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First Meeting - rating G

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:06 pm
by JosefsRose
Rating -G
Disclaimer- I still don't own them. If only.....

Just a short piece that came from a comment in BC.

First Meeting

She stood on the dock looking inland. The town was noisy and bustled with life. She continued to watch as a well dressed young man strolled down the boardwalk. He carried himself with an air of confidence. He almost looked out of place. She sensed one of her own kind. She was fascinated by him, his youth, and yes even his looks. She glanced back over her shoulder at the ship at he back. The crew were preparing it to leave. Several swarthy looking men stopped and studied her, she just glared at them and without another word they returned to their work. She turned back to watch the progress of the young man. He was now talking to one of the traders, but with all the noise about her, she was unable to hear what was being said. Yet she knew when she saw the trader point in her direction, and the young mans eyes follow the pointing hand. He obviously gave his thanks and handed the trader something. He caught her gaze, and with a flowing strides he was at her side. “I hear you are gathering an army.” it wasn’t a question but a statement. She gave him a small smile, he was a young one, no more than 50years old. As he could tell she was far older by her scent. “Indeed. I am Delores. Welcome friend.” She offered him her hand, which he took and kissed the back of. “ I am Giorgio. A pleasure Delores. Where would you have me go?” He was awed by her beauty. She took in his youthful appearance, he seemed no more than his early twenties. “Follow me.” and she lead him up the gang plank, and aboard the ship. Directly to her cabin. Her crew were mostly mortal, and wouldn’t question her motives. “You will stay here young Giorgio.” She knew she would see him again, even after he left her this time. She closed the door and introduced him to a whole new world.

Re: First Meeting - rating G

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:07 pm
by francis
I like this. Lola and Josef were instantly attracted. This was some kind of booty call. :snicker:

Re: First Meeting - rating G

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:48 am
by cassysj
I have always had a fascination with Lola. I like the chemical reaction they had to each other.