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"Let It Die"

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:34 pm
by FarCry
Set to "Let It Die" by the Foo Fighters, this is the song that got me started making videos! You can read all about that in the video description on YouTube (if you can stay awake long enough :biggrin: ) I wanted to have this done a looooong time ago, but so many things intervened :mdrama: So, here it is, just in time for the third anniversary of the premiere of Moonlight!

Re: "Let It Die"

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:42 pm
by redwinter101
Oh what an amazing labour of love. I'm all teary - such a beautiful tribute on this special day. :Mickangel:

Thanks so much. :flowers: :flowers:


Re: "Let It Die"

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:08 am
by Shadow
I saw this in my inbox while I was at work and then had to WAIT till I got home till I could watch it -- and it would be one of my super-long work days! I've been looking forward to this for so long, that extra wait was almost too much for me.... :snicker: but I've finally gotten to watch it and it was SO worth the wait. I'll be watching this one many, many times! It's just absolutely beautiful.....the perfect song, scenes that fit the song perfectly, and the perfect effects to enhance the story and set off the song. You have such a unique style, and you're still doing things I've never seen before -- and they look fabulous! The action scene at the bar was truly breathtaking -- it just looked amazing, like I was seeing something completely new -- and the way it fit the music!!! :thud: I just loved what you did with the still shots, and the color changes while Mick was driving .... :melts: :melts: Just gorgeous! I'm so glad you put up the story behind the video as well. AND so glad that this song inspired you to learn to make vids! I'll be desperately hoping that you'll make more .... :fingerscrossed: :fingerscrossed:

I need to go back now and watch it again ;) and try once again to leave a comment on Youtube! For some reason I kept getting error messages when I tried to do it before.

Re: "Let It Die"

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:44 am
by Shadow
:snicker: So, I finally figured out why I was getting those error messages on youtube ... perhaps it should have been immediately obvious that my comment was too long, but I did eventually figure it out! Just went back to watch again .... it's still fantstic. :melts:

Re: "Let It Die"

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:18 pm
by coco
Stunning vid, FarCry. :clapping: :clapping:

It is clear to see how much work went in to it and I absolutely love anything by The Foo Fighters so great song choice. :twothumbs:

Re: "Let It Die"

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:01 am
by Shadow
Back to watch again .... :biggrin:

Re: "Let It Die"

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:43 pm
by jen

Thank you!


Re: "Let It Die"

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:34 am
by FarCry
redwinter101 wrote:Oh what an amazing labour of love. I'm all teary - such a beautiful tribute on this special day. :Mickangel:

Thanks so much. :flowers: :flowers:

Thank you, Red -- I'm glad I was able to make it an emotional experience for you! :rose:

Re: "Let It Die"

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:37 am
by FarCry
coco wrote:Stunning vid, FarCry. :clapping: :clapping:

It is clear to see how much work went in to it and I absolutely love anything by The Foo Fighters so great song choice. :twothumbs:
So glad you liked it, coco. I really thought this was a perfect song for Moonlight.

Re: "Let It Die"

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:59 am
by FarCry
Wow, Shadow, what a comment! I'm so glad I was able to make the long, long wait for this video worth it, and happy that you figured out how to get your comments posted on YouTube! :laugh: I definitely tried to make everything in this video fit the song, as well as live up to my own expectations for it, which were huge, as you know. I had to change some of those scenes so many times before they looked right to me (and sometimes I'd just end up going back to what I had planned for it originally, like the driving scene), and others I just nailed the first or second time. Glad you didn't think one view was enough on this one! :teeth:

Re: "Let It Die"

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:03 am
by FarCry
jen wrote:Wonderul!

Thank you!

I'm so glad you liked it, Jenna!