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Differences --(PG-13) OC/Josef

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:39 pm
by Emma-lee
A/N: This is a 5 chap fic that I wrote a while ago. I got to wondering about how things worked if the human that was turned was not the physically fit speciman our lovely leading men were. This is the result. I thought since it was done I would post it all on one thread. if this is a problem let me know and I will seperate the chapters. Thanks to Jen for being my Beta for this and as always I do not own Moonlight...Just wish I did.


I find myself walking down another windowless hallway, in yet another city this year, looking for the door marked ‘Morgue’. Finally finding the correct door, I tentatively knock. Reestablishing contacts in a new place is always Hell. Especially considering I am not the typical vampire. Once the other vampires figure it out… well, it usually ends in me being shunned. Kind of like when I was human. I hadn’t been the typical human then, either.

The morgue door opens and it brings my focus back to the task at hand- grocery shopping. The vamp opening the door scents the air briefly and I instinctively hold my breath. You never know how much a vamp can sense about you.

“Welcome brother.” He gestures for me to enter. “I assume you are new in town?”

“Yeah. Just got in last night.” I offer my hand to him. “My name is Jacob.”

“Guillermo.” He says as he shakes my hand. “How can I be of service to you tonight?”

My hands start fiddling with the handle on my black bag, trying not to give away my nervousness. “I need to stock up my cabinet and was told you were the vamp to see about that.”

Guillermo smiles. “Well you came to the right vamp.” Cuffing me on the shoulder, he leads me into the freezer room. “What‘s your favorite type?” He asks when the freezer is opened.

Looking into the freezer, I shrug. “I don’t have a favorite. I guess give me whatever you have the most of or that nobody else likes.”

“You are going to be my easiest customer yet. I like you already Jake. Can I call you Jake?” Guillermo asks as he fills my black bag with various types of blood.

“I guess so.” I shrug and hand Guillermo the money and turn to head out. Spending too much time with Guillermo could be bad, lest he figure out why I didn’t have a preference for blood type. “Thanks Guillermo. I will see you later.”

“Later man.” Guillermo watches as the new vamp leaves his morgue. Shaking his head, he mutters to himself. “No preference for type. Man, that is just weird.” Picking up his phone, he texts Josef about the new vamp in town- just like always.

Walking out of the morgue building, I was quite pleased with how it went. Pulling my black bag closer to me, I head off to my new apartment. It would be nice if all my encounters in LA went that easily. Who knows- this might actually be the town that I can fit into. However, this is not the time to let my guard down. Once the tribe finds out all about me, it is back to moving around- again. Moving around is so tiring- no vamp should have to live like a nomad.

Sighing as the key unlocks my apartment door, I look around. It wasn’t much, but then after moving around constantly for the past fifty years, it’s like a mansion to me. Pulling out the black bag I began placing the blood in the fridge, leaving one on the countertop. Looking at the O negative label, my old blood type, I smile. My fangs start to lengthen and eyes turn to silver- it is way past time to eat. Cutting the bag open with a sharp fingernail allows the smell of the blood to make the vampire inside me ravenous. The cut in the bag is open just enough to allow a large syringe inside. With one swift motion, half the bag of blood is drawn into the syringe. With practiced efficiency, the syringe tip is thrust into my feeding tube and empties of blood within seconds. I quickly fill the syringe again with the remaining blood in the bag and repeat the procedure.

As the blood rushes through my system, a knock at my door interrupts my post feeding high. A quick scent of the air and I know it is a vamp on the other side of the door. Pulling my shirt down over my feeding tube and checking to be sure the lump cannot be seen thorough my shirt, I open the door.

“Hello. Can I help you?” I ask the obviously much older vampire.

“Yes. May I come in? It is not good practice to discuss tribal affairs in the hallway.” He says with an air of superiority. Moving aside I gesture for him to enter after glancing quickly into the kitchen to be sure my feeding supplies were not left on the counter. The elder vamp enters and looks about before addressing me again. “My name is Josef Kostan and I assume you are Jacob Reese.”

His name makes me stop in my tracks. This is the leader of the LA tribe, what was he doing here? “Yes that‘s me.” Turning to meet his gaze, I continue. “Your reputation precedes you. Admittedly, I am a bit surprised to find you at my door.”

Josef chuckles slightly. “I like to keep the new vamps in the city on their toes until I feel they can be trusted.” He looks at me with an icy glare. “I assume that I will have no problems with you- right?”

Usually vamps had a problem with me, not the other way around. “No way. I just want to go about my life with as few problems as possible.”

“Good. That’s what I want to hear. I like to keep….” Josef’s voice stops mid sentence as he begins to scent the room. He stops, looks at me curiously and begins to speak again.

Josef’s lips are moving, but there is no sound coming out- he is testing me. Just like they all do when they think there is something different about me, about my abilities. Lucky for me, I can read lips quite well and am able to respond to him as if I could hear him.

“Yes, Josef I do like LA so far. Was there a reason you felt the need to speak below the human range of hearing? There are none within earshot.”

He looks at me suspiciously. “I am not sure why exactly you feel the need to hide things from me.” He turns and heads for my door, but stops before he opens it. Turning back around to face me, he smiles and continues speaking. “I am sorry- that was rude of me. I should always face a lip reader when I speak in subhuman levels.”

I can’t hide the shock on my face as Josef speaks. I try to think of something witty to comeback with, just like when I was human, but my wit has failed me.

“Don’t worry Jacob, I won’t tell anyone else. However, I will tell you that trying to keep things from me is useless. I know everything about the vamps in LA and plan on keeping it that way.” He pauses and walks a few steps closer to me. “And vamps whose abilities are not up to par, well, they are only slightly better than humans in my eyes.” With that Josef turns and walks quickly out of my apartment.

My shoulders slump and I lean on the closest wall as Josef closes the door behind him. I can’t believe it is happening here already. Josef is the leader of the LA tribe and he already thinks less of me without even getting to know me. One would think that vampires would be above that kind of thinking, but sometimes they're even worse. Well, I am not leaving LA, no matter what. I am tired of moving. I will just have to prove Josef wrong- show him that I am capable of being an equal and productive member of this tribe.

Chapter Two

“Ow, damn it!” Rubbing my head, I reach up and open my freezer lid, allowing me the headroom needed to sit up. You would think that after all these years, that would not happen anymore, but sometimes it still does. A quick glance at the clock tells me it is still the middle of the day, and I growl lightly in frustration. Being in a new place always disrupts my sleeping schedule. Laying back down in the freezer, I try to make myself comfortable, but the deep, dreamless sleep I crave does not come. Instead, memories of my transition to vampire life keep infiltrating my consciousness, another consequence of starting over in a new place. Sighing, I allow the thoughts to take over my brain, hoping that after they are done, the much needed dreamless sleep can begin.

Most fledglings have a relationship with their sires: they agree to be turned, and they are taught how to survive as a vampire. Unfortunately, like most everything else in my human life, my transition to vampire life was not the norm. I didn’t even know vampires existed until my sire decided I looked like a tasty meal. I remember that night as if it was yesterday: the night my regular insomnia- inspired walks around the block turned into a way of life- or death, as the case may be. I close my eyes and can feel my sire’s hands on me as he pulls me to him on that dark stretch of road.

New York, 1920
“Now you seem to be a waste of a human body.” I hear the strange guttural voice from behind me as unseen arms wrap themselves around my waist. They are cold, and so is the breath of the speaker behind me. I can‘t make out everything the voice is saying, but can catch the words that are spoken into my hearing aids. “Defects such as yourself should never have been allowed to live past infancy. But don’t you worry, I will take care of that now.”

I get a glimpse of the silver eyes and sharp fang teeth before feeling the burning pain in my neck. I try to scream and get away, but it holds me tighter and covers my mouth. Biting down hard on the hand, I feel cold liquid on my tongue. I try to swallow the liquid to clear my mouth, but with my weak swallowing reflex, I end up coughing most of it out. I try once more to get away, but I feel myself getting sleepier and my limbs getting heavier. I suddenly realize what is happening- I am actually being drained by a vampire. Impossible, they don’t exist… but it is too late to worry about it now, because my eyelids are getting droopier. I feel the hard cold ground as my body makes forceful contact with it. Before my eyes close for what must be the last time, it smiles at me and wipes my blood from its mouth. I see the monster- the vampire. So the rumors are true, they do exist. Then darkness overcomes me- at least death isn’t too painful.

LA, Present day
My eyes fly open and my hand goes to my neck. It was just a dream, I must have dozed off. This is going to be a very long day if this keeps up. Shifting positions in my freezer, my eyes drift close, and the memories start again.

New York, 1920
I bring my hands to my head as it pounds with each new sensation that bombards it as I crawl back to consciousness. Trying to cover my ears to block out the sounds coming through them, I suddenly realize that my hearing aids are not there. I see them lying on the ground. How can that be? I know I am hearing sounds, but… Then the realization hits me as my new fangs descend in my mouth, the monster that tried to kill me screwed up. It made me like him- a vampire. Looking around the area, the colors seem brighter and I can make out the minute details of objects off in the distance. Apparently, my vision has been enhanced- and so has my hearing. I can hear things that I haven’t heard since I was a young child, like cars in the distance, a dog barking from somewhere. It’s overwhelming, and the realization makes my head pound even harder. My hunger starts to creeps into focus and my stomach growls. Now what am I supposed to eat? Vampires drink blood, but because of getting Scarlett Fever as a child, I haven’t been able to eat anything by mouth in many years. Glancing down, I see that my feeding tube is still intact- well, at least some things won‘t have to change. Before I can think much more about my next meal, a young looking man grabs me roughly by the arm.

“Hey man, you can’t have your fangs out in public. You will expose us all.” He sniffs me and then shakes his head. “You’re a new turn. Who is your sire?” I shrug my shoulders and he continues with disgust. “When will vamps learn to be careful when they feed? These accidental turnings are becoming a nuisance to us all.” He looks at me and smiles slightly. “Come on. You can stay with me and I will teach you what you need to know. We can‘t have newbies running around exposing us to the humans.” He puts his hand on my lower back and guides me to his house, making sure I can‘t refuse his offer. I am still so much in awe of being able to hear again that the full realization of what I had become didn’t quite sink in yet.

LA, Present Day
Sighing and looking again at my clock on the wall, it’s only 4 pm. The memories have made sure that sleep is not something that is going to happen today. Shaking my head, I drag myself out of my freezer and throw on some clothes. Maybe a nice bag of blood or two will help me shake this reverie. A few minutes later, the second bag lies on the counter, empty, and the memories still are haunting my brain. I lean back on the dining room chair, thinking about the nice vamp who took me in so long ago.

John was also a vamp that was turned without knowing who his sire was. He was left as a fledgling and had to learn to fend for himself. He remembered how rough it was for him and when he met me, he wanted to spare another fledgling that same experience. It wasn’t all easy for me though. When John found out about my limitations, he second guessed his decision to help me. Luckily, he figured if I was strong enough to make it through the turning, I should be strong enough to be a vampire. He helped me to develop my vampire abilities and relearn how to use my hearing. It was through his teachings that I learned that my hearing was not the same as other vampires- it was more like that of humans. While I was ecstatic to be able to hear again, I was dismayed to learn that yet again I was different, and this time it was for eternity.

As it was when I was human, eventually the others realized I was different. They felt that a vampire whose enhanced vamp abilities were not up to par, and who wasn’t able to drink from the tap- so to speak- was nothing more than an immortal human. They began to shun me. John tried to make them treat me better, but all it did was make them shun him as well. So, knowing that my presence would only make John's life harder, and not wanting that, I decided that I would leave and let him keep his status in the community. That was fifty years ago and I have been living my life as a nomad ever since, staying in one place just long enough for the vamps there to realize my differences and shun me. This city already doesn’t seem to be all that much different than the others, for all the rumors you hear of the more accepting views of those in California. Guess that doesn't apply to vampires. The leader of the community here has already decided he doesn’t like me and I'd be willing to guess that he won’t make it easy for me. Still, I feel like I have to try. Moving around for the past fifty years has taught me one major thing- that I hate moving around and starting over.

That settles it, I am staying in LA. Grabbing my coat, I head out of my small apartment and out into the evening air. The night air, which was soothing to me even as a human, puts a little bounce in my step. It doesn’t take me long to locate one of the more happening vamps- only club in the area. Luckily, it only takes being a vamp to get into the club. Once inside, the loud music reverberates through my body and makes it hard to navigate through the undulating crowd inside. I somehow manage to make it to the bar on the opposite of the dance floor. Ordering a scotch, I add a few drops of blood, and then slowly make my way to a quiet spot at the end of the bar. Sitting back and pretending to nurse my drink allows me to take in the surroundings and blend in- a talent I have perfected over the years.

As I sit watching the freshies dance on the floor awaiting an encounter with a vamp-any vamp- I overhear some vamps talking about Josef Kostan. Quietly sliding closer, while staying in the shadows, allows me to hear the entire conversation. And I can't believe what I hear

“Josef Kostan is a rich, pompous ass. He thinks just because he has money, he can tell the rest of us what to do.” He takes a few gulps of his drink and continues talking to the small group gathered around him. “Tonight, gentlemen, I got him where it hurts. His exclusives. He shows them off like they are the finest diamonds in the world. Well, he is now down one very beautiful, very tasty exclusive.” He is smiling very smugly.

“Are you nuts? Kostan is THE most powerful vampire in LA. He will find you and kill you.” One vamp says as he shakes his head, obviously not happy with the others.

“Besides you can’t touch another vamp’s exclusives. That is not right.” The second vamp remarks as he walks away. “And I am not having any part of it.”

The obvious leader of the group turns back to the other two. “Let him go, he is just scared. I plan on contacting Kostan tonight. Letting him know we have his exclusive and he can have her back. IF he meets our demands.”

“He will never go for that, Lonnie. He'd be more likely to consider her collateral damage.”

Lonnie quickly spins, faces the speaker and pins him up against the wall. “You dare doubt me? Kostan will try to get her back. Otherwise, it looks like he doesn’t care about his exclusives. He can’t have his image tarnished like that.”

I can’t believe what they were saying. After meeting Josef for a brief time, even I knew better than to cross him. But this vamp either had no sense at all, or was the bravest vamp ever known. At this point, I'm not sure which. Quickly jotting down the info about the freshie’s location as he tells his friend, and placing it in my pocket, I make my way back to the bar without saying anything to them. The question now is what to do with this information.

I ponder the options for a few minutes. Taking the info to Josef could help him get his freshie back safely and possibly make me look good in his eyes. On the other hand, Josef is a pompous ass and this just might be a chance to make some new contacts who would be more respectful of me. Besides, he did say I was little more than a human to him. Other than the fact that it is the right thing to do, why should I help someone who only sees me for what I can’t do? Smiling, I discreetly inject a shot of scotch into my tube, feeling the burn of the scotch throughout my body for a moment, and then I head for the door. There really is no question on what I need to do with this information. The question is how to go about it.

Chapter Three

The long refreshing walk back to my apartment allows me plenty of time to think about my decision concerning Josef. I really want to just forget the whole mess and let him find his own freshie, but that is not my style. Even though Josef chose to judge me by my differences, I will not stoop to that level and judge him by his attitude. Besides, that freshie does not deserve whatever is in store for her. Noone does. As I climb into my freezer for the day, I can already feel sleep trying to overtake me. It's about time.

The first thought in my head as I awake for the night is of that poor freshie. I wonder if she is ok, and wonder what horrors she has experienced already- and I try not to think of what is to come. The thoughts continue in my head as I get ready for the night, making me all the more anxious to help Kostan get her back. The problem is making Josef believe me. Walking out of my apartment, my mind continues to think of what to say to Josef, and more importantly, how to say it.

Walking up to the security desk at Kostan Industries, my anxiety increases. If I had a heart, it would be beating like crazy right now. The imposing looking guard takes his time to acknowledge my presence. He doesn’t speak, just stares at me.

“I am here to speak to Mr. Josef Kostan. I have some information he might like to know.”

“Let me see if Mr. Kostan is in. Who did you say you were?” the guard utters, almost growling.

“Jacob. Jacob Reese. We met the other day.” The guard just nods and turns to a phone on his desk and places the call. He starts talking so low I can’t hear him, but can read his lips. Then, as if he knew I was doing just that, he turns around to finish the conversation.

He turns back to face and sneers. “Mr. Kostan says he is too busy right now to deal with vamps like you.” Obviously Josef told this goon about me- wonderful.

“Well, then tell him I hope he finds his exclusive before something horrible befalls her.” I hold up the paper briefly before putting it back in my pocket for safe keeping. “And I guess he doesn’t need the info that I have about her whereabouts.” With that I turn around and head for the door. I am briefly aware of footsteps approaching me before I feel strong hands on my arms.

“Mr. Kostan had a cancellation and can see you now.” The goon from the security desk proceeds to escort me to the elevator and steps in with me. Apparently Josef does need what I have and wants to make sure that I get it to him-now.

We exit onto a seemingly deserted floor. The goon guides me ever so gently to Josef’s office door and they open on their own.

“Thank you Tom. I can handle him from here.” Josef nods to the goon and he releases his grip on my arms and leaves us. “Now Mr. Reese I believe you have some information for me.”

Josef looked like a vamp I didn’t want to cross the other day, and now he looks even worse. His missing exclusive must really be getting to him; maybe he isn’t all that bad. “Yes. I know where your exclusive is being held. I over heard some vamps talking about it last night.”

Before I can finish my thought, I am being pinned against the wall, with Josef’s strong hand threatening to crush my throat. “Where is she, and what do you have to do with it?”

I look into his vamped out face and try to keep my own inner vamp in check. I know there is no way I could win a fight with a 400 yr old vampire, and I have no intention of trying. I manage to choke out a response. “The address is on a paper in my left jacket pocket.” He reaches into my pocket and grabs the paper. After he reads the address he drops me to the ground. It takes me a few seconds to regain my composure before I can speak. “I overheard a vamp talking about the kidnapping in a club last night. I figured you would want to know where they were keeping her.”

Josef looks at me, still vamped out. “Why should I believe you? How do I know this isn’t a trick just to get me there so I'll be more vulnerable?”

“I don’t know what I can tell you to convince you otherwise.” I say as I get up off the floor and look Josef in the eye. “But think of this- what reason would I have to trick you? I don’t even know you that well. Besides, I am not in the habit of judging someone without getting to know them first.” A smart 'Unlike some people' crosses my mind, but I manage to bite it back.

“Don’t try my patience Reese. I am not in the mood.” Josef replies as he walks over to his computer, his face returning to its human form. “I have a freshie to find.” As he sits down he nods to his office door. “You are free to go.”

I can’t believe he is dismissing me just like that. Actually…yes I can, and as much as I want to just walk out that door, I can’t. With my talent for blending in, I just know that I can be a big help in retrieving his freshie.

Josef looks up from his computer. “Are you still here? Did I not speak loud enough for you?” He raises his voice. “You are free to go.”

“I heard you the first time, Josef…Mr. Kostan. But I think I can be of help to you in rescuing your freshie.”

Josef chuckles. “Thanks for the laugh this morning- I really needed it.” Josef’s laughter stops when he notices that I am serious. “You are not kidding are you? Reese…Jacob, what do you think you can help me with. I am much more powerful than you, have tons of contacts and vamps at my disposal, not to mention the money to get anything else I may need.”

Shaking my head, I step closer to Josef before speaking. “I know you are more powerful and have the money to do whatever you want. However, I have a talent that you don’t. I can blend in anywhere- you, however...” I pause briefly for effect as Josef turns his full attention on me. “Vamps know you; they have no idea who I am. I have become very good at blending in with the crowd, and sometimes the wall. I don’t get noticed. People that don’t get noticed, hear things that aren’t meant to be heard. They get into places that others are not allowed to get into.”

Josef raises his hand to silence me. “You may have a point, Jacob. If you are as good as you say in being unnoticed, then maybe we can use you.” A knock on his office door interrupts him. He opens the door remotely and another, much younger vamp walks in.

“Josef, I couldn’t find any information on …” He stops when he notices me in the room. “Am I interrupting anything?”

Josef shakes his head. “No. Mick St. John, I want you to meet Jacob Reese. He has located my kidnapped freshie and has volunteered to help us get her back.”

I step forward and offer my hand. “Pleasure to meet you.”

He returns the gesture. “But how did you find the information when I could not?”

I smile. “Well, I have a unique talent of being able to blend in and not be noticed. It got me close enough to overhear a vamp talking to his buddies about the kidnapping.”

Mick looks impressed. “That is a good talent to have, and very useful in the Private Eye business. I will have to keep that in mind.”

Josef interrupts. “Gentlemen, if we can keep to the task at hand?” He pauses and waits until Mick and I are looking at him. “Thank you. Now we need to come up with a plan to get Samantha back.” He gestures for us to sit, while he walks to the front of his desk and leans on it. “Any ideas?” I sit with the feeling that this is going to be a long night; thankfully I had a big breakfast. But at least Josef is now speaking to me with a tad more respect than before.

We spend the next hour plotting our rescue of Samantha, and then Josef dismisses us to get dinner. Mick and Josef are to meet back at the office, while I am to go directly to the house where Samantha is being kept- to make my way inside and scope it out. I get the feeling that if something goes wrong and Samantha gets hurt, it is me that will take the blame. Hopefully that is something I don’t have to find out.


Walking up to the entrance of the rather large house, I notice quite a few vamps going in and out. I stay in the bushes and watch for a few minutes to get a feel of the comings and goings of the vamps of the house. It doesn’t take long for me to figure it out and devise a plan for me to get inside. I walk up to the house with next group of vamps and go right inside with them. Just as I figured they never even noticed I was there. Once inside I quickly assess the layout of the house. Apparently this place was a very hopping freshie house. I have heard about them before, but obviously never had need of one. I quickly find my way to a large room off the side. It looks like a waiting room for the vamps. Moving to the dark recesses of the room I turn my attention to the vamp, I had seen the other night at the club, he seems to be in control of this place. I can’t hear what he is saying, but can see his lips quite clearly.

“We have quite the crowd tonight.” Lonnie remarks.

The second vamp nods. “It seems word finally got out about our house. The freshie agency has too many rules and safeguards in place for some vamps. Here they are allowed to pay a fee and choose a freshie. Only rule, they can’t take the freshie off the premises.”

“Yes, Antonio and it seems we will never have a shortage of freshies that want to come here to live. You got to love the ones that are addicted to the bite. Makes us more money.” He chuckles and turns to another vamp, taking his money and handing him a room number.

“Have you heard anything from Kostan?”

Lonnie turns sharply to Antonio. “Do not mention his name out loud. You will scare away the customers. And no I haven’t heard from him yet. Frankly that surprises me; I had thought he would want to reclaim his prized possession.”

“Well she is being kept out of the freshie circulation here-for now. But she has been seen by some of our customers and they are asking about her, they want to taste her.” Antonio’s smile gets larger. “I want to be the first to puncture that sweet neck and taste her.”

I have seen enough. This is definitely where Samantha is being held, though it seems that she is safe- for now. I wonder just how willing the other freshies are. There would be time later to deal with the other freshies; I have to find the one freshie that matter to Josef.

I wander over to Lonnie and hand him some money and pick out a freshie from his book. He hands me the number to her room and points me in the right direction. As I walk to the assigned room number I take in the surroundings, memorizing them for later use.

Knocking on room number 12, I hear a voice from the inside telling me to enter. I slowly open the door and immediately I can tell that the freshie is uneasy. It is very apparent to me that she is not the willing freshie the vamps downstairs claimed. She smiles and motions me over by exposing her neck. Lucky fir me, and her, I don’t eat that way. Going over to the bed and sitting down gently, her nervousness becomes more apparent to me.

“Sweetheart, what is your name?” I ask trying to send calming waves to her.

“Crystal.” Her hear rate is slowing down some. “Nobody has asked that before.”

“Well I am not the typical vamp. Listen I am not here for blood. I need some information, think you can help me out?”

“Well I can try to help.” She gives me a little smile. “Are you sure you don’t want anything else as well?”

I chuckle. “I am sure about that crystal.” My face turns serious. “I know they are keeping a freshie here somewhere against her will. What I want to know is where she is and how I can get to her.”

Crystal’s face drops. “Well sir, you will need to be a bit more specific than that. While it is true we all came here willing, once here most of us wanted to leave. That is something that is not allowed.” She looks around and lowers her voice. “However there is one freshie that is new here and is not in the rotation yet. I think she said her name was Samantha.”

Bingo I thought to myself. “She is the one I am looking for. How do I get to her?”

“She is being kept in the basement, that way nobody can see or hear her. However, the recovery room is right next door.” She sees the confusion on my face. “A lot of the nicer vamps volunteer to take their freshie down to the recovery area themselves. You could take me down there and sneak next door.”

I hug her. “You are alright Crystal.” My face changes to reveal my inner vamp. “However we need to make the recovery area necessary. Do you trust me Crystal?” She nods and I strike. Even though I have no need to feed from the tap, I have learned to bite with practiced efficiency. Easier to blend in to the crowd that way, plus some of the places I have lived had no blood bank to get bagged blood. Once I puncture her beautiful neck, I allow her blood to fall on its own, not wanting to waste her sweet blood, I capture the flow in a bag that I carry for that purpose. Once I have enough to make our trip downstairs authentic, I close the twin punctures on her neck. Gently I lift her and head down to the recovery area, and just like Crystal said, nobody bothers me on the way down.

After I make sure she is lying comfortably in the recovery area, I manage to find a dark out of the way corner to ‘disappear’ into. Pulling out my cell phone, I dial Josef’s number.

“Josef, they are keeping her in the basement. I am outside the door; she seems to be unharmed though very scared.”

“Good work Jacob. Now sit tight, we are almost there. When you hear the commotion upstairs, I want you to get Sam and get her to safety. I will contact you later to arrange our meet-up.”

Josef disconnects the line. Well that was a very vague plan, but I can work with that. As I watch the hallway, Crystal’s blood calls to me. I guess I should go ahead and eat, seeing as I may not get another chance for awhile. Quickly injecting the contents of the bag into my tube, my face flushes with a fresh feeding. I have forgotten what it felt like to eat fresh blood.

Just as my face reverts to its gentler form, I hear the commotion upstairs. Josef, and I assume Mick, have arrived. I easily break down the door to where Samantha was being kept. She can hear the commotion upstairs and has become scared. She sees me and her eyes grow wide and she starts to shake. I quickly go to her side and try to calm her down while I break open her restraints.

“Shhhh, Samantha, I am a friend of Josef Kostan. I am to get you to safety then we will meet up with Josef later.” She calms down a little as I carry her out of the basement room.

It doesn’t take me long to find a door to the outside from the basement. As I carry her outside I can sense vamps running behind us. Not wanting to wait and see how many were going to be trying to fight me, I ran holding tight to Samantha. I wasn’t sure where I was running too, but I just knew I had to keep Sam safe or Josef would take it out on me. I have never been to the La Brea Tar pits before and really didn’t have any desire to go.

After running for what seemed like forever, I finally stop to assess the surroundings. Placing Samantha gently down, I take a good look around and determine two very important things- I have no idea where we are, and my cell phone has been lost. Looking up I also notice that there isn’t much time before dawn approaches. Great, just great I get to see my first LA sunrise, and me without my sun block.

“Samantha are you ok?” I ask her, as I try to hide the fact we are lost.

“I am fine. Where are we?” She asks getting up to look around.

Sighing I am such a bad liar, never was good at it when I was human either. “Honestly I have no idea Samantha. What I do know is we need to find cover and soon.” I notice an old abandoned hunters shack off in the distance. “And that shack will have to make do.” I nod in the direction of the shack and start heading that way, Samantha follows close behind.

We don’t get all the way to the shack when I sense a vamp following us. I place a silent hand on Samantha, and stop our walking. Scanning the area I can see a vamp closing in on us. I motion for her to take cover in some thick underbrush and turn to face the vamp.

I don’t want to give him the chance to get to Samantha so I allow my inner vamp to emerge and charge the other vamp. Right before I attack his face changes as well. There is a sickening crunch as we hit each other full force. I feel a few ribs crack and feel blood running down my face. I don’t care what happens to me, I just want to make sure Samantha is not hurt. We seem to be evenly matched as the fighting continues. I haven’t fought like this in decades and it is wearing on me fast.

As we are fighting I feel the ground give way beneath my feet and the two of us tumble into a pit. There is an audible crack heard as we both hit the bottom of the pit. As I try to right myself, my head feels very heavy and darkness threatens to overcome. Before my eyes close I notice my opponent stirring slowly, one thought goes through my head- Samantha.

Chapter Five

I manage to fight off the darkness that was trying to cloud my brain and right myself. Looking over my opponent, I see that he was also starting to sit up. Acting quickly so as not to endanger Samantha anymore; I grab a tree branch that had fallen in with us and jam it into his chest, effectively paralyzing him. After checking to make sure he is paralyzed, I jump out of the pit and find Samantha in the underbrush.

“Are you ok Sam?” I ask quickly scanning her for injuries.

“I am fine. Are you ok?”

“Yes, but that was too close. I promised Josef that nothing would happen to you.” Sensing two more vampires coming this way I quietly signal to Samantha to hide in the shack. I hide myself in the underbrush where Sam had just vacated; hoping the smell of the injured vamp in the pit would distract them long enough for me to get the upper hand. As they come closer I notice that their scents were familiar to me. It only took a moment more for it to register; the two vamps coming this way are Josef and Mick. A huge sense of relief comes over me as I really was not sure if I could handle another fight. Not without more blood anyway.

As they approach the pit, I call out to them. “Josef, I am so glad to see you.”

Josef nods at me while looking into the pit and the still paralyzed vamp. “What happened here?”

“He was following after us and I wasn’t taking any chances of him hurting Samantha.”

Josef is looking at me with surprise on his face. “You mean you fought him and won?”

I am not sure why this would surprise him, but I just go with the flow. “Yeah, it has been a while since I had to fight like that, but I managed to remember some things a good friend taught me many years ago.”

“I admit Jacob, I am thoroughly impressed. That vamp is- was one of my guards. I had thought he was one of my best. Apparently I was mistaken.” I am now confused, why would one of Josef’s guards try to hurt his employer’s exclusive? As if reading my thoughts Josef continues. “I sent him out to find you two, make sure Samantha was safe and unharmed. I guess he didn’t realize what he was in for.” Josef smirks.

“He was sent to find us. Josef I am so sorry, I didn’t think to ask first. I just wanted to protect Samantha.”

Josef cracks a half smile. “Well, he should not have been so easily defeated.” He takes one last look in the pit and then he looks past me smiling broadly. “Samantha! I take it that Jacob here has taken very good care of you?”

I turn as Josef speaks and see that Samantha has come out of the shack, obviously after hearing Josef’s voice. Once she hears him speak to her, she runs over and hugs Josef.

“Yes, he was the perfect knight in shining armor.” I am so glad to be a vamp; otherwise my face would be bright red from embarrassment right now.

Josef thankfully breaks the sappiness. “Well gentlemen, and Samantha, it has been a long and tiring night for all of us. I think we should head back home.” He turns and heads back in the direction he had come, with a very happy Samantha holding onto him tightly. As Mick passes by the pit, he jumps down and unstakes the former Kostan employee. Leaving him to recover on his own, Mick follows Josef out of the woods. I quickly follow not wanting to be left behind to deal with the sure to be angry vamp.

As we approach the house it is eerily quiet. “Josef what will happen to the freshies inside. Are they ok?”

Josef smiles. “For a vamp that doesn’t need freshies you sure care a lot about them. They will be fine, I have already called in a team to help relocate them and makes sure they are taken care of properly. As for the vamps running this place…well they too were taken care of appropriately.” He turns and gets into his car with Samantha still at his side. “Jacob please come by my office tonight, I have something that might interest you.” I just nod as he drives away. Mick shakes my hand, hops into his car, and takes off as well.

Finding my way to my car I head home wondering what it is that Josef thinks I will find interesting. I am still mulling it over as I let myself into the apartment. “Well, there is no use trying to figure it out now.” I grab another bag of blood and quickly inject it and head to my freezer. The busy night finally made itself known and it doesn’t take me long to fall asleep.

Stretching in my freezer as I awake from my days sleep, last night’s activities make themselves known. I wince slightly as my muscles and bones finish their healing. Hopping out of my freezer I remember that Josef had wanted to see me tonight. I quickly shower and dress, grab a bag of blood on the way out. As I slide behind the wheel of my car I chuckle to myself. “There is another advantage to eating like I do. I can eat and drive.” I hook up my feeding tube to the bag of blood and let it drip in as I drive to Kostan Industries.

My greeting as I entered this time was much different than before. It was still the same goon as before, but this time he simply points me to the elevators and tells me to head to the top floor. I am kind of disappointed; I was looking forward to having a stimulating conversation with him again.

The doors open on the top floor and I turn down the hallway in the direction I had gone before. The receptionist greets me with a forced smile and calls in to Josef to let him know I am there. I notice with a smile that the women Josef employs are all beautiful and seem to have more than just administrative duties. Josef’s voice interrupts my thoughts.

“Jacob, good to see you again.” He shakes my hand and ushers me into his office, closing the door behind us. It puts me on edge; this is not the same Josef Kostan that I had met in my apartment not too long ago. I hide my apprehension and return his smile.

“I take it Samantha is doing well?” I sit on the cough where he indicates.

“Yes, thanks to you, she is doing well. Samantha is a very strong woman.” He pours himself a scotch and turns towards me. “You want a drink?”

I shake my head and tap my tube through my shirt. “No thanks, I ate before I came.” Even though he knows how I eat, it can sometimes still be uncomfortable for other vamps to watch as I do so.

Josef shrugs and sits across from me. “I bet you are wondering why I asked you here tonight.”

“Well, you said last night you had something that might interest me.” I am really curious now as Josef seems to be in a very good mood tonight.

“I will admit, only once mind you, that you have impressed me in this whole kidnapping affair. First you bring me the info on Samantha’s whereabouts without wanting anything in return. That is rare around here. Then you offer to help get her back, at risk to your own safety. Lastly you manage to incapacitate one of my top security men.” He stops briefly seemingly to gauge my reaction. Since I did not change my expression, he continues. “Not to mention I like your attitude. I think you would be a good addition to my team. I would like you to head up my freshie security team.” This time he stops and waits for me to respond.

“Wow, Josef. I…I don’t know what to say. I am honored that you want me on your staff. Thank you very much.”

Josef smiles. “I knew you would accept. I took the liberty of getting a packet together with all the info you would need to work for me.” I take the proffered packet and can’t stop the smiling.

“I do have one question about last night though. What ever happened to the other freshies?”

Josef looks at me, nods and then smiles. “Crystal is fine and in fact…” He reaches into his pocket and hands me a card. “She wanted me to give you her WFS card. She liked you.” He finishes his drink and heads back to his desk. Sitting down behind his computer he looks back up at me. “I guess you may not need Guillermo as much now.”

I look at Crystal’s card before putting it into my pocket. “I guess not.” I can tell by Josef’s body language that this meeting is over. I stand and head for the door. “Thanks again Josef.”

“Be here tomorrow evening by 7 pm. And Jacob…” He pauses as I stop and turn towards him. “Thank you, for everything.”

I just nod and head out his door. I am cannot believe that I have impressed the mighty Josef Kostan. Though I know I will probably never hear him say it again, I know he did say it and that is all that matters to me. I head to the elevator and as I am waiting for it to open, I put my hand in my pocket. It makes me smile as I feel Crystal’s card. I never imagined that I would ever have a freshie, especially not one that I could afford to keep. Now with my job with Josef, I can do that. As I walk out of the building I make it a point to say goodbye to the goon at the security desk. He just grunts and shakes his head at me.

Getting into my car I realize that this is the first time in my vamp life that I know moving is not in my near future. I guess I did prove Josef wrong-I showed him that I am capable of being an equal and productive member of this tribe.

Re: Differences (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:45 pm
by francis
I read this story someplace else and loved it. Still love it. Jacob, the handicapped vampire. And he makes an impression with the alpha vamps in town. Good for him.

Re: Differences (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:53 pm
by Emma-lee
francis wrote:I read this story someplace else and loved it. Still love it. Jacob, the handicapped vampire. And he makes an impression with the alpha vamps in town. Good for him.
Thanks francis, I am glad you liked enough to read again.

Re: Differences (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:37 am
by redwinter101
I'm so happy to see this here, Em, and have just thoroughly enjoyed re-reading it. I usually avoid stories with an OC as the main character but this is one of the exceptions - where the character is so beautifully drawn that he just captivates my attention.


Re: Differences (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:14 pm
by Emma-lee
redwinter101 wrote:I'm so happy to see this here, Em, and have just thoroughly enjoyed re-reading it. I usually avoid stories with an OC as the main character but this is one of the exceptions - where the character is so beautifully drawn that he just captivates my attention.

Thank you very much Red! I am always happy to hear of my readers re-reading my stories. Jacob was modeled after someone who is near and dear to me so I am very happy to hear that he captivated your attention.

Re: Differences --(PG-13) OC/Josef

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:59 pm
by wpgrace
VEry creative... lovely and different, Em... I enjoyed that very much!

Re: Differences --(PG-13) OC/Josef

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:48 pm
by jenstc2003
You KNOW I love this one! SO creative- and so poignant! Absolutely amazing!

Re: Differences --(PG-13) OC/Josef

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:11 pm
by one.zebra
Emma, what a clever idea for a story!

I liked Jacob's attitude toward his difficult life and admire people who can adjust to unwanted circumstances...I do a lot of hand wringing...

He was great, had learned to use is strengths and weaknesses for good and his advantage. He won Josef's admiration and has been rewarded with an important job in the community, and a freshie friend too. Excellent.

Thanks for posting, I'd not seen this before.

Re: Differences --(PG-13) OC/Josef

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:56 am
by Emma-lee
wpgrace wrote:VEry creative... lovely and different, Em... I enjoyed that very much!
Thanks...I enjoyed writing it.
jenstc2003 wrote:You KNOW I love this one! SO creative- and so poignant! Absolutely amazing!
Thank you Jen. THis is still my favorite of my stories...
one.zebra wrote:Emma, what a clever idea for a story!

I liked Jacob's attitude toward his difficult life and admire people who can adjust to unwanted circumstances...I do a lot of hand wringing...

He was great, had learned to use is strengths and weaknesses for good and his advantage. He won Josef's admiration and has been rewarded with an important job in the community, and a freshie friend too. Excellent.

Thanks for posting, I'd not seen this before.
Thanks OZ. This is how I imagine My Jacob would be when he grows up. Thank you for reading I always like it when readers enjoy my stories.