help but moan softly as he sucked on her neck.


Kylie’s eyes fluttered open. She was surprised to find herself still in the lavish suite. In her previous encounters, few as they had been, she either walked out under her own power or awoke in the freshie recovery quarters. As she moved to sit up she was even more surprised to discover Josef still there, handing her a glass of juice.

“Easy now. Here, drink this.” Josef sat on the edge of the sofa table across from her.

“Mr. Kost…I mean, Josef,” she stammered after he gave her an admonishing look. “Why am I still here? Why are you still here? Did I do something wrong?”

He reached over and patted her knee. “You did nothing wrong, sweetheart. Your blood was so delicious I had a hard time stopping myself. I’m afraid I took more than I intended to, and I stayed to make sure you were alright.” Ignoring Kylie's doubtful look, he stood up and began to pace around the room. “So, who introduced you to Marta?”

“My friend Savannah. We met at some casting calls awhile back.”

“Ah yes, Savannah. A lovely B positive if I recall correctly.” He continued to pace. “And how long have you been working at The Moonlight Club?”

“Just four weeks now. I’ve been on the feeding schedule for three. I also work here as a cocktail waitress when I’m not in the rotation.” She couldn’t figure out what Josef was after. None of the other vamps she had fed had ever asked her anything more than her first name.

“And you’ve never worked as a freshie before coming here?”

“No sir.” She watched as Josef seemed to be deep in thought. In a shaky voice she asked, “Were you displeased?”

Josef jerked his head up and stopped his pacing. He crossed the room quickly to sit next to her and took her hand. “No sweetheart. Quite the contrary. Your blood is divine. In fact, I like everything about you. You’re refreshingly different from the usual freshie.” His comments made Kylie blush.

And then Josef Kostan made his second snap decision of the night.

“Kylie, how would you like to come work for me?”

Kylie’s guard went up. “What do you mean, for you? Doing what, exactly?”

Josef smiled and had to remind himself she was new. “There are some vamps who can afford to have their own freshies, including yours truly. My mansion has a dormitory wing for my girls and a chef who prepares their meals. I also keep a doctor on call. You would be in a rotation to feed me at my request, and would also be expected to feed any of my friends who happen to stop by and need a fresh drink. I also entertain frequently. In addition to a salary you get a clothing allowance and the use of a car. All your needs will be seen to. Oh, and of course you will sign a nondisclosure contract.” He finished and looked at her expectantly.

Kylie was astonished. Live in a mansion? It all sounded so wonderful! Almost too good to be true, in fact. She was happy working at the club, at least so far. It was steady work and she knew she would be able to get an apartment for her mother in another few months.

“Well?” Josef seemed surprised that she had not immediately jumped at the offer.

Kylie gathered her courage and looked him in the eye. “It sounds like a wonderful opportunity. However, I make good money in wages and tips here and I can’t give that up so easily. I would only consider leaving if I would earn more than I’m making here.”

Josef did not often find himself speechless. He took her hand in both of his and grinned. “Kylie my dear, I can assure you that you will be earning much more than what you make here.”

Kylie smiled. “Then when can I start?”

“I can have you moved in tonight. Let’s go give Marta the news.”

The End

And in case you wish to continue Kylie's story, Follow That Freshie - Chapter 1
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Re: Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by eris »

What a sweet freshie story, MLC. :hearts:

Those poor city girls with the smog in their blood just can't compete with the fresh off the farm, free-range, variety.
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Re: Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by darkstarrising »

I'll be following Kylie's story, MLC.....somehow I think she's already got Josef hooked :snicker:

Wonder if the other girls will be jealous :chin:
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Re: Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by allegrita »

Free range freshie! :rolling: Oh, eris... :laugh:

I really enjoyed learning where Kylie came from. She's such a nice person-- I'm sure all that fresh air and sunshine make her blood taste nice, but really, it's her sweet nature that makes her taste good. I'm glad she's met Josef, and I hope that she'll be able to move her mom into a new place soon, now.

Are you going to continue Kylie's story, MLC?
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Re: Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by francis »

Lovely story! Kylie is such a nice girl, she deserved what she got. And Josef surely chose well. :hearts:
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Re: Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by jen »

I love this!!

Small town girl makes good in the big bad city, just not the way she thought,

Her mom is going to get out of that homeless shelter in style!

Thank you!


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Re: Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thank you so much for your comments! :flowers:

Oh, Eris... a free-range freshie! That just cracked me up! :coffee:

And dsr... the other girls being jealous? Hmm.. there might be a plot bunny in there. :chin:

Thanks alle, francis and jen for reading and leaving comments! :reading:

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Re: Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by cassysj »

Kylie is such a sweet thing, it was great to see her freshie beginnings. :clapping:
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Re: Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by librarian_7 »

In dropped by to read this after starting your new story, "Jealousy." And wasn't disappointed!

I think your freshie will get along well with Josef's other girls. He does like a tranquil house, I think!

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Re: Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thanks for looking this one up, Lucky! I'm glad you liked it! I'm still a newbie at writing freshie fics.

And a belated thank you to cassysj as well! Thank you both for reading and leaving comments.

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Re: Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by Moonlighter »

I read this before over on MLF, so this is a re-read for me. I'm moving through the Freshie fic challenges and it's still enchanting watching Kylie move up the ranks. I also spotted the plot bunny from DSR about the other girls being jealous. How fortuitous for us voracious readers!

And wouldn't you know it -- I hit another milestone reading a MLC fic. Hello 1000 posts!
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Re: Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Awww.... :smooch: I'm delighted that a post to my story earned you your Rougue wings. Or horns, maybe I should say? :angel:

Thanks for the reread, Moonlighter! :flowers:
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Re: Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by Marigold »

It's great to find out more about Kylie. She's such a nice, sweet freshie. Josef's two snap decisions paid off. :hearts:

Kylie is lucky that Savannah introduced her to the freshie world. Now she'll be able to support her mom. :twothumbs:

Thank you, MLC! Nicely done! :rose:
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Re: Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Wow, nice surprise to see this on page one! Was this your first reading of this, Marigold? Thank you for reading and leaving a comment! :flowers:

I hope you have also found Kylie's other stories, Fresh from the Farm and Jealousy. :reading:
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Re: Fresh from the Farm (One-shot, PG) Freshie Challenge

Post by cassysj »

I love that Kylie fell into a nice freshie life. She really is a very sweet girl.
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