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Finding Sam - an unexpected third chapter - PG-13

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:04 am
by Penina Spinka
This is fan fiction. I knew it was short and ought to be longer, but that's all I thought I was going to have. You never know. Here is more of what happened after Francis found Sam.

Finding Sam – Part 3

Penina Spinka

“Sam. Wake up!”

Sam rubbed his eyes in the semi-dark room. The drapes were drawn against the daylight. “What time is it?” he asked, yawning.

“A little after twelve. There’s some guy on the phone. He says his name is Francis Radu. You want to talk to him?”

Sam barely remembered writing his phone number down for Francis last night. He barely remembered last night. “Yeah. Yeah. Tell him I’ll be there in a minute.” Sam forced his eyes open, staggered into the bathroom and closed the door. Looking into the mirror, he pushed his long hair aside and inspected his neck below his left ear. “Oh my god!” he whispered. He stared for a moment, but then pushed his hair back over the two small marks. He made his way to the phone in the kitchen and picked up the phone. “This is Sam,” he said.

“Good afternoon,” came Francis’s voice.

“Hold on a second.” Sam looked around. Jason was still asleep on the other bed in their room. Jeremy was at the table eating a sandwich. Sam didn’t see Randy. He opened Randy and Jeremy’s door and found the second bedroom empty, then brought the phone in there for privacy and closed the door. “I thought I dreamed you,” he whispered.

Francis laughed softly. It was a friendly sort of sound. “People often do. Can I come over within the hour to take you to lunch?”

“Breakfast,” Sam muttered. “I haven’t had anything to eat yet. I live on musician’s hours. Hey. What are you doing up at high noon?” He didn’t say he thought Francis should be sleeping in his coffin about now, but he was thinking it.

“I’m calling you. Lunch or breakfast, whatever you want. What is your address?”

Sam gave it to him, hoping he was making the right decision. “I’ll see you here soon then,” Sam said, and closed the connection. He needed a cell phone. Jeremy would soon be asking him who Francis Radu was. “I’m taking a shower and then I’m going out for breakfast,” he told Jeremy, walking past him to pick out clothing for the day.

“Who’s Francis Radu?” asked Jeremy.

“A diplomat from Romania,” Sam replied with a sigh. “He works at the U.N.”

“What does he want with you?” Jeremy persisted.

Sam didn’t like to lie, but he had to say something. “I met him at the Club last night. He has a job for me, a private gig. He needs a drummer. I have to get ready to meet him.” He slipped into the bathroom again to the sound of Jeremy’s voice.

“Sammy’s got himself an admirer who needs a drummer for a private gig,” Jeremy jeered though the door. “Just make sure he’s clean.”

Damn, thought Sam. I do have to get my own place.

He showered and washed his hair, then rubbed one hand over his chin and cheeks. He didn’t need to shave yet, one of the perks of being Native American. In the shower, he patted the washcloth gently against his neck. The marks were a bit tender, and beginning to itch. It seemed they were already healing. Except for how Francis had made him feel last night, and how strong he was, he seemed perfectly human. How odd to even be thinking like this.

What else didn’t Sam know about real vampires as opposed to the fictional kind? He had to remember Francis didn’t like the word and to not use it if he didn’t have to. He was awake in the middle of the day. Sam looked out the window as he toweled off and dried his hair. The middle of a sunny day – that should make it worse. He wondered if he’d be allowed to ask questions.

It came to him that he’d been thinking about Francis as if he were a clan elder. He might be an elder, but he was definitely not clan. Sam didn’t owe him anything, at least not yet. If he took all Francis offered, then he would owe him big time. Did he want that? He had to ask questions to make an informed decision. It was perfectly fine to ask questions. Last night, Francis had released him the moment he asked him to. He said he would never force himself on Sam. Patronage was a business arrangement, wasn’t it?

If Francis wouldn’t answer his questions, Sam would just tell him to get out of his life. Take the next plane back to Bucharest, he would say. Go back to Transylvania while you’re at it; it’s in the same neighborhood. But Francis said they had been best friends in a prior life, which is why he had searched him out. Sam wasn’t sure he believed people had past lives. Then again, not believing something didn’t make it false - just like believing in something didn’t make it true.

He selected a pale blue pullover with a high neck that covered the marks better than his damp hair. What if Francis wanted a taste of him again? He didn’t want to go there, and hopefully Francis wouldn’t either. If he remembered right, the blood bank said every 56 days, but they took a pint. He wondered how much Francis had taken. Sam and his buddies got free blood tests at the clinic for donating. It was a good deal, but he wondered if he’d be doing that again any time soon. To have his own place, not to have to share a bathroom with three other guys, to have his career turn out just the way he’d envisioned it when he came down to New York – Sam closed his eyes. The least he could do was listen to Francis. Listen and ask questions.

When he came out of the bathroom, Jeremy was still in the kitchen, waiting for him. “There’s no such thing as a free lunch,” he said.

“You couldn’t wait to say that to me, could you?” Sam asked. “I left my mother back home on the reservation. I don’t need another one.”

“I’ll check him out for you,” Jeremy said. “It’s the least a friend can do for a friend.” Sam had barely sat down when the bell rang. Jeremy gave him a smirk and went to answer the door.

Francis stood right outside, seeing Jeremy, but not seeing Sam. “Come in,” Jeremy said. Francis walked across the threshold.

Sam put his hand to his eyes. He had hoped to test out that myth about vampires, the one where they couldn’t enter a residence uninvited, but Jeremy had just stymied his chance. He planned to ask him if he’d like to come in, without actually inviting him, to see what would happen.

“I’m Jeremy,” Jeremy said. “Sam’s told me all about you.”

“Has he?” Francis looked at Sam who slowly but definitely shook his head.

“Yes. He said you worked at the U.N., and you needed him for a private gig. Your native language isn’t English. You do know what a gig is, don’t you?”

“It’s entertainer-speak for a paid engagement. I studied American slang before I came. Have I passed your test?”

Francis had spoken softly, but Jeremy looked properly intimidated. “Yes. I guess you have,” Jeremy said.

“Are you ready, Sam?” Francis asked. Jeremy stood aside as Francis and Sam walked out the door.

Re: Finding Sam - an unexpected third chapter - PG-13

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:43 am
by jen
This is an entirely different facet of vampire society than we saw in Moonlight, but the world you have created here is quite rich and remarkable.

Off to read more.

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: