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Season 2, ep 3 'Aquila, Part II' (PG13)

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:04 pm
by Tam
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Ep 1-16 of Moonlight, season 1
Summary : Mick accepts a missing person case and we find out more about the List. Picks up where Part I ended.
First posted :, November 2008

The characters are not mine, no money is being made and no infringement is intended.
Aquila, Part II

Previously on Moonlight :

“If Talbot poses a threat to us, he must be eliminated. It's the only way we can protect ourselves,” Josef says to Mick.

A living room – on the wall, a slashed painting, sprayed with red graffiti. It's a crudely drawn bird, and the letters S P Q R.

Mick answers his mobile phone. Josef's voice- "Order the Cleaner for that place and get over here. It's the mark of the Legion," Josef says ominously, and hangs up.

Mick enters Josef's apartment. To his surprise, Josef is not alone. A group of people has gathered in the living room. Two women are sitting on the couch, a third, one of the Cleaners, is sitting on a chair opposite of them. They are not speaking. Josef is standing by the window, looking out over the pool and the view of the hills. A man stands next to him, smoking a cigarette. When Mick enters, Josef turns to him and nods in greeting. "Good. We are complete."

Mick voice-over : The Los Angeles Circle - the oldest vampires in town. We are not usually organised. Vampires are einzelgänger. But when our society is threatened, we are usually able to put our differences aside.

One of the women is looking at Mick, frowning. "Why is he here?" she asks rudely, speaking in a thick accent.
"Mick St John found the mark," Josef says neutrally. "You might want to tread carefully around him, he is the vamp that took out Lola." Josef glances at Mick to judge his reaction. Mick looks back at him, raising an eyebrow. The two women share a look between them, but refrain from commenting.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice," Josef starts, looking at each vampire in turn. "I would not have disturbed you if I didn't think this concerned all of us. As we speak, Bella's team," he nods at the Cleaner, "is securing the house of a vampire called Johansen. He was found burned to death in his car. I have forwarded you this picture." He takes a print-out of the picture from an inside pocket of his jacket and lays it down on the coffee table.
"Since you are here, I assume you have recognised it as the mark of the Legion. Now, I don't want to cause a panic. This may yet be a rogue sleeper, one of their group that snapped and decided to get up and take action on his own. Until evidence teaches us otherwise, I think we can consider this a singular case. However, I suggest vigilance. Warn your childer and refrain from siring until we have traced- and eliminated- the source of this threat. If any of you wish to relocate, I will supply the funds."
"And if this is not a singular case?" the woman with the accent asks, crossing her arms.
"Then we will stand and fight," says the male vampire resolutely, taking out a in a small foldable ashtray from his pocket and stubbing out his cigarette. "I refuse to run from humans."
"What, and risk open war?" one of the other women asks. "Blow our entire cover? Everything we've built up here? I have a lot to lose."
"More than the rest of us?" the man replies with hostility in his voice. He glares at the woman.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Josef intermediates. "There hasn't been a recording of Legion activity in eighty years. Mick St John is on this case. He is a private investigator, the best in Los Angeles." He looks at his friend, offering him a small smile. "I trust him to find the killer soon. We will know more then."

"So, are you going to tell me what this Legion is?" Mick asks, standing by the window, next to Josef. They are looking outside, where several cars are slowly leaving the driveway.
"I sometimes forget how young you are," Josef says, not unkindly. Mick smirks.
"The Legion is a human organisation of vampire hunters. A cult. They formed in Europe during the Dark Ages to protect their settlements, choosing as their standard the Roman eagle, for the strength and invincibility of the Roman troops. They sought out vampires, staked them and burned down their lairs. They formed the basis of the Inquisition, who would later become infamous for burning alleged witches and devil-worshippers at the stake. It was then that vampires learned to hide what they were, to blend in with humans. But they also fought back. Vampire society and the Legion developed together, one never quite capable of erasing the other - both parties were too numerous. Many vampires came to the New World when it was discovered, fleeing from prosecution in Europe. There were no rules here, no covens, no natural enemies. It was like paradise for a while." Josef smiles. "But as more and more settlers from Europe came, they brought their culture and their superstitions. The Legion established itself in the Americas and restored the balance. They started keeping records of vampire activity. They track us, study us...Files are handed down generations. Most of their members lie dormant, watching. But every century or so has its own catalyst - a vampire that goes too far, a killing spree that goes out of hand...and the Legion may rise up and decimate us."

"Decimate?" Mick repeats. He looks amazed.
"Legion comes from legere - Latin for 'choose'. Which is what they do. They sort us, and decide which of us will die. Sometimes it is limited to one or two vamps - but there have been mass killings. The great fire of London in 1666 effectively destroyed almost the entire vampire settlement of that area. The same thing happened in 1776 in New York and twice in Hamburg, Germany in 1842 and 1943. The Legion's tool is the mob. Stirring them up against us, telling them enough to enrage and incite riots, using social unrest to suit their own purposes. The St. Bartholomew's Day massacre in Paris, the French Revolution-"
"Yes, Coraline told me about that," Mick says.
"Coraline should have told you about all of this," Josef says with disapproval. "It's the task of a sire to educate their childer in matters of vampire lore."
"Yeah well," Mick says, "Coraline and I never talked much."
"To busy doing other things, huh?" Josef asks, wiggling his eyebrows and smirking. Mick rolls his eyes.

"So what else is on the 'first year vampire curriculum'?" he asks.
Josef smiles. "Nothing you haven't figured out by yourself over the years, Mick."
"What about the fires here in Los Angeles?" Mick asks.
"They're just forest fires," replies Josef, an amused smile on his face. "Who would want to live in the woods when you can live in a villa next to Tiger Woods?"
"The list," Mick says, realisation suddenly dawning on him, "If that are their targets, why send it to the DA?"
"That's up to you to find out, Mick. I left him out of this at our meeting, but if this is a vamp hit list, sooner or later I will have to inform the others."

Los Angeles Airport. Beth and Mick are standing at the pick-up area of terminal 4. It's day and Mick is wearing his shades and standing out of the sun.
"Thanks a lot for driving me," Beth says, "I would never have made it on time, with Denise calling on such short notice and my car in the shop."
"No problem," says Mick, though he looks as if he'd rather be somewhere else. "Who's Denise again?" he asks.
"Denise Moreau is an old friend of mine, I haven't seen her in years," says Beth enthusiastically, "We went to school together. She called me because she's in town for a few days and needed a place to stay."
While she is speaking, Beth keeps an eye on the gate. She waves at a woman with light brown hair, blue jeans and a brown leather jacket. The woman smiles and waves back. The two women greet each other and exchange compliments. Mick is standing by, a little awkwardly.

Mick voice-over : I should be finding Johansen's killer, but instead I am standing here while they talk about shoes.

"...and this is my boyfriend, Mick," says Beth. Mick only hears her last words and smiles politely, shaking Denise's hand. Mick voice-over : her boyfriend. Mick suddenly looks a lot happier.

"Oh my," Denise says coyly, turning to Beth, "does he have a brother you could introduce me to?"
"He's one of a kind," Beth replies, a hint of pride in her voice.
"Shall I drive you to your place?" Mick suggests, wanting to get home and out of the sun and this overdose of female hormones to continue his case in peace.
"I'll just put some of my luggage into an airport safe," Denise says, "I don't need to drag my dirty laundry over to Beth's. I can pick it up again when I go." She heads towards the lockers. Beth looks up at Mick.
"Is it very bad?" she asks, smiling. "I promise we won't gossip in the car. Much."
Denise returns with only a small backpack, and adds the locker key to a lanyard key chain around her neck. The two women walk on ahead towards the exit, Mick following them. They are talking about shoes again, and Mick is doing his best to ignore it.

Mick's office. Mick is sitting at his desk. The blackened keys of Johansen lie on the desk in front of him, as well as the picture of the vampire and a coroners' report. Mick Voice-Over : Logan has found no information on Johansen that could help me. He paid his bills on time, kept a clean house and drove a rental car - everything paid from a legal retirement fund. As a vampire, he was a model citizen. But everyone has a secret hidden away somewhere.
Mick examines the keys. One has a molten plastic grip. Mick takes it off the key ring.
Mick voice-over : I have seen such a key before. But where?

Flash-back - Denise talking to Beth, while she adds the locker key to her keychain. The key in close-up, with the same plastic grip.

Mick is back at the airport. A large row of lockers looms in front of him. The room is deserted. He looks up at the ceiling, checking for security cameras and spots one in the corner of the room. He takes off his sunglasses and puts them into his pocket, taking out the key.

The security office of the airport. Several black-and-white screens display areas of the airport. A man in a grey uniform is sitting at the screens, gazing at them with obvious boredom. A newspaper lies on the desk in front of him. While he looks down onto the headlines, one black-and-white screen shows a flash of movement. Mick is fitting the key into the lockers at preternatural speed, systematically moving down the rows. The security man looks up at the screens, seeing only a blur of Mick's black coat. He frowns, shaking his head as if to wake himself, and focuses on the screen. Mick has already found the matching keyhole and is opening the locker. The security man shrugs, and turns back to his newspaper, dismissing what he has seen as a trick of the light.

The inside of the locker. Mick’s hand picks up a passport, a bundle of money, and a pocketbook. He opens the passport. It shows a picture of Johansen, but the name reads 'Ole Gustavson', date of birth: 1912. Opening the pocketbook, he finds an open return ticket to Cincinnati, made out to the same name. Mick voice-over : Johansen- or Gustavson- died on his way to the airport, in such a hurry that he oversaw a construction site. He was planning to leave the state.

Beth's living room. It is evening. Beth and Denise are sitting on the couch facing each other, their legs tucked under them, each holding a glass of wine. An empty bottle stands on the table next to the dirty dishes and left-overs of a dinner. Denise smiles and says confidentially, "So tell me more about Mick."
"He's a private investigator," replies Beth. "We have worked together on several cases." She takes a sip from her wine.
"Oh, go on, you know I don't mean what he does professionally," Denise says, slurring slightly. "I mean, what's he like?" She gives Beth a look.
"Oh!" Beth says, looking down at her glass of wine. "We haven't...I's complicated. I want to, but..." She takes a deep breath. "I guess it wasn't the right moment yet."
"Well," says Denise, "I wouldn't waste time waiting for the moment if I were you. Life is short."
Beth looks at her friend and replies pensively. "Yeah. I guess it is."

Logan's basement. Mick is examining a Batman action figure that is standing on a shelf in its plastic casing. Logan is tapping away at his keyboard. Mick reaches out to the toy.
"Ah, don't touch that please, Mick. It's my investment for the future," Logan says without looking up from his screen. Mick raises an eyebrow. "In twenty years, they'll be rare. Mark my words," says Logan. "Now, here you are. A lot more on Gustavson than on his other identity..."
Mick comes around to Logan and watches the screen.
"School records of the early thirties, army drafting. Apparently worked as an accountant until his retirement in 1989. Ah, interesting. Filed as deceased on January 4th, 1999." Logan looks over his shoulder at Mick. "Looks like he switched identities when people started to notice, huh? By the looks of his picture, he was probably turned in his sixties. Boy, it must suck to be trapped in the body of an old geezer forever."
"Are there any financial records?" Mick asks.
"Let's see," says Logan, opening a new window on his screen. "He donated everything to a private fund just before he died as Gustavson."
" have it transferred to Johansen's account month by month," Mick adds.
"A solid plan," Logan comments. "I guess he knew what he was doing, being an accountant and all..."
"Yeah," says Mick, "but someone must have found out, maybe threatened him, or tried to blackmail him." Mick Voice-Over : Or tried to kill him.

Ben Talbot's office. It's dark and the office is deserted. Mick quietly opens the door to Talbot's room. His eyes wander over the desk. He sits down in Talbot's chair, rolling it back. He opens the left drawer. Pens, a box of tic-tacs, a stack of papers. He leafs through them, but finds only handwritten meeting minutes dated several months earlier. He tries the next drawer. It is filled with hanging folders. His eyes fall on a label that says "Ongoing". He takes it from the drawer, laying it out on the desk. He shifts through the papers and uncovers a stack of photos. There is shock on his face as he recognises the pictures of his car accident. Attached to the last picture with a paper clip - the list. Mick swallows, and takes his copy of the list from his pocket. He compares them. The last page of Talbot's copy shows his name, underlined by hand, and that of Josef and Guilliermo. Underneath it is written "El Portal Theatre, Saturday 7 am" in an untidy hand as if making a fast note. Mick glances at the clock on the wall. It's 5 am. He hastily stuffs the pictures and the list back into the folder. Before hanging it back into the drawer, he opens it once more, looking at his own picture. Then he closes it resolutely, and gets up.

El Portal Theatre. Dawn. Mick is standing across the street, his collar up, wearing his sunglasses. He is watching the entrance of the theatre. A taxi stops. Ben Talbot is getting out, looking tired. He's on the phone. Mick concentrates to hear him.
"...No, it's okay, I was awake. Yeah. No, I'm in North Hollywood for a case. I don't know yet, I'm meeting an informer of sorts who might be able to tell me more about the Johansen death. I think it was more than an accident. I'll talk to you later." He hangs up and looks around. A woman is walking up to him, her back turned to Mick.
"Benjamin Talbot?" she asks.
"Yes," he says. "And you are?"
"A friend," she says. "Let's go for a coffee." She nods at the cafe across the street.
"Not before you tell me what this is about," Talbot says, sounding annoyed. "I'm tired of getting mysterious phone calls and letters, raising more questions than they answer. I have more important things to do than playing games. Who are you? Why are we meeting here at this hour?"
"Dawn is the safest time, Mr Talbot," the woman says cryptically. "And I am not playing games. Los Angeles is full of monsters, and I have been sent to help you catch them."
"Monsters?" Talbot asks. "Do you mean killers?"
The woman looks over her shoulder, checking the area. It is Denise. She looks back at Talbot, looking him into the eyes before replying :"Yes. Killers."

"Did she say if she was working alone?" Josef asks, sitting across from Mick in his office. The blinds are drawn. Mick shakes his head. "She neither confirmed or denied that."
"So, Talbot knows about us. Did he believe it?"
"I don't know. I'm not sure. I guess it must sound pretty fantastical. She gave him the full Bram Stoker description - flying, changing into a bat, familiars, all that stuff."
"Great. We're being chased by backward idiots. Dangerous idiots. there a reason you didn't kill the both of them?" Josef asks. Mick looks at his friend.
"Beth knows that woman. She's her friend. I want to find out more about her, and make sure Beth's not in danger."
"Of course. Beth. It's always Beth," Josef says sarcastically. "What if Beth's in league with Moreau? You're risking all of our lives here."
"She's not in league with anyone! Beth hasn't seen Moreau in years," Mick says incredulously. "What do you want from me, Josef?" he continues, working up anger, "I am not your personal assassin."
Josef gets up, his eyes flashing into vampire vision and back.
"Beth is human. You are not. I want you to decide which side you are on, Mick."
"I'm on your side, you know that," Mick says, frowning.
"Yeah? Don't make me doubt it, then," Josef says, with warning in his voice.
"Or what, Josef?" replies Mick, raising his voice and rising up from his seat as well.
"I think you know," Josef simply says, and gives Mick a long look before turning to leave. Dumbfounded, Mick looks after him. When the door closes, he throws up his hands in a gesture of despair and annoyance.

Beth's apartment. Mick knocks on the door. Beth opens the door. "Hey," she says, "I was just getting ready for work." She looks at him. "What's wrong?"
"Can I come in?" Mick asks, and Beth steps aside. An overnight bag is standing by the door. Mick looks at it.
"Denise had to go to a meeting early this morning," Beth says by way of explanation. "She'll come by and pick up her stuff later." Beth looks at Mick. He walks through the apartment, too restless to sit down. He picks up a a picture frame from a cupboard. It's an old picture of Beth and Josh. He looks at it in silence and puts it back again.
"Are you okay?" Beth asks, sitting down on the couch, unsure if she should approach him or not.
"Josef and I argument," Mick says without looking at her.
"What about?" Beth asks.
"About..." Mick starts. Mick voice-over : About you. "About this list. And Talbot."
"Does he still want you to kill him?" Beth asks, carefully keeping her voice neutral.
Glad that she is fast on the uptake, Mick nods. "Yeah. And he implies that if I don't..." Mick is unsure how to continue. He looks at Beth.
"Isn't Josef always this paranoid?" Beth offers. "I'm sure he'll come around."
"Perhaps this time, he has reasons to be," Mick says. "Talbot met with...someone this morning, who told him the names on the list belonged to murderers. Vampires." He turns away before continuing. "I...searched his office. The list he gave you was incomplete." Mick turns back to Beth, frowning. "I'm on his list. And so is Josef."
"You searched...?" Beth starts, but stops herself. She takes a deep breath and deliberates. "And he believed it? They can't just accuse someone of murder. There is no proof." She looks up at Mick. "Is there?"
"No. I don't think so. I haven't killed..." he breaks off. "..a human since Talbot was still in school. And the Cleaners are thorough. But the police will have their eye on us now. And the vamps are getting restless. One of the vampires on this list was killed. His place was sprayed with anti-vampire graffiti."
Beth looks at Mick in amazement. "You think someone is trying to rid the city of vampires?"
"It looks like it," Mick replies.
"But who...?" Beth says, but before she can finish, someone knocks. She glances at Mick. He nods. "Go ahead."
Beth walks to the door and opens it. It's Denise Moreau. She smiles at Beth, and looks over Beth's shoulder to nod at Mick. "Hi Beth, hi Mick. I won't disturb you for long, I just wanted to get my things. I hurried so I could catch you before work. Thanks so much for putting me up, Beth." She takes up her overnight bag. Mick walks over, taking it from her. "I'll drive you," he says.
"It's okay, I can take a cab," Denise says politely, holding out her hand for her bag.

"It's no trouble, I insist," Mick says. He turns to Beth. "Have a good day at work, then."
A little surprised, Beth mumbles, "right." She hugs Denise and they say goodbye. Beth looks Mick into his eyes, laying her hand on his arm.
"Will you be okay?" she asks.
"Yeah," Mick says shortly, "I'll call you later."
"Okay," Beth replies, offering him an uncertain smile. Mick walks out, carrying Denise' bag. Denise follows him, turning back to Beth to mouth "Oh My God! You're SO lucky!" while she points at Mick's back. She winks at her friend and turns to leave.

Mick's car. Mick drives Denise to the airport without speaking to her. It's clear from his expression that he is trying to make his mind up about what to say. Denise is looking out of the window. Mick parks the car and locks the doors from the inside with a switch. There is a loud click. Denise looks at him, her eyes wide. "What...?" She grips her bag tightly. "Let me out."
"We need to talk," he says.

"Mick, come on..." Denise says, smiling nervously. "Think of Beth..." She looks at him. His expression is unreadable. Denise slips her hand into her handbag, and takes out a small sprayer. "I have mace," she says, sounding scared. She holds it up, her hand trembling. Mick sighs. Then, he grips her wrists in a blur of hands, moving too fast for her to see, and immobilising her in her chair. The mace falls between the seats. She looks at him in awe.
"I don't want to hurt you," he says with a controlled harshness in his voice. "Answer my questions and I'll let you go."

"What do you want from me?" she asks, sounding scared.
"The truth," Mick says, releasing her arms. "Why are you here? Did the Legion send you?"

Denise sits back in her chair, giving him a puzzled look. "You know about the Legion?" she asks.
"I know you met with A.D.A. Talbot this morning," Mick replies.
"That was a confidential conversation," Denise said, defensively. "Do you work for him?"

"No. I am investigating the murder of Christian Johansen. He died on his way to the airport, and the mark of Legion was sprayed on the walls of his apartment."

"He got what he deserved," Denise says, trying to sound braver than she feels.
"Did you know him?"
"I heard about him, and his lot."
"What did he do, that he deserved burning to a cinder, trapped in a car?" Mick says grimly.
Denise gasps, but quickly recovers. "You don't understand," she says. "He was a monster!"
"Then help me understand! What kind of monster?"

Denise squares her chin. "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live," she quotes.
"You're accusing him of witchcraft?" Mick asks. "In this century?"

"And murder," Denise replied.
"Where's your proof?" Mick asks.
"There are eyewitnesses," Denise answers stubbornly.
"So if someone claims to have seen things they cannot explain, that's reason enough to warrant a death penalty? Why not let the law handle it?"
"We tried!" Denise says, "That's why we sent Talbot the list! But he just ignored it."
Mick frowns. "Perhaps he ignored it because he's too old to believe in fairytales!" Goadingly, he adds "And you got impatient and killed Johansen."
"No! That wasn't me. I was sent to explain and to offer our help, nothing more. We must all unite against the powers of darkness."

Mick snorts. "So who did kill him?"

"I don't know! We are not to seek contact with the others so we can't be forced to reveal their identities," Denise says.
Mick takes a deep breath. He is breathing in her scent. He can hear her heartbeat.
Mick Voice-Over : She is telling the truth. She's just the messenger. Perhaps I can scare her off.
"How come you know about the Legion, anyway?" Denise asks.
Mick's eyes pale. "I am asking the questions." While he speaks, Denise glimpses his fangs between his lips. She stiffens. "You're one of them," she whispers, and recoils in her chair, pressing herself against the door of the car. "Oh god! Please let me out!"
"What do you know about us?" Mick asks, fixing her with his cold eyes.
She gives Mick a pleading look. "Please don't kill me," she says, close to crying.
"What do you know about us?" Mick repeats, not making an effort to calm her.

"You''re vampires. kill people and drink their blood! Please...don't kill me." she begs.
"If I wanted to kill you, I would have done so already." Mick controls his features, his eyes turning back, his fangs retracting. "Who told you about us?"
Denise looks at him in shock. "My mother," she says quietly. "And her mother before her. I was taught as a child, but for a long time I believed it were just stories to make me careful. Wary for strangers...and to strengthen my faith in God."

"What made you change your mind?" Mick asks. Denise hesitates. Then she takes a deep breath and starts to speak, not relaxing her grip on her bag and keeping it between them as a barrier.

"My mother died last year. I went through her things. She left me a letter, telling me that the Legion was real, and that they might call on me. A few weeks ago someone left a message on my answering machine. They knew everything about me and my mother. It went exactly as she had described to me. I I was being asked to carry on with her work." She pauses and bites her lip. " can you walk in the daylight? And you and Beth...I don't understand!"
"There is a lot you don't understand. It would be best if you considered your task accomplished and went home. You've done enough damage already."

"What about Beth? Will you kill her?"

"No. I don't kill to feed. I buy my blood like you buy your groceries. Vampires and humans can co-exist without anyone having to die. We can have friends, jobs...lovers. Johansen worked and paid his taxes just like a human. He had human friends." He looks at Denise and tries to see if his words have any effect on her. Denise looks troubled. Mick continues.

"But the meddling of the Legion is endangering them, too. Your list marks over two hundred people for death, and everyone associated with them."

"I..." Denise stammers, trying to come to terms with everything Mick had said. "The Legion wouldn't kill humans," she says, sounding unsure.

"They would, and have. How many innocent men and women died in the Inquisition's witch trials? It's collateral damage to them. Someone chased Johansen into a lethal car accident. He could have taken others with him. And the vampire community will avenge itself, make no mistake about that."

Mick allows his eyes to change. "Would you like to be made into an example?"

Denise claws at the door, helplessly pressing down the grip, trying to get away from him. "No! No, please, I...I'd do anything!"
"Then go," Mick says. "Break your ties with the Legion. It is the only way you will survive. We will know if you don't."

Denise nods vigorously. Mick unlocks the doors of his car. Denise gives him one last look before grabbing her bag tightly, opening the door and getting out. She looks over her shoulder, and starts running.

Mick Voice-Over : I don't know if it was enough. The things we are taught as a child form the basis of our view of right and wrong. But maybe she will stay away and be spared.

Beth's desk at the D.A.'s office. Beth is working on a laptop. A notebook lies next to keyboard. She is copying handwritten notes, occasionally looking over to the paper. Benjamin Talbot approaches the desk. "Beth? Could you come into my office for a second?" he asks. Beth looks up from the screen and nods. She blocks her screen with a combination of keys and follows him. He closes the door behind them.

"Do you remember that list I gave you to check?" he says.
"Yes?" Beth replies, questioningly.
"I talked to the sender this morning," Talbot says.
"Oh!" says Beth, her hands betraying her discomfort. She stuffs them in the pockets of her jeans and looks at Talbot expectantly.

"I think your friend Mick St John may be in danger," he says. "This woman was a religious fanatic, you should have heard her. Obsessed with monsters and demons."
"Really?" Beth smiles, letting out the breath she had been holding.
"I think we should take it serious, Beth," Talbot says. "One of the people on her list died in a car crash this week. It might not have been an accident. I took down the woman's personal information, but I couldn't hold her on anything. She might try to harm him."

Beth nods. "I...I'll tell him. I'm sure he'll appreciate your warning. Thank you."
Talbot looks at her, a little surprised. "I am just doing my job. And he did save my life. Our lives."
"Yes," says Beth, smiling in earnest now. "Yes, he did."

Mick walks back to his apartment. As he steps out of the elevator, he takes a deep breath. Mick voice-over : There is death on the air. He walks on.

Josef is waiting in front of his door, a bottle in his hand. He holds it up, smiling self-consciously.
"I brought you a peace offering," he says.
Mick looks at him. "Go on," he says.
"Wow, you're not going to make this easy, huh?" Josef says. "Well, here goes - I'm sorry."
Mick waits, not speaking. Josef looks at him, frowning. "And...I shouldn't have doubted your loyalties."
Mick nods. "You shouldn't have. Moreau is gone."
"Is she dead?" Josef asks, raising his eyebrows in surprise.
"No. But I think I convinced her to keep out of this."
"And Talbot?"

"Talbot doesn't believe in vampires," Mick says drily. "He told Beth I should check my bed for stakes."
Josef grins. "Awful pun."
Mick smiles back. "I know. Come on in."

Re: Season 2, ep 3 'Aquila, Part II' (PG13)

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:02 pm
by francis
Hmmm. I think Mick took an awful risk to expose himself to Denise and then let her go.
And Beth - if Ben had Denise's name and tells Beth, she will assume that Mick killed her.
This is a really great story and so full of suspense that I can't stop. I shouldn't have started it :laugh: .

Re: Season 2, ep 3 'Aquila, Part II' (PG13)

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:29 pm
by Tam
francis wrote:Hmmm. I think Mick took an awful risk to expose himself to Denise and then let her go.
I know, in retrospect, I find that very stupid- it's bound to come back and bite him in the- insert bodypart of choice- :nails: But I think Mick wouldn't just kill her...