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Three is a Magic Number- 3rd Anniversary fic- G

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:02 pm
by JosefsRose
This is a day late but RL got in the way. So with belated wishes I give you this story.

Jenny :rose:

Disclaimer nope don't own them. No don't make any money from them. They're my favourite toys in the toy box just playing with them.

Rating - G

Three is a Magic Number

“I’m what? Oh no, no, no, no…..I can’t be.” She shook her head violently. “There has got to be some mistake. They’re someone else’s results not mine.” a single tear ran down her cheek.

“I am sorry Miss Turner.” His voice was sincere. “I take it this wasn’t the news you were expecting?” she shook her head again. He placed a gentle, comforting hand on her arm. “Shall we continue with the exam, or would you like some time to contact the father?”

“No continue with the exam.” She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself as she processed what she had just been told. She lay back and closed her eyes. She saw his face, on the occasion, the last occasion they had been together. She was brought back to the present by the touch of the doctors hand. “I’m okay, please carry on.” The doctor was fast and efficient. He gathered salient details from her. Estimating how far she had gone.

“Now, we’ll have a little look. Could you just lift your top for me. Thank you.” He brought a machine over. “The gel will be a little cold but it will soon warm up.” Beth gave a shiver as he spread the gel. Then he moved the probe over her belly. He hand paused, !There we go Miss Turner.” She looked at the screen. There in the centre was a grey black and white image. It appeared to be moving. A rapid fluttering movement. “That’s your babies heart beat. I’ll just move … this.. A .. bi…t.” A surprised look crossed his face. “Um well congratulations you’ve got twins. There’s a second, oh my, a third heartbeat. Your having triplets Miss Turner.” Beth had gone pale, the world about her spun, then went black.

“Beth, Beth, come on please, wake up. Beth Please Beth come back to me, don’t leave me.” Beth struggled back to the realm of consciousness. Her lids fluttered, then opened. As her eyes focused she was looking into two beautiful grey blue pools. “Hey there beautiful. Welcome back.”

Beth licked her lips her mind still groggy. “Josh?” Then she blinked rapidly a couple of times and her vision cleared, She didn’t miss the look of hurt that crossed the features of the man standing at her side. “Mick oh Mick.” She went to sit up, but his strong arm held her down.

“Beth, you need to stay in bed. I’ll let the doctor know your awake.” He turned his back on her and quickly left the room. Beth took the chance to look about. She was in a hospital gown, bits of her hurt. Her head throbbed and her arm was in a cast. She tried to remember what happened, but couldn’t. Mick returned with the doctor in tow. Beth gasped as she saw the man. In an instant Mick was at her side. “Beth are you ok, are you in pain?” he faced the doctor. “Doctor?”

“Nice to see you awake Miss Turner. Can you tell me what happened?” Beth just stared at him. The likeness was uncanny. “Miss Turner?”

“Beth?” Mick’s deep tone awoke her from the stupor.

“What? Sorry, um I zoned out there. Um… What did you say?” She flushed embarrassed.

“That’s alright Miss Turner.”

“Please call me Beth. Miss Turner sounds like a forth grade teacher.” She gave a weak smile.

“That’s alright Beth. I asked if you could remember what happened?” He had a clip board in his hand ready to take notes and also to read what was already recorded there.

Beth shook her head “No, not really. I had been feeling a little run down the last week or so. I’ve been working late, and thought I was coming down with a bug.” She looked at Mick, noticing that he looked pained and paler than normal. “Mick are you Ok. You look hungry, when did you last eat?”

Mick had to smile, here she was the one in hospital, and she was worried about him. “I skipped breakfast, and lunch. I had to be here for you.” He took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I was worried about you. I love you Beth.” Beth smiled.

“I love you too Mick St. John, but we can’t have both of in here. I could just see what Josef would do and say. He’d roll his eyes lift his brow and smirk. Saying that we had to do everything together.” She laughed and Mick joined her a moment later.

“You’re right. I’ll just go down to the cafeteria and get something. I won’t be long. I’ll give Josef a call just so he doesn’t think we’ve fallen off the face of the earth and send out the search dogs.” Then he was gone. Beth shook her head, smiling at the thought of Josef fretting.

*cough* Beth’s attention was brought back to the doctor. “Beth there is a few things I’d like to go through with you. You said that you felt run down.” Beth nodded and told him yes. “Well we did some blood work when you were first brought in. Your iron was low. That would explain your run down feeling. You were anaemic that is easily remedied with some simple iron supplements.” He jotted down his recommendation and filled a script for her. “There was one other thing which is not usually a standard procedure, we did a pregnancy test.” Beth lowered her head she knew what was coming.

“I’m pregnant.“ It wasn’t a question but a confirmation.

“Yes, it only remains to find out how far along. Is the pregnancy unwanted?” Beth was shocked at the question.

“What oh um… It wasn’t expected, but I couldn’t terminated it.” The door opened and it wasn’t Mick, but Josef who stood in the door way. His face was unreadable. “Josef? What are you doing here?”

He didn’t move from the doorway his eyes blank, and cold. He remained impassive even as Mick stopped behind him. “Mick I think Blondie has something to tell you.” Mick could feel the anger pouring from his friend. Unsure of the cause, and why it seemed to aimed at Beth. Then Josef spun on his heels and left. Mick was torn between following him, and going into see Beth, and ask what it was all about. Beth won out and he stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.

“Beth, tell me please what’s going on?” he pleaded with her “Why is Josef so upset?”

Beth drew air in, and decided to tell it straight out. “I’m pregnant.” the silence that filled the room thickened and became oppressive. “Mick please say something.” She watched him as his eyes flickered between crystal and normal. His fist clenched at his sides nails digging into his palms.

“How could you? I thought you loved me Beth.” He closed his eyes, and drew a long breath. He went to leave, but Beth grabbed his arm, knowing he could easily pull away.

“Mick.” She felt him freeze. “Mick there has been no-one else. You know that. There has never been anyone but you.” He wouldn’t look at her. The doctor took this chance to step in.

“I was about to examine Beth to determine how far along she is.” He moved around the bed to her side. At first he did some standard checks, including her blood pressure. He clucked his tongue, noting down the raised pressure. “Beth please try and calm yourself.” Turning to Mick he chastised him “If you are going to upset my patient I will have to ask you to leave.” He turns back to Beth a look of fatherly concern on his face. “Now I’m going to get the ultra sound scanner and well see if we can find your baby.” he moved across the room and pulled over the cart with the machine on it. It was soon up and ready. Beth lifted her top, baring the creamy flesh of her belly, she heard a low growl from Mick. The doctor placed the cool gel on her and started the exam. There on the screen was a grey and white mess. He pause to take some measurements then he asked. “Would you like to hear the babies heart beat?” Beth glanced up at Mick, he was entranced by the images. She nodded her assent. The next moment the room was filled with a swishing sound and the doctor moved the probe to show the heart. The image on the screen. Enthralled them all. The sound increased and the doctor shifted the probe again. “Well that explains the small size of the foetus. You are having twi….. Triplets.” He showed them both all three heart beats.

“Triplets.” Beth whispered, and smiled. He focused again on the doctor. “Can you tell how long?” His smile was unfaltering.

“Going by the measurements and what you have told me I would say 12 weeks give or take a couple.” Beth shot her gaze to Mick.

“Your going to be a father Mick, these babies are yours.” He shook his head still unwilling to believe what she was telling him. “We were in Niagara, Mick. Just you and me.” she took his hand again and squeezed.

“I’m going to be a dad?” he was questioning himself. “I’m going to be a dad. Beth Oh my Beth.” The doctor finished and wiped the gel off Beth.

“I’ll leave you two alone for a little while. I’ll be back after I file her paper work. There is no reason why you can’t go home today.” Then he was gone. Mick was now all nervous energy. His whole disposition was one of happiness.

He paced about the room then was at Beth’s side his hands holding her face gently. “You have given me the one thing I never thought was possible. I love you so much.” Then he gave her a deep and passionate kiss.

Beth was grinning from ear to ear. “I love you too Mick. Happy anniversary.” Then after placing another kiss on his lips she whispered in his ear. “Go and give Josef a cigar, and tell him he’s going to be a godfather.” Mick laughed and left to find his brother.

Re: Three is a Magic Number- 3rd Anniversary fic- G

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:38 am
by jen
The line from WLB just flashed through my head

"Children are a part of a normal relationship--our relationship not being normal'

or something like that.

When they do the ultrasound, will the children have fangs in there?

Could wind up as very close quarters.

Thanks, JsefsRose