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Twists of Fate - Chapter 10 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:21 pm
by francis
Betaed by redwinter101
Disclaimer: I don't own Josh, or Beth, or Mick, or anything in this fic, but I like to play with them, so bear with me.

Beth and Josh crash Mick's Sunday morning.

link from chapter 9: viewtopic.php?f=75&t=548

When we reached Mick’s building and went up in the elevator, Beth hushed all of a sudden.

„I’m not so sure that we should crash his home on a Sunday morning. He’s a very private person.“

„Beth, it’s too late for that now. He said it was okay, so it will be okay. I’ll take the blame, it’s my case, and I asked you to call him, okay?“

She smiled, still unsure.

Since it was a Sunday and these weren’t exactly office hours I knocked on the apartment door. He opened immediately with a calm „Hey. Come in.“

Beth had been here before and despite her prior reservations was comfortable enough to put her purse down on his sidetable and take a few steps in. I stayed behind, trying to take in as much as I could of St. John’s way of living. Beth was right, he was an interesting person. His apartment was stylish and spacious without being huge. The furniture was modern, understated and expensive. An open staircase led to an upper floor. The room was meticulously clean and tidy, but still seemed comfy and lived-in. Every visitor’s view was led to the unusually-crafted bookcase at the opposite wall. There was some modern artwork and photography splashed here and there. One of the paintings framed the doorway to his office.

Mick walked to the kitchen island and made coffee. His kitchen was out of step with the rest of the apartment. It consisted of an open counter and lots of shelves. The shelves contained neatly-arranged, empty, glass vessels in various shapes and sizes, but there was not a cooking utensil to be found, no food except for a bowl of red apples that weren’t very fresh, and a glass-fronted fridge that contained only a few limes. Seemed like Mick had planned to go grocery shopping that day. On the other hand, the place looked as if it was hardly ever used, more like a museum exhibit than a fully functional kitchen. I wondered if he ever even made a sandwich.

While the coffee was brewing all three of us were silent. Beth and Mick were sharing some meaningful glances that I didn’t understand. She went to his bookcase and looked through the titles. Mick looked tired and annoyed, but he tried hard to hide it. The sun was just starting to fall through the half open blinds of the windows. Maybe he had been up late.

I sorted through the information I had on Leni Hayes and wondered what I could tell him and what I shouldn’t. When the coffee was ready Beth walked up to Mick to get a cup. He poured two glasses and shoved both handles in her direction.

„Josh.“ She handed me the cup.

The coffee was hot, and black. Seemed like he didn’t have any milk, either.

I took a sip and a few steps towards him. He took up a position in the darkest corner.

I got down to business. „I’m sorry about crashing your Sunday morning, but I wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t an emergency.“

He didn’t even try to be friendly. He leaned on his arm in a way that should look cool and detached, but I could feel how much our visit was disturbing his equilibrium. „Well, you’re here now, so…“

I tried to start again. „I know we didn’t exactly get off on the right foot. But I’ve heard good things from Beth.“

„I’m glad the buzz is good. What’s your point?“

Okay, so he wasn’t interested in making this easy. Was he that way all the time, or just when I was around? In Beth’s apartment he had been edgy, running circles, but that was understandable given the circumstances. Here he was stonewalling, guarded. Was he ever comfortable with people? Probably not.

I told him about the witness.

He asked bluntly, „Don’t the cops work for you?“

So I had to tell him about the leak and that I needed someone outside the system to find her. I could see Beth was uncomfortable, so I added,„I actually had to drag Beth here. She didn’t want me to bother you.“

That came out a bit over the top, but he still listened.

„Okay. Tell me about your witness.“

„Does this mean you’ll do it?“ If he didn’t, if this was just curiosity, I wouldn’t give him anything.

„It means I’ll listen. Hey, you came to me.“

Beth smiled, and I wondered what she thought was so amusing about this whole situation.

I explained the situation as briefly as possible, but tried to convey in how much danger Leni was. I had no inclination to spend longer than necessary with this guy, and just hoped he would understand.

He took only a second to think about it before he agreed to help with a simple, „Okay.“ Despite our differences I knew he was a man of his word.

Beth grabbed her purse and jacket. Mick accompanied us to the door. „Give me a minute to get ready. I’ll meet you at the safe house.“

I gave him the address, and we left.


In the car I replayed the conversation with Mick in my head. „What was your impression of Mick?“ I asked her. „It seemed to me he didn’t really want to do it.“

She looked at me, her eyebrows raised. „That wasn’t my impression. He was just taken by surprise. And he seemed tired.“

„Yeah, I could see that. Maybe he just came home, huh?“

„Maybe. Lots of work for a P.I. on Saturday night, I guess.“

I couldn’t help myself, I needed to ask. „By the way, why were you looking at each other like that?“

She was instantly alarmed. Bad sign. „Like what?“

„Like you share a secret I am not privy to.“

„Oh.“, She hesitated, a little too long for my liking.

I got a bit angry. „Don’t bother, Beth. If you don’t want to tell me the truth, just don’t tell me anything at all.“

She looked down with a hurt expression, and I stared through the front window as if there was something more interesting than the streets to see.

After a long silence she looked up.

„I’m sorry, Josh. Mick told me some things about himself that I am not at liberty to tell. It has nothing to do with us, it’s nothing you need to know, okay? Can you just drop it?“

Now I felt bad about my reaction. Couldn’t she see that I was concerned about her growing closeness to this man? Why did they have to share secrets with each other, shutting me out? But as we were almost at my apartment, I swallowed my pride and let Beth out to get her car. She smiled as if nothing happened. Maybe it wasn’t such a big deal for her, and that thought comforted me.

On my way to the safe house I tried to get my thoughts together. I wanted Mick to help me, and I needed to hide my jealousy. Beth had told me he had a unique way of working. It was an uncomfortable feeling to be equally repulsed and intrigued by Mick St. John. I wondered if that was the reaction he elicited from other people, too. I would try to talk to Carl about him.

link to chapter 11: viewtopic.php?f=75&t=685&p=4071#p4071

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 10 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:26 pm
by Raven
Wow, continue to give me new things to ponder over. My perceptions were so different...and I never gave Josh enough credit to appreciate that he had more on the ball regarding Beth's emotional involvement with Mick at this point.
I was surprised that Beth offered such a revealing tidbit about Mick in this passage, opening up a dialogue simply by suggestion and effectively providing Josh with a substantial bone to gnaw on...
„I’m sorry, Josh. Mick told me some things about himself that I am not at liberty to tell. It has nothing to do with us, it’s nothing you need to know, okay? Can you just drop it?“

Josh is dealing with feelings of jealousy and admiration towards Mick and great unease concerning his relationship with Beth. Secrets, danger, unstability personally and's a potent combination...and throw Coraline in the mix...this is one heady state of affairs for poor Josh!

Great update francis.

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 10 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:41 pm
by francis
Raven, thank you so much for commenting on each and every single chapter. Your comments are wonderful and help me with the story. Chapter 11 is in the works, as is chapter 12.
Lately my muse is a bit slow, I have lots of ideas floating but not the peace of mind to just write them down.

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 10 (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:36 pm
by Catmoon
I feel bad for Josh. He seems very confused, and unsure of how he should feel about Mick. In the show, he never did figure it out. And then it was too late, and he still hadn't a clue even though it was pretty obvioius. Can't wait to see what you have cooked up for him!

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 10 (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:28 pm
by francis
My take on Josh gives his intelligence a bit more credit than the show did. I am glad you like it.

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 10 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:44 am
by jen
Your take on Josh is great, but intelligence aside, I see Josh as naive in a sense. His instincts are right on the money about Mick and Beth. He senses the early connection forming but can't do anything about it.

Coraline is the wild card here.

:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: Twists of Fate - Chapter 10 (PG-13)

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 11:05 pm
by jen
On the reread, I think that Josh reads Beth very, very well. Perhaps even better than she reads the attraction between herself and Mick at this point. It is part of his job to read people, and he is far cloer to Beth. Also, he cares more.

Wonderful chapter!

:hearts: :hearts: :flowers: :flowers: