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Josef and Greta Garbo

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:35 pm
by Hope91
Hi everyone,

Yep, another Josef thresd for my fellow MLA's and who knows - it might even inspire our gifted writers to put something on paper.

Do any of you remember (well, of course you would) in episode 14 when Josef mentioned to Beth that he had a 'rowdy' night at Grabo's and it was something that he didn't want documented? The Beth replied, saying, "Don't tell me? Your the reason she wanted to be alone?" What do any of you supposed happened there or should I say then? What did Josef do to make Greta Grabo (1905-1990) want to live alone? What do you think, sisters? Any ideas?

Only if the writers had given us more of a hint on what happened that night? I would have given me some idea on why Grabo disconnected herself from the rest of the world?

Re: Josef and Greta Garbo

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:36 pm
by Tam
Wiki says Greta was misquoted and actually said "I want to be (let) alone" <-- by the paparazzi. But it *is* interesting that she retired to New York just around the same time (1953) Josef met Sarah in NY. Maybe she and Josef continued seeing each other there... ;)