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Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:26 pm
by redwinter101
Title: Afterglow
Author: redwinter101
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own Moonlight or any of its characters
Note: Just in case you missed earlier warnings, if you are looking for hard edges, you won't find them here.


--- Afterglow part 6 ---

Pale, golden light.

Warm wood beneath him.

Refrigerator hum.

Floor polish, leather and lilies.

Unfamiliar sensations crept through the blurred fringes of sleep, prodding Mick toward consciousness. Memories of yesterday flowed over the threshold of dreaming; he jerked, awake and aware.

Rolling onto his back, stretching out, uncomfortably clothed, feet sweaty in socks and boots. He raked his fingers through his hair, rubbed the heels of his hands against puffy, sleep-filled eyes, contemplating the new day.

The temptation to remain was strong, urging him not to act, to lie where he had fallen and let the world turn around him. Glancing towards the door, one familiar constant intruded; Josef. Levering himself upright, shaking the knots from protesting muscles, Mick opened the door, bringing Josef tumbling in to rest at his feet.



Mick turned and headed for the kitchen; Josef followed, waiting for clues, judging Mick's mood.

Filling a glass, Mick offered the same to Josef, who declined with a grimace. Mick avoided his friend’s eye; he had to ask, needing to know but not wanting to see. “So. Did Beth…?”

“She’s gone, Mick. As arranged. Everything went to plan.”

“How was she?” So quiet even Josef had to strain to hear.

Josef sighed. “Do you really want me to answer that?”

Mick shook his head, turning away, hands spread wide, braced against the counter, his head sunk to his chest.

“Thank you, Josef. For everything. I…” He felt Josef’s hand on his shoulder, the silent comfort that was all he could offer.

Taking a deep breath, a purposeful clench of fists on the worktop, Mick turned, “Well we’ve got work to do. We should start with a list of known members in the area and put together a plan to…”

“Stop, Mick. We will do all of those things. But first, before we do anything, you need to get some proper rest and get your shit together. You’re no good to me, or Beth, in this," he paused, waving his hand up and down Mick's dishevelled form, "state.”

“If you think I’m just gonna lie around, doing nothing while... well, you’re mistaken, my friend. Sorely mistaken.”

“I should have known. Day one and it starts.” Josef wiped his brow wearily. “Do I need to remind you of the promises you made to Beth? Something about staying strong? Yes? Well I don’t remember her saying anything about staying stupid.” That earned him a glare. "Look, I know you want to run at this at a thousand miles an hour, but we have to be smart. And to do that everyone, everyone needs to be at the top of their game. Including you. So, hit the freezer, get some rest, take a shower, because, by the way, you need one, get yourself fed and come over to the house at about six o’clock. We’ll all meet there, I can brief you on what we know so far and we can …

“Josef, I'm not gonna waste time...”

“That wasn’t a suggestion, Mick. See you at six.”

Then he was gone, and Mick was alone once more.


Everything was too harsh, too bright, too loud. From the moment she stepped into the arrivals hall, bustle and crush, crowding in on her. The booming announcements of transfers to obscure destinations, the squeaking luggage carts, too many people, bumping and pressing against her. She wanted to swat them all out of her way, to make them shut up, to make it quiet again.

The placard bearing her name, Mick's name, brought another wave of tears, and a curse for Josef's heavy-handed comfort. The woman, like all of Josef's women, was cool, professional and beautiful. "Mrs. St. John?"

"It's Turner. Just Turner." She fought the crack in her voice.

"Yes, Ms. Turner. This way."

They left the airport just in time to hit the peak of Monday morning rush hour; from the cocoon of solitude she and Mick had created to the rowdy battle of the capital. Beth retreated behind her sunglasses, ignoring the sideways glances from her chauffeuse, eyes closed, although sleep was far away.

The journey through the alien city passed in a slow blur until finally they reached a residential area, discreet, quiet, calm. As they pulled over and parked, Beth clambered out, scanning up and down the street. She was sure it was a desirable property in a smart part of town, but it was as anonymous to her as a cheap motel room.

The woman showed her inside, introducing her to the concierge, explaining the security, the mail, all the practicalities she would need. Beth nodded at appropriate intervals but she just wanted to get inside and be alone again. Finally they reached her apartment, stepping inside. Her guide seemed to expect a reaction, pleasure, excitement, something, but Beth just stood.

"Well, I'll leave you, unless there's anything else I can do? Ms Turner?" A hint of irritation to her tone.

"Sorry. No. Thank you." The woman had introduced herself at the airport but Beth fumbled for her name.

"All your keys and my contact details are here on the table; please call if there's anything you need." She waited for a response, but none came.

As the door closed behind her, Beth cast her eye round the room, unfamiliar but cluttered with the possessions of her old life, arranged by another's hand. It was odd and unsettling, like the aftermath of a burglary. Dropping her bag and coat to the floor, she sank into the nearest chair. The unreality slammed her; just a few short hours ago she had still been able to pretend, to hope this wouldn't come to pass. Yet here she was, a stranger in a strange town she thought bitterly. At the start of her career she had dreamed of one day making it to Washington, of covering national stories, winning a Pulitzer, all the things that had fuelled her ambition. Now that she was here, she would give anything to go back.

Where to start. So much to do and so little energy to do it. She lay down, just to close her eyes, just to pretend a little longer, but sleep wouldn't come.

Eventually, practicality came to her rescue and she rose, seeking out the bathroom and then to the kitchen. Refrigerator and cupboards were fully stocked; everything she could need was right here. The thought brought the sting to her throat again.

"You're here. Nothing you can do about that now. Time to just get on with it." Saying the words out loud jolted the silence. That was the first thing to fix. Music, some background, a new rhythm to establish.

"Coffee. Something to eat. One foot in front of the other." She kept up her commentary as she moved through the apartment, starting to exert some order. Settling back on the couch, the caffeine working its magic, she pulled out Josef's document case, resting it on her knees. She had ignored his instructions to read it on the plane but she would have to do it sooner or later. Taking a deep breath, she opened it and pulled out a thick sheaf of documents, topped with a handwritten note.

Everything practical you need is here.

This is a chance to make your name so give it your best shot and think about how much fun you can have telling Mick all about your adventures when you come back.

Knock 'em dead.


"Oh, Josef. You old softie," half-laugh, half-sob. "And you're right. No use wallowing. Time to get down to business." She shook herself, sat upright and started to read. New job, a meeting with her new boss in a couple of days' time, a contact list to get her started, even directions to the office. He'd thought of everything. Almost in spite of herself, she was intrigued, reaching for her laptop. Time to find out a bit more about her new employer and the crime beat that would be her stomping ground.

Hours passed as she lost herself in research: the station, the editorial board, the staff, the type of stories they covered. She was impressed; this was a professional step-up for her and she would need to be at the top of her game. Josef must have pulled some weighty strings to fix this up.

Exhausted by her efforts, she closed the laptop. The sun was setting; thoughts of Mick crowded in again. "One day at a time, Turner. One day at a time." She curled up where she sat, resting her head on her wrist, breathing in his scent, succumbing to the welcome pull of sleep.


Josef surveyed the room as Mick slipped in and took the final seat. They caught each other's eye, nodded, a brief smile. Time to get started.

"Good evening, everyone, and thank you all for coming." He managed to make it sound as though they had been offered a choice. "I think you all know each other and you all know why we're here so let's not waste any time on small talk. We have a problem and we need to find a solution. So let's review." All eyes tracked him as he levered himself away from the desk, circling the table, holding each stare in turn.

"Option one: we do nothing." He felt Mick's shock; everyone else stared at him, waiting for his reaction. "We have to consider whether the consequences are worth getting involved. We're dealing with some serious people, as we have all learnt to our cost." He paused again, scanning the room. "I know that you all came here at my request, but you need to know that this is a volunteer army. If you don't want to be involved, leave now and no more will be said."

He waited.

Mick watched.

No-one moved.

"Fine. So we can discount option one. Option two: all out war." He was pacing now, warming to his task, enjoying the drama. A wordless rumble of concern rolled around the room. "We tear up the truce, set ourselves at odds with the rest of the community, put our own and everyone else's lives at risk," he paused for effect, "Just so Mick can get laid." He fixed Mick with a cool stare, daring him to respond. Mick sat back in his chair, his thoughts masked, while everyone else shifted uncomfortably in their seats. "Any takers?" Silence. "No. I didn't think so."

Josef kept his eyes fixed on Mick. "And so to our only realistic choices. Option three: negotiate. Now this would get my vote, if only we had something to negotiate with. So far, we haven't managed to come up with anything the Legion actually wants that we are prepared to give up. If we can, this could be a winner. We already know that money and influence are unappealing - they have more than enough of both already. So we need a new angle. Mr. England,"

Ryder sat up straight, "Yes, sir."

"This is your baby. We need information. What do they want more than keeping Mick and the lovely Miss Turner separated? Find it and we have a chance."

Ryder smiled; an opportunity to use his skills to the full. If there was something there, he'd find it.

"And finally, we reach my personal favourite, option four: blackmail, extort and threaten." Josef grinned. "Know your enemy, my friends. Let us not forget that the Legion is made up of individuals, humans with their own particular fears and foibles. Some of them we have come to know all too well but there are new faces, new players and new opportunities. Mr. England, if you would hand out the assignments please? Here is a file on all of the members we know, with all the information we have to date, split according to your particular skills. We need to know everything." Josef pounded the table for emphasis. "Only then can we decide how to proceed. So nobody makes a move on any of these targets until I say so. Does everyone understand?" They all nodded, all except Mick.

"All information goes through Mr. England. It is vital that you keep him up to date with progress, the smallest snippet may be significant. We'll meet back here at this time next Monday and review. Okay?" A circle of nods. "Well? What are you waiting for? Go. Get on with it." He stood, shooing them out. Only Mick remained, unmoved.

"Did you mean it?"

"Did I mean what?"

"Come on, Josef, dumb doesn't suit you."

"Mick, you know that I will do anything in my power to help you and Beth; but I won't restart a war. And I won't allow you to either." Mick's head snapped round and for a brief moment Josef was confronted with snarling silver. "I'm sorry, Mick, but that's the reality of this situation and if you can't accept that, then we've got a problem."

"A problem that you'd deal with how?"

"You know the answer to that, Mick. Dumb doesn't suit you either." He kept his voice deliberately soft, but his meaning was clear. "Think about Beth. Think about what you've promised each other and don't do anything stupid. That's how we'll all get through this, no matter how long it takes."

Mick rose. With a single sharp nod of agreement, he picked up the file and headed for the door. He turned as he reached the doorway, "But it does matter how long we take. We've got one year, Josef, and then Beth's coming back, no matter what. And the closer that deadline gets..." He didn't need to finish the sentence for his meaning to be clear.


It was mid-morning when Beth woke, surprised to have slept so late and so soundly, a vague memory of having stumbled into bed in the middle of the night. The strangeness of waking in unfamiliar surroundings forced her back under the covers, pulling her shirt, Mick's shirt, tightly around her. She gave herself a count of ten, dragging herself out into the chill room and through to the kitchen. Time to start the day. Saying her silent prayer for Mick, she pulled out a thick black marker pen and crossed off Monday 7th April on the calendar. "Day one."

By the time Mick had read and re-read the information, it was near dawn. He was surprised and encouraged by the breadth and depth of detail, giving him plenty to work with. His notes littered the margins, his thoughts were ordered; he had a clear place to start. Closing the file, he sat back, arms thrown behind his head, staring at the grey door back to the apartment. He wished he could stay here; this was his place with few memories of Beth. Stepping back into their empty home filled him with dread. But he knew he had to do this properly, stay strong and that meant hitting the freezer. He had one final task to complete first. Pulling thick creamy paper and an envelope from the desk drawer, he started to write the first letter, the first of all those she would never receive. "Day one."

Re: Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:28 pm
by lorig
YAY!!! Ok, I feel like it's Christmas morning and I got everything I wanted. I am sooo glad you posted this. I LOVE this story. It is so beautifuly written. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Re: Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:34 pm
by redwinter101
Aw, thanks lorig. Part 7 is in the works.


Re: Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:04 pm
by lmm
Hey, red!!! Yeah, you finally posted it here. Thank you!

I am soo glad that you didn’t make them to drown in their misery after their parting. I love that you did not make this chapter melodramatic. They are both very strong individuals. And even though Mick (imo) is not as strong emotionally as Beth and I do believe that he would be a total mess, that he would want to crawl in the corner and howl from the misery that set upon him, I also believe that he would pull himself together fast. And Beth is so romantic, but so practical the same time. She will be fine. It what Beth would do, sink her teeth into the new and exciting adventure, because she just can’t sit and cry. One day at the time!!!

And thank you for Josef. I love him here. Love him!
"Just so Mick can get laid." That was brutal but honest…

I don’t know how you are going to solve this problem that they have, but I am exited about what is coming next. Just make them live happily ever after, will you?…


Re: Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:13 pm
by redwinter101
lmm, for you, I would do *almost* anything - except give away the ending ;)

I'm so very happy to see you here - and I love that you approve of the characterisation - it means I know I'm getting something right.


Re: Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:31 pm
by lmm
Shut! I thought I had a chance! :lol:

Re: Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:34 pm
by redwinter101
My lips are sealed...

Re: Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:24 am
by mitzie
This story is just simply stunning! That's all I can think of to say, it completely captures my mind and heart, it takes me a while to come back to earth!!

Cannot wait for part 7!!!! *scream* *scream* *scream* *scream* *thud* *thud* *thud* *notworthy*


Re: Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:54 am
by coco
Stunningly good Red.
I love how Beth went straight into survival mode. Good on her.
Mick being hesitant to go back home because it reminds him of Beth and then the start of the letters. Day one indeed.
I cannot tell you how eager I am for part 7 (no pressure ;) )

Re: Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:56 am
by redwinter101
mitzie, just breathe, k? I don't want yo to do yourself a mischief.

coco, thanks, honey. Not long, I hope.


Re: Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:39 am
by Moonlighter
Just checking in on one of my favorite fics of late. This is just so beautifully written -- I can't wait to read the next update, Red!

Re: Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:48 pm
by redwinter101
Moonlighter, thanks for checking in. I've been a little bit stuck and the next chapter is taking a while. Sorry. I am working on it and will post as soon as I can.


Re: Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:28 am
by lynnrxgal
Amazing story.. and I have read and reread it several times now. I hope that you will be posting soon!

Re: Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:21 pm
by redwinter101
Thanks so much. I really am trying to get the next chapter finished...


Re: Afterglow, part six (M/B/J, PG-13)

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:13 pm
by redwinter101
Okay, chapter 7 has just gone to beta. So, depending on what comes back, it shouldn't be too much longer before I'm ready to post.
