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Mick's Thanksgiving PG13

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:32 am
by cassysj
I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended. Just a little fluff

Ring! Ring!

“Josef Kostan”

“It’s Beth. I need to talk to you about Thanksgiving.”

“If you’re inviting me for dinner, I’ll bring my own bottle.”

“Josef, is it that you can’t or won’t eat anything solid? It’s important that you tell me the truth.”

“Can’t. You need a functioning stomach, intestines, etc to ingest food.”

“Is there any way blood doesn’t taste like blood?”

Josef and Beth spoke for quite a while.

“Mick what are you going to eat for Thanksgiving?” Beth asked.

“Blood, same as I do every day.”

“Are you going to do anything special with it?”


“Add spices you like or sweeten it.”

“Add spices?? No, Beth I’ve never seasoned my blood.”

“Maybe you should. You might enjoy it.”

“Beth, it’s blood. It’s not supposed to taste good.”

“Why don’t you drink from freshies like Josef?”

“Because I get everything I need from the morgue.”

“Why doesn’t Josef drink from the morgue?” Beth asked.

“I don’t understand.”

“If it tasted the same and was just as healthy wouldn’t it be more convenient for him to just call in an order instead of taking care of all those women?”

“He likes his harem Beth.”

“I think you should have a fresh meal for Thanksgiving.”

“I’m making you dinner. I don’t want a threesome.”

Beth laughed. “That’s good to know.” “Mick, I want you to enjoy your meal, if you don’t want a live donor can’t you at least get a donation from a living person?” “It must taste better.”

Mick sighed. “It tastes different.”

“What was your favorite food when you were human?”

“Prime Rib.”

“Let’s hire someone to eat Prime Rib and then make an immediate donation, maybe you can taste it.”

“Josef says he can taste what his freshies had for lunch but I never tasted anything but blood.”

“Are you willing to try for me?”

“Beth, morgue blood is fine.”

“I want us both to have a meal we enjoy.” “Please.”

“All right, you win.”

“Good. Josef gave me a list of recommendations, let’s make some calls.”

For the first time in years Mick was looking forward to Thanksgiving.

Re: Mick's Thanksgiving PG13

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:31 am
by allegrita
Awww... how sweet of Beth to talk Mick into that! :hearts: :rose: :hug:

Re: Mick's Thanksgiving PG13

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:27 am
by francis
Aww, that's sweet. It must taste different, but Mick won't admit it. He probably is afraid he can't go back to morgue blood once he tasted the other one. He must get a thrill out of biting the bad guys - all the adrenaline... :Mickangel:

Re: Mick's Thanksgiving PG13

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:01 pm
by wpgrace
That is so sweet.... this is a story with a beautiful spirit honey. :happysigh:

Re: Mick's Thanksgiving PG13

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:06 pm
by cassysj
Thanks so much! Watching BC on Chiller last night when he mentioned the Prime Rib I wanted Mick to have a nice meal.

Re: Mick's Thanksgiving PG13

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:57 pm
by jen
Beth cares, and she wants to share the celebration with Mick.



Re: Mick's Thanksgiving PG13

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:11 pm
by susieb
Such a cute story! :yahoo:

This hit my funny bone just right and I about sprayed my computer screen with tea:
If it tasted the same and was just as healthy wouldn’t it be more convenient for him to just call in an order instead of taking care of all those women?”
Oh, Beth... more convenient, but so much less enjoyable :devil:

Re: Mick's Thanksgiving PG13

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:01 am
by cassysj
jen - I thought Beth would like to find a way to enjoy the holidays.

susieb - Thanks for the read. I do agree Josef without the freshies would be.......boring to say the least.