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A special message from Tenaya Wallace regarding Alex

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:37 pm
by Emerald
This was recently sent to myself, and Sabine Atkins (Alex O'Loughlin Fans for Donate Life.) I thought you guys might like to read it as well.


Hi Sabine and Claire,

I want to thank you for all your efforts in supporting Alex’s charity of choice, Donate Life!

I had the opportunity to meet with Alex’s new publicist last week about opportunities for him to continue and enhance his support for organ and tissue donation. I pitched a couple of concepts I think the fans will really love. They are taking the ideas back to Alex to review and I am hopeful we’ll be able to implement something by the end of the year (Hollywood works in slow motion sometimes!)

I showed the publicist the Alex O’Loughlin Fans for Donate Life site and told them that the German fan club raised money for Donate Life that was matched by Alex himself. I asked whether he has an official Facebook page to help clear up that confusion. According to Alex’s new publicist this IS his official Facebook page: ... 7649024403

The CBS publicist may not have known about this site because it is being run by Alex’s personal publicist.

I also want to share that I think the big reason why Alex has been so out of touch is because he is filming in some very remote locations in Hawaii. In fact, the reason his assistant set up the meeting between myself and his publicist is because she wasn’t able to reply to my emails when they were on location.

Please tell the fans that I do let Alex know about their support for Donate Life. Alex is an incredibly generous, kind and humble individual and his fans are the same way!

As always, I love working with you and appreciate all the fans who support Alex’s cause: Donate Life! I hope to have some more good news about upcoming campaigns or actions in the near future. I will definitely keep you posted. For now I am really excited that Hawaii Five-O is doing so well!

Tenaya Wallace

Campaign Director, Donate Life Hollywood

PS I attached a couple of pictures that were taken last year just before the launch of Three Rivers when Alex came out to support Donate Life at an Emmy Gifting Suite. He only came to the event to be there for Donate Life, which was one of two charities featured. I am the younger blonde in the picture along with Liz Seraphin, the mother of a young woman named Amanda who became an organ donor. Liz told Alex her daughter’s story and he was visibly moved and wanted a picture with Liz, who was a bit shy. In the other picture I am showing Alex all the Donate Life materials and the green bracelets we were giving out with information about Three Rivers. It was a VERY hot day and none of us look our best but I thought the fans might like to see more of what Alex has done to support Donate Life!



Re: A special message from Tenaya Wallace regarding Alex

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:48 pm
by Lilly
Thank you SO much for sharing this with us, Em. :hearts: :hug:

Re: A special message from Tenaya Wallace regarding Alex

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:01 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
Very, very cool.

He is such an awesome human being.

Re: A special message from Tenaya Wallace regarding Alex

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:38 pm
by darkstarrising
Thanks, Em. Hope some of the ideas are accepted :fingerscrossed:

Re: A special message from Tenaya Wallace regarding Alex

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:46 pm
by jen
Thank you, Emerald!

Good to know.

I'm so glad Alex finds a way to be involved in these wonderful causes!

Re: A special message from Tenaya Wallace regarding Alex

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:09 pm
by Emerald
You guys are more than welcome, I"ll always share as much as I'm able to. :flowers:

Sabine, Tenaya, and myself have been tossing around a few potential ideas for a couple of months now. I know we had initial interest from Alex on one of them, but I'm not sure if that's going ahead, or if there are some newer ideas that are being considered instead, or as well as. Like Tenaya said, the wheels of Hollywood move slow sometimes. :snicker:

Basically the way it works is like a chain of command - from us to Tenaya to Alex's personal assistant/publicist to Alex and then back down the line again in reverse, :twothumbs: :giggle: