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An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:26 pm
by Luxe de Luxe
Title: An Unexpected Gift

Rating: PG 13

Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.

Pairing: Jo/Be

A/N: Whew! This was written for the two hour challenge fic and boy do I feel nervous. I think it was a great idea. A core of an idea is here which is nowhere near what I wanted to achieve, so apologies for its roughness.


An Unexpected Gift

“You want to know about my world, Beth? I’m having an occasion here this evening, for some old friends of mine. Come.”

There was no more to say. They both knew she would. She was his houseguest after all.

Later in the day a small rectangular box is delivered to her room. She gasps when she opens it, and can’t imagine wearing anything this expensive next to her skin. A diamond collar two inches wide lies flat against the navy velvet. A note in his precise hand reads: I almost forgot. Wear this.

By the time she wraps the towel around her chest and steps out of the bathroom, the rapping at her door has a sharp staccato tempo. It’s Magda, his house manager, and she looks angry.

“Come along now, Miss Beth, you’re late. Everybody else is already there.”

“What do you mean?” It was only 7.00pm, hardly even dark yet.

“Get dressed. And get downstairs. Now.”

Gowns fly out of the wardrobe, landing on the floor like wilted petals or settle across the bed like silk garnishes. Finally one is suitable: a flowing strapless gown of emerald green, which clings to her bust and falls to the floor in an elegant cascade from a diamond knot under her breastbone.

She twisted her hair into a chignon and outlined her eyes in kohl. Ruby lips completed her ensemble and she ran down the stairs like Cinderella, only this time, running toward the ball.

Whatever else she expected, it wasn’t this. A series of rooms runs one into the other. In one room a dining table is set for twenty-four, a curious arrangement of chairs forming another circle around it. A further room contains several deep leather sofas, and chairs upholstered in Persian silks. Beyond that, the ballroom blazed with light, its floor shing like a dark mirror, reflecting the myriad of lights from the chandelier above.

She feels as if she’s in an aquarium. Each of the rooms is swimming in brightly dressed people, no, brightly dressed women. Beautiful women. Extraordinary women. There must have been a hundred women milling between those rooms. She felt as if she’d walked through the looking glass and into the Vogue version of Wonderland. None of the women are dressed alike, yet curiously, many are wearing similar jewellery. Ruby droplets hang from the ears of at a knot of women to the left; a pair over there is wearing identical sapphire pendants. A minute later she spots a butterfly brooch of carnelian and amethyst pinned into the elaborate hairstyles of at least three girls who sashay by, sipping on champagne.

Just when she feels as if she’s in a better dressed version of her high school, she sees with relief that she’s been mistaken, there are men here. She counts at least ten of them, and stands on tip-toe to look for Josef.

“My dear,” the deep bass of the voice reverberated somewhere close to her belly button. “Won’t you do me the honour?” She would have sworn he was in his mid thirties, but something about his ageless eyes told a different story. He was a taller than she, and handsome, in a sleepy lidded, dark eyed Spanish way. He was holding out his hand, and she proffered hers, thinking he wanted to shake hands and introduce himself.

A hand reached out and clamped her wrist in a bruising grip, forcing her arm to her side. She barely recognised the respectful gravity in Josef’s tone. “My apologies Senor Diego. This one is previously engaged.”

The smile on Josef’s face looked strained and Beth looked across at the fellow’s outstretched hand, seeing that it held a tiny box, its open lid displaying the magnificent ruby earrings she’d seen earlier. The fellow’s eyes flared white for a second, then he smiled, and bowed gracefully in her direction, before retreating back into the milling crowd.

“What are you doing here?” Josef hissed, taking her elbow and marching her to the darkest corner of the room. “Do you deliberately enjoy causing trouble?” His lips were white with anger.

“What do you mean, what am I doing here?” she said, stung by his about face. “You invited me!”

“Why aren’t you wearing your marker?”

“My.. what?”

“The diamond collar Beth. The one I instructed you to wear this evening.”

Her hands flew to her neck. In the rush she’d forgotten to put on Josef’s gift. “I’m sorry, I was late and in a rush and I just forgot to..”

“You weren’t supposed to arrive until after eight,” he interrupted.

Seeing her obvious confusion, he sighed, and moved closer, lowering his voice. “This is the way we do it, Beth. When tribe elders meet, the host provides the ‘refreshment’. The hour before dinner is Le Par Choix. Every guest chooses his meal, four or five girls he’ll sup from over the course of the evening, and to signify his choice, she wears his marker.

A light dawned. “The jewellery.”

“The jewellery,” he confirmed. “Girls who are unadorned are free to be chosen.”

Her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh god.”

“Yes,” he said. He beckoned to a waiter with a barely perceptible motion of his hand, and whispered something to him. He turned back to Beth. “It’s unacceptable to refuse a marker Beth. My interruption will have caused Diego to lose face. I’ll have to make sure he wins at cards later this evening.”

The waiter returned bearing the discreet black box, and she held her breath as Josef’s cold fingers fastened the collar around her neck.

“Now you’re mine,” a low voice whispers into the back of her neck, and then he’s gone, his face hidden by the crowd.


Re: An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:30 pm
by redwinter101
Oh yum. This is just, mmmmm, hot, possessive and with an edge of danger. No wonder Beth is so entranced.

Marvellous, Luxe.


Re: An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:30 pm
by cassysj
Very interesting idea for the challenge. Beth needs to work on her listening skills. :snicker: We already know she doesn't wait in the car.

Very sexy.

Re: An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:53 pm
by wpgrace
LOL! I think this line says it all...
Luxe de Luxe wrote:“What are you doing here?” Josef hissed, taking her elbow and marching her to the darkest corner of the room. “Do you deliberately enjoy causing trouble?”
That's Beth... :evillaugh:

Re: An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 1:21 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
Just when I think you authors have completely covered every possible ML moment, something like this comes along to surprise me yet again.

This is wonderfully clever with a touch of impending sensuality. At least I hope! :devil:

Re: An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 2:13 pm
by francis
Very nice. I enjoyed the air of luxury, danger and a bit of passion. I didn't really understand why the housekeeper wanted her to come early, yet Josef wanted her to come later. Miscommunication?
The idea with the jewellery is a nice touch.
And Josef is his usual self, as is Beth.

Re: An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 2:42 pm
by catravers
Loved it. Thank you!! :yahoo:

Re: An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 2:54 pm
by allegrita
Hmmmm... somebody's housekeeper doesn't like somebody very much...

This is really great. I could see you rewriting this into a completely original piece, Luxe. It's gorgeous and sensual, and full of promise--promise of what, remains to be seen. I love the swirl of color, the luxury, the politics, and the feeling of a neophyte lost in the complexities of a dance she hasn't yet learned...

Re: An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:52 pm
by cassysj
I had a different opinion on the housekeeper. I saw it as she didn't know Beth was "for" Josef that night maybe working as a party favor for Josef and she was annoyed because she was late. In her mind what selected girl would not be wearing her collar.

Re: An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:58 pm
by librarian_7
Well, Luxe, you know me and my fascination with the freshie world...and yes, this fits in very nicely.

I do love the color and detail you incorporate, but then again, I expect that from your work.

Good job!


Re: An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 6:41 pm
by coco
Almost missed this one. I went through the challenge link thread and didn't see this one. So pleased I found it.

I don't normally respond too well to Jo/Beth fics but this one was just YUM! :thumbs:

Re: An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:50 pm
by PNWgal
Well. Isn't this just a delicious little slice of possessive heaven. :snicker:

I love me some good JoBe and this is some of the best I've read. Love the freshie dynamic and the idea of marking girls with jewelry. I like the fact that the necklace is described as a collar and not a choker or a necklace - it gives Josef claiming Beth a very real sense of ownership on Josef's part.

VERY very good, Luxe. :smooch:

Re: An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:58 pm
by wollstonecraft61
Heavily sensual, luxe. I loved it.

Re: An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:11 pm
by greenleaf9
Oooo, Luxe, this is delicious! :drool:

Love the idea of gemstones marking which girl belongs to which vampire...Brilliant! :notworthy:

Re: An Unexpected Gift - Two Hour Challenge #105 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:53 pm
by mitzie
I loved this!! The possessive atmosphere, the jewelry collars marking each woman. Very creative and sexy!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper: :hyper: :woohoo: :melts: :seesaw: :worship: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :heart:
