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Twists of Fate Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:03 pm
by francis
Disclaimer: still the same - I don't own Moonlight.
Thank you to my fabulous beta Redwinter101!

link from chapter 14: viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2261&p=34178#p34178

Driving alone at night was soothing. I couldn’t get the image of Beth’s face out of my head, when she told me it wasn’t Mick she was going to meet. I only half believed her.. Mick was such a constant in her life by now, and I didn’t really understand it. He was an enigma, a successful P.I. with some kind of sixth sense, equal parts honest and closed-up, courteous and evading. Maybe that’s what drove Beth to search him out; the reporter in her surely found a lot to wonder about where he was concerned. I remembered the jumping I had seen him do at the safe house. What was that? Was he some kind of superman, or had I imagined it? And why had he avoided Beth after we got Leni back? Maybe he was avoiding me. He never even asked for payment for the time he had invested in this case.

I reached our meeting point early and left the car to lean against a streetlamp and watch the traffic. The moon was almost full and just rising above the horizon. There were no people around, it was quiet except for the cars speeding across Wilshire boulevard.

I really liked MacArthur Park, as it was the only green space in a very crowded neighborhood, with palm trees, a picnic area and a playground. Half of it was a lake, complete with boating facilities and little ducklings. I had been there a few times for a concert and to watch families have a good time.

I didn’t have to wait long. Morgan parked across the street and waved as she walked over to me. She was loaded down with camera equipment and a large purse.

Her smile was warm and glowing. „Hi. Thanks for this. Let’s get moving, I want to catch the mood.“

I offered to carry something and she gave me the camera bag. We crossed the street again and walked along the fence. The park was closed for the night, but here and there Morgan stopped and shot something through the wire mesh.

At this time of night the place had an eerie atmosphere, a stark contrast to the warm, open feel during the day. As if reading my thoughts Morgan turned and said, her voice brimming with excitement, „I have to come back in the day and shoot from the same angle. That would make for a great juxtaposition, don’t you think?“

I nodded. „Pity we can’t get inside.“

She smiled, beaming. „Oh, we could break in. What do you think?“

I hesitated. „You realize I’m an attorney, don’t you?“

She cocked her head to one side as she touched her lower lip with her index finger. „Well. I took you for someone who is up for an adventure every once in a while. But, of course, if they caught us…“

I laughed. „You are trouble. Do you think I would risk my career just because you give me the puppy dog eyes?“ But I was seriously tempted to let her have her way. Her enthusiasm was appealing. „You know, you could always put in a request to shoot here at night. It would take only a few days.“

„Oh, what’s the fun in that?“ she turned and ran off. I followed. She reached the gates and looked wistfully through the bars.

„Did you know that once upon a time the park was open at night?“ she asked. „In the 1890s it was a tourist hotspot with lots of hotels around, lots of luxury. There was no fence, there wasn’t even Wilshire Boulevard dividing it like now. But since the neighborhood went downhill, the park became known for drug-dealing, smuggling, and murder. The police installed lots of surveillance and closed the park at night. But Westlake’s still not a place to walk around alone in.“

„You know a lot about history. I only knew about the May Day riots.“

„Most people have a really short attention span for history,“ she sighed.

We circled the lake and Morgan tried to capture the reflection of the city lights in the water. The small island in the middle was bumpy, the ducks sleeping, sitting close to each other, their heads tucked under their wings.

She glanced at the ducks. „It would be much better if I could go nearer. But you are right, I should just ask the authorities.“

I pointed out the neon sign of the Westlake theatre on the horizon. Her mouth fell open. „That’s a great view. Especially as you can still make out the grating where the letters are fastened.“

When we had rounded the lake we came to a notice in the shape of a shield that listed all the things that were prohibited in the park. Overgrown with Virginia creeper, it was a great metaphor for the way plant life took over where humans only made problems.

It was part of my job to prosecute those who committed crimes in the park, but I wasn’t sure if we were doing the right thing by turning parks and public spaces into ghost towns to protect them from harm. Crime scenes just shifted to some other place that was violated and corrupted until police forces tidyed up there. It was a never ending race.

Morgan asked for her bag and put the camera away. „Ready. There’s nothing more to see here for tonight. I need a coffee. Do you know a place around here that is still open?“

I suggested a diner at Wilshire that I knew was open round the clock.

When she took off her jacket I noticed a band aid on her arm. „You hurt yourself?“

„Oh, it’s nothing, just a scratch I got cleaning the bathroom.“

She ordered coffee and a donut. I took a soda, I wanted to be able to sleep later, and I was wound up enough as it was.

„Do you want to tell me what made you come here tonight?“ she asked.

„I’m not sure I should talk about it.“ She waited and I found myself wanting to tell her everything.“I had a row with Beth.“

„What was it about?“

„We had friends over for dinner, and she got a call from a contact about her latest case, so she left.“

„Why does that make you angry?“

„Are you kidding? She embarrassed me in front of my friends by having her priorities all screwed up and leaving me alone at our anniversary dinner. Would you be so calm if it was you?“

„I’ve been stood up a few times. I even did it to others, once in a while. It happens.“

„Not with a long-term girlfriend. I wanted to ask her to marry me, later.“

„So, why did you invite all these people, then? You even invited me, and I’m not even close enough to count as friend.“ She took my hands in hers and looked into my downcast face. „Listen. It’s none of my business, but you talked to me and so I feel entitled to give you my take on things. You told me last time that she works with this P.I. a lot. I think lots of your problems are because you’re jealous. It’s not about who’s right and who’s wrong; your world is crumbling. Now is the time to realize that your relationship with Beth isn’t exactly the way you want it to be. Maybe it hasn’t been for a long time. She’s changed, maybe you’ve changed too, and now you have to deal with it.“

I looked up, tears brimming, „So, what are you saying I should do?“

„Talk to her. See if there is something worth saving. And if there isn’t, make a clean break. It will be hard, but it’ll be easier in the long run.“

Pain welled up inside. It was all Mick’s fault. Without him in the picture, she would never have left me. Now I had somehow lost her love, her respect, and was left with nothing. I couldn’t talk for a long time, I just sat there, hunched over, my hands in Morgan’s.

She just sat and watched me fall apart.

Morgan was right. It was insane to let this go on. Beth was torn, I was torn, and it was getting us nowhere. I couldn’t even imagine how we could save our relationship.

Overcome with a need to hold on to something, someone, I clasped at Morgan’s shoulder and clung to her. She held me with a mother’s care. It took some time for me to realize that it was a woman in my arms, supple, soft, smelling of flowers and rain. I raised my head, looked into her eyes. Before I could think about it and decide not to do it, I kissed her.

She wasn’t surprised, opening her lips, playing with mine, tasting, touching something inside of me. I felt reassurance, passion, desperation.

I pulled back. „Sorry.“

„What for? This was nice. You’re a great kisser.“

„You’re only saying that to make me feel better.“

She smiled an indulgent and tender smile. „No, Josh. I really like you, and I liked the kiss. I understand that you need to make things right before this goes any further, but you need to know that this is not about pity.“

„It’s late. I need to get home.“ I said. I couldn’t stand any more emotional turmoil tonight. She nodded, understanding. I paid the check, and we walked to our cars. On the way she didn’t talk, just watched me from the side as if to figure out what had just happened. I did the same.

Wanting to break the uneasy silence, I asked, „Wouldn’t your photos have more atmosphere with a full moon?“

She pursed her lips, thinking. „That would be when? Wednesday? Depends on the weather. Full moon is only fun when the sky is clear, or at least not overcast. I did some moody shots of a full moon once with lots of clouds around. You think it would be worth a try?“

„Well, I can’t stay up this late during the week, so you would need someone else to come with you. But, you know, full moon, werewolves, ghosts, sleep walkers, could be a great theme.“

„Oh, and where can I find a werewolf? You happen to be one?“

I grinned and snapped my teeth at her. She pulled back, startled. I laughed. „Sadly, no. That would be cool, wouldn’t it? On the other hand, what powers does a werewolf have except for that one night in a month? I’d rather be Superman.“

„I’m not sure about werewolves either. But what about vampires? They’re all the rage at the moment. You know, tragically dark creatures, searching for blood, confined to a life in darkness, allergic to sun. They might have some super powers, too. I heard they are very strong and fast. But of course it depends on which book you read.“

We reached our destination and I put her camera bag into her car. She turned around and pulled my head down towards hers. Placing a soft kiss onto my forehead, she stroked my cheek. „Good night, Josh. Don’t beat yourself up. Make things right. Just know, if you want, I’m there for you.“

I was blown away by the tenderness and acceptance she showed me. Something I had missed lately, something I had needed tonight without knowing it. „Thank you.“ I said, then turned around and walked towards my car. I didn’t want her to see me crying.

Another night drive, in a totally different mood than before. I found my apartment empty, cold and dark, but I felt more at ease than I had in weeks. I toed off my shoes and fell into bed.


link to chapter 16: viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2945

Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:33 pm
by coco
Oh my. Things are getting very interesting between Morgan and Josh :)

Very nice update once again francis :thumbs:

Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:39 pm
by redwinter101
francis, I love that you have shown us the Morgan we saw in the show - only this time using her undeniable charms on Josh. He really doesn't stand a chance - he's playing in the big leagues now.....


Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:28 pm
by wollstonecraft61
Poor Josh. Red is right; he doesn't stand a chance. Morgan is planting that seed about vampires. Right now, Josh wouldn't believe such creatures exist, but with Morgan slowly introducing the idea, I think she is setting Josh up to realize what Mick is. Will this affect how Josh views her in her Coraline persona? I don't think she really cares, in the long run. Josh, another toy. :stir:

Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:22 am
by mitzie
Great chapter! I feel bad for Josh, even though he's an ass!! He is in way over his head letting himself get closer to Morgan. Something bad is going to happen to Mick or Beth or both of them if Coraline gets her way!!!! :stir: I love this story and can't wait for more... :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :seesaw: :slappy: :juggle: :clapping: :clapping: :woohoo: :gasp: :getclue: :banghead: :yahoo: :clapping: :evillaugh: :stir: :chair: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy:


Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:58 am
by bank1115
I realize Morgan is playing with Josh but you have honestly made her likeable in this chapter. Too bad we didn't get to see more of her being so nice and sympathetic. The advice she is offering Josh is right on.

I grinned and snapped my teeth at her. She pulled back, startled. I laughed. „Sadly, no. That would be cool, wouldn’t it? On the other hand, what powers does a werewolf have except for that one night in a month? I’d rather be Superman.“
I loved this section. A little play on dialogue but entertaining. Of course then you go right for the seed implantaion. Love this story. kays

Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:40 am
by AussieJo
Geez Francis, what's Morgaline up to?
If it was anybody else I would say that she gave Josh pretty good advice.
Ooh, this is gonna be interesting.
Excellent as always dear Francis.

Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:52 am
by wpgrace
redwinter101 wrote:francis, I love that you have shown us the Morgan we saw in the show - only this time using her undeniable charms on Josh. He really doesn't stand a chance - he's playing in the big leagues now.....


LOL!! I love how Red put it!
francis wrote:Mick was such a constant in her life by now, and I didn’t really understand it. He was an enigma, a successful P.I. with some kind of sixth sense, equal parts honest and closed-up, courteous and evading. Maybe that’s what drove Beth to search him out; the reporter in her surely found a lot to wonder about where he was concerned.
And what a lovely way to put where MickBeth were at that moment in time... just Josh doesn't know about the vampire...

Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:42 pm
by francis
Thank you for your nice comments. Yes, Josh is in for some twists and turns. Morgaline has something for him, and he's hooked, but what will be the outcome?
I've been out of town for a week, so I've been late to thank you. But I worked on another chapter while off the internet... :hug:

Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:14 pm
by redwinter101
:cheer: :cheer:

francis is BACK!!!



Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:40 pm
by cassysj
This really captures Morgan. The werewolf vampire thing was cute! :clapping:

Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 1:57 am
by jen
If ever there was an accident looking for a place to happen, it is Josh and Coraline/Morgan.

That being said, the ultimate switch on a switch that none of us would see coming is if Josh could turn the tables on Coraline.

Probably not.

:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: Twists of Fate Chapter 15 (PG-13)

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 11:46 pm
by jen
Loving this reread! I had forgotten a lot of the details of this wonderful chapter. I agree completely about Mick being this intriguing mix of someone who seems totally open and emptionally vulnerable and simultaneously rigidly closed off. He can switch between them in a second. Either a girl will be totally charmed or get whiplash. Maybe both :snicker:

Then, there is the shock of Coraline being so compassionate with Josh. She really tried to help him. What's up with that??? Maybe they are both the odd person out--he is losing Beth and she lost Mick decades ago, but is not moving on, it seems.


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers: