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Recoil Parallel Chapter 1-3 PG13

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:34 am
by MoonShadow
Episode: Loosely based after Sonata
Pairing: The whole gang
Rating: PG13 Occasional language
Spoilers: I wish it had a spoiler
Beta Thank You: Moonshadow
Summary: Nothing happens by chance, beware of coincidences

CBS & Paramount owns Moonlight, No copyright infringement is intended.

Recoil Parallel
By Morbius

Chapter 1

The cool night air was salty and corrosive against the aging skin of the vampire. Tonight was his feeding night and the sun was just dropping behind the dark silhouettes of the city landscape. Just as the sun disappeared, and the mercury bulbs crackled to life illuminating the sidewalks, he spotted someone leaving the pub. A quick whiff of the air revealed them to be a human male and reeking of beer. Good he’s on foot, the vampire thought to himself, This will make it easy and still give me time to make the poker game. With a quick snicker the vampire pushed off the building and began following his unsuspecting victim. A few paces later the vampire reached into his jacket pocket and fished out his cell phone, flipped the screen open revealing the keypad and hit the speed dial labeled “Cleaners.”

The old drunk was enjoying his walk home when he noticed someone following him. He normally wouldn’t have paid any attention to anyone else but the conversation between the man behind him and the other party on the cell phone was what caught his attention. “I need a priority cleanup at the corner of 11th and Main”. He was just approaching that intersection! Was the man talking about him, or was it just coincidence? He decided to quicken his pace and clear the juncture before it was him. As the drunk was just about to arrive at the other side of the intersection he was startled by the vamp grabbing his shoulder. “There is no way you could have caught me that quickly”, the old drunk said allowed. This caused the vampire to pause for a moment, and that moment was just what the old drunk needed. To the vampire’s surprise this was no ordinary drunk, but a well trained assassin.

The assassin whirled on the vampire with so much speed and precision that he could have been a vampire himself. In that moment of pause, the assassin had clenched the vampire’s hand with vice-like strength and twisted his entire arm high and above both their heads exposing the vampire. Just as the vampire’s killing instincts kicked in he caught a glimpse of something shiny in the assassin other hand. Before his synapses registered what the glint was; blinding agony struck the vampire full force. With all his strength the assassin had pulled the vampire’s arm downward and out of its socket, then with the other hand cut it clean from his torso. In the heat of the fight the vampire dropped his cell phone. But before it hit the ground the assassin caught it mid stride and began to speak into the receiver.

“If you don’t want to be front page news you better get here and get this cleaned up”!

With that the assassin wiped the receiver quickly on his pant leg and shattered the phone into the blood pooling on the ground.

“Hey where do you think you are going” The assassin shouted at the vampire.

The only think that came instinctive to the vamp was to turn and hiss at the man but as he did the assassin retrieved something from his belt and with lightning precision threw it at the vampire. A second later the vamp was lying prostrate with a stake protruding from his chest.

“You chose the wrong lad to screw with this night, and now you will be the witness to your own death”.

With that the assassin forcefully stepped on the stake forcing it all the way through the vamp’s body until it stopped at the asphalt below. Then almost immediately everything went black as the assassin severed the vamp’s head with a single swipe of his knife.

Moments after the assassin left the macabre scene; a large black van showed up and began setting up equipment. The assassin, not being one to leave loose ends, decided to stick around to see just how important this vampire was. He noticed that everyone was much more interested in the dead body than anyone or anything else. He also noticed that in the back of the van was a box of assorted cameras and decided it would be nice to document the goings on. The assassin moved up to the van and when everyone was busy ducked into the back. Damn, all digital, this is going to make things a little more difficult. The assassin quickly ejected several of the cameras memory cards and grabbed the oldest looking model in the box They’ll never miss this old thing. Just as he was exiting the van a car came squealing up the road. He had to leave now to avoid being caught and just as he ducked into the ally the car came to a halt at the scene. Damn he thought to himself I’ve been seen. With the adrenalin pumping through his veins he sprinted to the end of the ally and jumped for a fire escape. Grabbing it with one free hand he was able to stabilize himself without loosing any of the stolen goods and began to climb his way to the roof. Once at the roof, he paused just long enough to see if he was being followed. Confident that he wasn’t he moved to the edge of the building and began documenting the scene.

Hours later the scene was clean and vamp gone but the assassin still hadn’t left the roof top. The digital pictures didn’t give reveal any clues as to whether or not these were vampires or humans. The only clue he has was the beautiful woman with the long black hair. She looked to be running the show and was possibly The Cleaner his vamp was talking to just before the evenings events. With that in mind the assassin formulated his next plan and exited into the populace.

Chapter 2

Somewhere in the city The Assassin sits in a grungy dark room, shades pulled tight to abate the trespassing rays of the sun. In complete darkness The Assassin sits at the end of a very small galley kitchenette. Behind him, the dining table stood strewn with equipment resembling the workshop of young Frankenstein. Before him the stove stood housing several flat pans of unknown liquid. The Assassin knew he had to be patient and wait for the silver emulsion to work its magic. This art was long lost with all the new advances in photography but was the only true way to identify his prey from afar. Once these pages were developed and drying he would then repeat the process without the silver. This gave The Assassin the reference and the images needed to identify his potential victim.

“Beep Beep Beep… Beep Beep Beep… Beep Beep Beep…”

The Assassin slowly stood and methodically moved to the stove. Stopping to turn off the timer and flip on a single red bulb dulled by the lamps black shade then began moving pictures from one pan to the next. Some time later several pictures pairs hung from various wires strewn about the room making a mobile of the city. With each picture placed in its perfect paring, one above and one below, The Assassin stood in the middle of the mobile slowly, ever so slowly, turning. He was carefully studying each and every picture and on occasion moved closer with a magnifier to scrutinize some minute detail then backed away to his original position. Then spotting something in one of the images he moved closer to investigate. This was it, the image he was looking for. The top image showed nothing but the dull grey of some non-descript building. The image below however showed something much different. The image was of, what looked to be, a middle age man with his back against the wall. His head tipped slightly sky ward and eyes closed, as if enjoying a sensation for the first time. The Assassin pulled a small notepad from his belt, flipped it open and began making notes. He then pulled the image pair from their wires and placed them on the now clean dining table to be scrutinized in more detail then moved back to the mobile and began taking more notes.

It was dusk now and The Assassin stood waiting in a shadowed corner some distance from the dull grey wall he had so carefully studied hours prior. This was it. Everything was in place for the plan he had so carefully laid out from that roof top the night before. As the sun’s rays finally died out and the cool vapors of the mercury bulbs began to hiss The Assassin tightened his fists in tonight’s anticipation. To calm himself he closed his eyes and carefully went over the plan again and again and again. Then several hours later his mark came stumbling around the corner then stopped and braced himself against the dull grey wall as if to purge something from his innards. The Assassin stood steady as any stone statue and waited. As the mark continued about his normal activities The Assassin began to slowly move his hand into the inner folds of his jacket to retrieve a hollow piece of bamboo the length of his arm. He then slowly moved the bamboo to his pursed anticipating lips. Then with a long and quick gust from his lungs The Assassin blew through the bamboo letting fly a small dart. The Assassin’s aim had been true. The dart stuck struck the vampires neck feeding its poison into his jugular. As the vampire reached up with his hand to brush away what he thought was some annoying insect he began to cough and wheeze. The vampire not sure what was going on pulled the dart from his neck and studied the object in disbelief. As the vampire began to move the concoction from the dart was already in full effect, forcing the vampire’s circulatory system into hyper mode allowing the poison to move quickly throughout his system. The vampire managed one, two then three steps before he collapsed. Just as he hit the ground The Assassin was there at his feet. He gave the poison a few more seconds to run its course. He then began searching the vampire and eventually found his cell phone. Not wanting his prey to get up and make a run for it The Assassin reached to the small of his back and retrieved a dark ebony stake. With a single forceful high arcing motion The Assassin rammed the stake through the vampire’s chest cavity directly into his heart.

“Now, let’s see if you know the cleaner”

The Assassin began scrolling through the contacts of the vampire’s cell phone and finally came to rest on marked “Cleaner”. Once again he pulled the small notepad from his belt and made note of the number. Replacing the notepad he pulled a small round device from his pocket and affixed it to the receiver of the phone and hit the send key of the phone.


“Umm, yeah I need a clean up at the corner of 6th and Grand Avenue”.

Before any other conversation could take place The Assassin disconnected the call, pulled the round device from the phone, wiped it clean and replaced it.

“Sorry mate but your days of trespassing against others ends here”. On that note The Assassin savagely severed the vampires head and retrieved his ebony stake wiping the blood from the stake on his victim’s collar before it was completely soaked from the leaking and spraying blood still being pumped by the headless body.

“Now for part two of tonight’s show”, The Assassin said as he bowed before the headless corpse before turning and leaving the scene for his perch.

Moments later a large black van pulled up and as before began setting up large privacy screens to blind out any unwanted eyes. Tonight was a little different however; the beautiful lady with the long black hair came with the van. As she stepped out The Assassin pulled the trigger. “Click – Click… Click – Click…”. The Assassin moved the twin mounted cameras as he listened to their synchronized shutters with every pull of the trigger. Then as the crew began to load into the van and the black haired lady pulled the door closed, he pulled the trigger one last time. He lifted a large heavy barreled rifle and took aim for the top of the vans cab just where the beautiful lady should be seated. When he heard the whirr of the van’s engine being started, The Assassin squeezed the trigger of the rifle firing its large dart. As the van began to move and pull away The Assassin turned and sat behind the perch of the buildings façade. Pulling a PDA from his pack he pressed a couple of buttons and watched Google Maps scroll across the screen dictating the exact location of the ominous black van.

“I’ve got you now pretty lady” The Assassin said as he powered down the PDA and began packing up the cameras.

Just shortly before day break the van stopped for some time not to far from where The Assassin had set his trap. Back in the comfort of his dark room with the shades still pulled tight The Assassin clicked the zoom key in Google Earth then pressed the button for street view. Seconds later he moving the camera around the building and making detailed notes in his small note pad. As he was panning around he noticed that one of the higher fire doors was marked with the security sticker of one of the local security firms.

“And so the hunt continues” The Assassin said as he finished up his last note, logged out of Google Earth and closed the lid of his laptop.

Chapter 3

The Assassin stood motionless at the same window that was normally blocked by the tightly pulled drapes. The view was nothing to brag about; but then he did have a direct view of the mighty Pacific in all its reflective glory. Once the sun had set and the mercury vapor of the lights below had begun to buzz and hiss. The Assassin pulled the drapes tight against the window yet again. Methodically moving to the table he began pulling equipment from an old metal case. Within minutes the laptop was able to establish its satellite link. The Assassin opened a program – entered a few security codes and began typing away.

“All though I walk through the valley of death I fear no evil” – Send.

“And though the righteous ones are forgiving their wrath can be devastating” – Wait.

“I lay prostrate waiting to receive the anger the righteous ones” – Send.

“The test of Job is not one of self but one of dedication” – Wait.

“I have not strayed from the valley even though there is no clear path” – Send.

“Then why do you still remain in servitude?” – Wait.

“The two given did not contain the wisdom required by the righteous. However, I believe others may possess the wisdom required.” – Send.

“Very good, then continue good Job and you will indeed remain pious.” – Wait.

“This valley is very long and contains a large copse of shadow less trees” – Send.

“The Midianites’ well is pure and will sustain those that walk the valley” – Wait.

“While on the cobblestone I will draw from their well and ask that it give the right of mind” – Send.

“Indeed it shall” – End.

Just seconds after the last line printed The Assassin collapsed the satellite phone and pulled its plug from the laptop. As soon as the plug was pulled the laptop’s drives began to spin and buzz. A few minutes later the laptop gave the tell tale beep letting The Assassin know that the shredding was done and it was waiting for its next task. But instead of giving it another task The Assassin closed the lid, and replaced the laptop to its resting place within the old metal case.

Later that night The Assassin walked the old part of town. Turning onto the cobblestone walk leading up to the cathedral, The Assassin stopped and began to study the names engraved on each stone. Finding the one marked “Exodus” The Assassin counted 40 bricks west to a brick labeled “The Wells Family”. As The Assassin stepped on the brick it shifted under his weight. Noting that the street was clear The Assassin bent down and gently pulled the brick from its slot revealing an old skeleton key below. The Assassin retrieved the skeleton key and replaced the brick in its slot but with the engraved name face down. Once inside the cathedral The Assassin made his way to the row of confessional booths and instead of entering traditionally, he entered the priests’ side of the middle set. There at the priests’ bench beneath the well worn cushion was the inset door of a safe deposit box. Placing the skeletal key in its prescribed slot The Assassin turned the key until the lid released it catch and sprang up. Inside were two, scroll sized, metal tubes and a single piece of parchment. The Assassin reached in to retrieve the first tube marked Argentum, then the other marked Corporis Rememdium, and finally the parchment. The Assassin carefully placed everything within the folds of his jacket, closed the door of the hidden box, replaced the cusion, then left the cathedral. The Assassin only stopped once and just long enough to replace the key and the stone, with the name back in its original facing.

Entering his grungy room, The Assassin stopped and emptied the contents of his jacket on the table. He then hurriedly retrieved the platinum mortar and pestle, pulled a small blood red pill from the Corporis Rememdim tube and set to grinding the pill to a powder. Once The Assassin was done grinding the pill he placed the mortar on the top of the old metal box along with a decanter of wine, a small golden goblet and a roseary of black beads. Kneeling before the box, The Assassin began by pouring the powder into the decanter of wine and gently swirling the concoction until the powder was entirely dissolved. He then filled the goblet, picked up the rosary and began to pray. When The Assassin reached the end of a decade he paused long enough to drink and refill the contents of the goblet. By the end of the 20th decade the decanter and goblet were both empty. There The Assassin knelt allowing the effects of the concoction to fully take effect until finally he slumped forward in a toxic sleep.

Re: Recoil Parallel Chapter 1-3 PG13

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:35 am
by jen
Oh, my. This answers a lot of questions and raises others. I need to read this again. This explains who that figure was taking pictures at the beginning or Recoil. Honestly, at this moment I am a bit confused and need to read this again.

Hope to have better comments tomorrow!

This is quite wonderful! Thank you!

Re: Recoil Parallel Chapter 1-3 PG13

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:05 pm
by francis
This is very well done, I could feel the atmosphere. This assassin is very skilled and connected, and I fear for the Cleaners and the vampires of the City. I wonder what his further plans are and if what he took was some kind of cure. I really would love to read more... :blinksmile: