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Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:37 pm
by MickLifeCrisis
Pure fluff. This was supposed to be a surprise for Lorig, but my muse apparently won't work without her. So thanks for the help, Lorig! :hug:

Mick’s Halloween – A Mini One-Shot

“Hey, Mick, come on in,” Beth said as she opened her door. “There’s been a slight change of plans,” she added tentatively.

Mick quirked an eyebrow. “You mean we aren’t going to sit on your porch and pass out Halloween candy to trick-or-treaters?” he said hopefully.

“Well, we’re not, but I’m hoping you will.” Beth smiled what she believed to be her most charming smile as Mick stared at her silently. She hurried on. “See, my neighbor across the hall is sick with the flu and she called and begged me to take her daughter Mackenzie out trick-or-treating for her. She had already tried her sister and some friends but no one could do it and little Mackenzie was so looking forward to showing off her Cinderella costume so I said I’d take her even though I knew we were going to pass out candy together…”

“Beth!” Mick grabbed her shoulders. “Breathe!” Beth took a deep breath and giggled. “Yes, I will stay and pass out candy. You go ahead and take Cinderella around the neighborhood.” He picked up the large bowl of candy and a folding chair and headed towards the door.

Before Mick reached it, they heard a timid knock. Beth opened the door and smiled at little Mackenzie standing there in a sky blue satin dress with white lace cap sleeves and a matching blue tiara. She was holding a plastic pumpkin and her eyes sparkled with excitement. Her mother stood in her own doorway across the hall, so as not to spread her flu germs to Beth.

“Thank you so much, Beth! I really appreciate it!”

“It’s no trouble at all. We’ll have fun! Are you ready to go, Mackenzie?”

“Yes! Let’s go get some candy!” Taking Beth’s hand she turned and waved at her mother. “Bye, mommy!”

“Bye honey! You be good and stay close to Beth!”

Beth helped Mick get situated on the porch while Mackenzie waited impatiently. “You know, you could just put your vamp face on and no one would say a thing,” she whispered to Mick.

He raised an eyebrow and looked at her. “My ‘vamp face’?” he whispered back.

Beth giggled. “You know what I mean. At least I don’t have to worry about you eating the candy!”

Mick rolled his eyes. “Here you go, Mackenzie. Here’s your first piece of candy.” He put a chocolate bar into her pumpkin and gave Beth’s behind a swat as she turned and walked down the steps with her charge.

Mick did decide to vamp out, just for the fun of it. Some of the smaller children were a little scared at first, but when Mick smiled his fanged smile and held out candy they came right up to him. He was actually enjoying himself.

A couple of boys carrying pillowcases bulging with candy swaggered up the walk. Mick thought they were too old to be out trick-or-treating in the first place, and they hadn’t bothered with much in the way of costumes. Mick had already seen them shove some other children out of their way. Those two are too big for their britches, Mick thought. He bared his fangs as they approached.

“Get a load of the scary vampire,” one of them said, elbowing his pal.

“Ooo, I’m sooo scared,” said the other.

“Hey, man where’s your cape?”

“Maybe he’s supposed to be that Twilight guy, Edward.”

“Oh, yeah, Edward. Well then, where’re your sparkles?”

“Hahaha, yeah, the sparkles! And your eyes are the wrong color!”

“And Edward doesn’t have fangs!”

The boys were howling with laughter by now, walking up the steps to the porch. As they reached for the candy, Mick pulled the bowl away and let out a low and menacing growl. The boys stopped dead in their tracks. They stared at Mick, who gave them a steady stare through silvered eyes. They reached for the candy again. And again Mick growled. He could smell the doubt and traces of fear as they stood frozen to the spot, not sure what to do next.

Finally one spoke up. “C’mon, let’s go. I don’t like that kind of candy anyway,” he said with false bravado.

“Yeah, let’s go.” They turned and made their way back down the steps. Mick could still hear them talking to each other.

“Such a lame excuse for a vampire anyway. Those fake looking contacts. And he should have had some blood dripping down his chin or something.”


They turned onto the sidewalk, nervously casting a backward glance at Mick, who was still staring at them.

“He had a cool growl though.”

The End.

Re: Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:43 pm
by francis
Love it. Sometimes such a growl would come in handy.
Poor Mick is put in the same league as that Twilight guy. :whistle:

Re: Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:02 pm
by cassysj
:rolling: Poor Mick lumped in the same category as fangless. Very cute!

Re: Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:03 pm
by Lilly
MLC, this is just delightful. :snicker: Definitely a treat! I love the easy dialogue between Mick and Beth here. It's always nice to see Mick relax and enjoy himself, and he was able to do it for once while embracing his inner vampire.

Still, I think those two deserved more than a menacing growl for comparing him to Edward. :nonono:

Re: Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:03 pm
by eris
He should'a done that freaky zombie snake neck twisty thing like he did in the interrogation room. If the fangs don't freak them out, that would have done it for sure. :snicker:

Re: Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:10 pm
by allegrita
This is so cute! I can just see Mick scaring the creepy, too-old-to-go-out teenage boys... too bad that lesson won't stick in their heads... :grumble: Humph... comparing Mick to Edward Cullen! I mean, really!!! :gasp:

I've got to say, that growl would come in pretty handy from time to time...

Thanks for the "treat"! :teeth: :thumbs:

Re: Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:18 pm
by lorig
:yahoo: :clapping: I loved it! Mick is sooooo much cooler than Edward. And he has fangs!!! Thank you MLC. You rock!! :yahoo: :cheer:

Re: Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:23 pm
by Jo1027
Love growling Mick. So sexy! One of my favorite Mick growls is when he's in the alley and talking to Lee Jay. That growl sends shivers up my spine. :thumbs:

Re: Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:58 pm
by mitzie
Wicked cool treat!! :hyper2: Love that growl!! Mick got to be himself. That must have been a refreshing experience. Love it!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper2: :hyper2: :hyper2: :hyper2: :giggle: :whistle: :eek2: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :drac: :scarycat: :trickortreat:

mitzie :mooncat:

Re: Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:18 pm
by redwinter101
A delightful little treat, MLC. Just lovely.

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:


Re: Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:25 pm
by tucutecats
fun,fun,funny, thanks a great Halloween treat. :mooncat: :dracula:

Re: Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:32 pm
by MickLifeCrisis
Thanks everyone for all the nice comments! :flowers: I'm glad you enjoyed my little bit of Halloween fun! :petcat: :pumpkin:

And if any of you are wondering why two teen boys even know who Edward is, I figure they took their girlfriends to the movies. :snicker:

:catpumpkin: :trickortreat: :hallpumpkin:

Re: Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:46 pm
by darkstarrising

this is so cute....I can just see Mick getting into the fun of things....

as for the older kids....they have no taste in vampires and they're just lucky he didn't get a taste of them!!

Re: Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 4:56 am
by nutmegger911
What a fun story! Love the false bravado of the boys.

Re: Mick's Halloween - A Mini One-Shot (G)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:51 am
by RangerCM
Loved Beth's endless sentence here. :snicker:

Mick can growl at me any time he wants. :thud: