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Memories IV - Milestones (BJ's Graduation) - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:10 am
by MickLifeCrisis
Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rating: G
Characters: Mick, Beth and an OC
A/N: Thanks go out as always to Lorig; she had to get out her protective suit this time for all the idea bouncing. :smirk: Many thanks also to Moonlighter for being my beta on this one. Hugs to you both! :ghug:

Memories IV - Milestones

Part 1

Mick and Beth sat in the crowded gymnasium, thankful that it was air conditioned. They had half an hour to wait until the graduation ceremony began. They each started to think back over the past 18 years. They seemed to fly by! Mick’s first thoughts were about the night BJ came home.

Mick and the Cleaners had been on the trail of a rogue vampire who had been leaving drained bodies in plain sight for over two weeks. They had almost caught him once or twice; now Mick knew his scent. He frequented the poorer side of town and Mick spent many nights wandering the area, searching and scenting. That night he picked up the rogue’s trail outside of an all-night convenience store and followed it to a run down tenement building. On the third floor he quietly stood outside the door to an apartment, holding a stake in one hand. Bursting in, Mick pulled the vampire off the body of a young woman and staked him through the heart. Tossing the paralyzed vamp aside, he immediately knelt by the victim, who looked only about 17 or 18 years old.

“Damn, her neck is broken,” Mick thought, cursing himself for not getting there sooner. He stood and called the Cleaners, then looked around the tiny one bedroom apartment. It was sparsely furnished with worn furniture, but everything was neat and clean. The groceries she had been carrying from the mini-mart were scattered across the floor. Mick looked at them: peanut butter, bread, formula, boxes of macaroni and cheese, a package of diapers, SpaghettiOs…

“Wait a minute… diapers? Formula?” Mick turned and concentrated on his senses. He walked over to the bedroom door and quietly opened it. Sound asleep in the center of the bed, surrounded by pillows and rolled up blankets for a make-shift crib, lay a tiny baby girl covered with a thin, patched blanket. Mick knew she was a girl from the tiny pink ribbon tied into a wisp of brown hair. He just stood there, staring, and didn’t move even when the Cleaner came and stood next to him.

“Well, this is a predicament. What are you going to do with the kid?”

“Shh! Not so loud! Let’s look around and see if there is any indication of a family.”

It didn’t take long for Mick to search the tiny apartment as the Cleaners worked their magic. He didn’t turn up a thing, not even the baby’s name.

The Cleaners had the staked rogue between them as they headed for the door, their work complete. “Are you sure you don’t want us to take the infant?”

“No. I’ll take care of her.” They eyed him skeptically but said nothing and walked out.

Mick returned to the bedroom and gathered the few baby items the Cleaners had left behind for him. Wrapping the worn blanket around the sleeping baby, he tucked her inside his coat as he took one last look around the now sterile apartment. No sign of life remained.

When he walked into the loft a short time later carrying a baby, Beth was speechless. Finally the words came tumbling out. “What – how – why – who…”

Mick smiled. “Beth, you’re not a reporter anymore, remember?”

Beth laughed and immediately went to Mick, taking the baby from his arms. “A baby! Oh Mick, she’s so precious! What happened?”

And so they adopted BJ and became a family.

Mick smiled at the memory. They bought a house and moved out of the city when she was three years old. She was a determined little thing, believing she could do anything, and she had Mick wrapped around her little finger.


Beth had been sitting quietly, looking around at the other parents, but not really seeing them. How could her little girl be graduating from high school already? She thought back to BJ’s first day of first grade.

“I want to ride the bus! I’m a big girl now! You drove me to kindergarten every day, and now I want to take the bus like the big kids! I’m not a baby anymore!” Mick and Beth looked at each other and shrugged. When she made her mind up, it was made up. Mick often told Beth that BJ was as stubborn as she was. So they waited with her at the end of the driveway that first morning and watched her proudly climb the steps of the big yellow school bus. Her Disney Princess backpack bumped the door as she turned to wave at her parents, grinning from ear to ear. She was so happy and Beth tried to be happy for her, but a tear slipped down her cheek anyway as she waved back.

“She’s growing up so fast,” she whispered.

Mick put his arm around her shoulders as they walked back up the driveway in silence. When they reached the garage they both stopped. As if reading each other’s mind, they turned and smiled at each other before racing to the car. Hopping in, Mick quickly backed the car out and they followed the bus all the way to school.


Beth let out a giggle and Mick turned to her, his eyebrow raised in a silent question. “I was just thinking about when she took the school bus for the first time,” Beth sighed. “She was so excited and I was so upset.”

“Not nearly as upset as when she went away to summer camp for two weeks.”

“But why do I have to stay here? What if nobody likes me? What if I don’t like the food? What if…”

“BJ, honey,” Mick said soothingly as he knelt in front of her and pulled her into an embrace. “It will all be fine. We want you to be able to play out in the sun with other kids and learn to swim and to canoe and do things that we can’t do with you in the daytime. And you’ll make lots of friends because you are such a fun person to be around! You’ll see!”

BJ pouted a bit longer. “What about the food?”

Mick looked over her head at Beth, who couldn’t help smiling, even with tears in her eyes. “Well, you try a bite of everything and see what you like. And if you don’t like anything, I’m pretty sure they will let you have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.”

BJ cocked her head and studied Mick’s face, contemplating his answer. Then she broke into a grin. “Okay, daddy. I’ll try a bite of everything.”

“That’s my girl!” he said. “It’s time for you to go line up now. Have a good time! We’ll be back here to pick you up before you know it!”

BJ hugged him around the neck. “Bye, daddy!” She ran to Beth and squeezed her tight. “Bye, mommy! I’ll make you something in craft class!”

“Okay sweetheart! Be a good girl!”

“I will!” And she ran off.

Beth sobbed the whole way home. “What if she has a bad dream? What if she hurts herself? What if the other girls don’t like her? What if…”

Beth smiled; BJ had had a terrific time and went away to camp every summer for the next five years.


Mick noticed the graduates gathering near the entrance at the back of the gym getting ready for the processional. As valedictorian, BJ was at the front of the line. He was so proud of her! She was so determined; once she put her mind to do something, she just kept at it. His heart cracked a little as he remembered the time when all the determination in the world couldn’t give her what she wanted.

They had sent BJ upstairs to get ready for bed, telling her they would come up soon to tuck her in. They became alarmed when they heard the sounds of crying, even though the water was running. They hurried upstairs and found her in the bathroom brushing her teeth with tears streaming down her face.

“What’s wrong honey?” Beth asked as she turned off the water and gathered her daughter into her arms.

“I..I..I thought if I brushed a lot and took real good care of my new teeth, they would keep growing and I would have fangs like yours and daddy’s. But they’re not getting any bigger,” she sniffled. She looked from Beth to Mick and back. “They aren’t going to be like yours, are they?” Her face was crestfallen.

Beth looked up at Mick with tears in her eyes. He knelt down to be next to Beth and BJ, stroking her straight brown hair. “No, pumpkin, they won’t grow any bigger. They won’t be like mommy’s and mine. You’re a human girl, and your teeth are just perfect for you the way you are.”

“But I want to be like you!” she cried.

It hurt at the time, the way it always does when a parent can’t make things better for their child. But in later years BJ would look back and laugh about the time she thought she could grow fangs just by brushing her teeth a lot.


At the back of the gym, BJ was waiting nervously, playing with the honor cord around her neck. She had played basketball in this gym before more people than this so she didn’t know why she felt jittery now. She was co-captain for the girls’ team, led the team in rebounds and was their second highest scorer. And she was deadly at the free-throw line. Her coach said she must have ice water in her veins. Their team had won the district championship for the first time in ten years, and fell in the state quarter-finals by only three points. Nothing seemed to faze her when she was on the court. Yet right now, she was a bundle of nerves.

Early on she had considered running track or cross-county; she did love to run. She knew her parents would gladly support her in whatever she chose, but she also knew they would suffer being out in the sun to watch her. So she decided to devote herself to basketball; besides being indoors it also let her run. She never tired from running up and down the court. She smiled to herself as a special memory popped into her mind.

Mick led her outside with a blindfold over her eyes. “Are you ready?” he asked. She nodded eagerly. “Alright then. One…two…THREE!” He pulled the scarf away. She blinked and then her eyes grew as big as saucers.

“Dad! My very own basketball court!” she exclaimed as she hugged his neck.

“Well, it’s just a half court I painted on the driveway. But I measured it all out to regulation. And look,” he pointed up. “I installed lights so you and I can play after dark.”

She and Mick played together constantly. It was because of her dad that she was so cool under pressure at the free-throw line. He taught her to block out everything else and to concentrate only on the basket in front of her. Her parents came to every single one of her games, even if she was on the bench. Just knowing they were in the stands was a calming influence.

So she repeated her father’s words in her head and felt her nerves go away. I can do this, she told herself.


The procession had started and Beth watched as BJ led her classmates into the gymnasium, marveling at the self-assured young woman she had become. Beth couldn’t help remembering how Mick reacted the day he found out their daughter had indeed become a woman.

Beth had had several mother-daughter talks with BJ and so she knew what to expect the day she discovered she had gotten her first period. Beth was fixing BJ’s dinner in the kitchen and BJ was sitting at the table eating an apple while doing her homework when Mick came home from his office. “Hi pumpkin!” he said cheerily as he leaned in to plant a kiss on her forehead like he did every day. Mick halted just before he kissed her, looked at Beth with wide eyes, and then kissed his daughter as usual. BJ hadn’t noticed the momentary pause.

“Oh daddy! Please stop calling me ‘pumpkin’! I’m too old for that!”

“Okay, pumpkin,” he replied trying to joke, but his heart wasn’t in it. He walked out the sliding glass doors to the back deck and sat down in the shade, a blank look on his face.

“What’s the matter with dad?” BJ asked with a mouthful of apple as she watched Mick. She suddenly swallowed her apple and turned bright red. “Oh, no, he knows doesn’t he? He can tell?”

Beth nodded sympathetically. “Yes honey, he can tell. You, um, have a different scent about you.”

“Omigod, I’m so embarrassed! He’ll ALWAYS be able to tell, won’t he? Why don’t I just put a great big sign on my back?” She ran to her room in typical preteen the-world-is-coming-to-an-end fashion and slammed the door.

Beth sighed as she watched her run off, then went out to the deck and sat next to Mick. “Hey,” she said softly.

Mick looked over at her. “She’s only twelve. She can’t be this grown up yet. She’s my baby girl!”

Beth put her hand on his. “She is growing up, but she’ll always be your baby girl, Mick. You know that.”

“But how should I act around her now? It’s all different.” Beth repressed a smile. She knew this was difficult for him, but it was almost like he was pouting.

“You aren’t the first father to be a bit bewildered by their daughter growing up, and you certainly won’t be the last. Just act normally. She adores you. It will be fine, you’ll see.”

Mick squeezed her hand. His eyes looked a bit watery. “She’s growing up so fast,” he whispered.

Later that evening Mick told Beth what happened when he went to BJ’s room to talk to her.

Mick knocked softly on BJ’s door.

“Come in, daddy.” She could always tell when it was him.

Mick entered her room just as she was sliding something under her pillow and sat on the edge of her bed. “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you earlier. I…it…it was unexpected, that’s all.” He planted a smile on his face. “I bet it was a milestone for you, though.” BJ rolled her eyes, a habit she had been doing more and more lately. “It’s just a little hard to see you growing up so fast,” he sighed.

BJ sat up and leaned against her father, who put his arm around her shoulders. “I know. But it really is kind of exciting. It means I’m finally getting older. I can’t wait to be old enough to drive, and stay out late, and have boyfriends…”

“Whoa, hold on there a minute! Let’s not rush things. There’s plenty of time for all that!” Mick looked alarmed. “Like 30 years,” he added under his breath.

She playfully shoved him. “I heard that,” she said, and they both laughed.

After a few minutes of sitting quietly together, BJ spoke up softly. “Daddy?”


“Tell me the story about the night you found me.” She reached under her pillow and pulled out the worn baby blanket with the patches. It was folded neatly and the small pink ribbon from her hair had been pinned to a corner. She stroked it as Mick retold the story. It was a scene that had been repeated many times in the past.

“And then we adopted you so we could be a family,” Mick finished up.

“Did she love me?”

“Yes, sweetheart. I’m sure she loved you very much. She didn’t have much, but she did the best she could. Everything was clean and neat, and you were fed and warm and healthy. I’m sure you were happy together.”

“I wish I knew her name. I hope she can see me now and know I’m okay.” She paused and nestled her head against his chest. “And I’m glad it was you who found me and took me home with you.”

Mick fought back tears as he laid his cheek on top of his precious daughter’s head. “I’m glad it was me, too. You have brought more joy to our lives than we could ever have imagined.” He kissed the mop of brown hair and stood to leave. “Good night, sweetheart.”

“Good night, daddy.” Mick walked to the door. “Oh, and daddy?” He turned around. “It’s okay to still call me ‘pumpkin’.” Mick’s heart soared. “Just not in front of my friends, okay?”

He laughed. “Okay, it’s a deal.”

To be continued...

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:38 am
by AussieJo
Awww! This is gorgeous!!
And I loved the way you let us know Beth had been turned so naturally.
I really wanted to know that piece of information as soon as I knew 18 years had gone past!
Good writing there honey. :thumbs:
Just awwww! :cloud9:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:17 am
by Kara
Oh I loved this. :hearts: I too am glad Mick turned Beth. That is assuming it was him who did the deed. :snicker:

Sad how he found BJ. But so glad it was him who found her. What a lovely family they've made. :ghug:

Thank you. :clapping: :rose:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:05 am
by francis
Awww, that's lovely. Pumpkin, growing up. So this is part IV? Where is the rest? I love this. :flowers:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:52 am
by Kara
francis wrote:So this is part IV? Where is the rest? I love this. :flowers:
Yeah. I wondered that myself. :wave:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:04 pm
by MickLifeCrisis
Thank you for your comments! :flowers:

This the fourth in a series of fics I call "Memories". The first Memories was the very first fanfic I ever wrote, two years ago. They are each stand alone stories, but do follow a time line.

I am just now realizing that the first three never made the move to this board. :blushing: I will remedy that this evening! My apologies! And yes, one of them tells how Beth was turned.

There is still a Part 2 to this story "Milestones" that will be posted either tonight or tomorrow night. :hug:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:14 pm
by francis

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:29 pm
by lorig
Well done my friend. I loved it! :heart:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:42 pm
by Kara
MickLifeCrisis wrote:Thank you for your comments! :flowers:

This the fourth in a series of fics I call "Memories". The first Memories was the very first fanfic I ever wrote, two years ago. They are each stand alone stories, but do follow a time line.

I am just now realizing that the first three never made the move to this board. :blushing: I will remedy that this evening! My apologies! And yes, one of them tells how Beth was turned.

There is still a Part 2 to this story "Milestones" that will be posted either tonight or tomorrow night. :hug:

Will look forward to reading them. :woohoo:

Thank you. :twothumbs:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:49 pm
by jen
That is so lovely, MLC

Mick and Beth would make wonderful parents!!!

Can't wait to see where you take this next.



:hearts: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:43 am
by jen

This is lovely!!!

Mick a another little girl to take care of and Beth, while she didn't get to name the baby 'Elliott' has an adopted daughter. Happy sigh.

Delightful reread!



:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:37 pm
by maggatha3
wonderful, a little girl, driving Mick crazy..even worse than Beth, who would have thought! a great reading to the next part :wave:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:29 am
by allegrita
I know I read this before... why didn't I comment on it? :slaphead: My apologies. I love the story of BJ's growing-up. And mostly, I love the family of Mick, Beth, and BJ. They are so darling together. :hearts:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:53 pm
by MickLifeCrisis
Thanks for the reread and the bump, Alle! I'm glad you like my little family. I'm kind of fond of them, too. :hearts:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 5:37 am
by Marigold
This is lovely, MLC! :rose: You've done a great job of writing about the ups and downs of family life.

I'm so, so happy that Beth and Mick were able to raise a daughter. They are wonderful parents. :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:

It was nice to meet BJ!

Thank you! :hearts: