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Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:35 am
by GuardianAngel
This is part three of a three part story.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. I do not own these characters (although try telling that to my subconscious mind between 12:00 and 6:00 am)

Once again, thank you to rijane and PNWgal. You may not realize it but you owe them thanks as well. They save you from reading a train-wreck. lol.

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Mick barely made it to his car before he emotionally collapsed. He’d heard Beth, frantic, trying to open her apartment door behind him. It was fear that kept him going. Fear that he would give in to her. That he would be her downfall. Even now, his arms ached to hold her, to soothe her pain and make her world right. He’d only be prolonging the inevitable. This is what happens when you dare to believe in happily ever after. You suffer. Which, if it were only himself, would be okay. But he’d caused Beth to suffer too.

The vampire blinked his eyes to clear them of useless tears and gave a swipe at his running nose. It was time to get his head together. He needed a glass of scotch – well, maybe more than a glass. He needed to rail at someone. He needed to know what the police would find in their investigation of Foster’s disappearance. All three could be attained in the same place.


Mick strode in to Josef’s office and headed straight for the bar.

“Come to finish me off? Or just my liquor?” Josef asked from his desk.

Mick ignored him until he’d downed his first glass and poured himself a second. Then, with crystal coated fortification in hand, he took the chair in front of his antagonist.

Josef leaned back in his chair watching the young vampire and awaited the verdict with a knowing grin.

With a bitter laugh, Mick held his glass up in mocking salute. “To finally facing the truth. With your help.”

“And what truth would that be?” Josef hadn’t lost the grin but there was confusion crowding his eyes and brows.

“Me and Beth were a bad idea. It was never going to work.” The words were spoken as if by rote, practiced until all thought was removed.

“It could, if you would just let it.” Josef rose from his chair and walked around his desk, sitting on the corner and leaned in towards Mick. “I admit, I had my doubts. I thought it was just another one of your foolish attempts to feel human.” Smoothing his tie he coyly added, “Good thing I didn’t act on my first impulse and have her meet with a convenient accident. All that AO-……damn, that would have been a waste.”

Mick’s head snapped up and he settled a scathing glare on Josef. “Don’t you even joke about something like that!”

“Joke?” Josef plucked the glass from the young vampire’s hand and walked towards the bar. “Come on Mick, you know better than that. I thought she was going to pose a threat to our secret.” Josef returned with a refill for Mick and a glass for himself. “But then I could see that she skewed her reports to keep us out of them. So I decided to just keep an eye on her.”

“Well, wasn’t that magnanimous of you. And now she’s your partner in crime.” Mick stood, his nerves singing, begging for action. “The latest Kostan acquisition.” His jaw clenched and his fingers strangled the crystal tumbler until is shattered in his hand, spilling cold red and warm gold. He didn’t seem to notice as he stepped closer to the elder vampire, stopping just inches from his face and, with gritted teeth, continued. “She was the one good thing in my life. The last decent, pure thing in my life.”

“This,” Josef made a circular motion with his finger to indicate Mick and the area around him, “this is your biggest problem. You only see what you want to see.” He stepped away from Mick and around the bronzed puddle at his feet. “How do you expect Beth to live up to something like that? I’m surprised she didn’t get nosebleeds from the height of the pedestal you’ve placed her on.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Mick let out a low expletive and began to pace, never taking his eyes from the other vampire. Josef returned with a new glass for Mick and the decanter of scotch and poured them each another.

After settling himself back behind his desk, Josef stared for a moment into his glass, pondering his next words. “Look, Mick, you know I don’t like to give advice. But you need to step back and take a good look around. I’m not saying Beth isn’t a good person. I’m sure she is.” He held up his hand at Mick, stopping the response he knew was coming. “I know she is. But she’s not the angel you’ve painted her. She’s a fighter and she’s got a hell of a temper. That’s not you’re doing. And she’s not going to sit around while you play the knight in shining armor.”

“That’s not what I’m trying to be. I’m only trying to keep her safe from a world she’s not prepared for!”

“What world?”

“Our world. The vampire world.” Mick sat back in the chair facing Josef. He banged his fist on the desk, punctuating his next words. “The world I introduced her to.”

“Actually it was your dear ex-wife that made the introduction. And if I remember correctly, it’s the fact that you’re a vampire that has saved that pretty little hide of hers a time or two from non-vampire related trouble.” Josef swallowed the last of the amber spirits and savored the sweet burn before taking advantage of the continued silence of the other vampire and added, “Beth is independent and, despite that angelic exterior, she’s tough. How could you expect that she would do any less for you if she can?”

“Josef, she sent a man to his death. She murd…..”

“No. She didn’t.”

“What the hell….”

“The jury does not kill the person they sentence to a death penalty. That’s all she did. He deserved to die, Mick. And you would have done the same for her. Except you would have hunted him down and done it yourself.”

The two vampires locked eyes, each trying to read the thoughts of the other. One trying to relay hope, the other desperately trying to regain it. It lasted for several seconds and ended with two tentative winners.

“I love her Josef. I want the best for her.”

“I know. So give it to her.”

Josef topped off both their drinks. “You going to remove the rest of that glass from your hand? You’re lucky you’re not human, you’d probably die from lead poisoning.”


Several more hours and two additional bottles of prime single malt scotch later, Mick was on his way home. He spent the ride in a pleasant haze of slight intoxication, contemplating what he would say to Beth, how he would make up for walking out on her. His chest tightened as he remembered her calling to him, hurt and panicked.

The elevator stopped at his floor, the slight vibration of the car causing Mick to brace his hands on the wall to steady himself. Exiting took some unusual finesse. After nearly tripping over the gap between elevator and floor and the giggle that he could not contain, he admitted to himself that he might be more than just slightly intoxicated. He was drunk. But even that could not explain the vision he encountered in front of his apartment door. Lying on the floor, curled into a ball with her bag functioning as a pillow and her coat draped over her, was Beth.

Mick stopped short, which caused him to take two steps back to regain his precarious balance. He closed his eyes tight and then opened them again, thinking that, surely, the apparition would disappear. When it didn’t, he fell to his knees before her, hitting the ground with such force that the sound reverberated down the hall.

“Sshhhhhh.” He cautioned the echoes.

His sluggish brain discerned that he couldn’t leave her there. But he didn’t want to wake her either. He nodded to himself and a proud smile lit his face as he solved the conundrum; I’ll carry her in. Mick stepped over Beth’s body and balanced himself in the small space between her and his door. With slow care he squatted and scooped up her sleeping form. He was on a roll until he tried to lift her in his restricted position. He lost his footing, hit the door and slid down. A glance down at the angelic face resting on his arm confirmed that she hadn’t woken up. She felt good in his arms. Mick kissed her head before resting his cheek on it. I’ll just take a break, sit like this for a little while. It was his last thought before passing out.


Mick. Beth woke with his name on her lips. Her fingers curled into the soft fabric under her hand, fabric which clung to a hard, vampire’s chest. The wave of relief hit so hard that she had to close her eyes and bite her lip to contain it, to keep it from pouring out. Even so, it felt like it would pop her seams and engulf her. She needed this moment to gather herself and savor the fact that he was really here, lying beneath her.

He must have felt her move because when she looked up he was staring down at her.

“Hey.” His voice was rough, rusty and he cleared his throat.

“Hey.” She responded, unsure of his mood.

Mick raised his eyebrows and questioned, “You wanna come in?”

Beth smiled and nodded her head. She sat up, attempting to stand, stopping when she felt the arms around her tighten.

“Not yet.” Mick wasn’t prepared to let her go. He was able to pick her up this time, although he still felt some residual effects of his earlier overindulgence in Josef’s superb stock of single malt. Managing to balance Beth with one arm and a knee, he fished his key from his pocket and got the door open.

“Mick, my bag.”

“Got it.” Turning back to the hallway he used his foot to push her large purse inside.

The door closed behind him and Mick stood there, holding the woman he loved as she stared back at him. Neither could look away from the other, both fully aware of how close they’d come to losing each other no thanks to their combined stubbornness and stupidity.

Beth cupped his cold cheek before sliding her hand into the curls brushing his collar and pulling his head down to hers. Their lips touched tentatively, probing for acceptance before it deepened, leaving them both breathless. Mick finally let her go, letting her body slide down his until she stood before him, encircled in his arms.

“I shouldn’t have walked out like that.”


“I wasn’t listening to you.”

“No.” Her voice gave no evidence of forgiveness but the hands grasping at his back told a different story.

Mick smiled. “You want to try it again?”

“The argument or the kiss?” The confused frown was belied by the twinkle in her cerulean eyes.

“The conversation." He corrected as he brushed her cheek with his knuckles.

Beth’s deep sigh sobered them both. “Yes. Just let me freshen up a bit first. I’ll be right back.”

As she made her way up the stairs, Mick took the opportunity to poor himself a glass of blood. Not only was he thirsty, but it would also dilute the remainder of liquor in his system. By the time Beth returned, he was brewing her some coffee and setting out a cup.

Beth entered the kitchen with eyes closed and nose up, inhaling the wondrous aroma. “Yesssss.” Cupping the beverage as if it were the Holy Grail, she backed up so she could lean against the counter, facing Mick who mirrored her stance at the other end, essentially choosing their corners so the first round could begin.

“Where were you? Last night?”

The question threw him off for a second. It wasn’t what he’d expected. It was a relief to start off with such an easy question, an unexpected reprieve, but it made him a little wary that she was able to catch him off guard so easily.


“Weren’t you at Josef’s just before coming to my place?”

“Yes. Why?”

Beth shrugged a shoulder. “I just wanted to know where you were.”

Mick nodded slowly and frowned. Am I ever going to understand how her mind works?

“Mick?” She waited until she had his full attention. “I didn’t just do it for you.”

“What do you mean?”

Beth put her cup down and crossed her arms. “I did it for me. Because I knew if Foster outed you, you would have to leave. I didn’t want you to leave L.A.” She shifted her weight. “Or me.”

Mick had to cross his own arms to keep them from reaching for her. He could tell that Beth was struggling and wouldn’t accept his offer of comfort just yet.

“Don’t you think what you did was extreme?”

“No. No I don’t. He wouldn’t have stopped. He was blackmailing me. Foster wanted all of Buzzwire’s exclusives. If I didn’t deliver, he said you would become his number one priority. But you’d already piqued his curiosity. He wasn’t going to go away, Mick.” She took a couple steps forward, her eyes imploring.

“Why did you go to Josef? Why not tell me?” Try as he might, he couldn’t keep the note of pain from his voice.

“I was trying to protect you. You were never meant to……” her voice dropped, “know.”

Mick shook his head and took a step forward, planting his fists on his hips.

“Do you have any idea how many things are wrong with what you just said? We were supposed to be honest with each other, remember? It’s like I don’t even know you. What else are you hiding from me?”

Beth snapped back as if he’d slapped her. She could only stare at him, mouth agape.

He swept his arm out. “Is there anything else you'd like to share with me?”

Over the initial shock, Beth’s body began to hum with indignation.

“Oh, yes. I have a secret life as a serial killer. On the weekends I hunt vampires. You’re my latest victim. Because, honestly Mick, I think I could kill you right now!”

Face flaming and eyes snapping, Beth picked up her coffee cup and threw it in the sink. Mick flinched as it shattered. As she made to brush by him he seized her arm.


“No.” She tried to wrench her arm from his grasp but he wouldn’t let it go. It only served to fuel her fury. She spun on him and smacked him across the face.

“I’ve never pretended to be anything I’m not. And I’ve never lied to you!”

“Beth, stop.”

But she continued to wrestle with him, trying to pry his fingers from her arm. She was becoming hysterical, a whirl of blonde hair, nails, blue fire and an aroma of madness. Mick became alarmed. Not knowing what else to do he wrapped his arms around her. Her body became quiet but her heart remained erratic.

“Sshhhh. I’m sorry.”

“Let. Me. GO.”

“No. You’ll leave.”

“You bet I will.”

After several seconds of silence she finally gave up. Fighting him was futile.

“Do you have any idea how many times you’ve kept things from me? If I hadn’t followed you home after LeeJay almost killed you, would you have told me you were a vampire? Or would you have gone on pretending to be human? If I hadn’t found your file on me would you have ever told me that it was you that saved me when I was four? That you watched over me all these years?”

Mick gradually loosened his arms, ready to snatch her up if she made a run for it.

“I…..don’t know.”

“Because you thought it would be best for me not to know?”

Smelling a trap, he was hesitant in his answer. “Yes.”

“Do you know what a hypocrite you are?”

“I’m not…”

“Yes. You are.”

“I can’t not protect you, Beth.”

She laughed and rolled her eyes. Mick felt some of his tension easing at the typical, Beth reaction.

“And I can’t not protect you. This is me. I don’t wait in the car. I like danger. And if I think you need help I’m going to give it. Get used to it St. John.”

“Is that so?”

Beth strolled up to Mick and stood in front of him. Toe to toe. Pushy and fierce to the end.

“Yes, that is so. We’re a team, remember?”

“Yes. A good one.” Mick gifted her with her favorite lopsided grin. She couldn’t be sure if it was his answer or the grin that suddenly made her lightheaded.

“Don’t you forget it.” She poked his chest for emphasis.

A sensual smile tugged at Mick’s mouth as he lowered his face to hers, capturing her lips as his arms slid around her.

Beth hugged him tight, clinging to him as they kissed. She suddenly felt overwhelmed with relief; she wasn’t going to lose this vampire in her arms. Giddy with the knowledge, she felt a burst of pure joy and it radiated throughout her body. Breaking the kiss, she stared up at Mick.

Mick stared down at the woman in his arms and was awestruck by the happiness illuminating her face. He swore that he could feel its warmth and caught a whiff of its sunshine scent. No, Beth was no angel. She was flesh and blood. He grinned. He should know. And she didn’t belong on a pedestal. She belonged at his side. And in his arms.

Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:04 am
by mitzie
Lovely story! Finally Mick seeing the light, well part of it anyways! 8-) Love this story!! Well-done!!!! *scream* *scream*


Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:39 am
by darkstarrising

Wonderful ending...they're both strong, both stubborn and they both love each other. And yes, they belong together.

Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:21 pm
by wpgrace
Ahhhhhhhhh... so satisfying...
GuardianAngel wrote:“This,” Josef made a circular motion with his finger to indicate Mick and the area around him, “this is your biggest problem. You only see what you want to see.” He stepped away from Mick and around the bronzed puddle at his feet. “How do you expect Beth to live up to something like that? I’m surprised she didn’t get nosebleeds from the height of the pedestal you’ve placed her on.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Mick let out a low expletive and began to pace, never taking his eyes from the other vampire. Josef returned with a new glass for Mick and the decanter of scotch and poured them each another.
And again, so visually perfect... if only, honey, if only we could reallly see it!

Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:04 pm
by Albra
Yes,yes, yes ... :cheering:

Finally ... he understood that she is REAL woman, not "angel on a pedestal".

And "war of words" between Mick and Beth :swords: - delicious


Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 6:29 am
by NocturneInCMoll
Great story. The reactions and emotions were spot-on. Ignore my comment in part 2 of Just Right, if this story was meant to come before it.

P.S. I loved drunk Mick, with the giggle.

Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 10:51 am
by francis
I still absolutely love this story for the perfectly done dialogue and the tension and the perfect ending. They are a team, and they have to work out how to make it work, or it won't. Beth doesn't back down. I really love her.

Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:13 pm
by jen


Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:46 am
by wollstonecraft61
jen wrote:Outstanding.

Amen. :hyper2:

Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:49 pm
by Kara
Mick finding Beth asleep on his doorstep makes me miss the show so bad. :sigh: Well, I'm glad Mick realizes she is just as protective of him as he is of her. Honestly, she'd make a better vamp than him. :yahoo: But so happy they got over this hurdle. :smooch:

Thanks for a great story. :clapping: :clapping: :hearts:

Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:04 pm
by redwinter101
Updating the recommendations thread sent me back here - it's been too long since I read this story. :slaphead:

I still struggle with the outcome - it's a personal thing for me: there was no excuse for Beth having Foster killed and I think she gets off too lightly here. There have to be consequences to murder - I hope you don't mind that I still feel that so strongly.

BUT (there's always a but), this story has such a beautiful cadence. The to and fro of the 2 conversations that run throughout all 3 chapters (Mick and Josef and Mick and Beth) is beautiful. It's one of the most perfectly canon pieces I've ever read. I can see it, hear it, almost touch it. The dialogue has snap and crackle; the descriptions are beautifully visual; the emotion is real and vital.

This, my dear, stands the test of time.


Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:04 pm
by GuardianAngel
*squishes Red with a huge hug*

No, I do NOT mind that you feel so strongly. There should always be consequences to killing someone. And I do believe that Beth got off lightly here. But this piece was more about Mick finding out and dealing with it. I don't think he could hold it against her for long. True, he'd struggle with it because he'd see it as something he caused by introducing Beth into the world of vampires. That she was an innocent corrupted by his dark world. But that isn't so. Beth has some dark places and either she's capable or she's not. I wanted to address Mick's penchant for hypocrisy where Beth is concerned.

So, she got over this hurdle with Mick. But whose to say this doesn't come back to bite her later. She's responsible for taking a life and that's not going to go away.

Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:15 pm
by jen
Well, good. I think Mick may have caught a glimmer of light there at the end.

I LOVE this

“And I can’t not protect you. This is me. I don’t wait in the car. I like danger. And if I think you need help I’m going to give it. Get used to it St. John.”

Josef tried to tell him, but Mick (as sweet as he is) is a little hard headed sometimes.

Thanks for this


:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:51 pm
by maggatha3
What a great story, Guardian Angel! I almost expected Mick to react like that- or even worse- in case he found out Beth's part in the death of Foster. And I kind of agree to it, she knew what she was doing and it was murder. She is certainly not the angel he thinks. But then, who wouldn't kill to protect the beloved ones? Not for Mick to blame others! Then again, only a little time of thought and he blames it on himself. I loved Josef talking him into the reality of their situation, and persistant Beth sleeping outside his door!

But most of all...''Sshhhhhhhhhh''He cautioned the echoes. OH, Guardian Angel... :melts: :melts: :melts: :melts: That is my Mick, he would shus the world for her!

Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Part Three (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:47 am
by jen
This little three part story, the seeds of which arose from the disposition of Dean Foster at the end of Click, sums up Moonlight here.

Difficult, dangerous and complicated?

Of course, but love conquered all.
